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Protector of the Founders, Tyrus

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2 Level 5 Monsters
While this card has an Exceed Material Monster, it cannot be destroyed by card effects. If this card battles, at the end of the Battle Phase select 1 card your opponent controls, and destroy it. During each of your End Phases, remove 1 Exceed Material Monster from this card.

This is what I'm talking about. We need a way to replenish Exceed Materials now so this guy can just controlololol.
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Cyber Dragon+Instant Fusion = One Turn Rank 5 Exceed Monster
The Exceeds are so cool.
Also, can you negate this card's effect with Forbidden Chalice at the End Phase to prevent this guy from removing a Exceed Material. If so, that would be awesome for the lulz.
But I can't think of a monster that is Level 5 that self Special Summons, or Normal without Tribute.
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[quote name='evilfusion' timestamp='1300326993' post='5078046']
Now here's my question: What can you use to bring this out? How many level fives will a player run, excluding things like Cyber Dragon or Ally of Justice Catastor?
Zenmai/Mainspring pump out Level 5 pretty easily, Inverz have that revival guy and they are releasing a Semi Nomi 5 star Fairy in GENF that only needs you to remove a fairy in the grave from play.
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[quote name='Zkaiser' timestamp='1300331789' post='5078167']
Zenmai/Mainspring pump out Level 5 pretty easily, Inverz have that revival guy and they are releasing a Semi Nomi 5 star Fairy in GENF that only needs you to remove a fairy in the grave from play.

the fact they making Exceed monster Rank 5 and higher meaning they have to make Monsters with level adjustment or lvl 5 or higher with semi easy path to SS. i think they may be making monster with lvl adjustment more than lvl 5 or higher with easier path of summoning.
but i COULD be wrong lol

as Zkaiser in the first post said that we need a way to replenish EMMs, i think they may create spell cards for that but i dunno about trap though.
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[quote name='~King Crouton~' timestamp='1300328462' post='5078093']
Junk Synchron + Level 2 = Android/Librarian/Catastor

Junk Synchron + Level 2 = Another Android/Librarian/Catastor

Android/Librarian/Catastor + Android/Librarian/Catastor = This

Now tell me why I would want to replace 2 synchros for this?
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