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BARK LIKE A DOG WOMAN! (DISC on Dark of Dark Ruler)

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Kid of an unfair card to use when you use strong fiends like dark Ruler Ha Des and so many strong others. But it seems to be very helpful in tight situations, but still not much useful for it pays a lot of LP and is hard to use often.


This card loves being with Gorz and them.


But with Greed Quasar at his early levels ensures he grows to be so huge, not even Kalut or Shrink could stop him.

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You can't compare this to D-Prison or Sakurestu Armor as they have different effects. When using Fiends, I think this is a better choice.


It provides two options given that you have enough LP:


1: Reduce your opponent's monsters attack to 100 less than your mosnters to win in PVP.

2: Reduce your opponent's monsters attack to 0 for max damage.


Either way, pretty cool card.

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