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The Dragon Cave - A New Era (IC/Started/Not Accepting)

Alice Moonflowyr

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Rain poured down as Adreus stared at his mistress. Lintra had on a black cloak, and was packing a small backpack. "We've got to hurry Adreus. We're late. The Knights will be gathering soon..."
[i]Yes mistress. Shall I carry you, or would you like to walk? [/i]
"I can walk. It isnt very far." Lintra pulled her cloak further over her face, slung her pack across her shoulder, and began walking towards The Broken Egg.


Thunder boomed overhead. A green, sickly dragon nestled in one of the many cracks of the Broken Egg. Letting out a small screech, it whined for its mother. No one came. The dragon was slightly smaller than a fully matured dragon, and you could tell it was close to adulthood. After screeching a few more times, and realizing no one was coming, a change came over the dragon. Bloodlust creeped it's way into it's eyes. It howled like a wounded creature into the night, and waited for it's first victim....

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Matthew strung his bow. He was agitated with Ditzy. "Hurry up, Ditzy!" Matthew barked at ditzy. The rain poured down on him, soaking him. Ditzy swooped down and put a cloud over Matthews haed. The cloud acted as an umbrella. Matthew began to doze off, but he quickly woke up. "Gotta stay focused." Matthew said, Not wanting to drift into a day dream. He didnt blame Ditzy, it was his nature. Matthew and Ditzy set off for the Broken Egg. A tears formed in his eyes. The streamed down his face with the rain droplets. He felt bad for the neglecteds, and he missed his family. Ditzy was all he had left.

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[color=#0000cd]"Gosh I hate the rain," [/color]Kobalt whined as he walked alongside Venus. Together the weaved their way through the multitude of trees that spanned the surrounding landscape. Soggy leaves squelched under his boots as he clomped his way through the forest. Thunder and lightning continued to explode overhead, scaring the wildlife into their hiding places. It had been raining for a good deal of time and Kobalt was soaked to the bone. He would have given up for the night and took shelter if he wasn't so tired of being in these confined trees. He was headed for the Broken Egg, a place full of sorrowful memories.

[i][color=#ee82ee]"Here little one, there is no need for you to get any wetter,"[/color][/i]Venus said in his mind. Upon thinking those words, Venus outstretched her wing creating a shield from the torrential downpour. Venus too was tired to the constant rain and was eager for it to be done. Even though her scales protected her from the full chill of the weather, she was still fairly uncomfortable.

The two walked together in silence, making their way through the unbearable rain. The trees began to thin and Kobalt's eyes lit up in relief. He would be able to rest soon. [color=#0000cd]"We are close. Aren't we?" [/color]He asked Venus. [i][color=#ee82ee]"Yes hatchling, we are nearly there."[/color][/i]

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Lintra heard the howl, and stopped dead in her tracks. "Hello?" she called. "Anyone?"

[i]Little one, it was probably just the wind.[/i] Adreus was nervous, but he didnt show it. He cast his eyes about, but in the pouring rain, saw nothing. He cast out a telepathic call for any other dragons. [i]If anyone is nearby, please awnser![/i]


The sick dragon clambered out of its crack, and slithered to the top of the rock. It had some green goo-like stuff dripping down it's snout, and you could see its bones sticking out like tree branches in the winter. Its eyes were terrifingly reddish green as it looked out through the rain. A few figures emerged from the branches into the clearing of the Broken Egg, all with dragons with them. Luckily, it looked like they didnt see him or each other due to the rain. The green dragon slunk towards the first one it saw, the one accompanied by a Daydream dragon....

[i]Death! Sickness! Kill! KILL![/i]

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Nevirath had wandered the forest in the search for her brother, Deinarva, Accompanying her would be Inarovana, A Moonstone Dragon that agreed to help her find her brother. Nevirath and Inarovana conversed with each other using a Series of Growls and clicks as they unknowingly drew closer to the Broken Egg, The Rain bounced off of Nevirath's face and body as her clothes became wet in the rain, She really did not mind the rain, although she did mind flying. It was when she saw someone in the distance that caught her eye, Nevirath huffed, a Command for Inarovana to stay back and hide. Nevirath stayed hidden in the trees as she gotten a closer look at the traveler and his Daydream Dragon as they went, As she observed, She heard a telepathic message, although it was a bit garbled, Causing her to accidentally step on a hard Twig, Snapping it in two with a loud crunch, Likely getting the attention of the Traveler and his dragon, and likely that other dragon Stalking the Traveler...

