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Are people serious these days?

Dismal Euphony

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I just watched the Good Morning America interview with Rebecca Black on Youtube because, not going to lie, I got caught up with the whole "Friday" hype when the song started making its way around Facebook and Tumblr. Now, I can understand people calling this "the worst song ever made" or "the worst video ever made". That's all opinion. I feel the same way. It's a poorly written song performed by a mediocre pop-singer. The video is poorly done and painfully awkward to watch at some points. However, discussing Rebecca Black and her song isn't the reason I made this thread...

I made this thread because in the interview, they read some of the comments people leave on Rebecca's Twitter and her video. These comments are downright [b]vile[/b]. I can understand voicing your opinion if you think something's less-than-quality or even if you think it's downright horrible, but these people are telling Rebecca to f***ing kill herself. Are we serious? ARE WE f***ing SERIOUS? And it's not just Rebecca that deals with this s***. I've seen 10x worse things said about Justin Bieber. I don't like either one of these kids as an artist. They're singing abilities are mediocre at best and they're making music in a very stale genre, but they ARE human. They've done NOTHING wrong to ANYONE. Since when did it become cool to wish death on someone that makes bad music? Oh wait. It was never cool. These people are f***ing human beings and it sickens me when I read s*** like, "ZOMG JUSTEN BEEBER IZ SO FKN BAD. HIZ M00SIC SUX N HE SHULD JUST DO TEH WURLD A FAVOR N KILL HIMSELF." No. He shouldn't. You should do the world a favor and SHUT THE f*** UP. It's music, bro. Don't like it? Don't listen to it. No one's forcing you. The sheer ignorance and audacity of these people just f***ing sickens me to no end.

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[quote name='Legend Zero' timestamp='1300475677' post='5081049']
It's people going with the crowd, bro.
The fact that it's a "crowd" sickens me even more. It'd be a completely different story if I went to one of those people's houses, ate dinner there and then told their mother/father/guardian to go kill themselves because they made shitty food. It'd be a COMPLETELY different story even though I'd be doing almost exactly the same thing they're doing to these people.
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People (the haters) should smarten up and not target the artists, but the music industry as a whole. Attacking the artists will just make you look like a f***ing idiot, and will not magically stop the music industry stop promoting said artist.
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[quote name='Zandaa Roaisu' timestamp='1300476077' post='5081066']
People (the haters) should smarten up and not target the artists, but the music industry as a whole. Attacking the artists will just make you look like a f***ing idiot, and will not magically stop the music industry stop promoting said artist.
People should just stop being retarded. No one is shoving this music down their throat. This isn't even about the music. I just don't understand what the f*** would possess someone to tell someone to go kill themselves just because they don't like what that person does. It's not like these people are f***ing criminals that commit crimes against humanity.
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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1300476323' post='5081077']
I completely agree with you. It's fine if you dislike an artist's music, but that's no reason to hate the ACTUAL artist. I don't like Friday either (just heard about it today actually) but the girl's only 13. Wishing death on a 13 year old for a crappy song is f*cked up.
Wishing death on a 13 year old is f*cked up period.
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[quote name='Tsukasa Hiiragi' timestamp='1300476536' post='5081087']
Wishing death on a 13 year old is f*cked up period.

Those people are angry trolls that don't know how to control their anger. I'll admit I had a similar attitude when I was like 10, hating pop singers and stuff, but I never wanted them to die .-.
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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1300476709' post='5081094']
Those people are angry trolls that don't know how to control their anger. I'll admit I had a similar attitude when I was like 10, hating pop singers and stuff, but I never wanted them to die .-.
Seriously! When I was like 10, I hated stuff like Britney Spears and I always said stupid, angry stuff. I never once wished death on her. I think I did say that she should move to Africa and stop making music, but that's nothing compared to what these kids are saying. I seen someone comment on the "Friday" video telling Rebecca to "slit her throat and make everyone happy." Uh. How about no.
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Yeah, and every artist has a story of getting where they are. I do hate Justin Beiber, but I just avoid his music, and find something good to do. We all should, but few actually do.

