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was only planning on making 1 guardian anyway. By the way, do we have to stick to moves that a given pokemon can learn in-game, or are we allowed ot give them other moves assuming its reasonable?


Umm...assuming that it is reasonable I will allow it. Just don't go overboard.

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WIP for now. Might put a second app up here as well.


[spoiler=Zane Scalind]


"Just relax and go with the flow."

Personal Information:

Name: Zane Scalind

Aliases/Nicknames: Orange's Wave Rider

Age: 19

Gender: Male



Zane is tall, standing at around 6 feet with a toned, athletic build. He is more lean than muscular, however, and his body type is much more indicative of that of a swimmer than, say, a football player or bodybuilder. His skin is slightly tanned, indicative of both a great deal of time spent outdoors and some islander ancestry. His blonde hair is long and just a little messy, though whether or not this is due to his hat or Zane's lack of care for it depends on the day. Aside from his hat, grey jacket, and orange shirt, Zane wears grey pants, a pair of quality (but a little worn) Devon corp. running shoes, a grey and black trainer's bag that he wears over his right shoulder, and a black and orange new-model poke'gear. Though most trainers prefer collapsible bicycles for faster transportation when not on the various routes, Zane instead makes use of a collapsible long board, which he keeps in his trainer's bag and can be frequently seen using. Despite having the traveled, slightly weathered look of your typical veteran trainer, Zane is rather handsome, and his good looks and wide, disarming smile tend to win him easy friendships.Though Zane doesn't slouch, he tends to prefer to lean on nearby objects and walls rather than stand upright. Whether it be listening and participating in a conversation with genuine interest, or some small detail in his environment that catches his eye, Zane always seems to be aware of and engaged in his surroundings. Though he is alert and observant, Zane nonetheless gives off a calm, easygoing air, and interacting with him gives one a sense of genuine warmth. [/spoiler]


Zane is laid back, sincere, warm, and perceptive, yet at the same time he is also competitive, driven, and confident. Very much a product of the lush, tropical environment he was raised in, Zane is relaxed and easygoing, rarely rushing through anything and taking his time to accomplish tasks thoroughly when he can.



You do not need to go into detail as to how you caught each of your Pokemon, but please include basic background information, how you came into contact with your patron Legendary(if applicable), your motive for being a Legend Hunter(if applicable), etc, etc.



Combat Information:

Title: Guardian


The bare minimum of information that needs to be included can be found on this example. You are at most allowed to have 10 Pokemon, but only one may be a Legendary Pokemon(if applicable). Each Pokemon is only allowed 4 moves in its moveset. You are only allowed to have Mega Stone. In addition, you may only have up to three other equipped items. Note: You may have custom Mega Evolutions. 



If applicable. Abilities and powers are, for the most part, only granted to Guardians by their patron Legendaries(this is completely optional as well). These powers and abilities are usually very low-key. You may include any weapons your character may carry, but remember that most people will not carry weapons(with the exception of Legend Hunters). Bottom line, don't go overboard(this applies to both weapons and powers)[/spoiler][/spoiler]

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[spoiler=Andrei Putski (A.K.A. Glass)]


"Our voices will never be silenced!  NEVER!" -- Glass


Name: Andrei Putski

Aliases/Nicknames: Glass

Age: 41

Gender: Male


Glass is an almost blatant standout.  His hair is cut short and spiky, but a very sharp blonde in color.  Standing at 6 feet, four inches, his eyes are black in color, and he has a very sharp chin.  On the right side of his face, on his right cheek, there is a tattoo of the sun, and it is surrounded by a flock of birds, in a fiery red sky.  He sports a heavy black trench coat, which he wears. . . . over his KGB uniform, which is but a standard black suit with black tie.  His only notable difference are the red cuff links engraved with "of fire" on the left and "of heart" on the right.  Most of the time he wears pitch black sports shades, especially in the presence of his own reflection.[/spoiler]


Glass knows that he is a strong individual, and recognizes his own arrogance in turn.  But he also has a big heart.  For a number of years he has conspired against the Empire, but to no avail.  He found himself trapped between the KGB and the Local government, not to mention the Empire itself.  That was until he discovered his first Pokemon.  It was then his burning passion for justice came to light.  Though he is still a member of the KGB, his heart is stronger and he has a much better chance to fight "the man".  He's a loving person, with two kids of his own.  He shares this love with his Pokemon as if they were also his children.  He is often selfish with his love, hesitant to let anyone heal or help them other than himself.  He does not own very many Pokemon, just shy of 100.  He has released most of his captures and the rest he has given to a Russian Pokemon Hospital, in which Pokemon presence helps to aid in the recovery of children and adults alike, because of their unique connection to humans.  He visits the hospital on occasion, just because he loves to see people and Pokemon smile.[/spoiler]


Hailing from Russia, Andrei is a proud individual.  He caught his first Pokemon on his 40th birthday, a Charmander.  From there, he grew into the Pokemon KGB Rangers association, where he traveled within the country to aid Pokemon and trainers alike.  His team soon expanded on his journey, growing to a full six he always kept at his side.  Amid the PKGBRA, he began to plot how to take down the Empire from the inside, but he was swept up into the chaos that ensued when the world quaked.  It stopped as abruptly as it began, and he was approached by a powerful Pokemon who spoke to him directly.  Moltres.  It was then he learned of the Tournament of Legends, hosted by an insanely wealthy person who's name was Fayte.  [/spoiler]


Combat Information:

Title:  Guardian


1.)  Charizard (A.K.A. Glassed):  His prized Pokemon.  Charizard is Glass' heavy hitter, and his best friend.  (Male / Blaze / Petaya Berry /Air Slash, Flamethrower, Dragon Pulse, Echoed Voice) 

2.)  Malamar:  The KGB Junior Pokemon.  She excels at sneaking.  (Female / Infiltrator / Psychic Gem / Camouflage, Psychic, Dark Pulse, Calm Mind)

3.)  Cryogonal:  The Anti-Glass.  Often the Pokemon Glass goes to when he needs to. . . cool off.  When combined with Malamar, they make a scary, hard to see team. (Genderless / Levitate / Icicle Plate / Ice Beam, Recover, Rapid Spin, Haze)

4.)  Luxray:  The embodiment of badass.  Luxray often sports the same shades as Glass, but does it better.  (Male / Intimidate / Life Orb / Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Ice Fang, Magnet Rise)

5.)  Gengar:  The wild card.  The joker.  The one guy who's always the life of the party.  An explosion in a bottle!  Literally.  (Male / Levitate / Quick Claw / Destiny Bond, Toxic, Shadow Ball, Explosion)

6.)  Moltres:  The Guardian of the Guardian?  The embodiment of Glass.  A burning heart of PASSION!  (Genderless / Pressure / Leftovers / Fire Blast, Air Slash, Roost, Solar Beam)[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Powers, Abilities, and Weapons]

Standard 9 Millimeter.  The safety is always on.

Stun gun.  There isn't always a need for violence.  Force?  Maybe.


Grade C Hand to hand combat.

Grade A Pursuit.  He's an agent.  He loves chasing people.

Grade B Endurance.  Very persistent, this man.[/spoiler]


Other Information:


  • The nickname comes from the play on Andrei's burning heart.  It burns so brightly he himself has become Glass, and reflects the evil on the world, revealing it to itself.  Or so he claims.  PASSION!
  • Theme:  Dualism[/spoiler]



There is a bit of a problem here. This RP takes place in an altered Pokemon World. The different regions have all collided together to make the one super-region known as Totus. While some people can still identify with their Johto, Kanto, Hoenn, etc. roots, there is definitely no 'Russia', likewise, there wouldn't be a KGB. I would prefer that you replace Empire simply with government as well. This isn't to say that your character can't be a part of a spy agency that wants to bring down the government, merely that it wouldn't be the one from the Cold War. Also, you are only allowed to have 3 held items and yet your entire team is equipped with them. 

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Yeah, I've been fighting technical problems with my router lately and that made me lose what I had so far. So... yeah, I'ma try to get back what I lost.


[spoiler=Terra Montana, the Professional Trainer Guardian with a Defective Heart]Untitled14_zps4389fce1.png

"I may have a heart defect, but that's not gonna stop me from winning this tournament or taking down those Legend Hunter bastards!"

Personal Information:
Name: Terra Montana
Age: 17
Gender: Female


Terra stands at a fairly average 5' 6", and has a modest BWH ratio of 25-20-28. Her hips are definitely her curviest asset, while her breasts are large enough to stand out, yet not so large that they'd otherwise be considered abnormal. Terra was born with naturally tanned skin, and her hair reaches down just past her hips. Terra's usual outfit is just a white T-shirt and a pair of track shorts, and although she wears just wears socks whilst inside Pokemon Centers and the like, she'll often wear steel-toed hiking boots when out on the field. Terra doesn't have a Pokedex on her person, but to make up for this, she knows what most Pokemon are off by heart.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Personality]Put simply, Terra is a professional Pokemon trainer with a big heart. She loves her Pokemon to bits, and although she puts them through a rough training regime for the sake of competition, she always ensures that they don't overdo it and become stressed because of it. Terra is also cherry and very friendly, and often gets on with other trainers without any problems. Guys in particular tend to be in among Terra's friend list, since she's a tomboy by nature, and thus has a lot of things in common with the stereotypical young man. However, underneath Terra's cherry, friendly, Pokemon-loving persona lies a deep hatred for the Legend Hunters. This hatred is so deep that even rumors of Legend Hunter activity are enough to ruin her day. Terra is normally a pacifist, but she just wishes she could gather all the last remaining Legend Hunters in the Totus Region and punch them all into a big bloody pulp on the ground. She can even be tempted to finish a battle with a Legend Hunter with fists instead of another Pokemon; this is especially the case when she sees herself in a losing situation against a Legend Hunter, or when Garchomp faints. Terra also dislikes trainers that prove to be complete jerks. Fortunately, most of them prove to be poor trainers in her presence, so she rarely has problems teaching such characters a lesson in respect.


