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Devil Buster HQ (YCM's Shin Megami Tensei & Persona Fan Gathering)


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[size=5][b]Devil Buster HQ (YCM's Shin Megami Tensei & Persona Fan Gathering)[/b][/size]

[size=3][color=#222222][spoiler=What this place is about][/color]

[color=#222222]Why, hello there. Welcome to this club/organization. It's by me, Corona Ray, as is evident and is centered around, as the title should've informed you before you entered, the Shin Megami Tensei series by Atlus. By extension, it also includes the popular spin-off series named Persona. Therefore, the topics we discuss will be, in general, related to the series in one form or another. It could be about a certain game of the series, a concept they use, or even just the mythology of the demons and deities that take center stage in every game (although now I'm considering letting anything Atlus related by on-topic). I'll remain active here as often as I can, and that's pretty damn often. So as long as there are people willing to join and talk here, this place can see a good amount of activity.[/color]

[color=#222222]*No previous experience with Shin Megami Tensei required![/color]

[color=#222222][spoiler=Them rules][/color]

[color=#222222]-Host/Co-hosts' word is law. Unless, of course, they're just being total idiots and what they say is moronic, screwy, or just plain ridiculous. In that case, point it out and make fun of them.[/color]
[color=#222222]-Respect each other. We're all fellow humans, after all.[/color]
[color=#222222]- Us getting off-topic is okay, but it better not remain that way for long. Or I will have to summon Abaddon and have him eat you. [/color]
[color=#222222]- All YCM rules also apply here. Duh, right? It had to be said, though.[/color]
[color=#222222]- Have fun. (Obv. :/)[/color]
[color=#222222]-No one-word posts. No posts with just emoticons. No posts with just one word and an emoticon. No posts with just a picture or a video. And so forth.[/color]
[color=#222222]- Please avoid centering apps or anything you'd like me to add to teh main page here. It's annnoying to deal with.[/color]
[color=#222222]-Anything else..? Oh right, follow them rules.[/color]

[color=#222222][Spoiler=About Warnings][/color]
[color=#222222]You will get a warning if you commit a large amount of minor offenses or one major offense. First and Second Warnings can be given by any of the ranking staff (Hosts and Co-hosts.)[/color]
[color=#222222]Same for dishing out the 3rd warn, which results in a ban from the club. However, bans must be dicussed among the high brass before they are given.[/color]

[color=#222222]Added notes: Only the Host and my 2nd-in-Command can warn other Co-hosts. Plain and simple.[/color]

[color=#222222][u]First Warning[/u]: Nothing more than a smack on the wrist for being bad. Can lead to a temporary prohibition from posting in the club for 24 hours if you insist on violating rules, but haven't been quite to the point of Level 2 warnings.[/color]

[color=#222222][u]Second Warning[/u]: If you're given a 24 hour ban while a Level 1 Warning is still in place for you, but post anyways or make a major violation at any other time, you get this. The punishment is a 48 hour ban from posting. If you post before the 48 hours are up, you get an additional 72 hour ban.[/color]

[color=#222222][u]T[/u][u]hird Warning[/u]: Put simply, we've gotten fed up with you and you're barred from the club forever UNLESS we have a vote and the unanimous decision is to bring you back.[/color]

[color=#222222][spoiler=How to Apply?][/color]

[color=#222222]Just fill out this here app. Nothing compicated. I (or whichever Commander who's on and gets to it first) will look it over and tell you yes or no. Not that I really see an immediate reason to refuse anyone with enough sense in their head to spell decently and enough smarts to understand a SMT game.[/color]

[color=#222222]Favorite Mega-Ten game:[/color]
[color=#222222]Favorite SMT demon/Persona:[/color]
[color=#222222]Anything else you want to mention[/color]
[color=#222222][spoiler=HQ's Operatives (aka Devil Busters)][/color][/size]