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Joseph was standing on the back of his Royal Blue. He had one hand gripping to the dragon, the other on a loaded crossbow, ready to destroy any hostile target. Autriem, his Royal Blue dragon, swooped down to the forest floor. "What gives?" Joseph asked, demanding an answer. Autriem shoot him a glance with silver eyes. "Ever try flying in a storm? It's not easy, especially with you on my back." Autriem replied. "Can't say I have, with my lack of wings." Joseph fired back sarcastically. "You don't lack legs, so walk." Autriem chuckled. "Right, so, lets just get to this...Broken egg." Joseph suggested, gripping his loaded crossbow in case of any sudden attack.

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Matthews bright blue pupils took over his iris. For a long time, he had been walking in a sleeping fashion. Ditzy kept him on the right track, but still, matthew was obliviouse to the surroundings. His bow was down, he was dreaming, and Ditzy was too concerned on Matthew to do much els. The gurgle of noises ment nothing to the sleeping Matthew. Only when he heard the twig snap did he wake up from the dream. Matthew was suprised, and forgot everything. Graduatly, he came to his senses, but not verry fast. He was still open for an attack. Ditzy, on the other hand, was not as weak as Matthew. [i]Matthew, we are being followed by something![/i] Ditzy said to Matthew. Ditzy saw a green shape in the distance, and conjured up a cloud. Ditzy then fired the cloud at an incredible speed. [i]I have to buy Matthew some time. Nothing does that like a good old fashioned dream. [/i]Ditzy said to himself. He took the cloud off of Matthew, hoping the rain would awake him.

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"Hmmm... so I see, my namesake ancestor... how did we even record our family's old history?"
A perky little, flat-chested girl pranced around, her pink hair flying like beautiful rainbows. Beside her was her 6-metre long, cyan-coloured dragon. It was very different from regular dragons, relying on wings, and hardly ever walking. It hovered all the way without flapping its wings, like it was defying gravity.
It let out a few dolphin-like squeaks. "[i](Are you forgetting something, Otto?)[/i]"
"Oh Osiris, don't kid with me, there's- Oh right. Osiris, ready for a ride?"
The blue being nodded its head. The child mounted the dragon, before it began to flap its wings and take off at high speeds.
"Aw, c'mon Osiris! You shouldn't eat too much!"
"[i](Mind you, Otto. I'm still growing, even though I'm an adult.)[/i]" the dragon replied.


"[i](Oh gosh, you gained weight- I mean, errr...)[/i]" the dragon squeaked once more.
"I so heard that. I believe we are here. Whatever we're doing here, it must be major. Take a little rest, Osiris, you exhausted too much energy."

Then, an odd howl was heard.

"We may be the first to be near, but something tells me, we're also the first to be doomed. Osiris?"
"[i](Someone's in danger! Follow me!)[/i]" Osiris used little energy to hover up, then led the girl to what appeared to be a dragon on a cloud and another person, being attacked by a...

"That's what I think it is, isn't it? Osiris, I believe you can pull off a little wind!"
With that, Osiris summoned a strong, powerful, gust of wind at the odd, slimy green being, literally blowing it away.
"Osiris, take a rest. Believe in me, I can do this, if I can't, catch me."
The girl bravely walked up to the odd, green being, then petted it in attempt to tame it. Whether she succeeded, is unknown...
"[i](NO!)[/i]" Osiris let out a screech.

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Nevirath glared at the Neglected as The Daydream Dragon attempted to put it to sleep, then when she saw a familiar girl try to pet the Neglected, She face-palmed and proceeded to move throughout the forest, with Inarovana Trailing behind her. It took her a moment, but Nevirath grabbed Otto and dragged her a bit deeper into the forest, She shouted at Otto after pinning her to the ground[color=#4b0082] [acronym='(> Please note, There was an "Otto Joltingston" at the Academy of Dragon Arts, Nevirath thought that Otto was that Otto, due to their similar looks <)']"Otto Joltingston! How many times do I ha-"[/acronym][/color]She stopped herself when her eyes Met Otto's [acronym='The Otto She knew had Purple eyes']Red and Green Eyes[/acronym], She immediately knew that she was the wrong person and said after letting her go and blushing [color=#4b0082]"I'm sorry about that Miss... I thought you were an old friend of mine, She would get into these kinds of troubles a lot..."[/color] After that exchange, Inarovana appeared behind Nevirath, They both Growled and made other sounds to converse with each other...

