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Blind Eyes: Academy [Season 1 IC][started/accepting/PG-13]


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[color=#000080][u][b]Marta's office, Blind Eyes Academy, 10:00 AM[/b][/u][/color]

Lucas didn't even look at Marta as she entered and sat down in her chair on the other side of the desk. He kept staring through the window, showing no regret, guilt, anger, sadness, boredom, content, or any emotion whatsoever. The headmistress asked Demeter to start the explanation on the reason behind the event. He obviously was feeling out of place in this situation, but started explaining and told the truth about Lucas' provocations and why wouldn't he? He had next to no blame for what happened, but the sense of guilt could be felt in his voice. Demeter was confused about why he answered to the insults. But Lucas was absolutely aware of the reason, he could delve into anyone's psyche easily, it wasn't even because of his aura, he just had that talent, for many years he had wondered if that holds some answers about his own heritage, but never went further in the search. When his roommate stopped talking, he looked directly into Marta's eyes and his expression went from emotionless, to determined, and guilty, but not weak. [color=#000080][b]If Demeter has said what he needed to, can I continue with the explanation?[/b][/color]

The boy nodded at Lucas and he started to explain. [color=#000080][b]To tell the truth, I never meant any harm, I know that won't change anything, but I wanted to say it anyway. I just wanted to find out more about him, I know there are other ways, I know that's wrong, but it's my way. Also I used his emotional trauma to provoke him and in a way, remove, or at the very least weaken emotional weakness, that could compromise him in battle if exploited by his opponent, like I did. And I know we have teachers to teach us such things, but no one said we couldn't help each other with the studies. And I chose for the duel to be unsupervised, so that if he went into a rage, no one would stop him from attacking, except himself or his opponent. Now, as the one most at fault here, I would like to take full responsibility and punishment, and for you to let him off with just a warning, like I said earlier. And not to go off breaking rules again, but if you still punish him, I will take his punishment even behind your back and relieve him of it.[/b][/color]

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[u][b]Basic Pharm. Class, Blind Eyes Academy: 9:52 A.M.[/b][/u]

Liens jaw dropped as she saw the black ribbons released from seemingly nowhere. No wonder her first class was no problem, especially if her aura mastery was at so high a rank that she could do that. Yet, the girl seemed so young and innocent, aside from the assorted gawking and stares she had been receiving, which Lien had to admit she was slightly jealous of. "That's good to hear about your first class." she said politely. Lien also made a mental note to ask Sarah to teach her how to do that trick with her clothing. She couldn't begin to think of how many uses Lien would have with that.

She then smiled at her as she mentioned Ashley. Lien had not actually met anybody at the school aside from Naomi and Sarah just now, and she was eager to make more new friends. "That sounds like it'll be fun. What's she like?" Then her earlier conversation with Jin had struck Lien's memory. "Oh, but Jin has detention after school. He won't be able to meet her till tomorrow I guess."

Even when speaking about him, Lien hadn't spared a second glance at her brother. If she had, she'd have known that aside from dealing with the thought of detention, he was now dealing with being told he was hated by someone who did not even know his name. His mouth moved several times as he tried to find the appropriate words to use in the situation. Of course there really were none, but Jin felt he had to make some retort. He didn't know why, or what to say, or even why he was still talking to this girl, but he couldn't let a comment like that get away. Finally he decided he'd take the high road and ignore that part for now.

"Soooo, do you know where you are at the moment?" Jin asked. He guessed from her prior response that she didn't have a clue where she was, or how she got there. He wasn't even sure what her name was. He supposed he should have asked much earlier, but the thought didn't occur to him when it was needed. It was somewhat eerie how her expression and voice never changed and never showed emotion. Eerie, but interesting.

Then her comment about the Mist hit him. What did she mean he was hurting it? How could one hurt Mist? Was it not just vapor? And yet this girl referred to it as if it were alive. Of course it couldn't be alive, that was just impossible. But then, so were half-demons. Maybe he was hurting the Mist.

As he thought this, his left eye pulsed again, reminding him that he now had a better field of vision than he'd previously had. He observed each of the people around him, watching closely to how the Mist was affecting them. In particular, a girl sitting nearby Jin and this mysterious newcomer. Each of the people he saw showed small traces of sickness. Normally a person would just see pale skin, or a queasy look, but Jin saw more. Reddening throats, when the people opened their mouth's to speak. Small rashes forming on some of the students closer to the Mist, merely slightly, but still showing. Extended exposure may lead to severe sickness for some people. Even Lien was beginning to show these signs. This was too much.

"My names Jin Akatsuki." he started "And go ahead and hate me all you want, but I'm pretty sure your Mist is doing more damage to everyone else than I'm doing to it." Jin was careful not to sound too angry as he spoke, but was certainly not pleased. "What is this stuff anyways? Some kinda poison gas?"

[b][u]Marta's Office, Blind Eyes Academy: 10:04 A.M.[/u][/b]

Marta thought carefully after hearing what the two boys had to say. This WAS Demeter's first unsupervised fight, and Lucas did offer to take the punishment for him, but the two boys still had to share the only free dorm left for fifth years. It was true that a punishment was in order, but that would merely serve for a temporary solution. She stood, and walked around the desk thinking. [i]It's not a punishment they need. They simply need to get along better. [/i]She looked at Lucas, leaning against the walls, always trying to be a rebel. It was more than that though. He was downright against order. He seemingly delighted in tormenting people similarly to how he tormented Demeter. Marta doubted it would help, be she decided to start with a lecture.