After spending a [acronym='as in, a few months at the very LEAST']great deal of time[/acronym] with Terra, one may notice that she will try her best to stray away from three emotions; love, sadness and fear. Truth be told, these three emotions are key in rapidly decelerating her already slow-beating heart, which becomes exceedingly difficult to stabilize once she feels any of them. This explains why she's shy around any potentially serious relationships, has never been seen crying except those few times when she was young, and will refuse to admit that she's scared in fear that thinking about will make her even more scared. Terra's heart beats at a minimal 27 beats per minute at resting pace, and no matter what she does within the limits of her stamina, she cannot raise that number beyond 36 beats per minute. However, if her heart isn't stabilized before her heart rate descends past 18 beats per minute, she'll likely fall into a coma. Before that though, there are several symptoms that Terra will experience. First and foremost is that she'll struggle to keep her eyes open. Next, her words will begin to slur, and then she'll start losing strength in all her muscles. Because these symptoms can be devastating, Terra will try to keep track of her current heart beat at all times, but it should be noted that Terra has a strong case of cyrophobia, and triggering that cyrophobia tends to make her heart rate plummet without fail. Nonetheless, Terra has already entered the tournament having this risk in mind, and she has no intention of turning back now...[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Back Story]Out of all the humans that had been infected by the PokeX Virus, Terra Montana's ancestors were among the few survivors. However, the virus had taken its toll on even Terra's ancestors, as their hearts had taken extensive damage throughout the infection, which in turn made it that much harder to maintain blood flow to the other vital organs. Unfortunately, these same battered hearts were always passed down the generations, with the medics unable to learn much about how they functioned differently until Terra's great grandfather passed away, when they discovered that the depression he was going through had played a key part in his heart's faltering. Still, that didn't stop him from passing the cursedly defective heart down to Terra's grandfather and mother. Finally, Terra herself was born with the burden of wielding the defective heart, with her mother having lost her life just seconds after giving birth to her.


Terra had been separated from her father for the first 5 years of her life, reason being that she needed professional medical care in case her heart rate were to decelerate. The father could only wish that he could visit her more often than once a week, but with what only being a simple Pokemon farmer, he could only save up enough to put gas in his truck every so often, and it was a long drive from the ranch in which he lived and worked to the hospital where Terra was staying. One day while she was staying at the hospital however, Terra stumbled, across some files that went into great detail about her family history; it even detailed the genesis of the dreaded heart defect that was passed down by the survivors of the PokeX Virus. But this knowledge was too much for young Terra to handle, and she quickly fell into despair, which in turn caused her heart to fail on her. The medics had quickly arrived to the scene, and managed to bring her in for an emergency stabilization. It was excruciatingly painful for Terra to bear, with what one Chansey's Thunder Bolt after another in a valiant effort to keep her heart rate stable. But eventually this was accomplished, and Terra's heart rate eventually climbed back up to its normal rate of 27 beats per minute.


Eventually, Terra was released from the custody of the hospital to live with her father on the ranch. Incidentally, it was this same place that, when she was about 7, Terra made a bond with her first Pokemon; a wild Bunnelby that she'd decided to play a game of whack-a-mole with and chase with a toy mallet. This Bunnelby happened to "catch itself" when it bumped into a table littered with Poke Balls, one of which fell on its head and captured it. It had become Terra's Pokemon to play with ever since then. Unaware that she was too young to legally own any Pokemon, Terra had dashed off to find other Pokemon to catch and play with... only to stumble upon a Legend Hunter that was terrorizing a flock of Mareep with a Mamoswine, in an effort to lure out Terrakion so he could fell it in battle. Being the first to arrive onto the scene, Terra felt that it was up to her to try and stop this zealous Legend Hunter, and thus sent out Bunnelby. Unfortunately, Bunnelby took a direct hit from the Mamoswine's Ice Shard, which had triggered Terra's cyrophobia, making her freeze in fear and her heart rate to drastically drop as a result. Fortunately, Terrakion had come just in time, saw what happened and conquered the threat. The Legend Hunter didn't have time to prepare, and his Mamoswine was caught off guard by Terrakion's Sacred Sword; but he swore revenge nonetheless, and fled. Terrakion had then lifted Terra onto his back and charged forward, only to drop her off at the ranch and leave her father to nurse her back to health.


10 years had passed since that fateful day, and Terra became a lot stronger as a Pokemon Trainer. Her Bunnelby had evolved into a Diggersby, and she had also caught a Skarmory and an Aerodactyl. She also caught a Honedge, a Larvitar, a Gible, a Drilbur, an Aron and a Hippopotas, and evolved them all to their fully evolved forms. She even managed to get a hold of a Tyranitarite, and gave it to Tyranitar to hold onto. But alas, Terrakion was never to be found among Terra's journey of becoming a Pokemon Master. Terra had one idea on how to get Terrakion out in the open, but she could never bring herself to harm other wild Pokemon; not to mention that it would only make Terrakion angry with her. So Terra opted to look for the Rock-type Musketeer the old-fashioned way; search far and wide, and high and low. Eventually, Terra caught a glimpse of him entering an old cavern that had been encased in ice, and against her better judgement, ventured inside after him. It turned out that Terrakion had entered the cavern on purpose to see if the following Terra could overcome her cyrophobia and, noting that she'd come after all, turned to face her and issued a challenge to prove her worth. The resulting battle was long and tiresome, but eventually Terra managed to catch the Rock-type Musketeer inside a Timer Ball. Now though, they find themselves at the tournament grounds, looking for new Trainers to battle.[/spoiler]

Combat Information:
Title: Guardian
[spoiler=Pokemon]Aegislash (Female/Stance Change/Iron Head/Brick Break/Shadow Sneak/King's Shield)

Terrakion ([acronym='As per the last Tournament of Legends, we're gonna assume that Terrakion is a MAN!!']Genderless[/acronym]/Justified/Stone Edge/Earthquake/Sacred Sword/X-Scissor)

Tyranitar (Male/Sand Stream/Tyranitarite/Stone Edge/Earthquake/Foul Play/Aerial Ace)

Garchomp (Female/Sand Veil/Outrage/Stone Edge/Earthquake/Swords Dance)

Excadrill (Male/Sand Rush/Earthquake/Iron Head/Rock Slide/Shadow Claw)

Skarmory (Male/Sturdy/Brave Bird/Iron Head/Night Slash/Roost)

Diggersby (Female/Huge Power/Earthquake/Wild Charge/Facade/Payback)

Aggron (Male/Rock Head/Head Smash/Iron Tail/Fire Punch/Curse)

Aerodactyl (Male/Pressure/Stone Edge/Earthquake/Crunch/Wing Attack)

Hippowdon (Female/Sand Stream/Stone Edge/Earthquake/Fire Fang/Slack Off)
[spoiler=Abilities/Powers/Weapons]Having been subject to painful amounts of electricity as a child, Terra is now all but immune to Electric-type attacks launched at her. They do have an effect on raising her heart rate, which is helpful for stabilization, but all damage is null and void.


Terra also happens to be super strong, and knows martial arts to unleash a can of whoop ass when need be. Her kicks can demolish cinder blocks, and her punches are enough to make a dent into solid steel. She doesn't happen to have any weapons on her, however.[/spoiler]
Other Information:

Terra specializes in using Ground-type, Rock-type and Steel-type Pokemon

Encounter Theme: Xenogears OST: The Blue Traveler, as remade by BitSymphony

Battle Theme: Pokemon BW OST: Elite Four Battle Theme


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There is a bit of a problem here. This RP takes place in an altered Pokemon World. The different regions have all collided together to make the one super-region known as Totus. While some people can still identify with their Johto, Kanto, Hoenn, etc. roots, there is definitely no 'Russia', likewise, there wouldn't be a KGB. I would prefer that you replace Empire simply with government as well. This isn't to say that your character can't be a part of a spy agency that wants to bring down the government, merely that it wouldn't be the one from the Cold War. Also, you are only allowed to have 3 held items and yet your entire team is equipped with them. 

Fixing ^_^


EDIT:  Done.  Fixed everything above.

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Fixing ^_^


EDIT:  Done.  Fixed everything above.


It's a bit strange that he got his first Pokemon only a year ago. Already he has fully evolved it and caught nearly 100 Pokemon? That seems like quite a stretch. Also, there is just the slightest mention of the KGB in your Pokemon list(I'm just nitpicking at this point). My main concern is the amount of time he's been a trainer not correlating with his achievements. I would say he needs to have been a trainer for a minimum of 5 years to get to this point. 


Also everyone, Chaos Sonic has been chosen to Co-Host with me!

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It's a bit strange that he got his first Pokemon only a year ago. Already he has fully evolved it and caught nearly 100 Pokemon? That seems like quite a stretch. Also, there is just the slightest mention of the KGB in your Pokemon list(I'm just nitpicking at this point). My main concern is the amount of time he's been a trainer not correlating with his achievements. I would say he needs to have been a trainer for a minimum of 5 years to get to this point. 


Also everyone, Chaos Sonic has been chosen to Co-Host with me!


10 year difference inferred.  Making more changes.


EDIT:  Done.  Added some backstory, added a weapon.

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[spoiler='Evangela Elias']

"Love. Hope. Virtue. These are the ideas that I believe keep humans going. Striving for a better tomorrow, and as long as I live I will hold onto these ideals with all I can."

Personal Information:

Name: Evangela Elias

Aliases/Nicknames: Ice | Sheila {pronounced Shay-luh}

Age: 19 {Physically} | 185 {Post Cryo Freeze}

Gender: Female

[spoiler='Appearance']Evangela is a relatively short young woman, standing at 162 cm(5'4"), and with her petite frame she often looks far younger than she actually is. Evangela's extremely pale skin often makes people think she is an albino, and her deep violet eyes only make this seem more likely. Her teal hair is worn short framing her face with bangs that start just above her left eye, and coming completely over her eye by the the time the reach the right side of her face. As for her clothes Evangela wears a royal blue hat (think of Naoto Shirogane's hat), and a pair of matching vanity glasses. Evangela wears a Midnight blue ribbed sweater that hangs off her shoulders and bunches her wrists, underneath this she wears at black tank top, the straps of which can be seen from underneath her sweater. Finally she wears a pair of loose faded blue jeans, as well as blue high top sneakers. One could say that she's very blue.[/spoiler]

[spoiler='Personality']A woman of few words, Evangela is a very soft spoken, and gentle person. A very placid soul she is content to simply drift along wherever fate may take her. While not necessarily timid, she is not really the outgoing type either, and to speak with new people she must be approached or introduced, rather than getting to know them herself. A rather pleasant person, she has a calming feel about her that seems to put others at ease around her. Being such a calm person Evangela tends to avoid conflict, and will attempt to settle disputes peacefully rather than immediately jumping to a violent option.