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"Thank you. Why yes, my name is Otto Joltingson," the girl, Otto, gave a rather shocked look. "Wha- what's your name?"
"[i](Err, Otto, ask that later, we've got a problem here...)[/i]" Osiris let out a few squeaks. The odd dragon appeared to be angry. "[i](I do apologise, Young Neglected, for the sudden attack. Perhaps we could take things a little lightly?)[/i]"
In case the green creature attempted to strike with a simple blow, Osiris readied his pair of wings to be used as a shield for defense...

Otto stood up.
"I highly doubt we should offend it, Osiris. Dragons are our friends, and this one's neglected. Dodge and block, like how I always teach you."
Osiris looked back, and attempted to smile, before looking forward once more and flapping his wings to hover up a little and around, in order to dodge the Neglected Dragon's strike should it attack.

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The young Neglected cackled and sent out another message. [i]Lightly? Dont make me laugh. Time to KILL! KILL! KILL.[/i] The Neglected launched himself, not at Osiris, but in the direction of the sleeping boy. He wasnt stupid.

He moved with surprising speed, and soon was dripping green ooze onto Matthew's face....


[i]Little one, look out! [/i]Adreus shouted, or, mind-shouted I guess. A little green dragon shot out of the bushes, dripping madness. [i]Death! Sickness! Must..spread the dark! Kill! Kill! [/i]Adreus moved towards the small dragon, but Lintra stopped him. "Wait, he might know something." Lintra picked up the little dragon and pretty much shouted to his face; "Where are all the Neglected gathering? WHERE?" The small dragon cackled and slipped out of her hands. It then ran back into the woods.

[i]Dont EVER. Do that again. [/i]Adreus thought sternly to Lintra. [i]Now, climb on my back. I sense someone is in danger...[/i]

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Kobalt could now see the Broken Egg. [color=#0000cd]"It looks like we are late,[/color] Kobalt said, gesturing towards the mass of people and dragons that were gathered at the depressing monument. After looking at the group for a moment longer, Kobalt realized that some sort of struggle was going on. [color=#0000cd]"Venus, can you see what is going on down there?"[/color] Kobalt asked, needing to rely on Venus's superior eyesight. A second passed in silence as Venus strained her eyes to see through the downpour of rain.

[i][color=#EE82EE]"I cannot see anything with this rain, little one. I am sorry,"[/color][/i][color=#EE82EE] [/color]She replied. [color=#0000cd]"It isn't your fault. Now come on, we need to get down there!" [/color]A brand new burst of energy rocked through Kobalt's body. He was ready for some action, he was unfortunately about to get more than he had bargained for. There was a crash just a few meters away that caused Kobalt to jump in surprise. He whipped his head around to find the source of the noise. In the trees to his right he could just make out a few writhing shadows that looked like a struggle.

[color=#0000cd]"Let's go!"[/color]Kobalt said to Venus. Without waiting to see if she was following they ran to see what was going on. Within a few minutes another dragon came into view. This dragon floated on a pink cloud and was obviously distressed. [color=#ee82ee][i]"Look..." [/i][/color]Venus mind whispered as she flicked her tail in the direction in front of the Daydream Dragon. On the ground was a boy, but that wasn't the most eye drawing thing about the situation. On top of him was a sickly green dragon. [color=#0000cd]"A Neglected..." [/color]Kobalt muttered under his breath. Coming to a silent agreement, both Venus and Kobalt ready themselves for battle.

Kobalt drew his daggers and Venus crouched down, ready to spring into action. Letting off a roar, Venus and Kobalt sprung out of the foliage to help the boy that was under attack.

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"[i]You are sharp, for a hatchling. I don't want to do this, but...[/i]" Osiris simply glided towards the slimy beast at high speeds. "[i]I believe it is time to be blown away once more![/i]" With that, Osiris released another strong gust of wind, enough to blow the hatchling away.
The wind simply blew in a rather queer manner that allowed the Neglected to land on fours.
"I believe I do understand dragons, and neglected dragons are obviously neglected. But this one is too aggresive for me..." Otto sighed. "I highly doubt I have this, therefore I will do what I must. Thank you, Osiris."
With that, Otto approached the sleeping Matthew. "Wake up, you were almost attacked!"

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Kobalt nearly fell over when another dragon appeared out of no where. Not taking any time to even take notice of Kobalt or Venus, the dragon and presumably its raiser quickly tried to dispatch of the Neglected dragon. Managing only to get it off of the boy on the ground, Kobalt decided to attack the Neglected to keep it distracted. Jumping forward, Kobalt slashed with his knives causing the Neglected to jump backwards. Taking the advantage, Venus leaped forward crashing into the Neglected dragon.