"Emotional softness is NOT weakness Lucas. It's part of what makes us who we are. Yes, it can compromise us in battle, but it can also give us strength and makes us human." She turned to face Lucas and continued. "The main thing that keeps half-demons half-human too is our emotional conflicts. Demons have discarded them, and because of this they have no concern for allied deaths, and cannot gain the strength one gains when they feel the need to protect someone other than themselves."

Now she turned to Demeter. "Having said this though, you must never allow your emotional weakness to control you. It weakens your swing, and dulls your blade. You can't win a battle with a blunt blade, and you may, as has happened here, lose your grasp on who your allies and your enemies are, and lose sight of your true goal."

That's when it hit her. The perfect punishment wasn't something so foolish as detention or anything academic like that. They needed to learn that they were allies, and there was no better way of doing this than sending them both on the same assignment together. She thought for a moment, then spoke.
"As punishment, you shall both be required to complete an A-rank mission together. Demeter, you will be in charge of this assignment, which will be determined within the next three days. In the meantime, you will find three other allies to bring with you, and I do not want anymore of this fighting, understand?"

She took her seat in her desk once again, then added "Oh, and this ends in failure, you will both be expelled. Good luck."

[b][u]Gekutado Plaza, Academy City: 10:42 A.M.[/u][/b]

It had been rather easy to traverse Academy City without detection, partly because Masune had helped design and build it, and partly because he was skilled enough and smart enough to avoid any who might give him trouble. Their wasn't much special to the city, apart from the abundance of half-demons, and the Demon Slayer oriented shops and attractions, but nothing other than that. Any passerby would think it's simply a tourist town, or something along those lines. Either way, most Demon Slayers didn't even attempt to hide themselves here, which made detection even more difficult.

He was however, aware that a dragon had been following him for a short time from the sky, but he judged that she'd had no intention of fighting, and even if she did, her fighting capabilities were mainly for supporting her allies. She had a large amount of aura, and potential to gain even more, but she shouldn't be a problem if she proved hostile.

He was passing by the arcade, when a large rallying call made him stop and check for a better look. Masune knew this was a bad idea, since there was bound to be budding Demon Slayers who knew of him, and even some who wanted to be like him, but he'd been a great gamer in his old days, and knew that cry well. He kept his aura down, and steered clear of the larger groups, as well as sticking close to the entrance and keeping a sharp eye for anyone who stared for longer than a few seconds using his own Chaos Sight, ready to vanish if necessary. Even so, he kept his aura use near to nothing, but was now detectable by nearby well trained Demon Slayers.

The source of the commotion was a team from the Academy, lead by an energetic boy that Masune remembered. In fact, he'd been the one to bring Theseus to the academy, along with an ally by the name of Fuiko. [i]Nice to see Theseus is enjoying himself here.[/i]

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[b]10:07 am, Blind Eyes Academy, Marta's Office[/b]

Emotional softness. Demeter didn't really like the sound of that. It's obviously how everyone viewed him. A sensitive young man who kept to himself because he was sensitive to the thoughts and words of another. It was the way he acted, the way he held himself, but not who he was. His true persona wanted out, to mingle, to envelope and absorb, but he couldn't let himself take advantage of others in such a way. Maybe he was soft.

Miss Marta's lecture concluded with the assignment of a Rank A mission, with Demeter and Lucas as allies, Demeter being the leader. They were also tasked with recruiting three others for this mission. Demeter never opened his mouth in protest, seeing as there was no use for it. What Miss Marta says goes. Even when she said that if the mission was failure, the students would be expelled from Blind Eyes.

Demeter looked at Lucas.[color=#660033][i] What fun..[/i][/color]

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[color=#000080][u][b][u]Marta's Office, Blind Eyes Academy: 10:04 A.M.[/u][/b][/u][/color]

[i][color=#000080][b]She's good, but I'm clever.[/b][/color][/i] Lucas thought after hearing the punishment. [color=#000080][b]Well s***, I guess I can't take your punishment from you, I guess in these conditions, there's no way.[/b][/color] He was lying through his teeth as he sighed in "disappointment". [color=#000080][b]Since you're in charge, you can recruit the extras - a leader must know his followers. [/b][/color]Lucas stood up straight gave a bow to Marta and exited through the door.

Arriving at the dorms he entered their dorm room and saw his bed was missing and in that moment realized [color=#000080][i][b]That bi...!![/b][/i][/color]

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[b]Top of a hill, few hours out from Academy City - 11:30 A.M.[/b]

Jack stretched his arms out as he looked across the open field below the hill. In the far distance he could barely make out the shapes of the tallest buildings in Academy City. "Good, I'm only a few more hours away before I get there." He sighed as he crunched up the empty can of soda. "Damn you Avichi. You just only had to have one can, didn't you?" He asked out loud to no one. "Now I gotta stock up the moment I enter the city and find the boy. Great." Jack through his arms up in defeat and continued on down the hill.