Evangela does her best to bring out the beauty in her Pokemon, and has them ‘show-off’ during battle. Though she would much rather participate in contests, but has somehow gotten sucked into the world of Pokemon battles.  To Evangela each battle is a performance, and she seeks to produce something pleasing to the people around her instead of showing off her Pokemon’s power. During battles Evangela prefers to use long range attacks to prevent damage to her Pokemon, while using support to supplement them. Evangela likes to get battles over quickly, and tries to end things with one or two moves, but never takes risks during battle preferring to play a defensive and safe game. She always thinks battles through, and never rushes recklessly into battles, but is slow to recover if things deviate from her plan. Due to her anemia Evangela often becomes fatigued, or in extreme cases, will pass out after a battle.[/spoiler]

[spoiler='Backstory']In the slums of the booming metropolis of Celadon City a young girl was born to a poor family. Before even giving this newborn child a name, the poor couple sold their daughter for money, condemning her to a life of pain. This girl was one of many unwanted children who were sold to an underground Organization known as Team Rocket. The young girl was then brought to a secret Underground Rocket Facility, and raised by a man named Robert Elias. You see what many don't know is that Dr. Nanba was not Team Rocket's first head researcher, no before him the Team Rocket Labs were run by Dr. Elias. Under his command any who were brought in as test subjects... well God rest their souls for the fate that awaited them. Now then back to the story of the children. Until the age of 6 the man raised the children as if they were his own, treated them with love and care, and even gave them names. The little girl's name, it was Sheila. In the beginning the experiments weren't so bad, merely painless experiments that accelerated their mental growl, and knowledge. The children began to trust the good Doctor.


That's when things took a turn for the worst. The Doctor put the children through an excruciating set of tests with the goal of ultimately giving the children psychic powers. During these experiments many of the children died, and what few lived were left physically changed, and mentally scarred. In the end just four children were left. Sheila the cryomancer, Marc the geomancer, Antonia the pyromancer, and Keenan the aeromancer. Not only were they able to manipulate elements, but they had all developed different specialized abilities. These four children were Elias' crowning achievement, and with them he had the power to potentially conquer the world.


Having little time to recover the Doctor immediately began training each child's specific ability, and while the regiment would rotate daily the doctor had a few personal favorites that he would subject the children too. Frequently Evangela would have to lie on her back over a tank of water suspended by ropes, and have to use her powers to calm the Carvanha, which bit her back, he would have newly hatched Cubones claw at them, Loudred and Explode scream into microphones, or his personal favorite have Evangela fight angered Kangaskhan, Aggron, or Tyrannitar. For 9 years these children endured these tortures, yet one night fate seemed for once to smile on these children. During one of their outdoor training sessions the children discovered a nesting Dragonite. For several days the began to formulate a plan for escape. Using Evangela's powers to influence the emotions of Pokemon and sent the Dragonite on a rampage, destroying the lab. Unfortunately the enraged Dragonite attacked indiscriminately and the children were forced flee inside the lab for safety. For a moment they believed their end would be near, until Evangela stumbled upon something miraculous, a set of Cryo-Freezing chambers. Activating the chambers the children slept, surviving the destruction of the lab.


It was not until after the Great Merge that the children finally awoke. Unfamiliar with their new environment they stumbled from city to city, before eventually going there separate ways. Evangela eventually stumbled on what appeared to be a Pokemon Academy and enrolled in it taking the alias of Ice. If asked now she would consider these days the best of her life. It was at this Academy that she grew to love Pokemon, rather than fear them,and met her first love, her roommate Areo. It was to this young man that Evangela opened up to, and shared the pains of her past. He had been the one person who had taken her fears away, and convinced her that everything would be alright. At the Academy Evangela met her two Ralts, which would later become her Gardevoir and Gallade. After graduating Evangela and Areo went their separate ways to accomplish their dreams, but not before promising that they would meet again at the Academy Gates. From their Ice went on to accomplish her dream, and became a Top Coordinator, and it was around this time that she began using the name Evangela Elias. 


The young woman found though, that even though she had met her dream of becoming the Top Coordinator, she still wished for something more out of life. She found this answer in Pokemon research. Using the money she won from her victory at the Grand Festival Evangela opened a Pokemon Research Lab, feeling something right in performing the work her "father" had done, but now for the good of both human and Poke-kind. It was around this time that met up with one of her old fellow test subjects, Keenan, who now called himself Sora. Together both old friends traveled Totus gathering data about the terrain and environmental changes that had occurred due to the Great Merge. During one of these expeditions Evangela stumbled upon Full Moon Isle, a relic of the Old World seemingly untouched by the Great Merge. It was here that she met Cresselia and became the Lunar Pokemon's Guardian.  


When Evangela and Areo heard about the Tournament of Legends both agreed to meet there, and the young woman has been gitty with excitement ever since at the thought of finally seeing her love again for the first time in 3 years.[/spoiler]


Combat Information:

Title: Guardian

[spoiler='Pokemon']Gardevoir  {Gardevoirite} {Aura Sphere/Moonblast/Calm Mind/Psychic} {Trace}

Gallade  {Psycho Cut/Dual Chop/Swords Dance/Leaf Blade} {Steadfast}

Milotic ♀ {Mirror Coat/Dragon Pulse/Recover/Ice Beam} {Competitive} *Shiny*

Glaceon  {Ice Beam/Hail/Shadow Ball/Hidden Power (Fire)} {Ice Body}

Espeon  {Dazzling Gleam/Calm Mind/Stored Power/Morning Sun} {Magic Bounce}

Slyveon  {Moonblast/Hyper Beam/Return/Misty Terrain} {Pixilate} 

Roserade  {Weather Ball/Sunny Day/Rain Dance/Magical Leaf} {Poison Point}

Noivern  {Dragon Pulse/Hurricane/Boomburst/Draco Meter} {Inflitrator}

Lucario  {Aura Sphere/Dragon Pulse/Calm Mind/Heal Pulse} {Inner Focus}

Cresselia  {Moonblast/Lunar Dance/Ice Beam/Psycho Shift} {Levitate}


[spoiler='Powers/Abilities/Weapons']Cryomancy: Evangela, due to her time as a test subject is able to manipulate water particles, and slow down the vibrations of particles/atoms for a variety of effects. The most obvious and easiest of these is to manipulate and freeze water particles in the air to create ice projectiles. She can also freeze over portions of large bodies of water for short periods of time to make structures (i.e. bridges, walls, etc). Finally perhaps her hardest technique to perform Evangela can slow down the vibrations of the atoms around her to lower the actual temperature in the area around her to freezing/below freezing temperatures, though this takes a large load on her body and she often can't keep it going for very long.


Communication with Pokemon: Evangela quite simply can understand the speech of Pokemon, and communicate with them as one might communicate with other humans. She can do this psychically or verbally, the first often coming in handy during battles if she doesn't wish to telegraph her moves to her opponent. Evangela can also use this ability to influence the emotions of wild Pokemon such as sending them into a rampage, or calming otherwise unreasonable Pokemon.


Genesis: Not really an ability, Genesis is a physical manifestation of Evangela's fractured and violent alter ego that resulted from her days as a human experiment. Genesis manifests as a young girl of about 11 or 12 looking like a younger version of Evangela. She wears a spaghetti-strap, white dress that goes down to about her knees with a small diamond design at the bottom, and white flip flops. She is also able to use Evangela's abilities. While for the most part she remains in the astral plane of Evangela's mind she can manifest physically in the real world. While in the astral plane she can also create and destroy objects at will, though this ability is lost when she exists the astral plane.[/spoiler]


Other Information:

  • Evangela's Theme: Heartful Cry - Persona 3 FES OST
  • Genesis' Theme: Shadows of the Labyrinth - Persona 4 Arena OST
  • Evangela is anemic, and is prone to pass out if she exerts herself to much (both physically and mentally (i.e. using her powers too long/too much)



So I'm not sure if you're cool with one of my Pokemon being Shiny, so if you have a problem with that I can change it. Also I had one of Gardevoir's custom moves as Aura Sphere, and again if you're not okay with that I can change it.

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[spoiler='Evangela Elias']

"Love. Hope. Virtue. These are the ideas that I believe keep humans going. Striving for a better tomorrow, and as long as I live I will hold onto these ideals with all I can."

Personal Information:

Name: Evangela Elias

Aliases/Nicknames: Ice | Sheila {pronounced Shay-luh}

Age: 19 {Physically} | 185 {Post Cryo Freeze}

Gender: Female

[spoiler='Appearance']Evangela is a relatively short young woman, standing at 162 cm(5'4"), and with her petite frame she often looks far younger than she actually is. Evangela's extremely pale skin often makes people think she is an albino, and her deep violet eyes only make this seem more likely. Her teal hair is worn short framing her face with bangs that start just above her left eye, and coming completely over her eye by the the time the reach the right side of her face. As for her clothes Evangela wears a royal blue hat (think of Naoto Shirogane's hat), and a pair of matching vanity glasses. Evangela wears a Midnight blue ribbed sweater that hangs off her shoulders and bunches her wrists, underneath this she wears at black tank top, the straps of which can be seen from underneath her sweater. Finally she wears a pair of loose faded blue jeans, as well as blue high top sneakers. One could say that she's very blue.[/spoiler]

[spoiler='Personality']A woman of few words, Evangela is a very soft spoken, and gentle person. A very placid soul she is content to simply drift along wherever fate may take her. While not necessarily timid, she is not really the outgoing type either, and to speak with new people she must be approached or introduced, rather than getting to know them herself. A rather pleasant person, she has a calming feel about her that seems to put others at ease around her. Being such a calm person Evangela tends to avoid conflict, and will attempt to settle disputes peacefully rather than immediately jumping to a violent option.


Evangela does her best to bring out the beauty in her Pokemon, and has them ‘show-off’ during battle. Though she would much rather participate in contests, but has somehow gotten sucked into the world of Pokemon battles.  To Evangela each battle is a performance, and she seeks to produce something pleasing to the people around her instead of showing off her Pokemon’s power. During battles Evangela prefers to use long range attacks to prevent damage to her Pokemon, while using support to supplement them. Evangela likes to get battles over quickly, and tries to end things with one or two moves, but never takes risks during battle preferring to play a defensive and safe game. She always thinks battles through, and never rushes recklessly into battles, but is slow to recover if things deviate from her plan. Due to her anemia Evangela often becomes fatigued, or in extreme cases, will pass out after a battle.[/spoiler]

[spoiler='Backstory']In the slums of the booming metropolis of Celadon City a young girl was born to a poor family. Before even giving this newborn child a name, the poor couple sold their daughter for money, condemning her to a life of pain. This girl was one of many unwanted children who were sold to an underground Organization known as Team Rocket. The young girl was then brought to a secret Underground Rocket Facility, and raised by a man named Robert Elias. You see what many don't know is that Dr. Nanba was not Team Rocket's first head researcher, no before him the Team Rocket Labs were run by Dr. Elias. Under his command any who were brought in as test subjects... well God rest their souls for the fate that awaited them. Now then back to the story of the children. Until the age of 6 the man raised the children as if they were his own, treated them with love and care, and even gave them names. The little girl's name, it was Sheila. In the beginning the experiments weren't so bad, merely painless experiments that accelerated their mental growl, and knowledge. The children began to trust the good Doctor.