But if you must target Beiber, think about how he got there, and if he has a good story, just ignore it. He's there, he's not going down. Deal with it.

And people like Weird Al and Key of Awesome, you also shouldn't hate on them. They just make parodies; they mean no harm.
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Please don't do anything with that. *Prays to god*

But I just wish that the Hating would stop, and people would just ignore the crap music, and just listen to what they like, no dissing. You can dislike it, but no "i'm a n00b and i hate Justen bieber,so i will flaem and hakz tihs vdieo"

And yes, that was on purpose, to show how most people are like on those videos. And don't even get me started on those fake a** stories "that can only be avoided if you copy and paste this to x(as a variable) videos, or *Put way of torture or murder by random spirit or zombie whatever*" UGH. So annoying, when people are just trying to watch a video.

EDIT: Adding the UGH part.
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There are a few takes on this, and I think you are missing something pretty big.

You can make threats all you want about this Black person, but no one would dare do anything to her. I've wished death upon my fair share of people, but I have never once thought of actually killing someone or hiring someone to kill another. If you are sickened by such comments, ignore the comments like you tell the haters to ignore the video. You should be taking your own advice, and while this is a legitimate topic, I feel as if you are complaining for no reason. Sure, people might want Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black to die (I prefer the latter to be pierced with an arrow, which may or may not induce death), but it is none of your concern how "sickening" that may be. The day Justin Bieber is killed for his music you can complain, but for now, the arguments made are downright sloppy.
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[quote name='Dark' timestamp='1300485491' post='5081487']
There are a few takes on this, and I think you are missing something pretty big.

You can make threats all you want about this Black person, but no one would dare do anything to her. I've wished death upon my fair share of people, but I have never once thought of actually killing someone or hiring someone to kill another. If you are sickened by such comments, ignore the comments like you tell the haters to ignore the video. You should be taking your own advice, and while this is a legitimate topic, I feel as if you are complaining for no reason. Sure, people might want Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black to die (I prefer the latter to be pierced with an arrow, which may or may not induce death), but it is none of your concern how "sickening" that may be. The day Justin Bieber is killed for his music you can complain, but for now, the arguments made are downright sloppy.
True. Personally, I don't care about Rebecca Black. I barely have even heard of her. She may have done something to flame, or whatever, but some people want to watch YouTube just for the art and creativity of some, and the hilarity of others, maybe even both. For others, it's like Facebook with an Upload Video option. I think that Flaming should be illegal, and that they should just be quiet and actually listen to the music.
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[quote name='Dark' timestamp='1300485491' post='5081487']
There are a few takes on this, and I think you are missing something pretty big.

You can make threats all you want about this Black person, but no one would dare do anything to her. I've wished death upon my fair share of people, but I have never once thought of actually killing someone or hiring someone to kill another. If you are sickened by such comments, ignore the comments like you tell the haters to ignore the video. You should be taking your own advice, and while this is a legitimate topic, I feel as if you are complaining for no reason. Sure, people might want Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black to die (I prefer the latter to be pierced with an arrow, which may or may not induce death), but it is none of your concern how "sickening" that may be. The day Justin Bieber is killed for his music you can complain, but for now, the arguments made are downright sloppy.
You drive a good argument, my friend. I do, for the most part, ignore the comments anymore. I just wanted to see other people's take on this topic. I just wanted to see how other people felt about people spewing such things, just wondering if I was the only one bothered by these idiots.
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When Chuggaaconroy did his Mother 3 lets play, one of the openers fetured art of Kumatora done by one of his buds. I'll admit, it DID look a little masculine, but some people actually wished death upon the artist, and thats going WAY to far! So yes, there is no reason to wish death upon someone (No disrespect meant, Dark), just wish for them to SHUT THE F*** UP!
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