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[u][u][u][b][color=#4b0082][size=4][font=georgia,serif]Basic Pharmaceuticals I, Blind Eyes Academy: 9:54 AM[/font][/size][/color][/b][/u][/u][/u]

Sarah simply giggled after Lien talked about Sarah's first class and said with a somewhat sorrowful tone [color=#daa520]"Well, I did have to face a little boredom, Demonology and all" [/color]but then smiled when Lien asked about Ashley and said [color=#daa520]"She can be quite a good friend as long as you don't upset her, although she can sometimes get annoying when she greets you as a friend..." [/color]She noticed that Lien noticed the men that were gawking at her, but most had went back to paying attention to class, which she smiled, She did not need that sort of attention on her at this moment. Sarah sighed and said when Lien told her that Jin had detention [color=#daa520]"Well, Ashley can wait till tomorrow morning to meet him... who does Jin have detention with?" [/color]

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[b]10:30 am, Blind Eyes Academy, Guarding Arts 4 Classroom[/b]

Oddly, Demeter wasn't much of a shield, which is what Guardian Arts always seemed to call for. It was a class recommended for knight classed students that instructed how to better fight while protecting others. He's more of an offensive knight, never adept at the more protective and supportive aethers. The best defense is a good offense, right? Seemed so. Demeter always performed as one of the top students of his class. He allowed his mind to wander. [color=#660033][i]This is where being a socialite would actually be a good thing. Erghh.. It wouldn't hurt to ask that girl, Ayame, I guess. I think I'm just gonna have to wait around the gate the next couple days and.. just ask people if they'd help. Ugh.. Hopefully the ally training from this class'll actually amount to something.. Lucas. I'm stuck with him.[/i][/color]

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[b]Jan 19, 9:53 am - Blind Eyes / Basic Pharmaceuticals Classroom [/b]

"Akatsuki," Ame said, rolling the word around in her head. She felt tiny pricks, perhaps a recollection of some sort, but she shrugged it off regardless. Whatever the cause, she knew she had found what she was looking for- the Mist Wound, Akatsuki Jin.

For now, she would try and keep that memory.

He was still talking to her. Was that common, she supposed? She wasn't quite used to this. Conversation required so many things to keep track of -thoughts, statements, ideas- that it was difficult to reflect upon them individually before she could respond. She didn't know why, but she had the oddest inkling that he might get annoyed if she waited too long- humans were characteristically impatient, that was something she could remember.

"What is... poison gas?" she asked, puzzled. Perhaps she was unused to conversation, but that sentence seemed to make even less sense than usual. "The Mist is the Mist," she repeated. "It soothes the world by hiding the scars, the things that should not be here. Like you," she said in the same tone as before. The mist had always protected the world, allowing it to dream in blissful ignorance. To compare it to a toxin was inconceivable; she literally saw no connection between the two items, however foggy her idea of what 'poison gas' was be damned.

She noted his expression, and the way he looked at the other people in the classroom. Possibly concern? That was a strange emotion. Why would one be concerned about half-demons, distorters of the veil?

"Like them, too," she clarified, waving a hand to everyone around her. "But they belong to the world more, so they need less Mist to veil them. You, however can see past the veil, and by doing so you dismantle it. The Mist dies, and the world is left unshorn."

A wave of sadness beat through her, sudden but quick. She had little idea why, but the idea of the veil being torn asunder filled her with a great sense of loss and regret. She suppressed those memories quickly; whatever they contained, it was naught but pain and anguish, better left lost and forgotten.

"Do you hate me, Akatsuki Jin?" she asked, though she was confused why almost immediately later. What would be the point in learning the truth of the matter, if he so chose to tell it?

Maybe she wanted to understand it: Hatred. The emotion that bubbled when a mist-ripper appeared, a pervert to the nature of the Earth itself. Akatsuki Jin was its name. His.

It occurred to her that she had learned much more in the past minute than in any of her faded memories elsewhere.

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[b] Blind Eye Academy Basic Pharmacuticals Classroom 9:56 [/b]
Mayu became a little irtated as the people she had said hi to seemed to ignore her. She turned around back to face the front of the room to let them continue their conversation. She thought to herself about how she was going to find the indvual who had saved her. She did not notice that her thoughts where being transfered to some of thre students around her.
[b] Advance Combat III Clasroom 9:57[/b]
Soren was accually relaxing now that hois first period was done he acually had a issue though he might go crazy just sitting doing nothing. He soon came to the conclustion that he was going to teach himself a technique. He wanted to learn some thing to increase his speed. He found out from the teacher that there was a telepoting technique that works by moveing the user in a straight line where the user is looking. He figured it be worth attempting to learn but for that he would have to let his aura to flow naturally so he reased it and begain to train.

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[u][b]January 19[/b][/u]
[u][b]Basic Pharm. Class, Blind Eyes Academy: 10:00 A.M.[/b][/u]

Now Jin was completely dumbstruck by this girl who seemed to just materialize from the Mist. Nothing she was saying was coherent to Jin, and everything was spoken in some weird song-like pattern. That aside, she seemed to like making it clear how much she hated him. The Mist was supposed to hide him, and half-demons? He wasn't sure, and was never one for snap assumptions, but the things she'd been saying made her sound like she was an enemy. [i]Slow down Jin. [/i]he though after coming up with the idea that she could be an enemy. [i]She might be weird, but saying she's an enemy is a bit much, isn't it?[/i]

He massaged his temples, thinking of how to counter her assessment that he was killing the Mist, since saying it was merely gas would not suffice with this girl. Still, the Mists effects on the other students was being very clearly shown. How could she not see it? Maybe it wasn't that she couldn't see it, but rather she didn't want to see it. That's when she asked if he hated her too.

This was just plain strange to ask, but then so was this girl who'd moments ago declared her hate for a man she'd only just met and accused him of killing an obviously toxic gas. Then, a wave of understanding washed over him, as everything she'd said began to piece itself together. If the Mist was always there, why was it only now affecting the students within the class? Because she'd called more of it. She herself told him this earlier. It wasn't the Mist itself that was a poison, it was the amount. Jin now only wondered why he wasn't being effected. He knew it had something to do with his Chaos Sight, but not what caused him to become immune. [i]Wait, Chaos Sight? Where did that come from? [/i]The name just seemed to appear, along with his sudden new mastery of his ability. A strange technique, but useful.

