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TheMan's Templates

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Well, here it is. Here you can find the templates I made, they aren't that special, but they look like realistic cards.

Here I'll post Spell, Trap, Monster and Synchro Monster Card templates


There's only 1 rule: Everybody can use these templates, BUT, when you create a card and post it here

credit my name in your post, and that's all :)




So, here they are:


[spoiler=Spell Card (Continuous, Field, Quick Play, Ritual)]5eicll.png


[spoiler=Spell Card (Normal)]5npug3.png


[spoiler=Synchro Monster]2dhv5zm.png


[spoiler=Trap Card]262xuhc.png


[spoiler=Effect Monster]2lseexs.jpg





- Synchro Monster Template is at Level 5 cuz I don't think anyone of you will make a Synchro Monster with Level 4 or lower.

- Effect Monster's Attribute is LIGHT, but you can change it, just find another attribute (www.yugiohwikia.com) and paste it over the LIGHT one

- Trap Card doesn't have [Trap Card] on it, it's simple to make it in photoshop, and you can download Continuous, Field, Ritual, Quick PLay from yugiohwikia.com aswell.


There, enjoy these. Cheerz.

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For best results.


Edit them with GIMP or Photoshop


That way you can add layers to change the number of stars or other certain aspects.


The general layout seems low quality and the name cover-ups look really obvious.


You've seen my new template (from the other comment on my Fairy Saviour thread), so I'm only trying to help ;D


The below example is the first template I did (I later changed the font for the name and other various smudges)




But if you work at it, you can make something similar to: (forgive the crappy card, just look at the layout)

[spoiler=example 2]trapvirus.png

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- Synchro Monster Template is at Level 5 cuz I don't think anyone of you will make a Synchro Monster with Level 4 or lower.

- Effect Monster's Attribute is LIGHT, but you can change it, just find another attribute (www.yugiohwikia.com) and paste it over the LIGHT one

- Trap Card doesn't have [Trap Card] on it, it's simple to make it in photoshop, and you can download Continuous, Field, Ritual, Quick PLay from yugiohwikia.com aswell.




Templates look much better now!

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Yeah it's good :)... And you don't understand?

"- Synchro Monster Template is at Level 5 cuz I don't think anyone of you will make a Synchro Monster with Level 4 or lower."

But, if you wanna make a Synchro that is Level 4 or lower PM me, and I'll make a template for you.

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