That's when things took a turn for the worst. The Doctor put the children through an excruciating set of tests with the goal of ultimately giving the children psychic powers. During these experiments many of the children died, and what few lived were left physically changed, and mentally scarred. In the end just four children were left. Sheila the cryomancer, Marc the geomancer, Antonia the pyromancer, and Keenan the aeromancer. Not only were they able to manipulate elements, but they had all developed different specialized abilities. These four children were Elias' crowning achievement, and with them he had the power to potentially conquer the world.


Having little time to recover the Doctor immediately began training each child's specific ability, and while the regiment would rotate daily the doctor had a few personal favorites that he would subject the children too. Frequently Evangela would have to lie on her back over a tank of water suspended by ropes, and have to use her powers to calm the Carvanha, which bit her back, he would have newly hatched Cubones claw at them, Loudred and Explode scream into microphones, or his personal favorite have Evangela fight angered Kangaskhan, Aggron, or Tyrannitar. For 9 years these children endured these tortures, yet one night fate seemed for once to smile on these children. During one of their outdoor training sessions the children discovered a nesting Dragonite. For several days the began to formulate a plan for escape. Using Evangela's powers to influence the emotions of Pokemon and sent the Dragonite on a rampage, destroying the lab. Unfortunately the enraged Dragonite attacked indiscriminately and the children were forced flee inside the lab for safety. For a moment they believed their end would be near, until Evangela stumbled upon something miraculous, a set of Cryo-Freezing chambers. Activating the chambers the children slept, surviving the destruction of the lab.


It was not until after the Great Merge that the children finally awoke. Unfamiliar with their new environment they stumbled from city to city, before eventually going there separate ways. Evangela eventually stumbled on what appeared to be a Pokemon Academy and enrolled in it taking the alias of Ice. If asked now she would consider these days the best of her life. It was at this Academy that she grew to love Pokemon, rather than fear them,and met her first love, her roommate Areo. It was to this young man that Evangela opened up to, and shared the pains of her past. He had been the one person who had taken her fears away, and convinced her that everything would be alright. At the Academy Evangela met her two Ralts, which would later become her Gardevoir and Gallade. After graduating Evangela and Areo went their separate ways to accomplish their dreams, but not before promising that they would meet again at the Academy Gates. From their Ice went on to accomplish her dream, and became a Top Coordinator, and it was around this time that she began using the name Evangela Elias. 


The young woman found though, that even though she had met her dream of becoming the Top Coordinator, she still wished for something more out of life. She found this answer in Pokemon research. Using the money she won from her victory at the Grand Festival Evangela opened a Pokemon Research Lab, feeling something right in performing the work her "father" had done, but now for the good of both human and Poke-kind. It was around this time that met up with one of her old fellow test subjects, Keenan, who now called himself Sora. Together both old friends traveled Totus gathering data about the terrain and environmental changes that had occurred due to the Great Merge. During one of these expeditions Evangela stumbled upon Full Moon Isle, a relic of the Old World seemingly untouched by the Great Merge. It was here that she met Cresselia and became the Lunar Pokemon's Guardian.  


When Evangela and Areo heard about the Tournament of Legends both agreed to meet there, and the young woman has been gitty with excitement ever since at the thought of finally seeing her love again for the first time in 3 years.[/spoiler]


Combat Information:

Title: Guardian

[spoiler='Pokemon']Gardevoir  {Gardevoirite} {Aura Sphere/Moonblast/Calm Mind/Psychic} {Trace}

Gallade  {Psycho Cut/Dual Chop/Swords Dance/Leaf Blade} {Steadfast}

Milotic ♀ {Mirror Coat/Dragon Pulse/Recover/Ice Beam} {Competitive} *Shiny*

Glaceon  {Ice Beam/Hail/Shadow Ball/Hidden Power (Fire)} {Ice Body}

Espeon  {Dazzling Gleam/Calm Mind/Stored Power/Morning Sun} {Magic Bounce}

Slyveon  {Moonblast/Hyper Beam/Return/Misty Terrain} {Pixilate} 

Roserade  {Weather Ball/Sunny Day/Rain Dance/Magical Leaf} {Poison Point}

Noivern  {Dragon Pulse/Hurricane/Boomburst/Draco Meter} {Inflitrator}

Lucario  {Aura Sphere/Dragon Pulse/Calm Mind/Heal Pulse} {Inner Focus}

Cresselia  {Moonblast/Lunar Dance/Ice Beam/Psycho Shift} {Levitate}


[spoiler='Powers/Abilities/Weapons']Cryomancy: Evangela, due to her time as a test subject is able to manipulate water particles, and slow down the vibrations of particles/atoms for a variety of effects. The most obvious and easiest of these is to manipulate and freeze water particles in the air to create ice projectiles. She can also freeze over portions of large bodies of water for short periods of time to make structures (i.e. bridges, walls, etc). Finally perhaps her hardest technique to perform Evangela can slow down the vibrations of the atoms around her to lower the actual temperature in the area around her to freezing/below freezing temperatures, though this takes a large load on her body and she often can't keep it going for very long.


Telekinesis: Evangela can manipulate multiple objects at will using her mind. She can only use this at a very basic level, and can only move one or two things at a time.


Communication with Pokemon: Evangela quite simply can understand the speech of Pokemon, and communicate with them as one might communicate with other humans. She can do this psychically or verbally, the first often coming in handy during battles if she doesn't wish to telegraph her moves to her opponent. Evangela can also use this ability to influence the emotions of wild Pokemon such as sending them into a rampage, or calming otherwise unreasonable Pokemon.


Genesis: Not really an ability, Genesis is a physical manifestation of Evangela's fractured and violent alter ego that resulted from her days as a human experiment. Genesis manifests as a young girl of about 11 or 12 looking like a younger version of Evangela. She wears a spaghetti-strap, white dress that goes down to about her knees with a small diamond design at the bottom, and white flip flops. She is also able to use Evangela's abilities. While for the most part she remains in the astral plane of Evangela's mind she can manifest physically in the real world. While in the astral plane she can also create and destroy objects at will, though this ability is lost when she exists the astral plane.[/spoiler]


Other Information:

  • Evangela's Theme: Heartful Cry - Persona 3 FES OST
  • Genesis' Theme: Shadows of the Labyrinth - Persona 4 Arena OST
  • Evangela is anemic, and is prone to pass out if she exerts herself to much (both physically and mentally (i.e. using her powers too long/too much)



So I'm not sure if you're cool with one of my Pokemon being Shiny, so if you have a problem with that I can change it. Also I had one of Gardevoir's custom moves as Aura Sphere, and again if you're not okay with that I can change it.



Totally cool with the shiny thing and Gardevoir knowing Aura Sphere is fine. I am not too keen on having both Telekinesis and Cryomancy. Even with Telekinesis at a basic level, I find that you have too many abilities. I'd say choose one or the other. Other than that, I love your character! :D

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Totally cool with the shiny thing and Gardevoir knowing Aura Sphere is fine. I am not too keen on having both Telekinesis and Cryomancy. Even with Telekinesis at a basic level, I find that you have too many abilities. I'd say choose one or the other. Other than that, I love your character! :D

Telekinesis is gone~ (That was an easy decision lol)

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[spoiler='Evangela Elias']

"Love. Hope. Virtue. These are the ideas that I believe keep humans going. Striving for a better tomorrow, and as long as I live I will hold onto these ideals with all I can."

Personal Information:

Name: Evangela Elias

Aliases/Nicknames: Ice | Sheila {pronounced Shay-luh}

Age: 19 {Physically} | 185 {Post Cryo Freeze}

Gender: Female

[spoiler='Appearance']Evangela is a relatively short young woman, standing at 162 cm(5'4"), and with her petite frame she often looks far younger than she actually is. Evangela's extremely pale skin often makes people think she is an albino, and her deep violet eyes only make this seem more likely. Her teal hair is worn short framing her face with bangs that start just above her left eye, and coming completely over her eye by the the time the reach the right side of her face. As for her clothes Evangela wears a royal blue hat (think of Naoto Shirogane's hat), and a pair of matching vanity glasses. Evangela wears a Midnight blue ribbed sweater that hangs off her shoulders and bunches her wrists, underneath this she wears at black tank top, the straps of which can be seen from underneath her sweater. Finally she wears a pair of loose faded blue jeans, as well as blue high top sneakers. One could say that she's very blue.[/spoiler]

[spoiler='Personality']A woman of few words, Evangela is a very soft spoken, and gentle person. A very placid soul she is content to simply drift along wherever fate may take her. While not necessarily timid, she is not really the outgoing type either, and to speak with new people she must be approached or introduced, rather than getting to know them herself. A rather pleasant person, she has a calming feel about her that seems to put others at ease around her. Being such a calm person Evangela tends to avoid conflict, and will attempt to settle disputes peacefully rather than immediately jumping to a violent option.


Evangela does her best to bring out the beauty in her Pokemon, and has them ‘show-off’ during battle. Though she would much rather participate in contests, but has somehow gotten sucked into the world of Pokemon battles.  To Evangela each battle is a performance, and she seeks to produce something pleasing to the people around her instead of showing off her Pokemon’s power. During battles Evangela prefers to use long range attacks to prevent damage to her Pokemon, while using support to supplement them. Evangela likes to get battles over quickly, and tries to end things with one or two moves, but never takes risks during battle preferring to play a defensive and safe game. She always thinks battles through, and never rushes recklessly into battles, but is slow to recover if things deviate from her plan. Due to her anemia Evangela often becomes fatigued, or in extreme cases, will pass out after a battle.[/spoiler]

[spoiler='Backstory']In the slums of the booming metropolis of Celadon City a young girl was born to a poor family. Before even giving this newborn child a name, the poor couple sold their daughter for money, condemning her to a life of pain. This girl was one of many unwanted children who were sold to an underground Organization known as Team Rocket. The young girl was then brought to a secret Underground Rocket Facility, and raised by a man named Robert Elias. You see what many don't know is that Dr. Nanba was not Team Rocket's first head researcher, no before him the Team Rocket Labs were run by Dr. Elias. Under his command any who were brought in as test subjects... well God rest their souls for the fate that awaited them. Now then back to the story of the children. Until the age of 6 the man raised the children as if they were his own, treated them with love and care, and even gave them names. The little girl's name, it was Sheila. In the beginning the experiments weren't so bad, merely painless experiments that accelerated their mental growl, and knowledge. The children began to trust the good Doctor.


