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I have never hated Yorick as much as I have today. I went to flash smite Baron to steal it and I ended up smiting one of his ghouls. Those 900 Elo plays.

I remember once my team was taking baron and the enemy Nocturne ulted so I figured he was coming for a steal. I hit Smite, but out of nowhere, our Syndra throws enemy Annie's Tibbers at Baron and I hit the bear instead. Tibbers gave Nocturne vision so he dashed in on our Vayne, hit the Smite steal, and with the assistance of his team got a Pentakill. Wood tier is real.

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I breathe this game.The content in and out of it is endless. Riot is the only company, that I know, that listens to it's users 100% of the time and is into expanding it anyway they can. I am loving how they made their e-sports competitive scene turn into becoming a real deal sport by having weekly throwdowns between 8 teams. I love my TSM but holy shiet, those Koreans. Something about watching Korean pro-gamers go HAM while the commentators shout a foreign language really excites me and makes me want to play even more Lee Sin so I can make those InSec plays.

Only thing that pisses me off about this game is the beautiful "community". To this day I can't really handle the toxicity that is the LoL Community. It's even worse than CoD kids, mainly because you know that it was kids sleeping with your mom and it wasn't some guy who had his pride so far up his ass that goes and feeds to prove a point to a guy who took the role he wanted because "He's the Best Riven NA". Yeah go fuck yourself "MegaZero".

Oh and http://www.elophant.com/league-of-legends/summoner/na/31131796/skins this game is so free.

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I want to see how Zero works with Complexity (why aren't they in the summer seed?).

Huge TSM fanboy, but I love all of the NA teams, every team honestly.  Huge fan of e-sports and the rivalries behind League of Legends gets me hella hyped.  I'm a scrub but I know what I'm doing for the most part.  Gimme some time and I'll pick up pace.  Support main, but I love to play top lane.

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I use Udyr.
It's fun because unless the opponent can kite you he'll always force them to run away.

Or they're fed, of course.

But I expect that sort of ignorance from you.


Essentially this.


I'm not gonna pick Udyr into Ezreal, Kassadin, Jayce, Jarvan, Sona.


But I will pick him into champs I can get to.  It's not ALWAYS a kiting factor, but if you don't take kiting into the consideration you'll get raped.

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listen guys if you troll in league youl end up IN JAIL











really riot how can you let this happen just by a little troll comment


This isn't entirely accurate.  But close enough.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Riot hates junglers (don't read into the golem and lizard nerfs too much.  They moved the exp around).




IMO I don't think jungling is that great anymore. I'm trying to get my NA team to try out my idea of having two ADCs and two supports and no jungle. Have a support and an ADC go top lane and bot lane and give mid lane smite. This fixes the problem of jungling not being that great and allows for more lane pressure. Giving mid lane smite ensures that you have smite for Baron but if you get your supports at top and bot lane to ward the enemy jungle your mid lane will always be able to out smite the enemy jungler do to having a stronger smite. You could always go in threes to invade the enemy jungle with mid lane + bot or mid lane + top.


You would get more lane pressure, more jungle pressure and more damage and peel late game. Unfortunately for me I can't test this because my team on NA is too scared to try anything new so I'm trying to get to 30 on the Singapore servers lol.

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IMO I don't think jungling is that great anymore. I'm trying to get my NA team to try out my idea of having two ADCs and two supports and no jungle. Have a support and an ADC go top lane and bot lane and give mid lane smite. This fixes the problem of jungling not being that great and allows for more lane pressure. Giving mid lane smite ensures that you have smite for Baron but if you get your supports at top and bot lane to ward the enemy jungle your mid lane will always be able to out smite the enemy jungler do to having a stronger smite. You could always go in threes to invade the enemy jungle with mid lane + bot or mid lane + top.


You would get more lane pressure, more jungle pressure and more damage and peel late game. Unfortunately for me I can't test this because my team on NA is too scared to try anything new so I'm trying to get to 30 on the Singapore servers lol.


Thing is, your mid lane is giving up a valuable summoner.  You lose a LOT of lane presence putting your smite elsewhere.  Not to mention you probably will be extremely vulnerable to tankier line ups.  Then again, you are taking an additional carry.  It all depends I guess.

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That's true, but the advantage of the mid tower compared to the top tower alone is enough that I think it's worth it.


This is fact.  Because of the amount of roam and pressure exerted when mid tower is down, trading their mid for your own top tower is worth it.  I mean, you could always play the double AD line up with a Nasus jungle.  Then there'd be no such thing as towers.  LOL

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