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The X Class [PG16 / Not Started / Always Accepting]


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okay I have made some adjustments to the app, I tried to make the character seem more placid and controllable also i have adjusted his ability, the reason I made the infector's intangible was because I thought the character was a bit too powerful so I tried to limit him.


my sincere apologise over the grammar and spelling, I try my best but my worst skill is grammar and the app may be a bit rushed, I will review it and edit it.


Your app is MUCH better. Consider it accepted once you answer one more question. How can a person be infected with all 5 viruses if after each one the old one goes away? 


Glad to have you with us :D



Appearance is up~

And with that the app is complete.


Wonderful! Accepted! :D



Can you write a list of the powers that have been taken on the main thingy post. 


Tanks :3


Will get to work on creating a list



*Sigh* I'm gonna have to take my reserve out, I'm too busy these days.


:( Understood. Since we are always accepting perhaps you can come back when things settle down



Opps, meant to to post that I had finished one of my apps >_>


Off to review app!


EDIT: Alexander is accepted :D

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Due to the larger scale of this RP we are accepting NPCs created by the applicants. You may also control these if you wish. The positives of the NPC's are that they aren't really major characters and are simple characters to control in the background.


If you wish to create an application for an NPC go here


We are limiting it to 1 to 2 NPC's per user so we don't have too many. NPCs can be killed off a lot easier than main characters although a reason must be given as to why the death is needed/wanted.

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Your app is MUCH better. Consider it accepted once you answer one more question. How can a person be infected with all 5 viruses if after each one the old one goes away? 

I probably should have phrased it better, I've added a rule to hopefully make what I meant clear


"if a person has been infected with all five viruses within 168hrs, they will die"

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I probably should have phrased it better, I've added a rule to hopefully make what I meant clear


"if a person has been infected with all five viruses within 168hrs, they will die"


Oh okay, that makes more sense. If you hadn't noticed, you have been added to the character roster.

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[i]"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday we'll all join hands. And the world will live as one."[/i]


[hr][b][u]Personal Information[/u][/b][hr][b]Character Name:[/b] [acronym="He had not had a name, having been raised in an orphanage until he turned 18 and made a life for himself like normal people would. The orphanage took to calling him "Sage", as his eyes seemed to contain all of time and space, but none knew of his true name. The name ειρηνοποιός was suggested to him by Alec."]ειρηνοποιός[/acronym] (Lit. [i]Peacemaker[/i]) 

Human Guise Name: Halcyon Melodias 

[b]Sex:[/b] [acronym="At least SEEMS to be"]Male[/acronym]

[b]Age:[/b] [acronym="His birth records are long lost, and he does not reveal information about himself."]Unknown[/acronym][hr][b]Personality/Appearance/Biography[/b][hr][spoiler="Personality"]His personality slightly differs depending on how old his current look is, and depending on his current role or purpose at the moment. However, in all forms, his mind is mostly unchanged, and just his physical appearance, and thus, his hate for fighting or racism shows in all ages of his appearances, in suiting ways pertaining to the age. Usually as a small child, he acts very innocent and giggles at mundane things, although this is all a cover to hide his true nature. When people fight, his dislike for fighting shows in a pouting face that some laugh at, or call cute. If he appears more like a teenager, his abhorrence for racism or other anger between the "powered humans" and humans shows itself as more of a slight disgust, and he would try to change a person's view of things. He can sometimes have spouts of anger though if one continues to keep hate in their heart. As an adult, he tries to reason, and can be very detailed and such in explaining why one should try to accept the "powered humans" into society, and co-exist with them. Sometimes, he declares himself as some professor who studies these things in order to try to bring more credibility. He usually keeps his calm in this shape though. As a grandfatherly sort of appearance, he follows what people would believe is normal of such. Able to say very wise knowledge that only those who had lived for a long time would know, or being very gentle and not losing his calm, and trying to persuade people who hate the "powered humans" to change their view via ways such as explaining facts, proving some misinformation as such, or other ways, sometimes even pronouncing himself as a "powered human" if he knows someone for a while, and tries to show them that his kind aren't all bad, because if one managed to get along with him so well, just a simple statement shouldn't change things.


He is very sad, and he knows himself that he will continue to be so to the point it might even be the death of him, until perhaps the two kinds can co-exist. He knows this is farfetched with the current hate and the war going between the Vanguard and the Foundation, but desperately hopes it will happen. If one manages to reach behind his covers of his mind and converse with his true nature, they would see that ειρηνοποιός is very kind and empathetic, willing to help any person in need for non-hatred related issues. With a very melodic voice, although harrowed by grief and time, it can draw many people's attention if he starts talking, and his ability "Tranquility " is so that people cannot keep fighting and expressing hate as he tries to change their narrow point of view and close the gap between the two races.[/spoiler][spoiler="Appearance"]He can take different appearances, but he looks entirely human, and unless one managed to prove it otherwise via tests or similar, one wouldn't be able to tell just from looking unless they knew him. He likes taking the form of an [url="http://date-masters.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/wise-old-man.jpg"]old man[/url] with long white flowing hair combining with his other white facial hair dressed in an olive green robe. This gives him an appearance that some might imagine of a wise old man. He does not have any hunches or problems walking as normal old human men might though. Standing at around average height, if not a little taller, his appearance can be slightly surprising to some. Also, his skin does not bear as many wrinkles as a normal human old man might. His eyes are piercing and seem endlessly deep. ειρηνοποιός can be seen usually advising his fellow Nexians and walking around observing different things such as the natural wildlife outside or studies. He can also be seen doing things that one might view as slightly odd, such as diving off a high ledge, as his intangibility mostly protects him, or walking through walls. Also, he greatly enjoys reading and can be seen with thick tomes on the history of the world, making notes and talking to himself or humming as he turns the pages. He usually has a sort of sad smile, or an undecipherable expression on his face. However, he does value his friends, and he can be seen with them a good deal of the time. Otherwise, he is usually reading or observing various phenomena or the like.[/spoiler][spoiler="Biography"]His biography is mostly lost among the rifts of times, and the only ones to know of it are himself, and partially Alec. ειρηνοποιός was still very [acronym="Only a few decades or so."]young[/acronym] when a hunt had started for him, turning his world upside down.  He was not noticed yet as a "powered human" by the society at the time, and there was not as much hate or bias against his kind at the time either. He had taken on the age of a teenager to get along with others and learn what they viewed and thought about his kind, but without revealing that he himself was a "powered human". He had gotten along well with a few kids around his "age" appearance. However, they all agreed that his kind were freaks of nature, abominations, and were despicable, although one seemed sort of reluctant to do so. "Halcyon", as his - fake - human name was profoundly upset and disappointed, and in a fit, revealed the fact that he was in fact, a "powered human", becoming intangible and reaching through one of the teenagers he thought had been his friends. During the time he had taken on the guise, he rather liked being able to just be normal, and be accepted, but this was only because of the fact they didn't know he was a "powered human". He did not take any violent action, as it was against his very nature, but he had screamed at them, not wanting to understand their sudden change of feeling towards him. They had gotten along so well with him, just a simple phrase shouldn't have changed something so much. All of his friends, except one were utterly disgusted with him now. The oldest teenager called for the police, although the aforementioned one teenager had objected to it, not hating him for who he was. The one person ειρηνοποιός could truly call a friend had stood up for him, willing to be hated, if it meant helping him. The officers had arrived at that very moment, and charged towards ειρηνοποιός to capture him and put him in an experimentation cell. With Containment Collars at the ready, ειρηνοποιός couldn't stay any longer, and had to disappear, fleeing faster than they could follow, running through walls and buildings, and eventually, the police gave up the chase, instead moving to put up search papers with a composite sketch of him on them around town.


