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Ultimate Duel Tourny!

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This a duel tourny hosted by me and deathghost101 both member's of the Ultimate Duel Club(link in sponsors). This tournement is free and open to everyone. The way we will be dueling is on the virtual dueling site www.yugiohnetwork.com A.K.A YN as most people call it. Please join and see who's one of the best duelist's on here! [spoiler=Prize's]1st Place:3+ reps

2nd Place:2+reps

3rd Place:1+ rep

[spoiler=sponsor's]dc3dkx.jpg pm me if yuo want your club to be a sponsor.


[spoiler=Duelist's]mason1999,deathghost101,-Pacman-,fireblast6, Zimiri of the Muse,

deadline to sign up is September 1st,monday

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