He rolled his eyes, as the girl asked if he hated her, then spoke. "First, it's just Jin-kun, or whatever honorific you want to use, I'm not picky. Second, look around to the other students. They're all getting sick here. I know you said the Mist isn't a bad thing, but there's too much for them. They're seriously getting sick." He said pointing out Mayu and the others who'd showed other symptoms. "Second, no I don't hate you. we just met. How you can hate me after having just met me is ridiculous too. Can't say you're my favorite person here, but I don't hate you, just think you're... strange."

Meanwhile, Lien had been trying to remember the name of the teacher who'd given Jin detention. "I think he said it was Tekoi, or Takei... Tenkai! That's who it was." A few students pulled their desks away from Lien as she said Tenkai's name. She'd no cluewhy, since she'd yet to hace Tenkai's class, but the more she'd heard about him, the less she wanted to hear. Maybe she should be worrying for Jin's life...

She decided it'd be best to focus on the other stuff Sarah had said in their conversation. "Demonology sounds interesting though. I was looking forward to it too." This wasn't gonna work, Demonology was gonna put Sarah to sleep faster than math put Jin to sleep. "Soooo, what's Ashley like?" Too late though, the teacher had chosen that time to silence the conversations and hand out an assignment.

[b][u]Gekutado Plaza, Academy City: 4:22 P.M.[/u][/b]

Jin's classes had finally finished, and much to his surprise, he'd enjoyed most of them, accepting that of the first two, as he'd been given a death sentence in the first class and was hated on in his second. The others were all nice though, Jin might even go as far as to say fun. The topics were all interesting, and carried a good deal of information for the profession of demon slaying, but he supposed it'd be a pretty bad trade school if the classes weren't loaded with information on the trade. He'd even had as second class with Lien too, which was good, because she seemed to be far better at aura control than he was.

His detention with Tenkai wasn't till 8 o'clock as he'd been informed earlier, and he'd promised to meet up with Lien for dinner somewhere in the city, so he decided to spend his time exploring Academy City. He had just arrived at Gekutado Plaza, when his phone's signaling had gone off. Earlier that day, Marta had come back to give Jin and Lien yet another apparent essential she'd forgotten,this being their specialized cell phones. Specialized was an understatement though. Hell, what Jin held in his hands now could barely be categorized as a cell phone. It'd been installed with a custom GPS system that stored information about area's he's previously been too in them, and added any data it found into it's storage system the moment Jin stepped foot in that area.

This time, the phone had stored Gekutado Plaza. Now came Jin's favorite part. A small 3D hologram map of the area displayed itself from asmall emitter within the phone, which came with a brief history of the area, which is how Jin found out that the plaza was named after a famous Demon Slayer who'd declared himself the mortal enemy of Baphomet, another of the Demon Kings, and that he'd died in his combat against him and 1000 of his servants. The statue in the center of the plaza was a statue of him, made out of marble, and was placed there to remind Demon Slayers of the dedication that it takes to become a Demon Slayer, as well as remind them that it's an utterly stupid idea to challenge the King of Domination and 1000 of his servants to a one-on-one combat match at the same hour of the same day.

Jin laughed at the last bit, but admired the statue all the same. He didn't need the phone to tell him that the plaza was going to be a central hub of teen activity either, since simply standing there he noticed that the plaza was full of students just like him. To his delight, none of the students had problems revealing their individual powers either. He'd been told that he should only use his powers in the presence of non-Demon Slayers in emergency situations, but everyone who lived here was a Demon Slayer, and the tourists simply thought it was all part of the experience. Jin smiled. This was a good place. A place whee he didn't need to hide who he was, and didn't need to be afraid to let loose here.

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Gekutado Plaza - 4:23 P.M.

Jack tossed the empty can into the nearest trash can and cracked open another Dr. Pepper. "Where are you at boy? I don't have all day. Not when everyone here would just love to take a shot at me." He leaned against the statue of the famous Demon Slayer and sipped from his soda. After another sigh, Jack looked around the side of the statue hoping to see something. To his astonishment, the one he was looking for was right there admiring the very statue he was leaning against. "Hey boy!" he hollered at as he moved away from his spot.

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[u][u][u][u][b][color=#4b0082][size=4][font=georgia,serif]Basic Pharmaceuticals I, Blind Eyes Academy: 10:02 AM[/font][/size][/color][/b][/u][/u][/u][/u]

Sarah heard the name Tenkai from Lien, while a bunch of students repulsed the name, Sarah simply grinned a wicked grin on her face and said [color=#daa520]"I have 2 classes with him and I am looking forward to both of them" [/color]it was then that the students and likely Lien would appear with dumbstruck faces, she had completely ignored the conversation about Demonology as that was rather a breeze for her, but then she was about to answer the question about Ashley, but she was silenced by the teacher and was given the assignment for the day, which she completed several minutes later rather easily

[u][u][u][u][b][color=#4b0082][size=4][font=georgia,serif]Aura Control I, Blind Eyes Academy: 11:56 AM[/font][/size][/color][/b][/u][/u][/u][/u]

Sarah walked into her Aura Control I class with anticipation, and with that, She sat in her seat with anticipation as she waited for class to start, 3rd Period was a blast, She had sat with Lien again and talked to her more about her 2 friends, Ashley in specific. She closed her eyes and wondered about when the tra- I mean teacher, was going to come to class

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[color=#006400][b][u]Tenkai's Office, Blind Eyes Academy 7:00 pm [/u][/b][/color]

Where did the time go? It must be true what they say. Time flies when you are having fun and Tenkai has been having a glorious time this day. His first class with the younglings went splendid outside of that one anomaly that he will be dealing later. His second class had only 3 survivors which is a great benchmark to set for your self in the new year. His class with the more advanced students was even more splendid. They savagely mutilated each other till there was only one of them left standing. Like the way the class was supposed to go. It was such a good payoff for all of that work he put into making that lesson work. His last couple classes of the day were cancelled, something about students dropping out or the administration was get tired of sending so many students to the hospitals because of his class. Tenkai only laughed at the notion. He was preparing these kids for life. Freeing them from the restrictive cocoons of their own perceptions. Tenkai felt he should be nominated for Sainthood for all of this charity. It didn't matter thought. One must do this for the children and not for the glory.

