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[MTG] Return to Ravnica

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[quote name='Flame Dragon' timestamp='1333924433' post='5906834']
Actually, Mirrodin and Ravnica are the 2 most popular. Innistrad is hot on their heels though.

At the end of Revnica the guilds disbanded.

Well, mirrodin is my favorite plane so I wouldn't argue against that, heh.

And I didn't know the guilds disbanded. I wonder what they're going to do with this one, then...

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[quote name='-Lightray Daedalus-' timestamp='1333924913' post='5906856']
Dominaria is More loved for hardcore Vintagers as me...most likely becuase well...Half of MTG lifetime we were in Dominaria...since first stories back in to Scourge (Plus Time Spiral Block)

Dominaria also has the Biggest amount of Beloved Characters...XD
Yea. I'm just going by what MaRo said on his tumbler. IMO the think that holds Mirrodin back is the busted nature of the block.

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[quote name='-Lightray Daedalus-' timestamp='1333906536' post='5906395']
I'm the oldest player of all then...XD

Been playing Since Apocalipse (2001)
b**** please.
tempest, Uzra block, 1994-5
been playing all my life.

on another note, I can't help but wonder what niv mizzet will do this time around, I loved his LoL-worthy effect the first time.
"oh, you just burn for a point every time you draw thats cute."
"yeah and I can tap him to draw another card for the turn."
"ok, 2 damage, I have 15 life and 4 creatures and your sitting at 5. I'm gonna win."
*reveals hand of draw cards, and proceeds to play them all.*
*opponent gets up, and walks away.*
"what, I'm not even finished yet, where are you going?"

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[quote name='werewolfjedi' timestamp='1334009270' post='5907947']
b**** please.
tempest, Uzra block, 1994-5
been playing all my life.

on another note, I can't help but wonder what niv mizzet will do this time around, I loved his LoL-worthy effect the first time.
"oh, you just burn for a point every time you draw thats cute."
"yeah and I can tap him to draw another card for the turn."
"ok, 2 damage, I have 15 life and 4 creatures and your sitting at 5. I'm gonna win."
*reveals hand of draw cards, and proceeds to play them all.*
*opponent gets up, and walks away.*
"what, I'm not even finished yet, where are you going?"
Yea, imo, Niv is one of the best designed cards ever.

He's a sweet dragon for Timmy.
He has amazing potential for Johnny.
He is a great win condition for Spikes.

I've heard talk that he will be a walker in the next set. I find that unlikely, but it would be interesting if he was. Either way he is likely to get another card and it should be sweet.

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[quote name='werewolfjedi' timestamp='1334009270' post='5907947']
b**** please.
tempest, Uzra block, 1994-5
been playing all my life.

I don't even know you so how would i know...>_<

EDIT: You are as old as me....no wait...some moths younger that would mean you started with 4 years?...can even a 4 years old kid understand a game like MTG???

That's interesting if truth...

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