[size=3][spoiler= -Protagonist-][/size]
[font=tahoma,helvetica,arial,sans-serif][size=3]Username: -Protagonist-[/size][/font]
[font=tahoma,helvetica,arial,sans-serif][size=3]Favorite Mega-Ten game: Persona 4[/size][/font]
[font=tahoma,helvetica,arial,sans-serif][size=3]Favorite SMT demon/Persona: Kohryu[/size][/font]
[font=tahoma,helvetica,arial,sans-serif][size=3]Anything else you want to mention: I have a friend whose friend's dad works at Atlus. Basically, Catherine was just a test for how well the next Persona installment would look like on PS3, Persona 5 is in the works, is set to be released for the PS3, has more personas than Persona 4, and has better graphics than Catherine. Yeah, it's good stuff.[/size][/font]

[size=3][font=tahoma,helvetica,arial,sans-serif]Username: Broken[/font][/size]
[size=3][font=tahoma,helvetica,arial,sans-serif]Favorite Mega-Ten game: P4[/font]
[font=tahoma,helvetica,arial,sans-serif]Favorite SMT demon/Persona: Ose[/font][/size]

[font=tahoma,helvetica,arial,sans-serif][size=3]Username: GreigaBeastDS[/size][/font]
[font=tahoma,helvetica,arial,sans-serif][size=3]Favorite Megaten game: Persona 3, 4[/size][/font]
[font=tahoma,helvetica,arial,sans-serif][size=3]Favorite Persona/Demon: Jack Frost[/size][/font]
[font=tahoma,helvetica,arial,sans-serif][size=3]Other notes: Lets try to get along[/size][/font]

[size=3][spoiler=Hydra of Clocks][/size]
[size=3][background=rgb(251, 253, 254)][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][font=tahoma,helvetica,arial,sans-serif][b]Username:[/b] ​Hydra[/font]
[font=tahoma,helvetica,arial,sans-serif][b]Favorite Mega-Ten game: [/b]Devil Survivor 2 or Nocturne. [/font]
[font=tahoma,helvetica,arial,sans-serif][b]Favorite SMT demon/Persona:[/b] Odin[/font]
[b][font=tahoma,helvetica,arial,sans-serif]Anything else you want to mention: [/font][/b][font=tahoma,helvetica,arial,sans-serif]Looks like this club needs more fans of the older SMTs. [/font][/background][/background][/size]


[color=#222222][size=3][spoiler=Your Commanders (the Host and Co-hosts)][/size][/color]

[color=#222222][size=3][spoiler=Director (Host)][/size][/color]
[color=#222222][size=3]Username: Corona Ray[/size][/color]
[color=#222222][size=3]Favorite Mega-Ten game(s): Devil Survivor 2, Persona 3 and 4, Nocturne[/size][/color]
[color=#222222][size=3]Favorite SMT Demon/Persona: Foremost among the list include Izanagi, Thanatos, Yoshitsune, Odin, Trumpeter,...There's probably at least several more I could list, but I'll cut the list off there.[/size][/color]
[color=#222222][size=3]Anything else you want to mention?: Not really. I'm a major SMT fan, but you could tell by me making a club on it, right?[/size][/color]

[size=3][color=#222222][spoiler=Second Commander, Desu][/color][/size]
[color=#0000CD][color=#0000CD][color=#222222]Username: Desperado of Finale[/color]
[color=#222222]Favorite Mega-Ten game: Persona 3[/color]
[color=#222222]Favorite SMT demon/Persona: Mizuchi[/color]
[color=#222222]Anything else you want to mention: I've been thinking of getting back into the SMT MMO yet wanted to look for some others to play with and maybe give all my character's crap to just so I can get [b]some[/b] of that crap onto a new character.[/color][/color][/color]


[color=#222222][spoiler=Our Guest Characters][/color]