With know classes in the afternoon this gave Tenkai plenty of time to make a lot phone calls which took up a surprisingly large portion of his day. He was preparing for something big. Tenkai always does massive scale things like this at least three times a year. If it was anything normal and not homicidal and insane one would say he could qualify as decent teacher. But that is not the case. Last year he paid for an entire class of Advanced Combat 3 to go see a decent reenactment of the Siege of Oda Tower. But that was trap once they were above the clouds Tenkai destroyed the plane and everyone had to use their aura to survive probable impact. Not many people walked away from that one unscathed. Luckily there just happened to be a decent amount of flyers in that class.

But enough of the past all the preparations were made. He turned on his message chair and decided to take a little nap and wait for this Jin person.

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[u][u][u][u][u][b][color=#4b0082][size=4][font=georgia,serif]Aura Control I, Blind Eyes Academy: 12:08 AM[/font][/size][/color][/b][/u][/u][/u][/u][/u]

Sarah then opened her eyes to see a teacher looking down on her, Dreams of her putting rumors around Tenkai to rest faded when she woke up, The teacher did not fit what she imagined he would look like or she in this case, Sarah then asked [color=#daa520]"Is this Tenkai's Classroom?" [/color]The Teacher then told her "No, This isn't Tenkai's Classroom, but we both often get our names confused" Sarah then blushed and looked at her own schedule, and the teacher had in fact, read 'Tenkei' rather than 'Tenkai', she became clouded by her own anger causing a spear of aura to extend and gouge a wall, leaving a small crater, which in turn shocked both the teacher and all of the students, then she sighed and started to meditate and solidly thought on an idea, She could always fluctuate her aura and turn into Jin and take his detention just for the purposes of classing up with Tenkai once, but she did not want to get her new friend's brother in trouble... so she simply decided to visit him after school, but then she cleared her thoughts as she noticed the crater on the wall and said [color=#daa520]"I'm very sorry Miss Tenkei, I really need to get my temper in check and my eyes likely need to be checked" [/color]which apparently, Tenkei wasn't too phased about it, but she giggled and said "It's alright, I'd like it if you fixed the wall though"... and then the class continued while Sarah fixed the crater in the wall. A few of the Aura Control I students were scared of Sarah, while others began aspiring to be like her, or even asking her to tutor them, without a lot of results, she never had to teach in her long lifetime, but she could use some practice for training Aeklyn...

[u][u][u][u][u][b][color=#4b0082][size=4][font=georgia,serif]Near Tenkai's office, Blind Eyes Academy: 7:00 PM[/font][/size][/color][/b][/u][/u][/u][/u][/u]

As Sarah went toward Tenkai's office, She recollected her experiences in class, the rest of her classes were rather boring and uneventful, outside of Elementism, which she also had Wise in, even though that was a breeze, no pun intended, Aeklyn must've told him about her attention spans when trying to learn something she's already learned, which Sarah apologized for. Sarah's free period was hilarious, she watched Aeklyn's tutoring class and smiled, finding some kids that have been practicing the Alice's art of Enhancing in the small classroom, but several students did it a different way, rather than taking in their aura in an orb,and infusing them into their weapons, like normal, some of the Students made rough block and used it to sharpen their weapons, making them much sharper and also letting the sword absorb the aura, enhancing it that way, although that took more aura to do, it was a more effective enhancer and easier to do, creating 3 layers of aura in a weapon rather the standard 1 layer and one poor guy's aura sphere blew up in his face trying to make a hallow sphere to conserve aura, although that did not severely harm the poor boy in any way...

Returning to reality, She waited just outside Tenkai's office for Aeklyn to arrive...

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[b]4:37 pm, Blind Eyes Academy, Main Building Front[/b]

The day progressed quickly. Thankfully, Demeter thought to himself. Melee weapon mastery was a synch, aura control not so much, but he did well. What Demeter really wanted to excel in was marksmanship, but his academic prowess shouldn't be on his mind now. He needed to find other members for his mission. He planted himself against the nearest light post from the school house's entrance.

[color=#660033][i]I haven't the faintest idea of who else to ask.. [/i][/color]Standing against the post, Demeter eyed the drizzling crowd that exited the main school building. The majority of them seemed eager to vacate the premises and the rest of Academy City. None who passed even grasped his intrigue. He hoped Ayame would show up somehow, that way he'd already ask at least [i]one [/i]other person to join him and Lucas on their assignment.

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[u][b]Jan 19, 4:37pm - Academy City / Marta's Office[/b][/u]

"Levione Marta," Ame toyed with in her mouth. Names still felt weird. Perhaps they always would.

The Mist curled itself around her, wary but for the moment, restrained. It was disappointed, yet quelled for the moment. Following conversation with the Mist-Reaver, she had elected to restrict the amount of fog that accompanied her- not to stem the tide, perhaps, but to protect it against an enemy who did not know the danger he posed.

