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|_) DigiQuartz (_| [LOCKED UPON REQUEST]

The Warden

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WaruSeadramon would work well as an avi if I find a good enough picture. Possibly one that depicts one with multiple heads.


Then again, I do have a tradition of only replacing my avi every time I change my name, so I might wait till my 90 days are up.


...So even when name changes have to be paid, the 90-day period still holds?

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Name changes have ever had to be paid?


It's an option now, but far as I know it just allows you to sidestep the waiting period. I don't know how the shop works, since that's been in stock for like five seconds at max, but the paid changes Rinne offers just use moderator fiat (which can change names without a limit, obviously). Funnily enough, while moderators can change the names of anyone else without a wait period, we can't change our own names (or the names of other mods) using the same system.


On that topic however, anyone else noticing the wait period has suddenly changed to 30 days, with three opportunities for name changes within that?

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So, um... I'd like to take Noir on my hunt...? Still unsure what I'm doin-


*Hits Black upside the head* Man up! It's not that damn hard to say it!


A-Alright! I'd like to take Noir on my hunt!


Wow, you actually managed to show some assertion... Bravo, brave leader.

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Typically, it's best to just pm that you wish to use Noir, as the mechanics of the Noir Charge Bar holds stocks to be used when you go out on a hunt.


Course, you better be sure you know the answer, otherwise you risk losing a Charge for nothing.


Anywho, you rolled a 4, so DemiDevimon gained +2 Str.

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Hey guys!


How are things? I've decided to come back, and so I'm pretty happy. Anything interesting change around here? Oh, and I saw your video thread thing Hydra. I'll try to keep up and post myself.


Oh, and can I get back into this Hunter thing? I forgot my old partner, but I'd be willing to try again. Or maybe someone remembers it?

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It was a Tylomon, but your Hunter data was deleted, so you are going to have to choose a new Partner... after spending some quality time in Dame Square.


Dame Square?! Oh Boy :D


For now, I think I'll peruse over the partner riddles before I get to sleep.


Edit: I have the answer to a riddle for whenever I am seen as 'fit to hunt.'

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Well everyone, Mugen, Hydra and I are back from the Tertiary Mission, and boy was it a longin. Also, this might be a touch unimportant, but we've pissed off a group of pirates with absurd technological abilities. Other than that, everything went swimmingly. But, I have some good news. If you haven't noticed, our HQ is a very large building, with much of the floors not even being used. I've found a way to remedy that. Allow me to introduce our new shopkeepers. First up is Lilamon.



Hello everyone, my name is Lilamon. I have come to help you guys as a shopkeeper after the GM convinced us to join you all. I will be selling items that will help to improve your Digimon's Statistics. So I will be selling different types of dot ROMs to help improve those stats. Now, please allow me to introduce Sole.



Sup everyone, my name is Sole. I will be the one who will be vendoring all-purpose items that will help you in battle, such as healing items and short term power-up boosts. I just know we're going to be good as we work together yo keep your Partners healthy. Now, kindly applaude for my sister Dandy.



Hi everyone, I'm Dandy. Unlike Lilamon and Sole, I'm not selling anything material, however, I am offering my knowledge in gardening to you all. GM said that sometimes you guys may find Kernal Noir; but by having to tend to it you lose chances to Hunt. So, if you guys find one, you can give to me so I can take care of it. However, my price is half the harvest; GM said that's fair, as you aren't losing time to tend to it. My share will be added to Lilamon's stock. Still, I hope we become good friends. *Warm smile*


Aren't they just precious? Now, seeing as how we will be renovating a floor or two to create a Market Square, I will be doing some overhauls to other floors as well. Floor Five will be dedicated towards being a Data Library filled with data on all things that will be important to the Hunt. This will replace the long flier we have pinned up on each floor.


Floors eight through ten will be renovated into much better dwellings for you all. Your rooms will come with a shelf for holding trophies and knick-knacks you find on Missions. It will come with a computer system so you can store your Digimon and other items your Xros Loaders carry. It will also come with a bed for yourself and whatever is deemed appropriate as a bed for your partner. If you are worried about theft, each room can only be gotten into by using your Xros Loader. So unless you lose that, you're safe.


Now then, after some thought I have recruited some extra help for us that I located out in DigiQuartz. They will be here shortly. Though, they might be a day or two.

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*Walks in, smiling widely and eyeing the whole place, like he had just woken up. Partner walks in soon after him, swinging hips and moving tail around invitingly* Ah! Good to be back~! That place is a wreck! I swear, I'm never setting foot in that place again. *Raising voice for the other Hunter behind him* Next time, you can go on your own! I'm fed up with water!




*stops walking, stretches arms, looks up to the rather low ceiling on the ground floor, and yells* Finally here! I so desperately need a massage! Would anyone like to volunteer? Mugen here is apparently not very enthusiastic about it right now. Anyone~?


*Drops smile, turns around* Who did ever say that? Giving you a massage is fine by me, but you have to be nice in return.




*Is about to reply, is interrupted by the GM, Lilamon and her helpers' speech*


Oh, well that's great! Privacy get, Renamon! But... *turns to the GM* How long till these changes actually take place? I mean, it's not like you could snap your fingers and remodel everything, or can you?


I'm kind of expecting he can, though.

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Good news everyone, our other Shopkeepers have arrived. Allow me to introduce Mephistomon and Phelesmon.



... Ah ha ha ha! Greetings foolish humans. ... Don't mind him, Mephistomon doesn't talk much; not that he would degrade himself by speaking to, 'humans' of your caliber. However, your GM has recruited us to sell and upgrade your Techs, otherwise known as your Special Attacks. Mephistomon will sell them, and I can upgrade them, for the right price. We will be set up in the Market Floor, in our cozy little shop named 'Prices to Die For'. AH HA HA HA! ....sell...


Charming Mons, aren't they? But they are the end of charming, as I have also hired Dr. Piximon MD to assist us as well.



That is correct, I have come here in order to treat your injuries. And I will add that injuries DO NOT include paper cuts or... *Glances at Mugen and Renamon* getting a part of your body stuck in an inanimate object. Now know this, I am a doctor, not a savage; nor do I conform to alternative medicine. Praying WILL NOT make you feel better, and if you die because you've lost the will to live, well, you'd probably deserve to do so. If any of you even think about wasting my time, you will soon learn that I can sometimes confuse cyanide for morphine. Have a super day. Pico~


I really do hire the most stable help.
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Well, I've read all the new stuff on the front page (and the comments here, duh) and I gotta say all this new stuff sounds like it's really gonna improve the game a lot! I'm really excited to be a part of this. Aren't you, Gizu?




Damnit Gizu, why won't you respond to me?

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Well everyone, after finishing renovations which conveniently tied in with my moving day, the shops are finally open. For those with BITs, do stop by.


Also, after thinking hard about it, I have remedied our possible lack of funds BITwise. After spreading the word, our Reputation has grown and now, some Digimon may post fliers asking for our services, with a reward, naturally. So, check the Atrium for any new notices when possible, as I won't bother to tell you guys. I'm not your personal maid.


Also, I realized the OP is gonked up. I think I'm going to have to re-write it from scratch, as copy/paste seems ineffective.

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