[color=#222222]This being the home base of the Devil Busters, oftentimes we may have some guests dropping by. You can tell it's them because they'll be butting their way into my posts (their text will have color) This will be the place where you can find out which characters are hanging around here. The color of their name denotes what color their text will be.[/color]

[color=#222222][color=#1F497D]Jack Frost[/color][/color]
[color=#222222][color=#1F497D][color=#000000]Now where would an SMT club be without Mega-Ten's mascot? Our resident snow fairy will be hanging around the base, and raising a ruckus if you make him mad. Aside from his blue text, his speech pattern should make it fairly clear if he's talking. He tells me he used to be an abominable snowman, but he apparently likes his "smiley" face more. So, be nice to him and remember that he can freeze you to death if provoked. Yay.[/color][/color][/color]

[color=#222222][color=#C0504D]Hiro Kageyama[/color][/color]
[color=#222222][color=#C0504D][color=#000000]More likely to be known to you all as the protsgonist of Devil Survivor 2, this guy's saved the world (or at least Japan) from the Septentriones. Now he's hanging around here in his free time. He's an expert demon tamer, so you can shoot him some questions if you'd like. Whether he will answer is a different story (he's originally a silent protagonist, after all.)[/color][/color][/color]

[color=#222222][color=#000000]Note:[/color] The name given here is the closest to a canon name that we have. It's the name given by the Devil Survivor 2 manga. Since nothing else has yet to confirm or disclaim this, he'll be going under this name for the time being.[/color]


[color=#222222]None so far[/color]


[color=#222222][spoiler=Club events][/color]
[color=#222222]Anytime we hosts decide to organize a special event that the whole club can participate in, we put it here. Club RP, MMO event, etc. If you've got an idea, PM it to me and the co-hosts. No need for an app really, so put it to us for discussion and we'll debate.[/color]

[size=3]P.S. There was originally an image at the top, but it seems to be broke when I try to post it. So I guess the top'll be occupied by the series logo 'till we get a logo of our own.[/size]

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[quote name='Corona Ray' timestamp='1335745532' post='5928898']
That's wierd, the spoilers work fine for me. :/

[color=#0000CD]Definitely odd. They have been pretty buggy lately. But I was able to just quote the post and look at it that way.[/color]

[color=#0000CD][color=#0000CD][color=#222222]Username: Desperado of Finale[/color]
[color=#222222]Favorite Mega-Ten game: Persona 3[/color]
[color=#222222]Favorite SMT demon/Persona: Mizuchi[/color]
[color=#222222]Anything else you want to mention: I've been thinking of getting back into the SMT MMO yet wanted to look for some others to play with and maybe give all my character's crap to just so I can get [b]some[/b] of that crap onto a new character.[/color][/color][/color]

[color=#0000CD]By the way, I'd like to affiliate the Anime Nation with here. Would you mind filling out that app I have set up on the first post of my club?[/color]

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[quote name='Desperado of Finale' timestamp='1335745838' post='5928913']
[color=#0000CD]Definitely odd. They have been pretty buggy lately. But I was able to just quote the post and look at it that way.[/color]

[color=#0000CD][color=#0000CD][color=#222222]Username: Desperado of Finale[/color]
[color=#222222]Favorite Mega-Ten game: Persona 3[/color]
[color=#222222]Favorite SMT demon/Persona: Mizuchi[/color]
[color=#222222]Anything else you want to mention: I've been thinking of getting back into the SMT MMO yet wanted to look for some others to play with and maybe give all my character's crap to just so I can get [b]some[/b] of that crap onto a new character.[/color][/color][/color]

[color=#0000CD]By the way, I'd like to affiliate the Anime Nation with here. Would you mind filling out that app I have set up on the first post of my club?[/color]

[s]Not accepted [/s]*Shot repeatedly*
[color=#008080]Accepted, hee-Ho! Welcome, Second Commander![/color]
And yeah, I'll go do that.

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A club with Persona?