ειρηνοποιός had safely escaped the officers, but his friendly feelings had been smashed to nothing more than sorrow now. Wanting to not see anyone, he had sunk to underneath the ground, only his head from his eyes and above visible, semi-ghostly now, from all the stress that had been placed upon him, starting to fade. He couldn't care if he altogether died and disappeared, his sorrow drowning everything else. Eventually, he decided to come back up to the surface, and had materialized once more. Walking through a back alley, not wanting to see anyone, he was unwary. A band of muggers had surprised him, one holding his arms in a full nelson, another pointing a gun at his head. Suddenly phasing through the person who had grabbed him, he made a dash out the alley, having became tangible again after that quick moment, not easily able to control his powers when this young. The bandits chased him, and in a action-of-the-moment, he had ran through the street, phasing through everyone, before reaching the other side again, and fleeing once more. When he was finally sure that he was alone, truly alone, he sat down, his tiredness kicking in, and wept. A man maybe appearing around 40 dressed in a black trench coat strides up to him. Showing his empty hands to signify that he meant no harm, ειρηνοποιός turned to look at him, curiously, dried tears cutting grooves across the dirt on his face. The man had short black hair, as well as grizzly stubble for a mustache and close-shaved beard. The man smiled kindly, the genuine care showing in his eyes. Reaching out to lift him up, the man said that he knew ειρηνοποιός was a Mutant, and gently asked him if he could materialize, so he could help him. Becoming tangible, ειρηνοποιός took his hand, and Alec - the name of the man - revealed that he himself was a Mutant as well. Surprised, as the man seemed perfectly like a normal human, and to show it, Alec had quickly changed forms into a different appearance, before reverting back. The man had continued to speak, saying that he was helping lost Mutants such as him, and that he was the first he had found, when he realized he had forgotten to ask his name. Asking ειρηνοποιός his name, he realized he never had one. Opening up like a flower does to the rain, ειρηνοποιός said his orphanage had called him Sage, but he called himself Halcyon Melodias, as a manner of sorts to subtly show his dislike for racial hate and his wish of equality. Ruffling his hair, Alec suggested a name to him - ειρηνοποιός - a word for "Peacemaker" in another language. Taking on this mantle, and saying the name to himself quietly, ειρηνοποιός realized he felt at ease with this man, and realized he found what he believed to be his "true name" of sorts. Alec asked gently whether he would like to join the Nexians, and if he didn't, it would be fine with him. Curious now, ειρηνοποιός asked Alec what the Nexians were. Explaining that the Nexians were a group devoted to searching for peace and co-existence, and how ειρηνοποιός might like and relate to that, the younger Mutant had proceeded to join them, but on one condition, which was met and granted with a smile - to have Alec call their kind "powered humans".[/spoiler][hr]


[hr][b][u]Combat Information[/u][/b][hr][b]Faction:[/b] The Nexians

[i]Member Status:[/i] Second in Command[hr][b]Mutant-Related[/b][hr][b]Mutant Class:[/b] Ω[spoiler="Mutant Powers"][b][u]Untouchable Peacemaker[/u][/b]

As it suggests, except when using Tranquility, this makes him intangible. He can toggle this on and off, but usually leaves it on, as it is no drain to him. However, if he is taking on a guise, he turns this off as not to give away the fact that he is a "powered human". None can touch him, and the only way to manage to possibly capture him or kill him is to be able to chain on a Containment Collar around him without relying on grabbing onto him or holding him for support. If a C.C. is successfully chained around him, he will become tangible once more. However, capture is pretty difficult as he can phase through almost any kind of wall and the like, as well as other beings. This can keep him alive for much longer than the average life span, as when he is intangible, time will not have affect his body negatively, letting him stay appearing the same as he was the second before he turned this on. However, as time still flows around the world, he can make his body look older or younger, although this is just appearance, and no other effects come with the older or younger appearance. For example, if he was injured when he was looking old, making himself look younger will not reverse his wound. He can look like a young child, a teenager, an adult in his prime, or take on a grand-fatherly appearance. His clothes only change size to match as he changes size. However, if he is upset or otherwise mentally disturbed, it can become harder or near impossible to change during that period, leaving him with sort of the personality traits of whatever age he was at the moment.



