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Doctor Who?! Why is there no page for this?!


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Deep Breath was just fantastically awesome. Totally deserves the big screen release, I must admit. I did get a bit confused about the motivations of the Clockwork Droids this time around and what they were trying to accomplish by making a hot air balloon from skin (reaching the Promised Land is fine and dandy and all, but with a HOT AIR BALLOON? HOW).

However, it doesn't really matter since everything else made up for it. The new Doctor, drama, hints and references, music, dinosaurs, tone and character development, everything. Especially dat cliffhanger. Who's willing to bet that that's not what the afterlife is really like?

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After multiple viewings, I think the Doctor mentions that the Clockwork droids are from the 51st Century stuck here (which was previously established) and that they think the promised land is in that time, so have been surviving until they reach that century again ("going home the long way round" is the quote I think), constantly repairing themselves with people/dinosaurs/whatever was available. Even if this is right, it's still a pretty convoluted motivation that I don't think you're supposed to look to closely at.


The rest of the episode though, as you said, was just amazing. The darker tone (the Half-faced Man's ambiguous death especially), the new music, which I feared wouldn't be as good as 11ths theme, Clara's development, THAT PHONE CALL, the dinosaur, the deep breath idea (classic Moffat), and both restaurant scenes (in the air and on the ground).


A very good start, if not quite Eleventh Hour, and according to spoiler-free reviews, the next episode is very good too.

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The last episode got decent reviews but for me nothing stood out, I thought it was an interesting concept that could have lead to it being the best Dalek based episode to date. I just don't think they executed it well enough. 


As for me pitching in on my thoughts on Doctor Who, I have to say 11th was MY Doctor. He was just a perfect fit in my eyes, right amount of emotion, right amount of weird, had the evil in him and the good! Was brilliant and I'm gonna miss Smith.


Huge fan of the show though, looking forward to Capaldi's take.

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It was the Rings of Akhaten speech that did it for me, that pretty much sold me Smith. He was just the right amount of everything that made him the perfect Doctor.

Sold on him ever since Eleventh Hour.


Nieway, s8e03 was a fun episode. Not the best but pretty fun. Usually an episode written by Mark Gatiss would be a snooze-fest for me. 

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S8E03 felt like a filler episode but it's helping me get used to Capaldi and his take on the Doctor. Robin Hood was played well, and my my Clara is a treat on the eyes. I can only see Capaldi getting darker with this version of the Doctor and I kind of hope he does. He threatened to punch Robin Hood in the face!


@Dae, he made the episode "Dalek" rather special. Watching the way he lost it when he saw the Dalek made me scared of them both.

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Eccleston wanted to leave and not work with them again because he hated it. He refuses to work with them again. 


Shame really, he was such a good Doctor to kickstart the reboot, I'd have had a season or two more with him as Doctor and had no problem at all.

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I would too, but I can't be mad at him for leaving either. Person issues with the workers. It was a pleasure to have him, though.

And considering he left after a series, Russell T tied up his emotional arc of recovering from the war/killing his people pretty nicely in only 13 episodes, unless that was always the plan.


As for the new series, I actually really liked 8x02, loved how ruthless and badass Capaldi was in that, and the expansion of the Doctor/Dalek relationship; Dalek looks into Doctors mind after all he's seen and what he gets from it is hatred? deep, dark, I like it. A few quibbles stopped it being a classic - and why have they given up on Paradigm Daleks completely now? That really upset me for some reason, especially after they repainted them to be darker/metallic.

8x03 was pretty non-sensical but funny, and both Capaldi and Tom Riley were great as their respective heroes ("a contest to find the best archer in the land...THERE IS NO CONTEST! Ha Ha!" etc), though the plot was pretty thin - don't get me started on the last gold arrow.


Looking forward to next week's SO MUCH, forums/people who've seen the leak seem to say its the next blink in terms of clever and scary, and stand-alone, which is the first in a while for Moffat. I'm sure it'll be amazing.

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That episode, Listen, was just absolutely fantastic in every possible way. That's it. There's no need to describe what I liked most about it, because what is there not to like about it? Even if I actively attempted to try and poke at it, I would be utterly incapable of doing such a thing. Now, for some of the rest of you, things like Blink might still be superior to this, and that's perfectly understandable since they're different in execution.

However, for me in particular, I believe that this. Bloody. EPISODE has now become my new favorite. Even now, we don't know - was the monster real, or was it just part of their imagination? So many questions, yet at the same time, so many meaningful moments and answers that may or may not be correct. This did not just reach my expectations, frankly, it exceeded it in every possible way.


...Oh, by the way, has anyone else noticed that Clara seems to be influencing the Doctor's life so much? I mean, I was suspicious of it before, but now with this happening, it seems like it can't possibly be a coincidence. I wonder, will this become any relevant in the future?

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