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Life Shaver [Anime]

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[i]Your opponent must discard 1 card from their hand for each of your turns that this card has been Set.[/i]

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[quote name='evilfusion' timestamp='1300734358' post='5087757']
Yeah, I wondered how anyone can really keep track of how long a SET card is on the field without revealing the fact.

Anyone with a good brain would suspect it is this card when the opponent starts counting the turns.
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[quote name='Canadian' timestamp='1300738240' post='5087874']
Pretty sure he took it from Yugi.
He did. Yugi played Exchange to take the Slifer Kaiba has stolen from his Deck with...I don't remember what.

Now, why Yugi didn't just Set this before playing Exchange...
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[quote name='.Kowalski' timestamp='1300737993' post='5087869']
Kaiba used it

He got it from Yugi's hand with Exchange. Yugi used Exchange to get Slifer the Sky Dragon into his hand. You'd think he would have been smart enough to set this card first.

As long as your opponent doesn't change the card spaces he uses (which is illegal anyway), it can be easy to note how long each card was set. The problem is why would a player keep track of all the set cards? A player starting to count would be a dead giveaway for this card.

EDIT: Dr. Cakey ninja'd me, but to answer his question: the writers handed Yugi the Idiot Ball to make the duel more intense.
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[quote name='evilfusion' timestamp='1300739173' post='5087913']
Didn't Yugi use Exchange during Kaiba's Turn, due to Kaiba's Spell Sanctuary?


Still, unless he drew Life Shaver that turn, he could have Set it to be sure Kaiba didn't use it against Slifer.
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I dont remember the duel play-by-play, but I thought Kaiba grabbed Slifer with the intention of playing it, and he used a Spell to grab it from Yugi's deck. If Yugi activated Exchange due to Spell Sanctuary, it explains why he left Life Shaver in his hand (he didn't have any way of knowing Kaiba would try and grab Slifer), but if Kaiba didn't have the means to Summon Slifer that turn, Yugi jumped the gun.
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[quote name='evilfusion' timestamp='1300740586' post='5087969']
I dont remember the duel play-by-play, but I thought Kaiba grabbed Slifer with the intention of playing it, and he used a Spell to grab it from Yugi's deck. If Yugi activated Exchange due to Spell Sanctuary, it explains why he left Life Shaver in his hand (he didn't have any way of knowing Kaiba would try and grab Slifer), but if Kaiba didn't have the means to Summon Slifer that turn, Yugi jumped the gun.

Well, something that gives more and more advantage the longer it's Set feels like something that should be set A.S.A.P.
Not to mention Kaiba's an egomaniac who seems to change his deck for every duel and would probably get the best satisfaction by defeating you with your own cards and/or overpowering your cards with his own. Slifer isn't exactly easily overpowerable (thanks to insane draw cards like Cards of Sanctity, as well as Slifer's power being based on number of cards in hand), so it would seem predictable that Kaiba would try to use Slifer to defeat Yugi.
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I find it horrible to be honest. It's somewhat slow, and at most it can be used as a bluff or to discard two or three cards, which can be beneficial to the opponent. I just don't find it appealing / I don't like it. Judging by the name and after reading the effect, I would expect it to be something like "Decrease your opponent's Life Points by ____ for each turn this card was Set." And if it inflicted at least 500, perhaps it can be used for more lulz in StallBurn.
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[quote name='Anbu-of-Sand' timestamp='1300753191' post='5088401']
I find it horrible to be honest. It's somewhat slow, and at most it can be used as a bluff or to discard two or three cards, which can be beneficial to the opponent. I just don't find it appealing / I don't like it. Judging by the name and after reading the effect, I would expect it to be something like "Decrease your opponent's Life Points by ____ for each turn this card was Set." And if it inflicted at least 500, perhaps it can be used for more lulz in StallBurn.

Basically, if you succeed in discarding 2-4 cards from your opponent's hand and they haven't exploded/monsterbackrow'd already, you win the game. That's how epic a well-timed discard is, and is the other half of the power behind the old Sabers. They cut your Life Points and field into a more manageable chunk (read very little and none) and then emptied your hand so you couldn't make a comeback.
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