This is an ability that can be toggled on and off. Taking around a minute to prepare, he focuses his limitless calm into a field of sorts, a mile wide in diameter at the maximum. When the field is created, his "Untouchable Peacemaker" ability is automatically disabled, and cannot be turned on again as long as the field remains. Within this field, it is essentially a Containment Field, and as such, all supernatural abilities are negated - for all sides (excluding himself). If one attempts to stand outside the field and then fire in or otherwise target something inside the field, the moment the projectile or whatnot crosses the boundary, it will dissipate. Thus, dying from something created supernaturally will be impossible while inside the zone. This is the same for any other means of harm. If one tries to bring a gun or the like into the field, it will become "ghostly" for as long as the field remains, and will be unusable. Projectiles fired in will disappear entirely. Physical brawling can still occur via unarmed fighting, but the strength of any and all beings are reduced to a slightly weak human adult. Also, while inside the zone, a person cannot be killed in general by any non-natural means, and supernaturally inducing a earthquake or flood would be stopped as well. The field is a spherical one, radiating out from the epicenter, which is wherever he happens to be located at the moment. Within the field, it will induce some feelings of calm, soothing some angers and the like. Beings cannot be dragged out of the field to be killed or otherwise severely harmed without their explicit consent while in their normal unaltered state of mind. Also, one cannot attempt to exit the zone temporarily to fire upon another enemy outside the field, then re-enter for a "safe-zone protection". Once they decide to leave of their own consent, they will be prohibited from entering again until the next time this spell occurs again and they enter. Any beings can come in, any beings can exit. This is a non-offensive power, and thus, has some advantages of a stronger defense against someone who might wish to try to dismantle the barrier or similar.[/spoiler][hr][hr][b]Inventory[/b][hr][spoiler="Weaponry"]None. He does not fight, nor can he fight. He quite literally cannot think of attacking someone, and does not. He also cannot abuse his abilities to knowingly cause harm.[/spoiler][spoiler="Other Equipment"][b][u]A worn gold-colored oval locket[/u][/b]

The locket has a worn appearance, almost as if it had been worn, looked at, rubbed, and existed for at least a few hundred years. The picture inside is two chains linked together, one golden, the other silver. He seems to be sort of attached to it.[/spoiler][hr][hr][b]Fighting Profile[/b][hr][spoiler="Fighting Style"]None. He does not fight, nor can he fight. He quite literally cannot think of attacking someone, and does not. He also cannot abuse his abilities to knowingly cause harm.[/spoiler][spoiler="Abilities"]None. He does not fight, nor can he fight. He quite literally cannot think of attacking someone, and does not. He also cannot abuse his abilities to knowingly cause harm.[/spoiler][hr]


[hr][b][u]Other Information[/u][/b][hr]• He seems to enjoy slightly sweet food dishes.

• When people start to fight or argue, if he is in a child form, then some say the face he makes is amusing apparently.

• Theme Song: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AC6Ornb-Kd4"]Missing You[/url]

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For anyone having trouble with spoilers, try going into BBCode Mode before saving the post.

[spoiler=Barry Stenberg][hr]Personal Info
[hr]Character Name: Bartholomew Barry Stenberg
Monickers: Silver, White Suit, Iceberg
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Faction: Vanguards, Second-in-Command

[spoiler=Personality]Barry is a mostly well-mannered man with the ability to talk quite smoothly when the situation demands it and retains a very impressive control over his facial expression. He gives off a silent, oppressive aura that, with his stature, make others feel very, very small and lose the courage to go against him. However, despite his quiet demeanor, Barry has a violent temper when invoked. It first goes through an even more oppressive and quiet phase like the calm before a storm where Barry completely stops talking and is dead still. This is your signal to try to make him happy before he utterly explodes, and he may even becoming physical when dealing with his subordinates, doing things such as grabbing them or picking them up and holding them high in the air with one arm or throwing, though he manages to not actually hit them.

Barry has an extreme hunger for absolute domination and power stemming from his wish that nothing ever goes wrong and his natural born love of proper organisation. He encourages military projects and demonstrations and frequently asks his brothers to fund research in the creation of better and more powerful weaponry. Though he begrudges Valon's leadership position, he stays quiet about it so that he can stay in the shadows manipulating everything to his favor, but one day he will be ready to take the reins and sit in the front.
Barry is full of hate for mutants and people who are inherently different. It was, after all, a mutant who had caused the incident which put him, his sister and his unit in hell, ultimately killing them and leaving Barry as the only survivor. He still suffers from trauma from that day and fury rises from his deepest recesses when he sees a mutant.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Appearance]Barry has an overwhelming build excellent for intimidation, standing very tall at 6'3 with massive, square shoulders reaching almost twice the girth of ordinary men. His hair, dyed silver because it had already mostly gone grey, is slicked back with far more gel than required making it very shiny, though fortunately, it never gets in his way, thus he is not required to crop his hair as is customary for military members. He has very strong features, wide, prominent cheekbones, a wide mouth with thin lips curled downwards in a natural grimace and a square jaw, though his nose is quite thin and points downwards, only very mildly hawk-like. Barry's eyes are a startling ocean blue, they are very luminous and sparkle like the waves themselves, and because he dislikes this as it is counter-productive to his intimidation, he is always wearing simple black shades when on duty. He has a very light grizzly beard and sideburns connecting across his face, but no mustache.

Barry usually wears a white tuxedo that had to be specially tailored for his frame, singling him out of all the men in black, thus giving him the nickname White Suit (something he is called behind his back, he does not actively approve of this and when Barry does not actively approve of something, you don't do it, or you do it as discreetly as possible). There are silver rings on the index and ring fingers of his right hand and the middle and pinky fingers of his left.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Biography]Barry was born to a very patriotic and strict family of the Catholic faith who lived in the richer neighbourhoods of Washington DC because both his parents were politicians, his father, in fact, was a senator. They were a very prejudiced and rather racist family. Barry grew up with three elder brothers who would bully him to toughen him up and a very-much-doted upon little sister. Despite the fact that he took it from his father and brothers in being strong and manly, surpassing his brothers in achievements by starring on his school football team and becoming a State boxing champion, he was always considered somewhat sissy because of the way he liked to keep very clean and orderly. Although there was teasing and some mishaps, the family was and is always very close.

Two of his brothers went into politics whereas Barry, his eldest brother and his sister entered the military. Rather than simply climbing in the military's ranks, Barry and his sister went on to become special operation forces, aka commandos, and were put on the same unit because the way they were able to cooperate and work well together. They were highly successful on many secret missions, and would leak any information they could obtain to their brothers who would in turn, using their leverage from the confidential info, help push the two forwards in ranks, giving them command of their own commando units.

