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Underrated Artists


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This thread is for appreciation of artists who deserve more appreciation than they get. The majority of talent in the music industry is out of the limelight, but it still needs places to be shared.


I'll start off with a couple of my favourite bands:








So all these are prog rock/metal, but that's just cos its my favourite genre. All genres are welcome!

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Everyone I've ever asked has never heard of House of Heroes, despite them being my favorite band. It saddens me so.


Wow, I actually really liked that song! There's some serious talent there yet the music is also accessible while being really interesting. This is the kind of stuff I hoped to find by creating this thread.


I'll also post this while I'm at it. Definitely not for everyone but you can't deny the originality and talent of this band. Not for the faint hearted, though, so be warned!



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i will never understand why these guys arent more popular in the modern Prog Rock/Metal scene



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Not sure if they're underrated, but they are to me. They're pretty much the fathers of electronic music.


Kraftwerk are fantastic. They heavily influenced a lot of electronic music.



A band I really like is The Megas. They do rock albums based on Mega Man lore. The second half of History Repeating: Red is legendary.

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If by underrated you mean a new band with a quite large international hit, then sure. No, wait, that's almost the exact opposite meaning.
Ben Howard is quite good, too.

Although, note that Ben Howard clearly does come under the same category. He's pretty well established at this point.

I'd probably say My Brightest Diamond, nifty little pop artist, tons of gorgeous brass and woodwind arrangements. Most of her material's quite reserved or moody, but the lead single for latest album is basically a classier version of Lady Gaga's Applause.


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Upvote for TWIABPAIANLATD (damn, that took a long time to type). Getting Sodas gives me chills every time. As for me, I'll throw my hat in the ring for Purity Ring. The singer sounds a lot like a darker Taylor Swift meshed under a bunch of skittering sounds that somehow manage to come together. Their second album (Another Eternity) is a bit more conventional in terms of pop-ish-ness [sic] but they're both awesome.



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Canibus? Or am I out of the loop


And since people are starting to name drop hip hop already might as well chip in

Imma preface this by saying there's like, 2 kinds of underrated.

One is like, acknowledged by people who're into the genre, the other is like straight up underrated by everyone

So like imo Black Thought, Rakim, KRS-One who are underrated in general but hip hop fans will always acknowledge their contribution. Even Cube to an extent, people forget about how much he did, etc.

Then you have people like Masta Ace and AZ, Deltron, RA, etc, who are just straight up unappreciated often


Also to some extent, Ludacris, Doom, Jay Elec, Guru, Wu solo acts, even Nas to an extent. It's all subjective and depends on how highly you think of an artist yourself compared to general public perception.


edit: also Wale guy can't catch a break haha

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