That's when things took a turn for the worst. The Doctor put the children through an excruciating set of tests with the goal of ultimately giving the children psychic powers. During these experiments many of the children died, and what few lived were left physically changed, and mentally scarred. In the end just four children were left. Sheila the cryomancer, Marc the geomancer, Antonia the pyromancer, and Keenan the aeromancer. Not only were they able to manipulate elements, but they had all developed different specialized abilities. These four children were Elias' crowning achievement, and with them he had the power to potentially conquer the world.


Having little time to recover the Doctor immediately began training each child's specific ability, and while the regiment would rotate daily the doctor had a few personal favorites that he would subject the children too. Frequently Evangela would have to lie on her back over a tank of water suspended by ropes, and have to use her powers to calm the Carvanha, which bit her back, he would have newly hatched Cubones claw at them, Loudred and Explode scream into microphones, or his personal favorite have Evangela fight angered Kangaskhan, Aggron, or Tyrannitar. For 9 years these children endured these tortures, yet one night fate seemed for once to smile on these children. During one of their outdoor training sessions the children discovered a nesting Dragonite. For several days the began to formulate a plan for escape. Using Evangela's powers to influence the emotions of Pokemon and sent the Dragonite on a rampage, destroying the lab. Unfortunately the enraged Dragonite attacked indiscriminately and the children were forced flee inside the lab for safety. For a moment they believed their end would be near, until Evangela stumbled upon something miraculous, a set of Cryo-Freezing chambers. Activating the chambers the children slept, surviving the destruction of the lab.


It was not until after the Great Merge that the children finally awoke. Unfamiliar with their new environment they stumbled from city to city, before eventually going there separate ways. Evangela eventually stumbled on what appeared to be a Pokemon Academy and enrolled in it taking the alias of Ice. If asked now she would consider these days the best of her life. It was at this Academy that she grew to love Pokemon, rather than fear them,and met her first love, her roommate Areo. It was to this young man that Evangela opened up to, and shared the pains of her past. He had been the one person who had taken her fears away, and convinced her that everything would be alright. At the Academy Evangela met her two Ralts, which would later become her Gardevoir and Gallade. After graduating Evangela and Areo went their separate ways to accomplish their dreams, but not before promising that they would meet again at the Academy Gates. From their Ice went on to accomplish her dream, and became a Top Coordinator, and it was around this time that she began using the name Evangela Elias. 


The young woman found though, that even though she had met her dream of becoming the Top Coordinator, she still wished for something more out of life. She found this answer in Pokemon research. Using the money she won from her victory at the Grand Festival Evangela opened a Pokemon Research Lab, feeling something right in performing the work her "father" had done, but now for the good of both human and Poke-kind. It was around this time that met up with one of her old fellow test subjects, Keenan, who now called himself Sora. Together both old friends traveled Totus gathering data about the terrain and environmental changes that had occurred due to the Great Merge. During one of these expeditions Evangela stumbled upon Full Moon Isle, a relic of the Old World seemingly untouched by the Great Merge. It was here that she met Cresselia and became the Lunar Pokemon's Guardian.  


When Evangela and Areo heard about the Tournament of Legends both agreed to meet there, and the young woman has been gitty with excitement ever since at the thought of finally seeing her love again for the first time in 3 years.[/spoiler]


Combat Information:

Title: Guardian

[spoiler='Pokemon']Gardevoir  {Gardevoirite} {Aura Sphere/Moonblast/Calm Mind/Psychic} {Trace}

Gallade  {Psycho Cut/Dual Chop/Swords Dance/Leaf Blade} {Steadfast}

Milotic ♀ {Mirror Coat/Dragon Pulse/Recover/Ice Beam} {Competitive} *Shiny*

Glaceon  {Ice Beam/Hail/Shadow Ball/Hidden Power (Fire)} {Ice Body}

Espeon  {Dazzling Gleam/Calm Mind/Stored Power/Morning Sun} {Magic Bounce}

Slyveon  {Moonblast/Hyper Beam/Return/Misty Terrain} {Pixilate} 

Roserade  {Weather Ball/Sunny Day/Rain Dance/Magical Leaf} {Poison Point}

Noivern  {Dragon Pulse/Hurricane/Boomburst/Draco Meter} {Inflitrator}

Lucario  {Aura Sphere/Dragon Pulse/Calm Mind/Heal Pulse} {Inner Focus}

Cresselia  {Moonblast/Lunar Dance/Ice Beam/Psycho Shift} {Levitate}


[spoiler='Powers/Abilities/Weapons']Cryomancy: Evangela, due to her time as a test subject is able to manipulate water particles, and slow down the vibrations of particles/atoms for a variety of effects. The most obvious and easiest of these is to manipulate and freeze water particles in the air to create ice projectiles. She can also freeze over portions of large bodies of water for short periods of time to make structures (i.e. bridges, walls, etc). Finally perhaps her hardest technique to perform Evangela can slow down the vibrations of the atoms around her to lower the actual temperature in the area around her to freezing/below freezing temperatures, though this takes a large load on her body and she often can't keep it going for very long.


Communication with Pokemon: Evangela quite simply can understand the speech of Pokemon, and communicate with them as one might communicate with other humans. She can do this psychically or verbally, the first often coming in handy during battles if she doesn't wish to telegraph her moves to her opponent. Evangela can also use this ability to influence the emotions of wild Pokemon such as sending them into a rampage, or calming otherwise unreasonable Pokemon.


Genesis: Not really an ability, Genesis is a physical manifestation of Evangela's fractured and violent alter ego that resulted from her days as a human experiment. Genesis manifests as a young girl of about 11 or 12 looking like a younger version of Evangela. She wears a spaghetti-strap, white dress that goes down to about her knees with a small diamond design at the bottom, and white flip flops. She is also able to use Evangela's abilities. While for the most part she remains in the astral plane of Evangela's mind she can manifest physically in the real world. While in the astral plane she can also create and destroy objects at will, though this ability is lost when she exists the astral plane.[/spoiler]


Other Information:

  • Evangela's Theme: Heartful Cry - Persona 3 FES OST
  • Genesis' Theme: Shadows of the Labyrinth - Persona 4 Arena OST
  • Evangela is anemic, and is prone to pass out if she exerts herself to much (both physically and mentally (i.e. using her powers too long/too much)



So I'm not sure if you're cool with one of my Pokemon being Shiny, so if you have a problem with that I can change it. Also I had one of Gardevoir's custom moves as Aura Sphere, and again if you're not okay with that I can change it.






Ok, Kytes is done


Off to go review!

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"If there's one thing I've learned...it's that no one can alter fate."

Personal Information:

Name: Fayte

Age: 47

Gender: Male



Quite the eccentric, Fayte is always garbed in a kingly fashion: long flowing robes, commanding head pieces, and expensive accessories. Fayte is a towering figure, standing at a strong height height of 6'5". He has a slim, yet healthy, build and walks with the regal dignity one would imagine an elf to possess. 

Note: Fayte does not have the wing tips connected to his head piece as depicted above.



Fayte is a bit of an enigma. He has an eccentric personality that comes off as airy and slightly arrogant. That being said, he appears to be a likable person. He is a charismatic speaker and seems to inspire feelings of wonder and hope in those around him. His constant talk about fate and destiny make him seem almost otherworldly and angelic. 






Combat Information:

Title: Tournament Host


It is largely unknown whether or not Fayte is a Pokemon Trainer. As far as anyone can tell, the only Pokemon he owns is a largely built Absol that accompanies him wherever he goes. There is no other public information to be had.






Other Information:

Theme: TBA


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Currently working on my app, but I'm considering having Latios as my legend instead. So, would it be possible to reserve that as well whilst I make up my mind?


EDIT: My app.

[spoiler=Silver Yuja]

"Slaying a dragon isn't as easy as may think."

Name: Silver Yuja

Aliases/Nicknames: N/A

Age: 19

Gender: Male


Added notes: Silver's clothes are a bit more tacky and dirty than they look in the pic, because of his training and athletic exploits. He prides himself on having neat hair though and spends each morning combing his hair. He also wears a lucky Dragon Fang that was given to him by his grandfather around his neck, a Mega Ring on his left wrist and on his right shoulder, he bears a scar that he received whilst trying to protect his pokemon from a Zangoose's Crush Claw that was commanded by the mysterious man. Silver's height is 6'2" and he weighs 160lbs.



Silver has been shown to be quite intelligent especially when asked about Dragon-Types as he has been around them most of his life so it would make sense that he had gained such knowledge. There was one issue that came up though, Silver had said that he has difficulty with people taking care of his pokemon, other than his parents, he doesn't trust anyone else with his pokemon for reasons he doesn't want to explain which is understandable. Silver has also been shown be quite competitive and his competitive spirit seems to take over when he is in battle or doing sports such as soccer, which sometimes clouds his overall judgment and make him lose sight of what is important most of the time which sometimes doesn't end well for him. One day during a training battle with another trainer, Bagon fell off a cliff thus Silver jumped off to save him, and this shows that he'd do anything for his pokemon.



Silver Yuja was born in Blackthorn City, his parents were skilled Dragon Tamers in their time and had hoped that Silver would follow in their footsteps. As the years gone by, Silver had gotten to know the unique qualities of Dragon-Types and by the Age of 12 the Elder of the Dragon's Den felt it would be time for Silver to take the Dragon User's Challenge, needless to say Silver passed that test and undertook the training of a Dratini who still resides at the Yuja household as a Dragonair to this day along with Silver's reserve pokemon that he had caught on his journey.

When Silver started his journey in Totus, he received a Totodile from Professor Acorn (Who only became a professor recently), the Totodile's first response was to bite Silver's head to which Silver laughed off and to this day remains one of Silver's trusted partners who has been through thick and thin and has partaken in many a tough battle on their journey through Totus.

Through his travels, Silver came to learn about the different cultures across Totus as well as adding and rotating pokemon to his roster, although if you had to ask which pokemon that Silver has the strongest bonds with, he'd say it is Lucario. Ever since the two met in the south eastern mountains of Totus that is laced with iron, the two spent many weeks training and getting in perfect synch, although it definitely wasn't easy, and he will admit that it was tough at times but it was well worth it.

