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Spiral card background?

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I was wondering how is it possible to make a spiral background, with a light-like effect.
What I tried is this -
or this

What I could was this -

I thought it was a simple twirk effect, with outer glows, outer shadow and a bit of blending.
But it wasn't.
Can anyone tell me what I was doing wrong? I can guess the answer for it is "everything", but my goal is making that background, since I got a few renders to fit it quite well.

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Here's my result after messing around for ages:
[spoiler=Big images.][img]http://i1229.photobucket.com/albums/ee471/ToxicPizza/Toxic%20Pizza%20Work/BlueSwirl.jpg[/img]

Pink swirl: Version 1

Pink Swirl: version 2
Could use some more polishing, but I like it :) What do you think?
You can use Radial Blur if you think the edges are too sharp and conflict with your render.

This is the base I used for the pink swirl before twirl etc. made from scratch xD

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