However, one mission on foreign land ended in disastrous failure. One of the new members of the commando squad turned out to be a mutant and his uncontrolled release of power injured his sister while giving away their position. The enemy caught them, and out of their depravity and to relieve their stress and they horrors they had seen, they put the unit into utter humiliation. The leader of the enemy unit happened to also be a mutant, a Gamma class that was used as a military weapon.

The experienced scarred him completely, and of his unit, only he managed to escape alive. Barry wished for power, more and more power, enough power that there was no way anything would not go his way again. He pleaded his brothers with the simple request of power , and though his brothers probably thought him slightly deranged, they sympathized with him. Barry climbed to quite a high position in the Special Operations though continued to sometimes go out into the field.

With the formation and organisation of the Vanguards of Humanity, Barry went forwards to take leadership, eager for the power it would bring. He became a representative from the US government, recommended on stances of his outstanding performance, his record of repeated success and strong leadership.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Combat Info]
[spoiler=Weapons and Equipment]Because of his position as the second in command of the Vanguards, he has access to all sorts of high-tech stuff.

[hr]Rocker: A minigun held with both hands along with a shoulder strap and weighs about 100 lbs including the case. It also has a RPG attachment which he carries five rockets with him. It is hidden inside of a guitar case and the top pops off to allow it to fire. Because of how sturdy it is, Barry can wield it as a mace if he runs out of ammo and it has a handle for ease of doing so.

Energy Shield Ring: The ring on his left middle finger can emit a small forcefield one meter in diameter to be used as a shield.

Taser Ring: The ring on his right index finger can release a powerful and stunning electric discharge.

Flamethrower Ring: The ring on his right ring finger can release a short, weak stream of fire with one meter of range. 

Rocket Boots: His boots allow him to jump up to ten meters into the air and have a sudden rocket burst forwards in speed. They have a cooldown time of twenty seconds.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Fighting Style/Abilities]Barry is surprisingly fast despite his heavy frame and his tremendous strength allows him to carry Rocker without being over-encumbered. He only uses the boots to close in for the kill or if he has no other way of getting away so to keep them a surprise. Barry is also very perceptive and experienced in fighting and so can figure out a mutant's ability as well as their strengths and weaknesses relatively easily.[/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Other]- Barry is homosexual but completely denies this, both publicly and in his own mind, and religiously stays far, far away from any sort of romantic relationship.
- Barry appears to be a great fan of the Beatles.[/spoiler]


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Well I have two apps in mind, question though do the Nexian's still need some people on their side.
Actually just which faction needs the most support.



Not really a problem on the number of characters per faction now seeing as NPC's can fill the gaps of players until they decide to join. So be who you want to be.



Making a vanguard character (and associated NPC) right now, which works since they need people badly.

He's... kind of a cyborg.

I'm assuming anyone can control an NPC within reason.


Within reason yes, however if you claim an NPC you have more control over them than other people.

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Is my character okay for now? I'm writing the personality and bio.


As I see it, looks fine. Can't wait to see the finished product. 



Making a vanguard character (and associated NPC) right now, which works since they need people badly.

He's... kind of a cyborg.

I'm assuming anyone can control an NPC within reason.


Can't wait to see this cyborg



Well I have two apps in mind, question though do the Nexian's still need some people on their side.


Actually just which faction needs the most support.


As Xel said, we can always fill in with NPCs, but I would like to have a few more young Nexians controlled by people. I would also prefer some more female characters, quite the sausage fest over here. The Vanguards are most likely gonna be lacking guys, but that was expected and will be filled in with more than likely unnamed NPCs. 



any side that needs some manpower? I'll make npcs accordingly. 


Basically what I was saying above. I would like some more young characters in the Nexians, but having them in The Foundation wouldn't be out of the question either. 





Off to review the app. 

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For anyone having trouble with spoilers, try going into BBCode Mode before saving the post.

[spoiler=Barry Stenberg][hr]Personal Info
[hr]Character Name: Bartholomew Barry Stenberg
Monickers: Silver, White Suit, Iceberg
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Faction: Vanguards, Second-in-Command

[spoiler=Personality]Barry is a mostly well-mannered man with the ability to talk quite smoothly when the situation demands it and retains a very impressive control over his facial expression. He gives off a silent, oppressive aura that, with his stature, make others feel very, very small and lose the courage to go against him. However, despite his quiet demeanor, Barry has a violent temper when invoked. It first goes through an even more oppressive and quiet phase like the calm before a storm where Barry completely stops talking and is dead still. This is your signal to try to make him happy before he utterly explodes, and he may even becoming physical when dealing with his subordinates, doing things such as grabbing them or picking them up and holding them high in the air with one arm or throwing, though he manages to not actually hit them.

Barry has an extreme hunger for absolute domination and power stemming from his wish that nothing ever goes wrong and his natural born love of proper organisation. He encourages military projects and demonstrations and frequently asks his brothers to fund research in the creation of better and more powerful weaponry. Though he begrudges Valon's leadership position, he stays quiet about it so that he can stay in the shadows manipulating everything to his favor, but one day he will be ready to take the reins and sit in the front.
Barry is full of hate for mutants and people who are inherently different. It was, after all, a mutant who had caused the incident which put him, his sister and his unit in hell, ultimately killing them and leaving Barry as the only survivor. He still suffers from trauma from that day and fury rises from his deepest recesses when he sees a mutant.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Appearance]Barry has an overwhelming build excellent for intimidation, standing very tall at 6'3 with massive, square shoulders reaching almost twice the girth of ordinary men. His hair, dyed silver because it had already mostly gone grey, is slicked back with far more gel than required making it very shiny, though fortunately, it never gets in his way, thus he is not required to crop his hair as is customary for military members. He has very strong features, wide, prominent cheekbones, a wide mouth with thin lips curled downwards in a natural grimace and a square jaw, though his nose is quite thin and points downwards, only very mildly hawk-like. Barry's eyes are a startling ocean blue, they are very luminous and sparkle like the waves themselves, and because he dislikes this as it is counter-productive to his intimidation, he is always wearing simple black shades when on duty. He has a very light grizzly beard and sideburns connecting across his face, but no mustache.

