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Mach Speed Theft: Formula + Creature Swap + Desynchro

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[img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090619004714/yugioh/images/thumb/f/ff/CreatureSwap5DS2-EN-C-1E.png/300px-CreatureSwap5DS2-EN-C-1E.png[/img] [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090619004717/yugioh/images/thumb/9/9d/De-Synchro5DS2-EN-C-1E.png/300px-De-Synchro5DS2-EN-C-1E.png[/img][/center]

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Get 2 LV1 monsters, one being a Tuner
Summon Formula and draw a card (+0)
Creature Swap (-1)
De-Synchro the Formula (+2)
Summon Formula and draw a card (+0)

Overall +1 (+3 with Tuningware), the 1 being an opponent's monster...

Not worth the setup, IMO.
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[quote name='burnpsy' timestamp='1300153944' post='5074616']
I just realized, attempting this on an opponent who has 2 monsters will just result in them Synchro Summoning in response to De-Synchro.
lol You obviously wouldn't do it then. :P

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