For that is what she decided- Akatsuki Jin was an enemy due to ignorance rather than spite. She had little concept of hatred still, but she'd been told she wasn't hated- that confused her, enough so that she had been caught up in contemplation of the answer for hours still.

Her conclusion could be simple- if the Mist-Reaver did not kill the fog due to malice, it must merely be due to ignorance. Though the unburdened mind was more perfect, Ame could hardly blame the boy for his actions if he did not understand them. Thus, there was a single path of recourse- to teach him the fundamental truth of the living Mist.

There was still a problem. Ame recognized her separation from other such beings- her cloaked existence sheltered her from the pain of the world, but made it impossible to convey her information. She would have to sacrifice her purity to some extent... but if it would save the veil, it was a necessary sacrifice. To educate the defilers, she would have to live among them.

"I desire enrolment in your place of education," she said. She had practised the words internally hours earlier.

[u][b]Jan 19, 6:21pm - Academy City / Elsewhere [/b][/u]

Takehaya Wise sighed a little as he walked around the confines of his city. A light drizzle descended from the heavens brushing against his skin. Part of him felt... melancholy.

Grey clouds swirled in the skies, tepid and apprehensive as the off-duty teacher as he mingled among the people. Human beings, most of them- entirely harmless in any way, even given their infamous stupidity. He protected them, he thought. That had been his job for as long as he could remember. It wasn't a job he'd asked for, or perhaps one he even desired, but it was the job that he had and he'd long made peace with that fact.

So why did he feel so... restless?

The fog was starting to rise. Come night, the entire city might be covered in a thick bank; an omen, possibly. Wise' mouth made a thin line. He... disliked omens.

The area was starting to stink of demons. Not just the ones who were allowed in the territory -as poor a decision as Wise thought that may have been- but others, perhaps slinking at the edges. There were meetings happening here, important meetings. Whether for good or ill he couldn't say, but they'd shake the world in some way. The world rarely shook for anything less than war.

Thunder rumbled in the distance, as did Takehaya's suspicions.

[u][b]Jan 20, 12:00am - Blind Eyes / Boy's Dorms [/b][/u][b][u]Entrance[/u][/b]

Theseus brushed his damp hair from his face. The weather wasn't wet, but it was humid- not quite hot, but clammy and uncomfortable. The thick layer of fog trailed along the ground, writhing like serpents burrowing into the earth- ghostly things that haunted the edge of human vision.

Theseus was never afraid. But it was both his curse and blessing to be hunted -forever- by the dark and evil things that lurked in the shadows. It paid for one to be wary at all times; even the most innocuous fruit could hold the deepest rot. He'd fought enough demons now that he wasn't afraid of them- but he was conscious. Especially at night.

The boy's dorm looked unfamiliar in the dark, all jagged edges and shadows of brickwork. He frowned a little; the complex had been his home for as long as he could remember, now. Only the vague shadows of what might have been his parents -and an even more enigmatic shadow of who had been his rescuers- remained as hints, tell-tales that maybe Blind Eyes hadn't always been his world. Maybe he had existed somewhere else before. Maybe there was another place in the world for him.

Not for the first time, he wondered what happened to Masune and Fuiko.

"Probably doing something more important than I am," he muttered, leaning against the wall of the dorm. Almost immediately, his cell-phone buzzed, and he flicked it open when he saw the name inside.


He shook his head. "The hell do you want now, Knight?" he muttered to himself. "Doesn't want to talk to me for a year, then tells me to wait for him here at midnight. Figures the bastard' send a text."

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2:40 pm, Demon Anatamy 2
After a rather extended break in classes, due to 3rd being spare from her timetable mixup, fourth being the indefinitely postponed Advanced Combat 4, and then lunch happening, Ayame was bored inside the demon anatamy class. The class was studying the uses of parts of a demons stomache now, which in itself wasn't a great thing to happen after lunch, but with no real relevance to the actual fighting of the demon, Ayame saw no reason why she would need to know this stuff. With that all happening, she was just watching out the window and waiting for the time to pass so she could get to her Elementalism 2.

4:02 pm, Elementalism 2
Now this was more interesting class, in the lesson they initially focussed just on revising what they had learnt in the previous class, before going on to look at the types of elemental auras present in the room. To do that, they all were told to do a simple excersize learnt from Elementalism 1, using their aura to create a small sphere of energy, which would automatically show what sort of element was present in that energy. Then, they had to leave their sphere hovering over their desk, and try to identify the other elemental energies in the class. Some were easy, while others were quite hard to identify. One of the harder was a sort of sphere whirling around and making a high pitched humming noise, which most guessed to be a pure air aura, though it actually turned out to be a sound aura, which Ayame guessed correctly thanks to her experience with Naomi's magic. Another was a wierd sort of green ball that had most of the class, Ayame included this time, stumped as to what it was. That one happened to be an unusual hybrid aura of water and earth, creating a sort of life giving aura which manifested in a ball of vines.

4:43 pm, Main Building Front
Her classes over for the day, Ayame was walking to the front gate, looking around and unsuccessfully trying to find Naomi somewhere amongst the students leaving, when she saw a different familiar face through the crowd. Walking over, she waved across to Demeter as she got closer, before starting to speak when she got close enough, [color=#FFD700]"Hey Demeter, what's got you looking around here at this time of day?"[/color] Smiling as she did so, Ayame walked across to stand next to him, still scanning the crowd for Naomi as she did.