Barry usually wears a white tuxedo that had to be specially tailored for his frame, singling him out of all the men in black, thus giving him the nickname White Suit (something he is called behind his back, he does not actively approve of this and when Barry does not actively approve of something, you don't do it, or you do it as discreetly as possible). There are silver rings on the index and ring fingers of his right hand and the middle and pinky fingers of his left.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Biography]Barry was born to a very patriotic and strict family of the Catholic faith who lived in the richer neighbourhoods of Washington DC because both his parents were politicians, his father, in fact, was a senator. They were a very prejudiced and rather racist family. Barry grew up with three elder brothers who would bully him to toughen him up and a very-much-doted upon little sister. Despite the fact that he took it from his father and brothers in being strong and manly, surpassing his brothers in achievements by starring on his school football team and becoming a State boxing champion, he was always considered somewhat sissy because of the way he liked to keep very clean and orderly. Although there was teasing and some mishaps, the family was and is always very close.

Two of his brothers went into politics whereas Barry, his eldest brother and his sister entered the military. Rather than simply climbing in the military's ranks, Barry and his sister went on to become special operation forces, aka commandos, and were put on the same unit because the way they were able to cooperate and work well together. They were highly successful on many secret missions, and would leak any information they could obtain to their brothers who would in turn, using their leverage from the confidential info, help push the two forwards in ranks, giving them command of their own commando units.

However, one mission on foreign land ended in disastrous failure. One of the new members of the commando squad turned out to be a mutant and his uncontrolled release of power injured his sister while giving away their position. The enemy caught them, and out of their depravity and to relieve their stress and they horrors they had seen, they put the unit into utter humiliation. The leader of the enemy unit happened to also be a mutant, a Gamma class that was used as a military weapon.

The experienced scarred him completely, and of his unit, only he managed to escape alive. Barry wished for power, more and more power, enough power that there was no way anything would not go his way again. He pleaded his brothers with the simple request of power , and though his brothers probably thought him slightly deranged, they sympathized with him. Barry climbed to quite a high position in the Special Operations though continued to sometimes go out into the field.

With the formation and organisation of the Vanguards of Humanity, Barry went forwards to take leadership, eager for the power it would bring. He became a representative from the US government, recommended on stances of his outstanding performance, his record of repeated success and strong leadership.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Combat Info]
[spoiler=Weapons and Equipment]Because of his position as the second in command of the Vanguards, he has access to all sorts of high-tech stuff.

[hr]Rocker: A minigun held with both hands along with a shoulder strap and weighs about 100 lbs including the case. It also has a RPG attachment which he carries five rockets with him. It is hidden inside of a guitar case and the top pops off to allow it to fire. Because of how sturdy it is, Barry can wield it as a mace if he runs out of ammo and it has a handle for ease of doing so.

Energy Shield Ring: The ring on his left middle finger can emit a small forcefield one meter in diameter to be used as a shield.

Taser Ring: The ring on his right index finger can release a powerful and stunning electric discharge.

Flamethrower Ring: The ring on his right ring finger can release a short, weak stream of fire with one meter of range. 

Rocket Boots: His boots allow him to jump up to ten meters into the air and have a sudden rocket burst forwards in speed. They have a cooldown time of twenty seconds.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Fighting Style/Abilities]Barry is surprisingly fast despite his heavy frame and his tremendous strength allows him to carry Rocker without being over-encumbered. He only uses the boots to close in for the kill or if he has no other way of getting away so to keep them a surprise. Barry is also very perceptive and experienced in fighting and so can figure out a mutant's ability as well as their strengths and weaknesses relatively easily.[/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Other]- Barry is homosexual but completely denies this, both publicly and in his own mind, and religiously stays far, far away from any sort of romantic relationship.
- Barry appears to be a great fan of the Beatles.[/spoiler]


Love it! Accepted!

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Aldir, the PC, and his sister, Francine, the NPC.

Personal Information:
Character Name: Aldir Emerson
Sex: Male
Age: 24
Aldir is a laid back individual, living his days out moment to moment. He comes off as arrogant as he likes to boast about his achievements, though he's just as quick to brag about one of his friends as well. He's not the type to seek out danger, but he doesn't back down from it, either. While others may call him reckless, to Aldir, it's just him getting stuff done.

As one might expect, Aldir thrives on attention. He is usually smiling for one reason or another and generally enjoys life. He does lose control of himself occasionally, usually when dealing with people he doesn't like, though its been getting rarer and rarer.

He finds little use in lies and half-truths in most situations, and often beats on himself whenever he finds himself resorting to using one. This makes him one to be trusted when they need an honest opinion; it helps that its fairly obvious when he's trying to be evasive. But he lets out everything on his mind, regardless if one likes his opinions or not.
Aldir looks to be a black-haired Hispanic young man, often seen wearing a hat of some kind to hide the bald spots on his head. He's... tall enough, at almost 5'9", and has black eyes which don't seem to be able to focus on one thing for an extended period of time.

One's eyes would immediately be drawn to Aldir's 'arm cannon', the metal prosthetic left arm he has which is more of a gun than an actual hand. There is still an elbow, but he seems intimidating since he is 'always armed'. Aldir's clothes accentuate this, often wearing a jacket, sleeveless shirt, and jeans. Even when he has to dress up, his dress clothes lack a left sleeve, just so he can show off his arm.

Besides that, he is kind of stocky, though it does look like he works out. Overall, Aldir basically seems 'confident' in the way he moves and his posture, though whether he's confident in himself or in his arm is up to debate.
After dropping out of college, Aldir found himself floating from job to job, unsure of his direction in life. He was originally an orphan, but was fortunate enough to find a loving foster mother and father. The Mrs. Emerson was infertile, so the pair had decided to adopt three children at once, giving Aldir a foster brother and sister, named Charles and Francine. He held his family in high regard, so felt as if he was failing them by being unable to finish college. Still, he continued on, though he could feel his will drain day by day.

After a few months his parents called and asked about him visiting home with his siblings, which Aldir decided to do after much deliberation. Resolved to actually turn his life around, he came home... to find that while Aldir was off feeling sorry for himself, his brother Charles had discovered that he was a mutant. Aldir was cool with it, after all they were family, but something happened. His brother... literally exploded.

