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Lapras qualifies for Euros

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So it's my birthday and I'm spending it playing Yugioh...


Anyways I'm playing an incomplete Dino Rabbit build with a cobbled together and borrowed side, I'll put it up eventually, main change from regular was that I was playing Snowmen over Reapers.


About 100 players, 7 rounds and top 13 qualify, but there'll be some hand downs seeing as it's like the 7th regionals of the year.


Round 1 (Watt-Hunders?): 

Game 1: I open 3 Sabersaurus but after I Bottomless one of his Hunder plays I'm pretty much in control of the game and I draw a Rabbit late game which leads to him scooping. He also went Macro into Helios which is actually fairly good as it's more Xyz fodder plus I'm pretty sure it's LIGHT so you can make Paladynamo

Game 2: He goes for a first turn Messenger of Peace but although I eventually draw into double Rabbit and Tourguide I don't draw any of my 3 MSTs or my Storm and eventually I get beaten down by Wattcobra and Giraffe.

Game 3: Obviously the 2 Bottomless I drew last game go straight out, didn't know he played that many Watts.

Anyway I open double Kabazauls but still win somehow because I have Mirror Force for his Watt plays then make Laggia and plus loads.




Round 2 (Lightraysworn):

Game 1: He opens Charge and Recharge, sets Ryko and I open Kabazauls, 2 Mirror Force, Road and D Prison. I attack his Ryko with Kabazauls then set the 4, so he summons Lightray Diabolos, puts my Road to the top of my deck then Storms... What the hell? Nevertheless I lose.

Game 2: He opens JD, BLS, some Lightray Jank, then 2 recharge and a Lightsworn. Well sod that.




Round 3 (Geargia)

Game 1: This guy is really bad, he kept just making Gear Gigant first thing so I can just win the backrow war and I think I end up beating down with a Guaiba.

Game 2: He goes first and sets 2, he then random Mind Crushes Rabbit when I draw for turn, I don't have it so he discards his Fortress randomly and says "oh ok that's alright". It isn't, I MST his other backrow then Reborn his Fortress and literally beat down with my Mole bouncing his set Armor and Fortress attacking directly while all he draws is Geargiarsenals.




Round 4 (Fire Fist)

Game 1: Wow, first meta deck I've seen today. Anyway he wins this game quite easily just plussing off Bears while I draw Vanillas.

Game 2: I open Rabbit and from that it's a pretty simple game and we go to game 3.

Game 3: This game goes on for ages and we both start derping like crazy. I'm basically kissing goodbye to my chances of qualifying and after he Dualities into a Gozen Match I Mind Crush before realising I have no cards in hand. It gets worse as he then forgets to set the Gozen and I simply Crush it next turn. I Solemn a Tensen and think this is it but the then accidentally tells me what he's set (Lance). I Dark Hole his Snowman and Bear and he Lances his Bear while he has Tenki and Tensen out. I summon Tourguide, beat over Bear with 1 Tourguide, attack and put him on 2800 with the other (he Solemned something), then make a Main Phase 2 Zenmaines. I know his hand is Veiler (but I have Macro) + Heavy Storm from Mind Crush and I have a Road set and he doesn't want to Storm me. He topdecks Gorilla but Macro is out meaning he can't use the effect. I crash my Zenmaines into his Gorilla and kill it, then bluff set Dust Tornado. He spends a while thinking about his topdeck and I'm fearing a Rabbit seeing as my backrow is a dead Chain, a Road and a Dust and I'd probably lose to Rabbit into Tiger King. In the event he actually ends up Storming and I Road, he shows me a Barbaros and extends the handshake. Suddenly I feel like I could quite easily qualify.




Round 5 (Mirror Match)

Game 1: He goes first but he doesn't draw Rabbit and eventually I just grind him for the win. 

Game 2: He goes first again and this time he has such established backrow that after a while he wins it. 

Game 3: I pray to the Yugioh god for a good hand and get it - Rabbit, 2 Bottomless, Dust Tornado, Veiler, Reborn. I summon Rabbit into Laggia and all he can do is set 2 and pass. I Dust one of them. I topdeck Tourguide(!), summon it, make Dolkka and Leviair. I Dolkka his Trag and get him down to 2500. Next turn he plays Storm which I let through (I'm scared of Dark Hole), tries to summon Rabbit, I negate with Dolkka and he scoops showing me 3 Lance. I feel dirty.




Round 6 (Mirror Again)

Game 1: Similar to game 1 of round 5 except I actually draw Rabbit this time, Lance it through and all he can draw is Macros and Guaibas.

Game 2: Mind Control is the best thing ever to side in Rabbit mirror. He opens Laggia which I force out with Mirror Force and then stall for a bit until eventually he has 3 backrow and sets another monster. I Mind Control it, hoping to get a Snowman but in fact it's a Rabbit set which he set because he's ran out of Vanillas. I banish it but it doesn't matter because he has Bottomless. Nevertheless it is quite hilarious.

Game 3: The game ends up in a topdeck war, I'm on 8800 after a Soul Taker to his 600. Neither of us have any cards and I draw and it's MST. He draws into a Sabersaurs but then I top Reborn to bring back my Laggia that was killed by a Snowman a long time ago. I beat over his Saber and put him on 100 but I can't finish him and he Dark Holes next turn. The game stalls out a bit more but eventually I win by Starlighting my own Storm.




At this point I realise I have qualified no matter what :D, but if I win my next round I could come in top 4 and win half a box and a mat.


Round 7 (Mono-Mermail)

Game 1: I'm actually on table 1 paired up against the only 6-0. This game I don't draw any monsters at all and after I stop 2 of his Divas the third(!) one gets through and he wins.

Game 2: I open Macro and he has no out and simply shows me his hand of Pike, double Teus, Dragoons, Gunde and Abyss-Sphere

Game 3: I make Dolkka against his 3 card hand, he plays Avarice and draws Dark Hole(!!!) then goes for Teus+Dragoons and I lose. I'm a little salty but he's a mate and I'm happy he's 7-0, I've qualified anyway.




I come 13th, qualify and win 7 packs, from which I pull and Abyssleed, a Fire Fist Dragon and a Fool of Prophecy to complete my playset of ones I have pulled from tourney prize support ( I pulled 2 at Bochum). I actually needed the Dragon so that's awesome.



f***ing lightraysworns...

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