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Chicken Race FTK


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You're acting as if going second is some huge deal. You're only going to go second once unless you lose the original coin flip. But at that point, your opponent doesn't know what you are playing, so they may still opt to go second.


And even if most decks are going to run Clowns, they STILL don't know what you're running if they go first. And chances are, they aren't going to plop down anti-burn on the first turn. And when your turn comes around, it's too late for them.


Once Game 2 comes along, they'll go first again and play the anti-burn card. But since, chances are, they already lost R1, you scoop, go to R3, and you go first. You are now unimpeded and are free to win Game 3 effortlessly.


Same with the converse, you win coin toss, go first Win. Opponents sides against you. They either draw outs or they don't. They go first. Denko Sekka/Spell Canceller/ whatever. If they draw it, cool. Scoop G3. They don't draw it? GG. If you scoop, go to R3, go first and win.


This isn't some hard concept, and it just further shows that Magical Explosion needs to go away. May as well hit Blasting the Ruins too so the deck doesn't have anything to fall back on, or better yet, just ban Life Equalizer and this FTK will just go away period.

Ok, I admit, scooping game 2 to immediately go to game 3 and go first completly slipped my mind. Lack of actual tournament experience is showing up for me.

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