Aldir doesn't remember the details. Something about the mutant power causing an unexpected violent reaction to the atmosphere. What he did know was that his parents died in the explosion, and Aldir himself should have been dead. If his sister Francine wasn't running late and was able to save Aldir, the tragedy would have claimed the entire family's lives.

That's not to say that Aldir got off scot-free. He was now missing most of his left arm and had multiple internal injuries. Consciousness came and went. Aldir, for his part, was able to make his decision; when he was able to speak with Francine, he had one request:

"You know that human weapon project you've got? Get me in on that."

His sister honored Aldir' wishes, and although his injuries complicated some things, he was able to be successfully rebuilt. With his path clear, Aldir joined the Vanguard, because those mutants are a danger to everyone... including themselves.

Combat Information:
Faction: The Vanguard

Member Status: Junior

W.C.F. - Weaponized Cybernetic Frame

The Weaponized Cybernetic Frame is a part of the Soldier Recovery Project, which aims to use cybernetics to allow injured and crippled soldiers back into the field. It has a success rate of about 15%, so people can only enter the program voluntarily. Under normal circumstances, it would just be cybernetics, but Francine was forced to use experimental parts due to politics within the unit. Fortunately for Aldir, there were no complications.

Aldir's entire left arm has been replaced with something akin to an 'arm cannon', complete with adjustable barrel. The barrel is telescopic, and can widen and shrink as needed. As such, it can take standard ammunition, or specialized 'slugs' which turn his arm into a grenade launcher of sorts. The whole assembly is tied directly into his body's natural systems due to the injuries he sustained. This does have some perks, as while the arm is battery-powered, he can power it using his body's own energy in emergencies. His left foot is normal cybernetic foot, with added parts which help him stay grounded when he uses is arm cannon.

Currently the only slug types he can use are explosive and flammable slugs, though more will be developed as more WCFs are installed, as Aldir's was a success.

The W.C.F. needs recalibration from time to time, generally every other day. While it is best for Aldir to see a certified bio-technician to do the recalibration, Aldir has learned enough to recalibrate the cybernetics himself in a pinch.

[spoiler=Fighting Style/Abilities]
In close quarters, Aldir tends to rush in, and is not afraid to use his metallic arm and foot to his advantage. He does sometimes get a little trigger happy, though... really, it's not like he can be disarmed like others in his current state.

He's a decent shot with his cannon at mid range, and he really can't snipe with his arm cannon, despite it having that functionality. He really enjoys the slug launcher, though, and works pretty well with it.


Name: Francine Emerson
Age: 25
Race: Human
Personality: Francine is very quiet and keeps to herself. She does have a passive personality, and tends to be pushed into doing all sorts of things, but like her brother, she sees things through to the end. Which helps, since she does know her stuff.
Faction: Vanguard
Rank: Contracted Civilian (works with the tech, particularly stuff like Aldir's W.C.F)
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I played a bit this the history of mutants, tell me if i am not supposed to do that.


[spoiler=My Application Form]


"You think you're the only ones who matter. You think you can put off death. But that peace made you foolish and thoughtless. If you kill someone, someone else will kill you… this hatred binds us together. I want you to feel pain, to think about pain, to accept pain, to know pain."


Personal Information:

Character Name: Liero Dondo X-Name: Pain

Sex: Male

Age: 17


As a child, Dondo was a sensitive, kind boy, prone to crying, and was traumatized by the idea of killing others, even if it was to save his enemy. Scared and unsure of his place in the world, he desired to help those he cared about, but never knew how. He was consistently respectful and kind, who they claimed to be their "angel" in his home town He was usually seen protecting himself, without request or hesitation from anyone, he was always with love of learning how to defend off bullies but as at soft heart, he would have a hard time learning that he would be able to punch/hurt someone, but due to his friend he was forced into actions that hurt others.He hates violence with a passion and fears to hurt others, thus he isolated himself.


As he grew things happened so fast, Dondo became very cold at heart, callous, and dispassionate figure, and rather aloof, brooding, and indifferent, willing to harm both his comrades and enemies should they get in his way. He refereed to anyone he didn't find interesting as "trash", and treated them as expendable. Despite this, he was still not particularly violent, and will only fight when was provoked.





A slender, yet fairly muscular, male, average height with a melancholic appearance. He has fairly short, messy black hair, pale white skin, and green eyes. Part of his bangs falls between his eyes, and he has distinctively thick eyebrows. He has teal make-up lines which descend from the lower part of his eyes. His facial expression rarely changes, though he is almost always frowning. He wears: a white jacket, black belt, and a white pants. However, his jacket has longer coattails and the collar is higher.



The details of Dondo's birth are not known exactly; all that is known for certain is that he was found as an infant roughly three years before the events of a War that ranged on for days but soon ended, as he was left long for death, soon he was taken in for adaption by an old couple with no children of their own to depend on.


The other villagers became afraid, however, since Dondo appeared to age from being an infant to apparently growing fast in his late teens in eight years. This was compounded when he discovered, one day, that he now was a freak. Dondo was now identified as a Gear/tool essentially, a living weapon of mass destruction. This was especially troubling as a hundred-year war against Mutants had just ended five years ago. Dondo's foster parents hid her in a grove in the woods, but he was soon discovered and subjected to abuse at the hands of his captors. He quickly escaped, and the government issued a 10,500,000 World-Dollar bounty for his death with some kind of body proof.



Mutant Class: BETA

[spoiler=Mutant Powers]

Gravitational Control

The capability to manipulate gravity to his own command and will as similar to mind control, due to the fact he could make things as heavy or light weight, pull or push, force fields, anything known of what gravity could do. Having the power of gravity comes with the draw back of as being in the ocean deep under the water as feeling it;s  your body is being pressured due to the fact of using the ability this results in how long he would be using his abilities, this can as well result to death if no training has been applied though this results after use.


Other Information
Fighting Style/Abilities:

Manipulation as to moving objects, Leiro has some military training in hand-to-combat and is capable of holding his own in a fight, though he prefers the use of his mutant powers in most combat situations.