4:35 pm, between the Naomi's Apartment and the Front Gate of Blind Eyes Academy
Naomi was walking quickly to try and reach the gates in time to meet Ayame, having lost track of the time while following the unusual person she had seen, and having lost him and not managing to pick up his trail anyway. As she walked up to the gates, she got blindsided by a couple of her fans in some of the first grade students, all of them really amazed to see their idol walking around so close to their school. By the time she managed to get her way out of their huddling embraces, she looked at her phone to see it was already 4:43 pm, and tried to hurry to get to the gates before she could miss Ayame leaving the school.

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[b]4:44 pm, Blind Eyes Academy, Main Building Front[/b]

A voice had called Demeter's name. He turned to face where the voice had come from, and from the midst of the unfamiliar faces he saw Ayame approaching him. She had just finished waving at him and walked to stand next to him, eying the crowd as well.

[color=#660033]"Doing the same as you.. Looking for people. Actually,"[/color] Demeter began, biting his lip. [color=#660033]"You're someone I was looking for. I wanted to ask you something."[/color]

Demeter was glad Ayame had showed up before Lucas. His presence would've made Demeter.. nervous about asking random people to their assignment. He felt like Ayame would agree to an escape from the day-to-day school bore, and depending on whom she was looking for, maybe he'd get a second to join.

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4:45 pm, Main Building Front
Ayame tilted her head and turned to look at him, somewhat confused by this new revelation. [color=#FFD700]"Looking for me? Why would you be looking for me? I'm just here to look for my own friend and because I thought I'd say hello to a familiar face since I haven't seen her yet."[/color] Ayame smiled, still looking at his face, trying to read what his expressions were saying. He seemed nervous about something, the biting of the lip, a fairly typical nervous habit, gave that away, and his words seemed somewhat hesitant, almost as if he was unsure about something. [color=#FFD700]"If you wanted to ask me something, go ahead and ask."[/color]

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[color=#000080][b][u]Main Building front, Blind Eyes Academy, 4:46 PM[/u][/b][/color]

Walking by the Main building, among the crowd Lucas spotted his roommate and a girl, that obviously made him nervous. He ran up to them and without even looking directly at the girl, grabbed Demeter and asked him as a practical joke [color=#000080][b]Did you ask that girl out?[/b][/color] then looked at the girl [color=#000080][b]Wait is that her?[/b][/color] both questions were in no way in a lower register, the the girl could clearly hear what Lucas was saying. [color=#000080][b]Well, good luck man! [/b][/color]he smiled at her and walked away without saying anything more, making the conversation even more awkward than it was before, but at the same time helped Demeter talk more easily to her, since he was now mad at Lucas.

Lucas went into the nearest supermarket bought some liquor and went back to the dorm room and lit a cigarette, leaning forward out the window.

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[b]4:47 pm, Blind Eyes Academy, Main Building Front[/b]

[color=#660033]"I wanted to ask you if-" [/color]Before Demeter could finish, Lucas made a show of himself as he stirred up the scene. He made a wild acquisition and played it off very well, insinuating that Demeter was about to ask Ayame out. Demeter glared at Lucas for causing trouble yet again and could only wonder what Ayame felt about it all.

[color=#660033]"No, Lucas! Leave!"[/color] Demeter didn't understand why Lucas needed to meddle. He said he'd let Demeter handle recruiting others, yet here he was making it more difficult. After Lucas left, triumphantly smiling as his goal was obviously achieved, Demeter returned to Ayame, catching a glimpse of her face before looking away at nothing. [color=#660033]"I have no idea what he's talking about, Ayame. I wasn't going to.. ask you out. Not that I.."[/color] Demeter thought of how stupid he'd sound if he went on a strange, hypothetical ramble about whether or not he would ask someone like Ayame out, and instead collected himself. [color=#660033]"I was going to ask.. if you'd join me on an assignment."[/color]

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4:48 pm, Blind Eyes Academy, Main Building Front

Ayame watched this exchange between the two guys, and laughed a bit as Lucas said about Demeter asking her out. [color=#FFD700]"Don't worry Dem, I know that guy well enough from a few of my classes not to take most of what he says seriously. He always seems to try and mess with people when he can."[/color] Then Demeter managed to actually ask her what he had wanted to, a request to join him on an assignment. [color=#FFD700]"Well, an assignment sounds interesting enough, and it will probably be a good way to pass some of the time."[/color] At that point, Naomi managed to find her way through the crowd and actually managed to reach Ayame, before looking questinably towards the guy she was talking to. [color=#FFD700]"Oh yea, Naomi, this is Demeter."[/color] Ayame said as she gestured to the guy standing next to him. [color=#FFD700]"He's one of the guys in my grade, though not one I've had much interactions with until today."[/color] Naomi nodded her head slightly to say hello. Ayame then turned and gestured to Naomi as she introduced the next part. [color=#FFD700]"Demeter, this is Naomi. She's my best friend, and the person I was looking for just now."[/color] Turning to her friend, Ayame asked her a question, [color=#FFD700]"Why are you late anyway, it's not like you?" [/color][color=#808080]"I was distracted and left the apartment later than usual, and then I was beset by a bunch of fangirls outside the gates."[/color]

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4:50 pm, Blind Eyes Academy, Main Building Front


With an audible sigh, Demeter felt sheer relief when Ayame had stated she's know Lucas well enough to recognize when he's up to one of his schemes. Before Demeter could confirm Ayame's answer, another individual joined their conversation. Ayame introduced her as Naomi, the person she had been looking for. She was an.. odd looking girl, in Demeter's opinion, but he instantly recognized her to be the dragon that roamed around the premises.


