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If doing well make sure to finish deathfire first/after sorceror's boots


otherwise, if behind


grab an athena's vs AP


or a seeker's vs AD


then just build the normal AP items



I'm the best Nami na trust me


ew na

oce represent


So I've been using a lot of 100% crit Poppy & GP. Probably the most broken thing in LoL obv.

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I Guys...It's me Dae,,,long time no see (For those who knew me) So LOL thread yes...gonna be all over here...Freaking Game got me half of S3 and never let me go XD


I've recenty ranked (First time too I didn¡t ranked at all in S3 due to pc being shitty and all) and done it prettty well...SHAME is Las is not a very good place...but the server is close so I have to deal with it. 


So what do you talk about in this group atm?

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I Guys...It's me Dae,,,long time no see (For those who knew me) So LOL thread yes...gonna be all over here...Freaking Game got me half of S3 and never let me go XD
I've recenty ranked (First time too I didn¡t ranked at all in S3 due to pc being shitty and all) and done it prettty well...SHAME is Las is not a very good place...but the server is close so I have to deal with it. 
So what do you talk about in this group atm?

The only Dae I know is the Daemon who's an amazing Graphic Designer.

What league did you get placed in? And what division?

Not much really. xP
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I got to Silver III...surpisingly
Oh i'm the other less Known Dae (I know people knew by other names but I can't remember probable Venser like in Rodrigo's Forum)

Oh nice. I tried once in season 3 and I got Bronze II. I should've gotten higher but my team fed so hard. ;-;

Yep, that's you. I have no idea who you are xD
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I have lost my old YCM acccount over time...and I have no really been here for long so it is kinda normal...


And yeah it was fun but really tense to win the required games...

Went with Ap Sion top and got Destroyed by a Jax

Did well in Mid with Brand

was Raped as Nami (Since my ADC went Afk most of the game)

And from then one relied on my lucky Charm Miss Fortune for the remainder Games with very good results

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I have lost my old YCM acccount over time...and I have no really been here for long so it is kinda normal...
And yeah it was fun but really tense to win the required games...
Went with Ap Sion top and got Destroyed by a Jax
Did well in Mid with Brand
was Raped as Nami (Since my ADC went Afk most of the game)
And from then one relied on my lucky Charm Miss Fortune for the remainder Games with very good results

Thats fair enough.

AP Sion is a lot weaker than AD IMO. It leaves two of his abilities completely useless, one of which is his ult. AD has a lot more advantage in teamfights as well because of the aoe heal with each aa.
I played a game as Brand Mid just two games ago actually. First time Brand in about 5 months and I went 16/9/20. It was a pretty good game.
I don't play support because I really suck at it. Unless I'm Blitz, then I usually do good.
MF's just gotten a small rework on her q hasn't she? Either that or she is very soon.
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Did you see Jaxximus I think play AP Sion?  It was amazing push.  You walk to a lane, kill all the minions with your shield, walk to the next lane and repeat.

Sounds like a good strategy, but all the enemy needs to do is pick up on it and just wait for you to come in lane and jump on you each time because it's so repetitive.
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Thats fair enough.

AP Sion is a lot weaker than AD IMO. It leaves two of his abilities completely useless, one of which is his ult. AD has a lot more advantage in teamfights as well because of the aoe heal with each aa.
I played a game as Brand Mid just two games ago actually. First time Brand in about 5 months and I went 16/9/20. It was a pretty good game.
I don't play support because I really suck at it. Unless I'm Blitz, then I usually do good.
MF's just gotten a small rework on her q hasn't she? Either that or she is very soon.


To her Q (T_T), W and slight changes to the R that support the now watered down W yes she got all those in 4.5 patch


Speaking of I can't believe URF is gone gonna miss it so much...XD 



Sounds like a good strategy, but all the enemy needs to do is pick up on it and just wait for you to come in lane and jump on you each time because it's so repetitive.



That's when you stun them and Damn that Stun Hurt with Good AP

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To her Q (T_T), W and slight changes to the R that support the now watered down W yes she got all those in 4.5 patch
Speaking of I can't believe URF is gone gonna miss it so much...XD 

That's when you stun them and Damn that Stun Hurt with Good AP

Yeah, I never played her anyway so it didn't really affect me.

Eh, at first it was good but then it just started to get repetitive and boring.

If there's more than one you're screwed though.
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well yeah, more frustrating than boring...so many OP champs...XD
Anyways the best temporary mode so far should definetily has to be all for one or whatever it is called in English (The one when all your team used the same champ)

One For All, yeah, the first one was the best.
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If doing well make sure to finish deathfire first/after sorceror's boots


otherwise, if behind


grab an athena's vs AP


or a seeker's vs AD


then just build the normal AP items



I'm the best Nami na trust me



I never go for the boots but I have a need for speed. And this is for Ahri.


What's Athena's vs AP or a Seeker's vs AD?

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Going in depth, Athena's also gives you great mana regen for sustain, and a healthy chunk of AP.


Seeker's, however, stacks (up to...what was it, 15 stacks?), so it gets better over time. Plus, it's cheaper than a fully built Athena's and builds into a Zhyona's. Though, I haven't played Ahri before, so Zhyona's might not be the best on her.


It'd be more accurate to compare Chalice of Harmony to Seeker's Armgaurd, just due to tier.



Also, ALWAYS buy boots. Critical for chasing, escaping, and they can be built into several more useful boots later on. Plus, the enchantments such as Homeguard are extremely useful.

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Yeah it seriously is crucial to invest in boots, you want to get tier 2's (e.g. sorc shoes) pretty much every game and tier 3's (enchantments) a lot of the time.


On a different note, what do you guys think of the feral flare addition in 4.5?


I honestly think it's not as bad as people say and it has brought back the popularity of junglers such as Nocturne which is nice.

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Yeah it seriously is crucial to invest in boots, you want to get tier 2's (e.g. sorc shoes) pretty much every game and tier 3's (enchantments) a lot of the time.
On a different note, what do you guys think of the feral flare addition in 4.5?
I honestly think it's not as bad as people say and it has brought back the popularity of junglers such as Nocturne which is nice.

It's okay. They tried to make it an item that you'd keep for the late game, but it just isn't as good as others which is why I end up selling it and getting something better.
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To be honest unless it's a long game and I'm about to get my full item build, I'll usually keep it.


If it has enough stacks it can be very powerful but it requires quite a lot of farm to get there. It also can be a problem to actually upgrade it from wriggle's if your lanes are losing and therefore you have to gank more and extend the time that you don't have it.


If your team has a feral flare jungler they really should have strong lanes so the jungler can farm and not worry too much about ganking until later on. Just my 2 cents.

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Um so I have this pet peeve where people call it Athena's when it's Athene's. Sorry it just really annoys me. xP


My Game is in Latinamerica Spanish...so I wouldn't Know...


Which reminds me...for those who are wondering...the stripped us of our P-P-P-PENTAKILL!!!!!! in the last patch...that was anoying...T_T

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My Game is in Latinamerica Spanish...so I wouldn't Know...
Which reminds me...for those who are wondering...the stripped us of our P-P-P-PENTAKILL!!!!!! in the last patch...that was anoying...T_T

Ahk thats fair enough

What do you mean?

Feral Flare is really good on Yi, I hear. He's been played a lot more as of late.

Urgh I know -.- He's so broken its ridiculous
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