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[MTG] Twin Bolt (yes, from DTK)

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Vampire Madness is looking to be a tier 1 deck, and this card is really damn good at killing them. With Aristocrat, the new Interloper, Gorger, and now their 3/1 for two, the deck is opened up to vast 2 for 1s with this card, as well as Boiling Earth, which has seen side play as well over the last several months.

Through Macabre Waltz and (in heavier builds) Liliana, vampires have plenty of capability for recovery, even from cards such as languish, but I feel this card could become a deciding factor in aggro mirror matches up until this september.


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Keeping this in mind (as well as boiling earth, tooth collector, etc) really increases the value of Drana and Olvia, giving them the purpose of board preservation, as well as the obvious power factor. Really, resolving eith or their triggers makes these forms of removal much weaker, and 1 for 1 removal has significantly less utility against a deck that uses cards as efficiently as this. Removing Olivia obviously would have the strongest impact, as she is such a powerful engine for the deck, but she already dodges Ultimate Price, and after resolving either and Aristocrat or Drana trigger, she dodges temper and impulse.


Tl;dr vamoires snowball fast, and removal (especially removal like this) gets progressively worse as they just go about their business.

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