"..H.i" Demeter made a small wave to the small girl after being introduced by Ayame. He didn't want to interrupt the girls as they spoke to each other and be thought of as rude, but he needed to ascertain Ayame's participation. After Naomi answered Ayame's question of her tardiness, he spoke up. "So.. Ayame, can I count on you to join me? Lucas is going with.. Thought you should know before you say anything. You can bring your friend. I'm okay with her, but you can ask Miss Marta for her approval if you think you need it."

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Jan. 19th

Gekutado Plaza, Academy City: 4:24 P.M.


Jin hadn't noticed the man earlier because of the statue and his small history lesson, but even he wasn't so oblivious that he'd miss a man yelling 'Hey boy!' in his exact direction. He turned to face him, wondering if he'd done something wrong, but soon noticed something different about the man. Something was familiar, but there was something off... He knew that they'd necer met before, so why did  he feel such a familiarity to him?


"Would that be me you're speaking to sir?" Jin asked approaching the man cautiously for a better look. As he did, he began to wonder why, and think of how stupid he was being. Why was this? Why was every nerve in his body screaming at him to run in the opposite direction? Rather than run, he froze and noticed the swords that the man carried. Who IS he? Fear was beginning to fill Jin's heart. He also began to feel a strange pressure, but not from any tangible area. The feeling was strange to say the least. Butthis too was not unfamiliar. He'd experienced it recently. Very recently in fact, but where was it from?


Then Jin realixed what this was. The pressure he was feeling was aura pressure. He'd learned that just today. But  this wasn't like the aura he'd felt in class. This was sinister, evil, malicious. This was a demons aura.


He leaped back, realizing what was going to occur, and wondering why there was a demon here in a place like Academy City, that was literally filled with Demon Slayers. He must be after me. Did Lucifer send him? That seemed the most likely, but at  the same time, it didn't seem to fit. Well, who had sent him wasn't important at the moment, what mattered was getting rid of him. He didn't think he'd need to fight, since he didn't think the demon would attack in a crowded street, but he still wanted a little backup, for security reasons at least. Maybe he could keep him talking until another ally noticed him. Since he still had no idea to retrieve that weapon he used to attack Lucifer and destroy the Hell Gate back in Osaka, that seemed like his best chance. "You're a demon, aren't you. How did you get here and what do you want?"


Marta's Office, Blind Eyes Academy: 4:40 P.M.


Mist brushed at Marta's nose. The high quantity of it always bugged her, similarly to how an allergen affects a person in the spring. Why this was, Marta was unsure. In fact, she may never be sure. The Mist affected everyone differently. She'd sensed Ame enter her room, but even so she did not look away from her paper. She had finally gotten around to writing one of her several overdue reports for the Guild, and she knew that if she stopped, she'd never get around to continuing.


When Ame asked about enrollment, Marta still didn't look up at her, staying diligently focused on her report. She instead used her free hand to point to one the chairs in front of her desk, indicating that the girl should sit. After she was made clear, she used her free hand to aim push an enrollment slip towards Ame, pointing at that indicating that she fill it out.


It didn't bther Marta that her Vocal Telekinesis had no effect on Ame's voice  since she was fairly certain that the cloud of Mist around her would block anything but Masune's, and as she'd sensed earlier, Jin's Chaos Sight. When she'd finished her report, she looked up to observe the small frail looking girl. Her looks were certainly deceiving, for though small and thin, this girl packed a large amount of aura with her. "I was wondering when you'd apply for enrollment." she said with a small smile. "Hope you didn't think I wouldn't sense someone like you the minute they appeared in my school."


Jan. 20th

Boy's Dorms Entrance, Blind Eyes Academy: 12:05 A.M.


The darkness was thick tonight. Thicker than it had been in a long long time. Whether this was because yet another series of calamities was about in which the resolve and fortitude of the future guardians of humanity would be pushed beyond their limits, Masune had not known. In any case, darkness was no problem for him. After all, it had belonged to him for so long, and still did. Whether he now shared it with Jin or not, the darkness would never leave either of them. That aside, his Chaos Sight would pierce through any blanket of shadows thrown at him, and there was a reason he was here.


He leaped from his perch on top of the boys dorm and landed gracefully in front of a boy waiting in front of the gate, smiling up at him as he did. "Well, look at how much little Theo's grown since I saw him? Your wrists don't shake when you hold a sword anymore I hope?" He felt no guilt at teasing the boy, after all, he and Fuiko had both taught Theseus how to sustain himself, and Masune had teased him plenty of times before dropping him at Blind Eyes Academy. That he did feel guilt over. It was he who'd brought him from his previous home and his previous life to the one he now lived. 


What he felt more guilty for was leaving him here alone with little answer as to why. He wouldn't blame him if rather than saying hello, Theseus punched him  instead.  He'd probably have deserved it too. But this wasn't why he was here. He had a request for Theseus. "Don't suppose you'd be willing to hear what I've got to say would you?"

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Gekutado Plaza, Academy City 4:26 P.M.


Jack grinned as the boy began to realize what he was. "My my, we should to have learned quite a lot at our first day at school. When I went to school, we goofed off for the first week!" He smirked as he lifted his can up to take a swig of Dr. Pepper. "You are correct boy. I am a Demon." He raised his arms up in the air. "Did you hear that everyone? I'm a Demon!" Jack chuckled a little before turning his attention back to the boy. "Allow me to answer your questions. How I got here is quite simple. I ran. As for what I want, it's simple. I want information." He took another sip of his soda from his left hand as his free hand pulled one of his blades free from it's sheath. A wicked grin spread across Jack's face. "Tell me boy, and be honest. Are you scared?"

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