[i]"Stay away from my hatchling!" [/i]Venus growled menacing at the sickly dragon. Its only reply was to squeal angrily and slip from between Venus's claws. It turned to face Venus and Kobalt. [color=#2f4f4f][i]"Kill! Destroy!"[/i][/color] It screeched inside his head.

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[i]Strong fighters. Must warn colony. Must gather forces. [/i]Those thoughts and similar things radiated from the Neglected as it took off, nonplussed by the rain. It let out a bloodcurdling screech as it flew off, and soon went out of sight....


Adreus landed next to Kobalt as the Neglected flew off. [i]Greetings Venus. It is good to meet you in person.[/i] Adreus thought. "Kobalt! Matthew! Otto!" Lintra shouted as she threw her arms around them all. "Are you guys ok? Adreus said something was happening, and I had just met a mini-Neglected, so I thought you were in danger and..." Lintra was cut off as Adreus interuppted. [i]Don't strangle them Little One. [/i]He thought bemusedly. [i]Anyway, the danger is gone. The Neglected has flown off, and we cannot risk following him through this rain. Unless we know someone accompanied by a Bluna....?[/i]

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Matthew finally woke up. He was verry groggy, but awake. Some girl was yelling at him. "Attacked, what?!" Matthew said in a groggy voice. Ditzy had looked scared. [i]Yes, a neglected dragon attacked. Im sorry, i couldent fend him off. But, these people and their dragons did. [/i]"Matthew said to Ditzy "Its okay, I dont blame you." He cursed himself for allowing himself to sleep. He wiped some green ooze off his face, and began to talk. "Are all of you memers of the Draconic knights?" He asked. The only one he knew was Lintra. Matthew decided against risking the clouds, so he just allowed himself to getwet.

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A hiss was heard from a tree as a Small neglected was about to ambuch Autriem and Joseph. Autrium used his massive claws to pin it down. [i]Kill. KILL.[/i] It hissed. Joseph pointed his crossbow at it. "Disgusting. I see why they're a problem." Joseph said. [i]Do we kill it? [/i]Autriem asked. "No...we're to close. we need to keep moving." Joseph said. Autriem shrugged his broad shoulders and releases the Neglected. It flew off quickly in fear, it's left winng limp. The pair approached the Broken Egg. More pitiful than the dragon they had just encountered. Joseph put his crossbow back onto his back andd looked around at the others.

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Nevirath looked at Otto in the brush as she ran off to confront the dragon, attempting to calm it down, which she had failed to do, then tried to use wind to keep it away from the Traveler, She actually had face-palmed again. As the Neglected fled and more people came, She growled lowly as she backed away from the clearing where the people were and turned around, She opened her wings and slowly flapped them, trying to get them to dry off, People could see her as she was trying to dry her wings off...

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[color=#0000cd]"Wow! That was so cool! So I officially a Knight? YES! That's what I always wanted..." [/color]Kobalt continued to yammer on, his young attention span jumping from one subject to another...[color=#ee82ee]"[i]Little one, take a breath. Don't scare them off," [/i][/color]Venus said,projecting her thoughts to everyone around to show that she was accepting of them to speak in her mind. She wanted the team to be just that, a team.

[i][color=#ee82ee]"How do you do, Adreus? Sorry if I sound a formal, I am not used to having an audience..." [/color][/i]Venus said, only speaking in the mind of Adreus. She was a bit nervous, she was used to only being with Kobalt and not having to communicate with others. She was also a bit perturbed by the Neglected. Already they were taking notice of the group, they were going to attract a lot of attention traveling together like this.

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Leon was sleeping on top of his Balloon Dragon, who had directions to get to the Broken Egg monument as soon as possible. The dragon was wide enough for him to sleep, rolling sideways and not falling off.
[color=#ff0066][i]"We are here~"[/i][/color] - chimed Tank's voice, as he turned around, making Leon fall to a tree - [color=#ff3366][i]"Oops. Sorry~"[/i][/color] - he laughed when Leon woke up, and got down from the tree at the moment when the Neglected flew off, hissing "Kill, Kill." - [color=#800080]"A Neglected!? Give me a break, I just came here..."[/color] - Leon wiped the dirt from his clothes, grabbed his bow and dagger, the last one had fell from his pouch, and walked toward the people who were there, turning to Joseph - [color=#800080]"Heya...I'm Leon, and he is Tank. I guess you guys can tell me what's going on here?" [/color]- while he spoke, Tank was overflying the area slowly, drifting away like a balloon.