  • Telepathic Resistance/Immunity: The helmet protects its wearer from all but the strongest or most unexpected of telepathic attacks. This is achieved due to technology wired into the helmet itself.


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I played a bit this the history of mutants, tell me if i am not supposed to do that.


[spoiler=My Application Form]


"You think you're the only ones who matter. You think you can put off death. But that peace made you foolish and thoughtless. If you kill someone, someone else will kill you… this hatred binds us together. I want you to feel pain, to think about pain, to accept pain, to know pain."


Personal Information:

Character Name: Liero Dondo X-Name: Pain

Sex: Male

Age: 17


As a child, Dondo was a sensitive, kind boy, prone to crying, and was traumatized by the idea of killing others, even if it was to save his enemy. Scared and unsure of his place in the world, he desired to help those he cared about, but never knew how. He was consistently respectful and kind, who they claimed to be their "angel" in his home town He was usually seen protecting himself, without request or hesitation from anyone, he was always with love of learning how to defend off bullies but as at soft heart, he would have a hard time learning that he would be able to punch/hurt someone, but due to his friend he was forced into actions that hurt others.He hates violence with a passion and fears to hurt others, thus he isolated himself.


As he grew things happened so fast, Dondo became very cold at heart, callous, and dispassionate figure, and rather aloof, brooding, and indifferent, willing to harm both his comrades and enemies should they get in his way. He refereed to anyone he didn't find interesting as "trash", and treated them as expendable. Despite this, he was still not particularly violent, and will only fight when was provoked.





A slender, yet fairly muscular, male, average height with a melancholic appearance. He has fairly short, messy black hair, pale white skin, and green eyes. Part of his bangs falls between his eyes, and he has distinctively thick eyebrows. He has teal make-up lines which descend from the lower part of his eyes. His facial expression rarely changes, though he is almost always frowning. He wears: a white jacket, black belt, and a white pants. However, his jacket has longer coattails and the collar is higher.



The details of Dondo's birth are not known exactly; all that is known for certain is that he was found as an infant roughly three years before the events of a War that ranged on for days but soon ended, as he was left long for death, soon he was taken in for adaption by an old couple with no children of their own to depend on.


The other villagers became afraid, however, since Dondo appeared to age from being an infant to apparently growing fast in his late teens in eight years. This was compounded when he discovered, one day, that he now was a freak. Dondo was now identified as a Gear/tool essentially, a living weapon of mass destruction. This was especially troubling as a hundred-year war against Mutants had just ended five years ago. Dondo's foster parents hid her in a grove in the woods, but he was soon discovered and subjected to abuse at the hands of his captors. He quickly escaped, and the government issued a 10,500,000 World-Dollar bounty for his death with some kind of body proof.



Mutant Class: BETA

[spoiler=Mutant Powers]

Gravitational Control

The capability to manipulate gravity to his own command and will as similar to mind control, due to the fact he could make things as heavy or light weight, pull or push, force fields, anything known of what gravity could do. Having the power of gravity comes with the draw back of as being in the ocean deep under the water as feeling it;s  your body is being pressured due to the fact of using the ability this results in how long he would be using his abilities, this can as well result to death if no training has been applied though this results after use.


Other Information
None Yet.



Well whilst an "100 year war between mutants" is a very interesting idea, my character would have been alive to witness the beginning and end of it. I can still play to it inside my characters bio but I'd prefer you to change it as it may affect more than just my bio. It also seems that your character is made out to be an extremely important and main figure and I don't want that overthrowing other members especially the leaders of each of the factions. It also isn't quite well thought out imho, if he is cold and callous why would he be afraid of fighting? He would surely better suit the role of playful etc.


All in all not a bad application it just needs some refining.


Loki and Enc I'll look over your app's soon.

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I made another change to my app. I added a little something to my equipment that'll work well with my ability.


Looks fine to me.



Aldir, the PC, and his sister, Francine, the NPC.

Personal Information:
Character Name: Aldir Emerson
Sex: Male
Age: 24
Aldir is a laid back individual, living his days out moment to moment. He comes off as arrogant as he likes to boast about his achievements, though he's just as quick to brag about one of his friends as well. He's not the type to seek out danger, but he doesn't back down from it, either. While others may call him reckless, to Aldir, it's just him getting stuff done.

As one might expect, Aldir thrives on attention. He is usually smiling for one reason or another and generally enjoys life. He does lose control of himself occasionally, usually when dealing with people he doesn't like, though its been getting rarer and rarer.

He finds little use in lies and half-truths in most situations, and often beats on himself whenever he finds himself resorting to using one. This makes him one to be trusted when they need an honest opinion; it helps that its fairly obvious when he's trying to be evasive. But he lets out everything on his mind, regardless if one likes his opinions or not.
Aldir looks to be a black-haired Hispanic young man, often seen wearing a hat of some kind to hide the bald spots on his head. He's... tall enough, at almost 5'9", and has black eyes which don't seem to be able to focus on one thing for an extended period of time.

One's eyes would immediately be drawn to Aldir's 'arm cannon', the metal prosthetic left arm he has which is more of a gun than an actual hand. There is still an elbow, but he seems intimidating since he is 'always armed'. Aldir's clothes accentuate this, often wearing a jacket, sleeveless shirt, and jeans. Even when he has to dress up, his dress clothes lack a left sleeve, just so he can show off his arm.

Besides that, he is kind of stocky, though it does look like he works out. Overall, Aldir basically seems 'confident' in the way he moves and his posture, though whether he's confident in himself or in his arm is up to debate.
After dropping out of college, Aldir found himself floating from job to job, unsure of his direction in life. He was originally an orphan, but was fortunate enough to find a loving foster mother and father. The Mrs. Emerson was infertile, so the pair had decided to adopt three children at once, giving Aldir a foster brother and sister, named Charles and Francine. He held his family in high regard, so felt as if he was failing them by being unable to finish college. Still, he continued on, though he could feel his will drain day by day.

After a few months his parents called and asked about him visiting home with his siblings, which Aldir decided to do after much deliberation. Resolved to actually turn his life around, he came home... to find that while Aldir was off feeling sorry for himself, his brother Charles had discovered that he was a mutant. Aldir was cool with it, after all they were family, but something happened. His brother... literally exploded.