[color=#0000CD][color=#0000CD][color=#222222]Username: -Protagonist-[/color]
[color=#222222]Favorite Mega-Ten game: Persona 4[/color]
[color=#222222]Favorite SMT demon/Persona: Kohryu[/color]
[color=#222222]Anything else you want to mention: I have a friend whose friend's dad works at Atlus. Basically, Catherine was just a test for how well the next Persona installment would look like on PS3, Persona 5 is in the works, is set to be released for the PS3, has more personas than Persona 4, and has better graphics than Catherine. Yeah, it's good stuff.[/color][/color][/color]

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[quote name='-Protagonist-' timestamp='1335836304' post='5929767']
[color=#0000CD][color=#0000CD][color=#222222]Persona 5 is in the works, [/color][/color][/color]
[color=#0000CD]I've known for mon-[/color]
[color=#0000CD][color=#0000CD][color=#222222]is set to be released for the PS3, [/color][/color][/color]
[color=#0000CD][color=#0000CD][color=#222222]has more personas than Persona 4, and has better graphics than Catherine. Yeah, it's good stuff.[/color][/color][/color]
[color=#0000CD]Is it by any chance eventually going to come out with a Vita version like P4 is going to do? >_>[/color]

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[quote name='-Protagonist-' timestamp='1335836304' post='5929767']
A club with Persona?

[color=#0000CD][color=#222222]Username: -Protagonist-[/color]
[color=#222222]Favorite Mega-Ten game: Persona 4[/color]
[color=#222222]Favorite SMT demon/Persona: Kohryu[/color]
[color=#222222]Anything else you want to mention: I have a friend whose friend's dad works at Atlus. Basically, Catherine was just a test for how well the next Persona installment would look like on PS3, Persona 5 is in the works, is set to be released for the PS3, has more personas than Persona 4, and has better graphics than Catherine. Yeah, it's good stuff.[/color][/color]

Good to have you, -Protagonist-. Accepted. And P5's going to be on the PS3? A legitimate excuse for me to get one, then!
[color=#008080]That's right, ho! [/color]

[quote name='Desperado of Finale' timestamp='1335773160' post='5929187']
[color=#0000CD]Awesome. So have you put any thought into playing Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine Online yet? By the way, if you didn't already know, it's not being published by Aeria games anymore. It's now being published by Atlus Online. Thought that'd be an interesting tidbit to add.[/color]

Yup, I knew about that. And I really want to play it, but my sister keeps stealing my laptop away since hers is broken (and hasn't gotten it fixed, that lazy bum!) and I seem to never be able to remember to download it onto mine when I manage to take it back. Hopefully I'll be able to get it working sometime this week so I can start playing.

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[quote name='Corona Ray' timestamp='1335840825' post='5929831']
Good to have you, -Protagonist-. Accepted. And P5's going to be on the PS3? A legitimate excuse for me to get one, then!
[color=#008080]That's right, ho! [/color]
[color=#0000CD]Meh, screw a college fund after I get a job. >_>[/color]

Yup, I knew about that. And I really want to play it, but my sister keeps stealing my laptop away since hers is broken (and hasn't gotten it fixed, that lazy bum!) and I seem to never be able to remember to download it onto mine when I manage to take it back. Hopefully I'll be able to get it working sometime this week so I can start playing.
[color=#0000CD]It should be noted that I won't be able to download and play it until next week when I'm at my dad's. This laptop is far too sh*tty. I can give you my main's crap then so when I delete it and make a new character I can have you give it back. Or at least some of it. I'll probably only really want some clothes, a few weapons, and some money on the new guy. Probably some other crap I have too but I'll try and give you some stuff too for helping me out with that.[/color]

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[quote name='Desperado of Finale' timestamp='1335841608' post='5929846']
[size=3][color=#0000CD][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]It should be noted that I won't be able to download and play it until next week when I'm at my dad's. This laptop is far too sh*tty. I can give you my main's crap then so when I delete it and make a new character I can have you give it back. Or at least some of it. I'll probably only really want some clothes, a few weapons, and some money on the new guy. Probably some other crap I have too but I'll try and give you some stuff too for helping me out with that.[/font][/color][/size]

We should probably be able to get this to work. Besides, I'll probably be spending this week getting some stuff of my own, if I can get the thing downloaded and running, that is.