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Matthew looked over at the boy who introduced himself as Leon. "Okay, im guessing you are here for the draconic knights meeting? Im Matthew. What had happened was a neglected attack. Currently, we are waiting for all the members to show up." Matthew said. He looked right, and saw someone flapping their wings. [i]Odd[/i], Matthew thought. Healso introduced Ditzy, his dragon. "Try to stay focused around Ditzy, he may accidently put you ina day dream while travling." He said. Ditzu's blue face blushed a bright shade of red. He strung his bright pink bow, incase any monre neglecteds decided to show. He sent an arrow flying at a tree to make sure he was ready. The arow slammed the tree. It took alot of strength for Matthew to pry the arow from the tree.

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Leon turned at the one named Matthew, and sighed - [color=#800080]"Nice to meet you...sigh...I actually hoped there weren't any neglecteds when I came, silly me right?"[/color] - he yawned, having been awake for less than five minutes. When Matthew introduced his dragon, Leon looked at it in awe -[color=#800080] "A Daydream Dragon...never seen one in real life. His scales are beautiful."[/color] - then, he actually remembed it was a dragon, and took a few steps back, cautiously. Tank, however, released the air inside of him, floating down and landing next to Ditzy. -[i][color=#ff0066] "Hohoho~"[/color][/i] - he laughed in a Santa Claus manner - [i][color=#ff0066]"Sorry about Leon's behavior. He doesn't really trust unknown dragons, not that you are one. I'm Tank, as you might have heard."[/color][/i] - Leon then remembered what Matthew had just said about the Draconic Knight meeting, and puffed his chest - [color=#800080]"Well then I'm at the right place. If any Neglected appears, I'm sure to take care of it." [/color]- then, after Matthew recovered his arrow, he strung his bow, a compound bow of his own creation, and placed his aim at the skies, waiting for anything that could appear.

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Nevirath Eavesdropped on the conversations that the others were having as she was drying out her wings, She let out a deep "Harumph" at the fact that they did not notice 2 decently sized Dark wings in the middle of the forest, Unfortunately, That caused a somewhat small ball of Purple Stardust to fly out of her mouth a quite a decent speed, Striking someone in the clearing, She did not know who it hit, but she knew it did not hit Otto, because the glimpse she caught at the person did not have pink hair and it was not a Skywing Dragon Either...

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Upon seeing the large dragon that floated high above the forest, Kobalt's heart leaped into his throat, for fear it was an enemy. It soon became clear that the dragon and its presumable raiser were not enemies but allies. Growing more excited, Kobalt bounced over to where they were. [color=#0000CD]"Hi Leon! My name is Kobalt. This is my dragon, Venus. Is that a Balloon Dragon? I love Balloon Dragons they are always so silly," [/color]Kobalt stopped himself there, realizing that he was overdoing it again. He straightened his shirt and lifted his chin high, trying to appear grown up.

[i]"Oh little one, you have so much to learn. Greetings, Tank and Leon, it is a pleasure to meet you," [/i]Venus said to them, dipping her head in greetings. She was growing tired of this introductions and would much rather move on to business.

[color=#0000cd]"What was that?" [/color]Kobalt declared, seeing a dazzling display of lights. He whipped his head back and forth across the clearing and quickly spotted to large, black wings. It appeared as if something was watching them. Acting like a little child in a knight's costume, Kobalt pointed his dagger in the direction of the wings and said
[color="#0000cd"]"Show yourself beast! Or be smited by my awesome power!" [/color]Of course Kobalt was bluffing, he knew that if the thing hiding behind the bush was a real threat Venus would probably have to bail him out like she always did.

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Zayne was in thought as he rode atop his massive dragon towards the forest. Back in his village, he had read about a site called the Broken Egg. Ever since the forbidden breed known as the Neglected had attacked his village, he had been forced to travel along the coastline in hopes of finding any survivors. He had spent several days looking, but to no avail. He and his dragon, Soar, were thus driven to look for the Broken Egg, in hopes of finding allies.

[u][i]Zayne...the breeze here smells unfamiliar...it does not smell of the sea, but instead, like these trees.[/i][/u]
"You're right, Soar; I believe this is a sign that we've reached the forest region." He glanced down in hopes of finding the Broken Egg, and he soon spotted it, with a little group of humans and dragons there already. "I think we have company, Soar. Descend slowly, and do not attack unless otherwise provoked." [i][u]I understand.[/u][/i]
Tsunami Soar's massive blue form descended upon the group, his large shadow covering the immediate landscape until he finally landed gracefully on his hind legs on to the ground.
Looking around, Zayne saw a rather diverse group. "Um...hi there. I'm Zayne, and this," he said as he indicated to his dragon, "is my partner, Tsunami Soar."
[i][u]Greetings, everyone.[/u][/i]

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