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y'alls thoughts on these actors being tied into comic book movies

Face McShooty

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Simon didn't exist by the time the movie came out, but yeah, I personally would have preferred John. I'd have liked Idris Elba, but he's Heimdall now.

He could still do it since I don't think it'd be taboo for Marvel and DC to share actors. But who knows, with Green Lantern being so far down the line, they're probably going to cast someone no one knows right now.

If they even decide to do John Stewart over Hal Jordan.


I think the actors in op are fine. I'm a little nervous over Reynolds being Deadpool since he's been box office poison for a little while, but if there was ever a movie that could break the streak, it'll probably (hopefully) be this one.

Affleck as Batman is actually something I can get behind. I don't think people should be as uppity about it as they are.

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