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[quote name='Corona Ray' timestamp='1335842364' post='5929854']
We should probably be able to get this to work. Besides, I'll probably be spending this week getting some stuff of my own, if I can get the thing downloaded and running, that is.

[color=#0000CD]Sounds good. You'll probably get a few levels ahead of me by the time I get to my dad's and have it on my computer but I'll have that item and experience advantage starting out. :3[/color]

[color=#0000CD]Hm, I wonder if Shion wants in on this too.[/color]

[color=#0000CD]P.S. When I get the game I'm going to roll with swords and rifles. Pistols are better if you're using a gun and magic combo but I'm not much of a magic guy. I'd just like to be able to start the fight out with a good shot from and distance and keep shooting until an enemy gets too close and then wipe them out with my blade. That's how I roll. B) [/color]

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<p>[quote name='Desperado of Finale' timestamp='1335843074' post='5929861']
[color=#0000CD]P.S. When I get the game I'm going to roll with swords and rifles. Pistols are better if you're using a gun and magic combo but I'm not much of a magic guy. I'd just like to be able to start the fight out with a good shot from and distance and keep shooting until an enemy gets too close and then wipe them out with my blade. That's how I roll. B) [/color]

Why am I not in the least surprised? That sure sounds like you style, so...as long as you don't go dying on me :P

But we seem to be getting slightly off track here. I mean, it's all SMT related due to Imagine, but let's discuss something a little closer to the series as a whole, shall we?

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They might do a remake for the Vita ya know, Desu.
Considering the remake for Persona 4 is also going to be for the Vita.

And then there's Persona 4 Arena. For the PS3. And possibly Vita, as well.
*shudders from excitement*

And SMT: IO?
Hmm...perhaps I might look into it when I have the time.

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[quote name='-Protagonist-' timestamp='1335847043' post='5929881']
They might do a remake for the Vita ya know, Desu.
Considering the remake for Persona 4 is also going to be for the Vita.

And then there's Persona 4 Arena. For the PS3. And possibly Vita, as well.
*shudders from excitement*

And SMT: IO?
Hmm...perhaps I might look into it when I have the time.

Which is the whole reason I'm getting a Vita in the first place. : D And the MMO is pretty cool, Shizuo. We should all get together on it sometime.

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[quote name='BrokenHeart15' timestamp='1335847760' post='5929885']
Username: Broken
Favorite Mega-Ten game: P4
Favorite SMT demon/Persona: Ose

Good to have ya, Broken. Accepted.
[color=#FF0000]Adding to front page....Work completed.[/color]

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[quote name='Corona Ray' timestamp='1335844531' post='5929872']

Why am I not in the least surprised? That sure sounds like you style, so...as long as you don't go dying on me :P
[color="#0000cd"]No guarantee. [/color][color="#0000cd"]But it is a good idea to have an idea of what you're going to do early on. They don't make you choose some sort of class or anything like that right off the bat but it's like you really have to put work into what you want to do since work put in can't really be gained back. Unless they changed something.[/color]

But we seem to be getting slightly off track here. I mean, it's all SMT related due to Imagine, but let's discuss something a little closer to the series as a whole, shall we?
[color=#0000CD]This isn't off topic in the slightest since we are talking about an SMT game. And it's a bit silly to limit this since there isn't a vast amount to talk about in the first place.[/color]
[quote name='-Protagonist-' timestamp='1335847043' post='5929881']
They might do a remake for the Vita ya know, Desu.
Considering the remake for Persona 4 is also going to be for the Vita.
[color=#0000CD]YAYZ! >: D[/color]

