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[Finished]We Need More Activity Contest Series [AixContest]


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[hr]Alright, I'm going to make a contest series, because all the other contests are more or less inactive and I get little motivation to make cards outside of contests and you other people who generally make cards aren't pumping them out that much. Welcome, welcome to the AixContest!

[hr]How it works: Most you cardmakin' veterans out there have already joined or seen contests of the like, so I prolly don't need to tell ya. But, anyway, you join here and every week I make a contest. You do that contest, and you get points for that contest as well as Contest Credits, the prizes for each individual contest totals 70 - 100 points, the distribution is the same as the Grand Prize. The guy/gal with the most Contest Creds at the end wins the One Piece Grand Prize.

[hr]Entry fee: Even though I'm in no need of points and I frankly have enough to sustain my stay here (there's no rent, no taxes, no need for food), I'm going to be avaricious and make y'all pay 100 points, that's right, I'm raising the stakes here, however, 2 star members and lower get in for free and I will pay FOR you, provided that you actually are active.

[hr]Rules (Not copy and pasted from Toyo-tan cuz I'm lazy, I apologize for plagiarism)

1. All YCM Rules apply. Be it the general rules of YCM or the Card Contests rule.

2. Common Sense. Unless you're me.
3. Series starts NOW. You can join whenever. No prior participation needed, just the entry fee.
4. Don't post your cards here, post them on their respective contests.
5. This thread is only for signing up or discussion between members.
6. You don't have to do every contest, but the more contests you skip, the smaller your chances of winning becomes.
7. I have the right to make new rules without telling anybody. Even though I'll probably post here if I do make a new rule.
8. I have the power to kick you out of this series if I will.
9. Respect other contestants.

[hr]Frequently Asked Questions

   Why is the title rainbow?

   Cuz I was bored.

[hr]Prize List

First Place: 50% of Pot and 3 reps.

Second Place: 30% of Pot and 2 reps.

Third Place: 20% of Pot and 1 rep.

Consolation: 0% of Pot and 0 reps.

[hr]Marijuana Pot: 1100 points. Donations from Striker and myself.

[hr]Contestants List



Patchouli Knowledge


The guy who came


Eternal Duelist

[hr]Contest List

#1: Theme Contest: Hacking to the Gate

#2: Create-a-Engine

#3: ?????

#?: ?????

[hr]Have fun, people!


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I'll sign up.


Also, to a person who may or may not know who they are:

You're not funny.

You're in. I hope you're not referring to me, well I didn't really care too much to be funny.



More fucking posers, I see. Very well, I shall smite you all with my card making prowess! Points will be sent in a sec.

Alright, you're in.

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I'll give it a shot 

More fucking posers, I see. Very well, I shall smite you all with my card making prowess! Points will be sent in a sec.

I'll sign up.


Also, to a person who may or may not know who they are:

You're not funny.

So the actual custom card competition ain't gonna happen?  Or did I miss that?

Nevertheless I'll dip my foot in it, see how it's like.  Should be a good experience.

Consider the hr hipster in this tourney.

Hello, I am in.

[hr]I am going to start this now. It doesn't really matter if there aren't enough people, it'll work the same way as Striker's original contest, come in whenever, just hand over the points.

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