One day whilst training, Lucario uncovered a mysterious stone that was hidden inside one of the rocks. Silver was bewildered at what the stone could be, but he could tell that it was emanating an aura that he simply couldn't ignore so he kept it with him to see if his grandfather can make head or tails of it because he sure couldn't at the time.

However his return home would take a detour when he saw a statue of Latios smashed onto the floor and decided to investigate. He assumed that if someone smashed Latios' statues then Latios would be closeby, and his assumptions were correct when he saw an injured Latios on the ground. Approaching the fallen dragon-type, he heard a voice from the bushes saying "HOLD IT!" and moments later a horde of Zangoose leapt from the bushes and in front of Silver.

It was a thrilling fight that took a toll on both parties, Silver especially because the mysterious man had his Zangoose use Crush Claw on Latios and Silver lunged in front of him and his shoulder took the hit instead, but with the help of Lucario, Silver was able to drive away the Zangoose.

Things got much worse however when the mystery man emerged from the bushes and fired an electric net at Lucario, an unwise move on his part as his actions angered Silver who fired his aura at the man, propelling him into the water, and when he calmed down, he sent out Flygon to free Lucario.

Nursing Latios' wounds, Latios sensed that Silver was being compassionate and told him through telepathy, "Please, protect me from all evildoers. I'm not safe here, I need a compassionate soul like yours to become my Guardian." and Silver understood Latios completely judging by how grateful Latios was as he read about how Latios prefers compassionate trainers, so as a result he held up a pokeball offering to take Latios along with him with the promise to protect Latios from evildoers.

Returning home, he showed his grandfather the mysterious stone that he and Lucario uncovered by accident and his grandfather confirmed that it was a mega stone at first glance, specifically the Lucarionite and told him that it was one of the items need to mega evolve and that he had a Key Stone upstairs to give to Silver.

Silver then spent the next couple of weeks mastering the art of mega evolution and once he had mastered it, a flyer for the Tournament of Legends flew into his face and he set off to take part in the preliminaries held in what was left of Indigo Plataeu, and he successfully advanced to the elimination rounds on Archanum Island, and thus Silver set sail for Archanum Island to take part in the next round of the Tournament of Legends.



Combat Information:

Title: Guardian

[spoiler=Pokemon rotated on team]

Feraligatr (male) [Torrent] - Ice Punch, Waterfall, Eathquake, Shadow Claw (@Expert Belt)
Salamence (male) [Intimidate] - Dragon Claw, Dragon Dance, Aerial Ace, Crunch (@Dragon Fang)
Electivire (male) [Motor Drive] - Thunderpunch, Fire Punch, Brick Break, Protect
Espeon (female) [Synchronize] - Shadow Ball, Psychic, Signal Beam, Morning Sun
Goodra (female) [Gooey] - Fire Blast, Dragon Pulse, Sludge Bomb, Focus Blast
Altaria (female) [Natural Cure] - Sky Attack, Dragon Pulse, Sing, Draco Meteor
Tyranitar (male) [Sand Stream] - Earthquake, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Thunderpunch
Lucario (male) [Inner Focus] - Dragon Pulse, Aura Sphere, Ice Punch, Bullet Punch (@Lucarionite)
Flygon (male) [Levitate] - Earthquake, U-Turn, Dragon Claw, Screech

Latios (male) [Levitate] - Calm Mind, Luster Purge, Protect, Dragon Pulse



- Communcation with his Latios can be made via telepathy which is made easier due to the fact that Latios is able to understand human speech. He is also able to see what Latios can see though Latios' ability to sight share.
- As a result of training with Lucario, Silver is also able to use Aura, although his usage of aura is limited to creating a temporary barrier to firing a short burst of energy as well as a means of communicating with each other. He can also sense other people's auras (if any).



Other Information:

Theme: Kai's Determination

- Silver is also very athletic, playing sports like soccer and rugby that he played a young age, using the skills that he learned whilst playing those sports to aid him in real life situations.

- Silver is known to be a strong and knowledgable Dragon-type user.

[spoiler=Pokemon history]
Feraligatr: Silver's most trusted partner. He received it as a Totodile from Professor Acorn and as a Totodile, it spent alot of time out of its pokeball. Now a Feraligatr it is known to be one of Silver's massive powerhouses.
Salamence: Silver found this as a Bagon in the mountains to the southwest of Totus. Originally aggressive, Silver wanted that kind of power it possessed on his team, but feared that it might be too aggressive for him to handle. Knowing that his parents were skilled Dragon Tamers, Silver managed to curb Bagon's aggressions and now as a Salamence, the 2 are a great team that many people in Totus know about.
Electivire: As an Elekid, it had problems with excess electricity and when Silver met it, Elekid nearly shocked him, but Silver's athletic prowess allowed him to dodge the blast. Silver then saw the potential in the little spark plug, so with the help of nearby electric pokemon, they were able to get rid of the excess electricity, and it joined Silver's team as a thank you as the excess electricity was causing him distress.
Espeon: Originally an Eevee, his grandparents gave this to Silver as a present for passing the Dragon User test. Silver then spent the next couple of days looking at the unique qualities of Eevee, and Silver knew what he wanted Eevee to become so he trained Eevee in the daytimes only and after a fortnight of training, Eevee had evolved into Espeon.
Goodra: When Silver first encountered Goodra, it was a Sliggoo in the western marshlands of Totus. However it was shy and initially didn't show her face to Silver, but he could tell that it was a strong pokemon nonetheless and he attempted to show his compassionate side and bait her out with some sweet smelling poffins, although she was hesistant at first, he reassured her by saying that he'd bring out her full potential.
Altaria: Walking through the northeastern forests of Totus, Silver noticed the beautiful voice of a Swablu. Silver knew that Swablu evolved into Altaria so Silver decided that he had to capture it, but Swablu's beautiful singing stopped him and his pokemon in their tracks. Eventually Silver thought of luring her down with berries which worked after Magby gave them a little toasting, and after eating the tasty berries, Swablu offered her services to Silver's team. As an Altaria, Silver spent many weeks trying to get Altaria to master the Draco Meteor attack, though he had to do that in the mountains so noone got hurt during failed attempts.
Tyranitar: Venturing into the mountains to the south of Blackthorn, Silver had heard of a Tyranitar capable of summoning powerful sandstorms, and it didn't take long before he felt the force of said sandstorm. So with the help of Feraligatr and Salamence, Silver was able to get in close with his pokemon's attacks and capture Tyranitar.
Lucario: When Silver obtained it as a Riolu in a mountainous region filled with Iron, he stayed there to train Riolu so that they can move in synch. This training included martial arts, learning the kinds of athletic skills that Silver had been taught and also increasing Riolu's strength. A few days later Riolu had evolved into Lucario and continued training with Silver until they were in perfect synch.
Flygon: When Silver first met Flygon, it was as a Trapinch, it kept toying with him by burrowing underground every time he encountered it, this got Silver determined to capture it and follow its burrowing patterns. Many hours passed and Silver started to grow tired, but when Trapinch reappeared, he sent Feraligatr to strike it before Silver threw the pokeball before it got away
Latios: When Silver laid eyes on Latios for the first time, it was injured and Silver couldn't bare to see a dragon pokemon suffer, however this resulted in a battle between him and a group of Zangoose owned by a mysterious man. Silver tried protecting Latios from Zangoose by lunging in front of it, but this resulted in an injury and together with his Lucario, Silver beat the mystyerious man and Latios knew that Silver was worthy enough to protect it and Silver offered it a spot on his team.
[spoiler=His pokemon's diet]
Feraligatr: Feraligatr tends to like eating fish more than pokemon food, and over time, Silver had agknowledged this.
Salamence: Salamence enjoys to chow down on fresh aplles and drink Aprijuice made from Yellow Apricorns.
Electivire: Before eating, Electivire likes to send a jolt of electricity to his food, because Electivires feed on electric currents.
Espeon: Espeon likes to drink Aprijuice made from Pink Apricorns as well as poffins with a dry and sweet flavour
Goodra: Goodra likes to eat poffins with a sweet and dry flavour as well as drink Aprijuice made from pink Apricorns.
Altaria: Altaria likes to eat berries and drinking Aprijuice made from Pink Apricorns to soothe her voice.
Tyranitar: Tyranitar likes to eat food with a sour flavour like Aspear and Sitrus Berries.
Lucario: Lucario likes to drink Aprijuice made from Yellow Apricorns to raise his stamina as well as berries and plants.
Flygon: Flygon likes to eat poffins with a dry and bitter flavour, and drink Aprijuice made from Blue Apricorns.
Latios: Latios likes to eat poffins with a bitter and sour flavour.


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Well...here's hoping this flies...


[spoiler=Neos Rivetter]Quote: "Holy Arceus, I beg your forgiveness for the horrible acts I have committed with my own hands and fangs, the atrocities I have performed upon your children, though I know not what they were. I pray that when you cast your final Judgement upon me, you see me not as a cruel villain who enjoys the loss of others, but as a stray sheep that has lost himself in this dark time..."

~Personal Information~
Name: Neos Rivetter
Aliases/Nicknames: Way too many aliases and nicknames to list from over the years...
Age: 124
Gender: Genderless/Masculine
Normal Appearance:

[spoiler=Ignore the Aura Spheres in the pic...]


Underneath his 'clothes', which is just as much a part of him as the body itself, he hides all the scars he's obtained in his life, and due to the PokeX virus, he's got a lot. The external scars that should have been on his face and the back of his hands he also still has, though he has moved them to either lesser-damaged parts of his chest and back and higher up on his arms. He's also about 6'4" and weighs at an average of 200-205lbs, which means that if he ends up tackling you, the one being tackled will be hurting. During the moments that he does end up giving a toothy grin, you can see that his incisors on both the top and bottom rows are enlonged enough to be considered fangs, though he can keep them hidden from view when closed. The uncut gem he wears in the form of a necklace is from the Tree of Beginning and still glows faintly with its light, even after being separated from it so long. Though it is hidden from view, he also wears yellow dress shoes with black socks.

Personality: His enlonged life has worn down on his natural joviality. While he can still laugh, it often sounds strained, like he can no longer put his whole heart into it anymore. Due to constantly battling insanity, he often seems guarded, even afraid to let anyone get too close to his heart, even the many Pokemon he adopts and trains before releasing them again into the wild once they've grown and become strong enough to handle themselves. Despite how long he's lived, he still has many moments when he pulls something considered inappropriate among humans to try and make another feel better about themselves, such as randomly giving someone a hug that could really use one. His age makes him wise among both humans and shorter-lived Pokemon, though he knows there are those wiser than him. It also angers him when he sees Pokemon being used as nothing more than breeding tools to achieve 'weaponized perfection' as he calls it, since that's what his race especially had been used by a lot of humans as for a while. He does really try to fit in with human society, but sometimes he still feels alone in the many crowds...