And then there's Persona 4 Arena. For the PS3. And possibly Vita, as well.
*shudders from excitement*
[color=#0000CD]You know, I don't really like fighters but...it's still Persona. I'm definitely getting it and enjotying the sh*t out of it.[/color]

And SMT: IO?
Hmm...perhaps I might look into it when I have the time.
[color=#0000CD]It's probably one of my fave MMOs I've ever played. Huge maps can be a b*tch to walk through though.[/color]
[quote name='Corona Ray' timestamp='1335847482' post='5929884']
Which is the whole reason I'm getting a Vita in the first place. : D And the MMO is pretty cool, Shizuo. We should all get together on it sometime.


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Hmm, maybe we should get a more thought-provoking topic in for discussion. SMT's full of controversies, as well as many things that could be put up for debate. So let's take a jump to the hypothetical and see if we can squeeze out some responses to the thread. Say that demons actually existed and all that, then were somehow summoned over to our world (via Demon Summoning Program, freak occurrence, etc.) How do you think society would react to such a crisis? And for that matter, say the COMPs were secretly distributed, to the point where the law (police & military) and normal civilians could summon demons. Do you think this would result in an advantage for humankind, or would it be more of a slide from being a good thing to becoming a negative influence?

(I dunno if this would be more of "off-topic", tbh. It's still loosely related in ways, but could be more of going too far away from theme. If it is, tell me, and I'll get rid of it, If not, then just discuss.)

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[quote name='Desperado of Finale' timestamp='1335928973' post='5930781']
[color=#0000CD]The world would go into hell and chaos and that's not even just because of the demons but more or less from us. Don't feel like getting too much into detail at the moment so that's just my two cents.[/color]
Not to mention that mobs may try to lynch those who they think have demons and people abandoning shops and homes, leading to mass looting. Hell, I can probably come up with half a dozen more really ugly things that could result as the thing escalates. Kind of sad, really.

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[quote name='Corona Ray' timestamp='1335930847' post='5930810']
Not to mention that mobs may try to lynch those who they think have demons and people abandoning shops and homes, leading to mass looting. Hell, I can probably come up with half a dozen more really ugly things that could result as the thing escalates. Kind of sad, really.

[color=#0000CD]Abuse of demon power and lilith sex slaves. Actually, the latter could be pretty awesome.[/color]

[color=#0000CD]And bad news, it turns out because of the transition my account isn't on the game any more. ;_;[/color]

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[quote name='Desperado of Finale' timestamp='1335998065' post='5931233']

[color=#0000CD]And bad news, it turns out because of the transition my account isn't on the game any more. ;_;[/color]

[color=#ff0000]That's strange, don't you think? All the places that had articles on the transition clearly stated old accounts would migrate over with all of their characters and player data. [/color]
[color=#008080]It is indeed ver-hee strange, ho![/color]
Wow, that really sucks, man. Are you sure you didn't forget your passcode or something like that?

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[quote name='Corona Ray' timestamp='1335999145' post='5931242']
[color=#FF0000]That's strange, don't you think? All the places that had articles on the transition clearly stated old accounts would migrate over with all of their characters and player data. [/color]
[color=#008080]It is indeed ver-hee strange, ho![/color]
Wow, that really sucks, man. Are you sure you didn't forget your passcode or something like that?

[color=#0000CD]What happened was that I had to be online once during a certain span in time. I missed it by a month.[/color]

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[quote name='Desperado of Finale' timestamp='1335999321' post='5931244']
[color=#0000CD]What happened was that I had to be online once during a certain span in time. [/color]
[color=#ff0000]Ah! Now I remember. Commander, we read about it that one time you were going about Imagine's website, or have you forgotten?[/color]
...Shut it, Hiro. I remember. My condolences, Desu. But it seemed like you wanted a new character anyway, judging from one of your previous posts in here. So your main loss is not having access to the items you had before, no?

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