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[Card Discussion] Eternity Crusader


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1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
You can pay 1000 Life Points, then target 1 card on the field; destroy it. If this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard: You can Special Summon this card in face-up Defense Position. You can only use 1 "Eternity Crusader" effect per turn, and only once that turn.

This card was considered OP by some advance+ members here, what's your thought about it and/or how should I nerf this while still keep its position as a Goyo-equivalent choice for generic Lv.6?


Edit: Now it'll SS itself in face-up Def Pos, make it easier to run over.


Edit2: Now has a hard OPT and no LP gain.

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I think the troubling factor is that you can keep bringing it back and back and back at no cost. What I suggest is giving the revival a cost instead of a life point gain. You could also have it be summoned in Defense Position, which makes it easier to get over. The destruction effect seems rather stable if you ask me, so keep that as is

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Hmm alright, what's about


Once per turn, if this face-up card would be destroyed, it is not destroyed. You can pay 600 Life Points, then target 1 card on the field; destroy it. You can only use the effect of "Eternity Crusader" once per turn.


Still keep its OPT revival, but as a pseudo one that cannot escape Chain, also now that the LP recovery is gone, I think lower its LP cost a bit should be fine, opinions?

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scrap dragon is a level 8, has a better stat, the self pop has an utility in itself, etc.

You can't compare the two since both have different niches.

Anyway, not sold at only 600. After all, it's still an easily accessable indiscriminate generic removal.

I'd keep it at 1000 tbh.

Actually, I finally decided to keep everything including its old LP cost and recovery while changing only SS position as suggested by some members above. Said version can be found at both OP and in my archive thread.

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If you're going to change it like that, at least make it have some costs. I'd change the destruction effect from costing 1000lp to 2000lp, and instead of giving you LP on it's return from grave, make it cost something. 
At present, I am having a hard time thinking of a single situation I wouldn't want to summon this card over any other generic level 6 sycnro.

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If you're going to change it like that, at least make it have some costs. I'd change the destruction effect from costing 1000lp to 2000lp, and instead of giving you LP on it's return from grave, make it cost something. 
At present, I am having a hard time thinking of a single situation I wouldn't want to summon this card over any other generic level 6 sycnro.

The problem is most generic Level 6 Synchros are really poor and outdated. HTS is the only one even close to relevant, so comparing it to other Level 6 is a really invalid argument. Also, 2000 LP is the price of Solemn Warning, A Hero Lives technically costs 4000, I don't think it would be worth it for a single destruction, especially when 101 and Castel cost about the same price as summoning Crusader

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Point above is not entirely correct. Beastlord Vulcan is significantly more relevant than HTS Psyhemuth and Goyo Guardian, while a little dated, isn't bad either. Even a card like Metaphys Horus (a new addition to the Level 6 toolbox) is of some decent utility. HTS Psyhemuth is honestly pretty mediocre. However, this card is way better than Beastlord Vulcan. So ... yeah, I wouldn't say point is invalid.


Warning is a good card and costs 2000 LP. It's also Limited. Apples to oranges here. I can't really arbitrate who's correct, but ...


Whether or not the DP metagame -should- powercreep past these established level 6 dorks is another matter, and one entirely of opinion. Though I can't really say that it hasn't been the trend.

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Not every Deck can use Vulcan. If it's the only face-up card you can bash on the board it's pretty much absolutely worthless b/c its effect is mandatory so it bounces itself which is not fun. It has good utility in recycling some stuff you have and, well, bouncing, but I think that this and Goyo are the only usable 6s pretty much means it's good we create new ones comparable to these that have some utility not this situational. The Powercreep of them can be held back as we can edit any card, so I don't see why 6s are a bad Idea. On the card though, I think the LP gain can be scratched and it's fine then. Can only return once per turn, sits on a poor 2,3k body and has an okay-ish effect of destroying one card and recurring once in def. That's fine for what it does, and Vulcan and Goyo are equally viable in some Decks I guess, so this is how it should be.

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Honestly, I think if you made it so that the effects could only be activated 1/turn between the two of them and removed the LP gain it would be fine.

Something like -
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
You can pay 1000 Life Points, then target 1 card on the field; destroy it. If this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard: You can Special Summon this card in face-up Defense Position. You can only use one effect of "Eternity Crusader" once per turn.

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I do like BtanH's suggestion, so at least the opponent can "counterattack" after it uses its effect and get rid of it for good.


Anyways, in retrospect, and after facing it for the first time today, I think it is still too good for a generic Synchro6. In other words, I would expect this kind of effect on a Synchro8 at least, and even then, it dangerously walks over Scrap Dragon's territory and threats with outclassing it. Sure, Scrap Dragon combos nicely with cards that want to be destroyed, but when you don't have any spare or combo cards to pop, this card would be more desirable.


I mean, the first effect is almost as good as Michael, which is damn good card; yes, banishing > destroying, but still, their greatest perks is that they can pick any card, face-up or face-down, monster or Spell/Trap. But unlike Michael, this is generic and further has a second effect that not only revives it, but also mitigates the 1K LP cost.

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