[spoiler= Backstory (Warning, this is long, since I'm having to explain his age.)] His particular patron is more than that, the Mew he acts as a shield for is the same one that raised him. His first memories was him becoming aware of his surroundings within the Tree of Beginning at the start of his life, with Mew, or Mistress Mew as he calls her, floating over him to make sure he was alright. With her help, he gotten a handle of his natural transformation abilities, though things changed soon after he turned 4 years old, in human terms.

The Tree started falling apart, he wasn't sure why. All he knew was that he had to get out, but his panic caused him to get lost, leading him to the heart of the Tree. Because of this, he saw a human put on a pair of strange gloves with gems embedded into it before starting to strain himself from focus. A blue orb of energy emerged in front of him before surrounding Mistress Mew, who flew into the core and restored sanity to the Tree, though the human who had made it possible died in the effort.

Wishing to honor the human, the young Ditto decided to take on his form, though he chose his own human name. After finally perfecting it as much as he was able, he began traveling the human world to learn more about it, eventually running into a group of Pokemon that went by the name of Rescue Team Starseeker. Using a Pokedex the leader of the group had found with the aid of an allied Porygon-Z, Neos was able to get himself a 'dex that would oddly register him as a legitimate trainer, despite the quirk that the Porygon-Z left in said 'dex that prevents him from ever being able to hold a whole team at once... When the team had to enter human territories to fulfill a mission, Neos wound up playing the role of the team's 'trainer', though he was rather-uncomfortable with such a title at first. Fortunately, the number of times he did have to use his 'dex to enter official tournaments have left a permanent mark on the system, making him an official trainer, though he was never human to begin with. Ten years of this passed before the last of the Starseekers finally passed on outside of the Deoxys on the team who just left Earth, leaving Neos alone for the time being.

Lost upon the path he set for himself, Neos returned to the Tree of Beginning, hoping to seek advice from the Mew he viewed as his 'mother', though the title he refers to her by would suggest otherwise to those who didn't know the two. Her advice was simple: Pay it forward, do for others that she had done for him. Remembering that she took him in as a newborn almost, he started doing the same, taking in and caring for any orphaned Pokemon that came across on his own journey, caring for them like the parent they may have never had.

After he turned 24 human years old, not long after he managed to get himself a job as a Pokemon Ranger, the PokeX virus infected the false human during a mission, inflicting a terrible amount of insanity within him that caused him to randomly strike out at nearby humans and Pokemon in his human form, even sometimes killing them. During one of these insanity outbursts, he wound up being pinned down and arrested by a group of Officer Jennys, almost ripping one of their legs with his fanged teeth as they did. The Jenny to whom this almost happened to saw the fangs and suggested they got him admitted to a hospital for possible madness. Another Jenny, whom was a survivor of a PokeX attack, realized that he was acting like a Pokemon infected by the virus after the suggestion of the hospital was brought up, so she pulled out one of several tranquilizer darts she has carried on her since. She not-too-politely jammed it into his arm and injected the liquid into him, which forced him into a deep slumber. He had long trained himself to keep human form when falling asleep, even in situations when he'd be forced into sleep, so he didn't demorph in their grips.

However, he wasn't expecting to wake up in the Pokemon Center with Chanseys and Blisseys as well as Pokemon Nurses and human doctors moving around him as he laid in a virus containment area in addition to an IV needle hooked up to a saline drip, especially while in his human form. He entered into a panic and began screaming for answers as to where he was and why he was there before one of many Nurse Joys and a doctor approached him and tried answering his questions, revealing that the people working on his particular case all know that he's not human but a Pokemon in disguise as they did. After begging the humans not to let anyone tell others about him with tears in his eyes, eyes which had been slowly changing from the deep-blue they once were to a neon-green with dark-green pupils due to the virus, they agreed to ease his nerves as a Nurse quietly attached a drug to the drip that caused him to fall back to sleep...

The human-morphed Ditto's containment probably had a small hand in helping to eliminate the PokeX virus in at least the local area, since the virus found itself fighting to infect two different kinds of DNA at the same time, confusing the virus inside him along with the experimental drugs they were injecting into him for both humans and Pokemon during his forced slumber. However, one of the drugs had an unexpected effect on him.

He finally woke up in unchained, blinding rage, destroying the now-unknown town like a beast possessed by a demon. When he finally came to full awareness of his surroundings and saw the blood and bodies on the streets of humans and Pokemon of all ages alongside the collapsed buildings in addition to his ravaged, bleeding body and his near-lack of clothing along with the wet red blood in his fingernails and in his mouth...

...overwhelmed with grief and disgust with himself, he tried to kill himself, painfully ripping through his throat with his own clawed nails before he wound up demorphing and passing out in the middle of the long-lost town.

He awoke a few days later, still in the same place and surrounded with dried blood, both yellow and red, while he had appeared to fully heal despite the need for subsistence beginning to creep in. He saw that his coloration in his original form had changed as well, from the normal Ditto color to that of a golden coloration. There had been no evidence of anyone coming into the town since he had done the horrible act, allowing him to hesitantly take on his human form again and sit down kneeling where he was, praying to Arceus that he would be forgiven for all he had done, whatever they may have been.

Ever since, he has watched the world rebuild itself in one way or another from the many dangers that surfaced soon after, ranging from the world-reshaping to the many hunters that tried to come after his 'mother' to the many dangers still left unmentioned as he secretly tries to improve other lives at a distance...even as he constantly battles the permanently-embedded insanity he keeps caged in the back of his mind...[/spoiler]

~Combat Information~
Title: Guardian
[spoiler= Pokemon]

~Cannon (Species: Forretress, Gender: Male, Ability: Overcoat, Attacks: Gyro Ball, Earthquake, Pin Missle, Power Trick)
~Snipeshot (Species: Cloyster, Gender: Male, Ability: Skill Link, Attacks: Icicle Crash, Spike Cannon, Twinneedle, Rapid Spin)
~Entrende (Species: Noctowl, Gender: Female, Ability: Tinted Lens, Attacks: Confusion, Air Cutter, Roost, Hyper Voice)
~Faye (Species: Beartic, Gender: Female, Ability: Snow Cloak, Attacks: Hail, Hone Claws, Ice Punch, Power-Up Punch)
~Golem (Species: Camerupt, Gender: Female, Ability: Solid Rock, Attacks: Eruption, Earth Power, Solarbeam, Sunny Day)
~Lilac (Species: Florges-White Flower, Gender: Female, Ability: Flower Veil, Attacks: Wish, Aromatherapy, Moonbeam, Petal Dance)
~Feu (Species: Talonflame, Gender: Male, Ability: Gale Wings, Attacks: Flame Charge, Brave Bird, Steel Wing, Roost)
~Seeker (Species: Watchog, Gender: Male, Ability: Keen Eye, Attacks: Super Fang, Confuse Ray, Dig, Power-up Punch)
~Mistress Mew (Species: Mew, Gender: Genderless/Feminine, Ability: Synchronize, Attacks: Transform, Teleport, Psychic, Ancient Power)

~~Mistress Mew has this tendency to Teleport of nowhere to aid Neos when he wishes for her help...or just to  try to get him to laugh.
~Neos Rivetter (Species: Ditto, Gender: Genderless/Masculine, Ability: Imposter, Attack: Transform)

~~Yes, his Pokedex has Neos himself flagged as a permanent part of his team...[/spoiler]

[spoiler= Abilities]
~Genetic Shapeshifting: While Neos has taken a human form for over decades now, he still is a Ditto in mind, body and soul. Because of this, he has never developed the nerve to take the final step and erase his ability to Transform. When in tournaments, he has managed to keep from having to enter the fray himself, for he knew he would have to surrender to keep his secret from the world or enter the battlefield himself and reveal to all the imposter that he is.
~Physical inability to die: This has become more of a curse for Neos than a blessing as time has passed and he can blame Team Rocket and their accursed PokeX virus for it. His body has stopped aging, due to how the virus mutated within him and attached itself to the various parts of his body in response to all the drugs that had been used on him to try and test out. The only way to kill him, which Neos would actually welcome at this point, is if something forced him to demorph then completely eradicate his body, like dropping him in quick-acting acid. Also, it is hypothesized by some people that the Ditto species have a form of immortality, since they can constantly rearrange their DNA to stay young, healthy and alive as well, which after quite a bit of thought does make sense...

~Untapped Aura: Partly because of the form he borrowed all those years ago, Neos does have potential to become a Aura Guardian himself, though he doesn't realize it. It's why the gem around his neck continues to glow even after being separated from the Tree of Beginning over a century ago...[/spoiler]

~Other Information~
Theme Songs:
~King of Fools
~Beautiful Ones

Things to Know:

~Neos has to keep his emotions in check, for certain ones help to fuel his caged insanity, especially anger. If you EVER see him suddenly drop to his knees with his hands to either side of his head...RUN!

~His insanity acts like a form of confusion in regards to Pokemon attacks, so anything that cures confusion that can be used on other Pokemon can help suppress it long enough for him to regain his senses.

~During the rare times he actually takes on a form other than his human one, there are two traits that can give him away. One of them is the fact that the skin of whatever he transforms into becomes slightly-tinted yellow, due to the fact that his blood stays yellow through transformations. The other is his eyes, which always stay neon-green with dark-green irises. The PokeX virus damaged the DNA used to handle eyes, which made this a permanent trait for him no matter what appearance he takes.

~While in human form, Pokemon moves affect him as if he was a Normal/Fighting-type Pokemon.[/spoiler]

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Currently working on my app, but I'm considering having Latios as my legend instead. So, would it be possible to reserve that as well whilst I make up my mind?


EDIT: My app.

[spoiler=Silver Yuja]

"Slaying a dragon isn't as easy as may think."

Name: Silver Yuja

Aliases/Nicknames: N/A

Age: 19

Gender: Male


Added notes: Silver's clothes are a bit more tacky and dirty than they look in the pic, because of his training and athletic exploits. He prides himself on having neat hair though and spends each morning combing his hair. He also wears a lucky Dragon Fang that was given to him by his grandfather around his neck, a Mega Ring on his left wrist and on his right shoulder, he bears a scar that he received whilst trying to protect his pokemon from a Zangoose's Crush Claw that was commanded by the mysterious man. Silver's height is 6'2" and he weighs 160lbs.



