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[MtG] Flip to Land

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I feel like this would rather be a double faced card since tapping this to attack or for mana might end up being confusing at times. Honestly, double faced cards just do this a ton cleaner.

With that out of the way, I like the idea. That when the creature dies it goes back to nature as a tree that can be used to draw mana. Death touch and trample are very rarely ever on the same card, but outside of that is cool.

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Having one of its sides/ends be a basic land raises some questions. Like, can it be played as a land without jumping through the hoops of getting it onto the battlefield?

I would assume that this would be played as a Forest and then the controller can pay the Mana Cost to "Flip" it. When it dies and is Flipped again, the controller can then pay the Mana Cost to Flip it back around again. I would suggest making the whole Flip thing have Summoning Sickness as Summoning normally though.

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