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Stopping Exodia and Other Powerful Comboes


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This is a response to cr47t's efforts [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/292847-how-to-stop-exodia-ftks/page__pid__6068507#entry6068507"]here[/url]. It's a hand trap able to stop any sort of giant play. Please suggest how to balance it or make it better and correct my OCG.

The Impatient Goblin (dunno, can't think of a cool name or pic)
DARK Fiend-Type
If your opponent adds 5 or more cards from their Deck to their hand, Summons 5 or more monsters or sends 5 or more of their cards to the Graveyard, except by activating them, in one turn: You can discard this card; It becomes your opponent's End Phase.

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Balanced, but how much can it help unless you get another, or can otk them first turn? They'll just continue next turn right?

I think hurting their card advantage would hurt more. I.e Banish(Maybe return) up to a certain amount of cards from their field, or hand to the deck. And then replace itself with a draw.

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Balanced, but how much can it help unless you get another, or can otk them first turn? They'll just continue next turn right?

I think hurting their card advantage would hurt more. I.e Banish(Maybe return) up to a certain amount of cards from their field, or hand to the deck. And then replace itself with a draw.

There are a lot of ways, here are 3.
1. Monster Reincarnation.
2. Summoning Exodius and then destroying your own Sangan.
3. Using Monster Reborn and then Compulsory Escape Device.


There are a lot more.

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