Silver has been shown to be quite intelligent especially when asked about Dragon-Types as he has been around them most of his life so it would make sense that he had gained such knowledge. There was one issue that came up though, Silver had said that he has difficulty with people taking care of his pokemon, other than his parents, he doesn't trust anyone else with his pokemon for reasons he doesn't want to explain which is understandable. Silver has also been shown be quite competitive and his competitive spirit seems to take over when he is in battle or doing sports such as soccer, which sometimes clouds his overall judgment and make him lose sight of what is important most of the time which sometimes doesn't end well for him. One day during a training battle with another trainer, Bagon fell off a cliff thus Silver jumped off to save him, and this shows that he'd do anything for his pokemon.



Silver Yuja was born in Blackthorn City, his parents were skilled Dragon Tamers in their time and had hoped that Silver would follow in their footsteps. As the years gone by, Silver had gotten to know the unique qualities of Dragon-Types and by the Age of 12 the Elder of the Dragon's Den felt it would be time for Silver to take the Dragon User's Challenge, needless to say Silver passed that test and undertook the training of a Dratini who still resides at the Yuja household as a Dragonair to this day along with Silver's reserve pokemon that he had caught on his journey.

When Silver started his journey in Totus, he received a Totodile from Professor Acorn (Who only became a professor recently), the Totodile's first response was to bite Silver's head to which Silver laughed off and to this day remains one of Silver's trusted partners who has been through thick and thin and has partaken in many a tough battle on their journey through Totus.

Through his travels, Silver came to learn about the different cultures across Totus as well as adding and rotating pokemon to his roster, although if you had to ask which pokemon that Silver has the strongest bonds with, he'd say it is Lucario. Ever since the two met in the south eastern mountains of Totus that is laced with iron, the two spent many weeks training and getting in perfect synch, although it definitely wasn't easy, and he will admit that it was tough at times but it was well worth it.

One day whilst training, Lucario uncovered a mysterious stone that was hidden inside one of the rocks. Silver was bewildered at what the stone could be, but he could tell that it was emanating an aura that he simply couldn't ignore so he kept it with him to see if his grandfather can make head or tails of it because he sure couldn't at the time.

However his return home would take a detour when he saw a statue of Latios smashed onto the floor and decided to investigate. He assumed that if someone smashed Latios' statues then Latios would be closeby, and his assumptions were correct when he saw an injured Latios on the ground. Approaching the fallen dragon-type, he heard a voice from the bushes saying "HOLD IT!" and moments later a horde of Zangoose leapt from the bushes and in front of Silver.

It was a thrilling fight that took a toll on both parties, Silver especially because the mysterious man had his Zangoose use Crush Claw on Latios and Silver lunged in front of him and his shoulder took the hit instead, but with the help of Lucario, Silver was able to drive away the Zangoose.

Things got much worse however when the mystery man emerged from the bushes and fired an electric net at Lucario, an unwise move on his part as his actions angered Silver who fired his aura at the man, propelling him into the water, and when he calmed down, he sent out Flygon to free Lucario.

Nursing Latios' wounds, Latios sensed that Silver was being compassionate and told him through telepathy, "Please, protect me from all evildoers." and Silver understood Latios completely judging by how grateful Latios was, and he held up a pokeball offering to take Celebi along with him with the promise to protect Celebi from evildoers.

Returning home, he showed his grandfather the mysterious stone that he and Lucario uncovered by accident and his grandfather confirmed that it was a mega stone at first glance, specifically the Lucarionite and told him that it was one of the items need to mega evolve and that he had a Key Stone upstairs to give to Silver.

Silver then spent the next couple of weeks mastering the art of mega evolution and once he had mastered it, a flyer for the Tournament of Legends flew into his face and he set off to take part in the preliminaries held in what was left of Indigo Plataeu, and he successfully advanced to the elimination rounds on Archanum Island, and thus Silver set sail for Archanum Island to take part in the next round of the Tournament of Legends.



Combat Information:

Title: Guardian

[spoiler=Pokemon rotated on team]

Feraligatr (male) [Torrent] - Ice Punch, Waterfall, Eathquake, Shadow Claw (@Expert Belt)
Salamence (male) [Intimidate] - Dragon Claw, Dragon Dance, Aerial Ace, Crunch (@Dragon Fang)
Electivire (male) [Motor Drive] - Thunderpunch, Fire Punch, Brick Break, Protect
Espeon (female) [Synchronize] - Shadow Ball, Psychic, Signal Beam, Morning Sun
Goodra (female) [Gooey] - Fire Blast, Dragon Pulse, Sludge Wave, Focus Blast
Altaria (female) [Natural Cure] - Sky Attack, Dragon Pulse, Sing, Draco Meteor
Tyranitar (male) [Sand Stream] - Earthquake, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Thunderpunch
Lucario (male) [Inner Focus] - Dragon Pulse, Aura Sphere, Ice Punch, Dark Pulse (@Lucarionite)
Flygon (male) [Levitate] - Earthquake, U-Turn, Dragon Claw, Screech

Latios (male) [Levitate] - Calm Mind, Luster Purge, Protect, Dragon Pulse



- Communcation with his Latios can be made via telepathy which is made easier due to the fact that Latios is able to understand human speech. He is also able to see what Latios can see though Latios' ability to sight share.
- As a result of training with Lucario, Silver is also able to use Aura, although his usage of aura is limited to creating a temporary barrier to firing a short burst of energy as well as a means of communicating with each other.



Other Information:

Theme: Kai's Determination

- Silver is also very athletic, playing sports like soccer and rugby that he played a young age, using the skills that he learned whilst playing those sports to aid him in real life situations.

- Silver is known to be a strong and knowledgable Dragon-type user.

[spoiler=Pokemon history]
Feraligatr: Silver's most trusted partner. He received it as a Totodile from Professor Acorn and as a Totodile, it spent alot of time out of its pokeball. Now a Feraligatr it is known to be one of Silver's massive powerhouses.
Salamence: Silver found this as a Bagon in the mountains to the southwest of Totus. Originally aggressive, Silver wanted that kind of power it possessed on his team, but feared that it might be too aggressive for him to handle. Knowing that his parents were skilled Dragon Tamers, Silver managed to curb Bagon's aggressions and now as a Salamence, the 2 are a great team that many people in Totus know about.
Electivire: As an Elekid, it had problems with excess electricity and when Silver met it, Elekid nearly shocked him, but Silver's athletic prowess allowed him to dodge the blast. Silver then saw the potential in the little spark plug, so with the help of nearby electric pokemon, they were able to get rid of the excess electricity, and it joined Silver's team as a thank you as the excess electricity was causing him distress.
Espeon: Originally an Eevee, his grandparents gave this to Silver as a present for passing the Dragon User test. Silver then spent the next couple of days looking at the unique qualities of Eevee, and Silver knew what he wanted Eevee to become so he trained Eevee in the daytimes only and after a fortnight of training, Eevee had evolved into Espeon.
Goodra: When Silver first encountered Goodra, it was a Sliggoo in the western marshlands of Totus. However it was shy and initially didn't show her face to Silver, but he could tell that it was a strong pokemon nonetheless and he attempted to show his compassionate side and bait her out with some sweet smelling poffins, although she was hesistant at first, he reassured her by saying that he'd bring out her full potential.
Altaria: Walking through the northeastern forests of Totus, Silver noticed the beautiful voice of a Swablu. Silver knew that Swablu evolved into Altaria so Silver decided that he had to capture it, but Swablu's beautiful singing stopped him and his pokemon in their tracks. Eventually Silver thought of luring her down with berries which worked after Magby gave them a little toasting, and after eating the tasty berries, Swablu offered her services to Silver's team. As an Altaria, Silver spent many weeks trying to get Altaria to master the Draco Meteor attack, though he had to do that in the mountains so noone got hurt during failed attempts.
Tyranitar: Venturing into the mountains to the south of Blacthorn, Silver had heard of a Tyranitar capable of summoning powerful sandstorms, and it didn't take long before he felt the force of said sandstorm. So with the help of Feraligatr and Salamence, Silver was able to get in close with his pokemon's attacks and capture Tyranitar.
Lucario: When Silver obtained it as a Riolu in a mountainous region filled with Iron, he stayed there to train Riolu so that they can move in synch. This training included martial arts, learning the kinds of athletic skills that Silver had been taught and also increasing Riolu's strength. A few days later Riolu had evolved into Lucario and continued training with Silver until they were in perfect synch.
Flygon: When Silver first met Flygon, it was as a Trapinch, it kept toying with him by burrowing underground every time he encountered it, this got Silver determined to capture it and follow its burrowing patterns. Many hours passed and Silver started to grow tired, but when Trapinch reappeared, he sent Feraligatr to strike it before Silver threw the pokeball before it got away
Latios: When Silver laid eyes on Latios for the first time, it was injured and Silver couldn't bare to see a dragon pokemon suffer, however this resulted in a battle between him and a group of Zangoose owned by a mysterious man. Silver tried protecting Latios from Zangoose by lunging in front of it, but this resulted in an injury and together with his Lucario, Silver beat the mystyerious man and Latios knew that Silver was worthy enough to protect it and Silver offered it a spot on his team.
[spoiler=His pokemon's diet]
Feraligatr: Feraligatr tends to like eating fish more than pokemon food, and over time, Silver had agknowledged this.
Salamence: Salamence enjoys to chow down on fresh aplles and drink Aprijuice made from Yellow Apricorns.
Electivire: Before eating, Electivire likes to send a jolt of electricity to his food, because Electivires feed on electric currents.
Espeon: Espeon likes to drink Aprijuice made from Pink Apricorns as well as poffins with a dry and sweet flavour
Goodra: Goodra likes to eat poffins with a sweet and dry flavour as well as drink Aprijuice made from pink Apricorns.
Altaria: Altaria likes to eat berries and drinking Aprijuice made from Pink Apricorns to soothe her voice.
Tyranitar: Tyranitar likes to eat food with a sour flavour like Aspear and Sitrus Berries.
Lucario: Lucario likes to drink Aprijuice made from Yellow Apricorns to raise his stamina as well as berries and plants.
Flygon: Flygon likes to eat poffins with a dry and bitter flavour, and drink Aprijuice made from Blue Apricorns.
Latios: Latios likes to eat poffins with a bitter and sour flavour.




Looks good to me. There is a bit of a slip up in your Backstory where you talk about Celebi instead of Latios, so if you could go in and fix that it would be much appreciated. Otherwise, things look good to me!


@Talim Rave: Will review your application soon, but could you put it in a spoiler please? It just makes things look so much better

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