Aldir doesn't remember the details. Something about the mutant power causing an unexpected violent reaction to the atmosphere. What he did know was that his parents died in the explosion, and Aldir himself should have been dead. If his sister Francine wasn't running late and was able to save Aldir, the tragedy would have claimed the entire family's lives.

That's not to say that Aldir got off scot-free. He was now missing most of his left arm and had multiple internal injuries. Consciousness came and went. Aldir, for his part, was able to make his decision; when he was able to speak with Francine, he had one request:

"You know that human weapon project you've got? Get me in on that."

His sister honored Aldir' wishes, and although his injuries complicated some things, he was able to be successfully rebuilt. With his path clear, Aldir joined the Vanguard, because those mutants are a danger to everyone... including themselves.

Combat Information:
Faction: The Vanguard

Member Status: Junior

W.C.F. - Weaponized Cybernetic Frame

The Weaponized Cybernetic Frame is a part of the Soldier Recovery Project, which aims to use cybernetics to allow injured and crippled soldiers back into the field. It has a success rate of about 15%, so people can only enter the program voluntarily. Under normal circumstances, it would just be cybernetics, but Francine was forced to use experimental parts due to politics within the unit. Fortunately for Aldir, there were no complications.

Aldir's entire left arm has been replaced with something akin to an 'arm cannon', complete with adjustable barrel. The barrel is telescopic, and can widen and shrink as needed. As such, it can take standard ammunition, or specialized 'slugs' which turn his arm into a grenade launcher of sorts. The whole assembly is tied directly into his body's natural systems due to the injuries he sustained. This does have some perks, as while the arm is battery-powered, he can power it using his body's own energy in emergencies. His left foot is normal cybernetic foot, with added parts which help him stay grounded when he uses is arm cannon.

Currently the only slug types he can use are explosive and flammable slugs, though more will be developed as more WCFs are installed, as Aldir's was a success.

The W.C.F. needs recalibration from time to time, generally every other day. While it is best for Aldir to see a certified bio-technician to do the recalibration, Aldir has learned enough to recalibrate the cybernetics himself in a pinch.

[spoiler=Fighting Style/Abilities]
In close quarters, Aldir tends to rush in, and is not afraid to use his metallic arm and foot to his advantage. He does sometimes get a little trigger happy, though... really, it's not like he can be disarmed like others in his current state.

He's a decent shot with his cannon at mid range, and he really can't snipe with his arm cannon, despite it having that functionality. He really enjoys the slug launcher, though, and works pretty well with it.


Name: Francine Emerson
Age: 25
Race: Human
Personality: Francine is very quiet and keeps to herself. She does have a passive personality, and tends to be pushed into doing all sorts of things, but like her brother, she sees things through to the end. Which helps, since she does know her stuff.
Faction: Vanguard
Rank: Contracted Civilian (works with the tech, particularly stuff like Aldir's W.C.F)


Love it! Accepted, unless the co-hosts have a problem with it.



I played a bit this the history of mutants, tell me if i am not supposed to do that.


[spoiler=My Application Form]


"You think you're the only ones who matter. You think you can put off death. But that peace made you foolish and thoughtless. If you kill someone, someone else will kill you… this hatred binds us together. I want you to feel pain, to think about pain, to accept pain, to know pain."


Personal Information:

Character Name: Liero Dondo X-Name: Pain

Sex: Male

Age: 17


As a child, Dondo was a sensitive, kind boy, prone to crying, and was traumatized by the idea of killing others, even if it was to save his enemy. Scared and unsure of his place in the world, he desired to help those he cared about, but never knew how. He was consistently respectful and kind, who they claimed to be their "angel" in his home town He was usually seen protecting himself, without request or hesitation from anyone, he was always with love of learning how to defend off bullies but as at soft heart, he would have a hard time learning that he would be able to punch/hurt someone, but due to his friend he was forced into actions that hurt others.He hates violence with a passion and fears to hurt others, thus he isolated himself.


As he grew things happened so fast, Dondo became very cold at heart, callous, and dispassionate figure, and rather aloof, brooding, and indifferent, willing to harm both his comrades and enemies should they get in his way. He refereed to anyone he didn't find interesting as "trash", and treated them as expendable. Despite this, he was still not particularly violent, and will only fight when was provoked.





A slender, yet fairly muscular, male, average height with a melancholic appearance. He has fairly short, messy black hair, pale white skin, and green eyes. Part of his bangs falls between his eyes, and he has distinctively thick eyebrows. He has teal make-up lines which descend from the lower part of his eyes. His facial expression rarely changes, though he is almost always frowning. He wears: a white jacket, black belt, and a white pants. However, his jacket has longer coattails and the collar is higher.



The details of Dondo's birth are not known exactly; all that is known for certain is that he was found as an infant roughly three years before the events of a War that ranged on for days but soon ended, as he was left long for death, soon he was taken in for adaption by an old couple with no children of their own to depend on.


The other villagers became afraid, however, since Dondo appeared to age from being an infant to apparently growing fast in his late teens in eight years. This was compounded when he discovered, one day, that he now was a freak. Dondo was now identified as a Gear/tool essentially, a living weapon of mass destruction. This was especially troubling as a hundred-year war against Mutants had just ended five years ago. Dondo's foster parents hid her in a grove in the woods, but he was soon discovered and subjected to abuse at the hands of his captors. He quickly escaped, and the government issued a 10,500,000 World-Dollar bounty for his death with some kind of body proof.



Mutant Class: BETA

[spoiler=Mutant Powers]

Gravitational Control

The capability to manipulate gravity to his own command and will as similar to mind control, due to the fact he could make things as heavy or light weight, pull or push, force fields, anything known of what gravity could do. Having the power of gravity comes with the draw back of as being in the ocean deep under the water as feeling it;s  your body is being pressured due to the fact of using the ability this results in how long he would be using his abilities, this can as well result to death if no training has been applied though this results after use.


Other Information
None Yet.



Looks good to me. Although which faction would he belong to? Or is he a rogue mutant? I'll wait until there is an answer/other input from the co hosts to accept.




No girl mutants yet, huh?

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