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Kingdom Hearts: The 13th Requiem [PG-13/Started/Not Accepting]

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Honestly Nex, I think you're starting to become a little TOO informative with Laxc. The whole Heartless dead, then Nobody dead ressurection thing shouldn't be as common knowledge due tot he huge timegap between now and what is supposedly the end of the original KH franchise.


Sufficed to say, Laxc knowing the way Nobodies can come back pretty much screws over Kreix's plan hard since all the nobodies need to do is find their Heartless, have Trevor kill it and then they can die in the knowledge they'll be back.


In all, I think you should tone down the metagaming a bit.

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Actually when you think about it that just means it SHOULD be.


Heartless were like 20 years old by the original time.


After a few centuries they should be pretty well documented a phenomenom by now. It's not like the heartless just stopped existing for awhile. 


And even if they did Lexamus shows that the nobody resurgence is atleast half a century old. This information would hardly be lost to the ages.

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Knowledge can be lost as easily as it can be gained. But unless Cal/Strider was a scholar who devoted his life to stuudying Heartless and Nobody phenomenon, he really shouldn't be carrying this information around, considering you're basically screwing up the entire plot of the Organization by telling it to the biggest blabbermouth in the extended multiverse.

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He WAS a cultist, his extensive study of darkness is pretty documented in his app and frequently mentioned, as is his obsession with bringing things to life. Heartless and nobodies fit both, particurally cause Possesors could percivably bring a puppet to life, making the heartless a possible option.  Nor is Cloe a blabbermouth nor does Laxc have any reason to think this is a secret. Jumpsuit litterally just told him to join cause it was cool.


Information doesn't disappear when it is constantly relevant, has anyone forgotten what gravity is? Has information on animals suddenly disappeared when the animal is still around? No one goes "We used to be able to figure out the muscular frame of this beast but we just forgot." Information rarely disappears when it is constantly needed and since there was no mention of heartless ever having left, we must assume that heartless are a enemy as old as balls.


If anything we should know MORE about heartless and nobodies then we do now.

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But then, what will Kreix do? Expositing this info pretty muchs says 'f**k you' to the entire plot the Organization was running on. Screw TWTNW, what use is a dead Nobody of a world when all they have to do is find their Nobody and have Trevor kill it. Then they just die by throwing the fight and boom, human again with additional powers.


In terms of plot relevance, that's just murdering it entirely.

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We have exactly one nobody who is actually a good guy though and thats omcraxs, the rest probbably will take the infitine power when its offered to them.


I mean would a manipulative schemer with luck powers rather forsake those luck powers by relying on a dweeb with a big key, or take infinite power through a giant heart, kill his foolish boss, and claim absolute dominion over whatever he so pleases to claim?


I'd guess the later.

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Haxz prefers Munny over everything else. Infinite power is cute, but Haxz would rather stay a Nobody, since it comes with sweet luck.


Though, I will add this, Laxc was tailed by a Wraith. Once it can figure out how to mime it, Omcraxs will know what Laxc told Chloe.

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Yeah but Kingdom hearts can help with that. You can be a nobody with infinite munny.


Hell if you have infinite power you can make your own system of currency and just back it up with raw brutality.


Even with the game spoiled Kriex could still manipulate each nobody by playing on their selfishness to just have them all work temporarily to get kingdom hearts, with each planning to betray the other at the earliest convienence in order to acquire the power for themselves.


Kriex simply relying on his massive power and the Phantom to gurantee his own success in this endevor. I will take out his knowledge of nobodies if necessary but it's not as game ending a piece of knowledge as you'd expect.


Especially when the organization is pretty much already headed in that direction. Only Xelo and Nerhyx are truely concerned with the organization's goals.

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Haxz is along for the ride, and there's no fun if you can just make the Munny. He was a con-artist, and he derives pleasure from taking Munny from other people.


But if there is a method to make Nobodies whole without Kingdom Hearts, Haxz would question the effort that would be needed to make it adversely to finding their Heartless, and since he's lucky, he would find them, and have them axed in order to aid his fellow Nobodies.

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