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Doctor Strange!

Face McShooty

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it's a simple reason really, marvel set up how they were going to execute their movies in advance. they set their cinematic world up from the beginning so that everything they had could work together, and they use(d) that buildup to propel their movies. it's a pretty basic strategy, but one that DC ignored. 


DC, as great as thier animated movies often are, did not do remember to do the same with their RL ones. they made a series of differing movies with no connections whatsoever, and thus lost any semblance of buildup in their universe, they still have time to correct this, but considering their current track record, i'm of the opinion that they'll more than likely mess something up along the line. (although suicide squad looks like it could be their savior, so here's hoping.) .


as for doctor strange, I like the premise of his powers, and it comes out in my birthday month, so that alone gives it free points. past that though, the movie itself feels like it'll be less action and more plot/ universe/ character setup. so i'm down for that.

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it's a simple reason really, marvel set up how they were going to execute their movies in advance. they set their cinematic world up from the beginning so that everything they had could work together, and they use(d) that buildup to propel their movies. it's a pretty basic strategy, but one that DC ignored. 


DC, as great as thier animated movies often are, did not do remember to do the same with their RL ones. they made a series of differing movies with no connections whatsoever, and thus lost any semblance of buildup in their universe, they still have time to correct this, but considering their current track record, i'm of the opinion that they'll more than likely mess something up along the line. (although suicide squad looks like it could be their savior, so here's hoping.) .


as for doctor strange, I like the premise of his powers, and it comes out in my birthday month, so that alone gives it free points. past that though, the movie itself feels like it'll be less action and more plot/ universe/ character setup. so i'm down for that.

Man, you nailed it on the head. The Nolanverse really set thing up well in that universe, it would have also been a nice contrast of Batman vs Sups w/ no kill, and Batman breaking his one rule for supers




This batman already kills to the emotional call of that need to kill sups for the greater good is lost





DC shot itself in the foot with Dawn imo

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While they have shot themselves to an extent, it's not quite irreparable yet. as long as they don't try crashing multiple superheroes together with no buildup whatsoever again, they should do well enough. the marvelverse has some weaker movies in the franchise as well, but the one thing they keep consistent is linking them together so that even the weakest of their movies is worth watching for the info.


if DC manages to hit it off with suicide squad, they might do well to use their villains instead of their heroes to build up their universe. at least in the beginning anyways, it'd be a unique take on the DC universe, and it'd have a perspective worth seeing for the premise alone.

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There's only two films in the DCEU thus far. Every previously made adaptation of a DC hero has been standalone. Cinematic Universe's on the scale of Marvels didn't exist before they did it. So saying 'DC only makes stand-alone things that haven't built a universe' isn't technically valid because they were never intended to make one. 


The issue DC had is that they forgot to take the time to make Man of Steel and BvS good films. That's part of why the Marvel universe worked, because even the worst films in it are just dull or forgettable, not legitimately bad. Because Marvel have mostly focused on fufilling the needs of the film before the needs of the universe; Most of the fore-shadowing is in post credit scenes, or barely touched up. The film that took the most time to set-up future events, Age of Ultron, was criticized for having a weaker plot as a result of that. And BvS tried to set-up what a half dozen major characters relevant in that film, multiple to be relevant in future films, set-up a theological debate, heavy handed foreshadowing, and then resolve it all in a way that was meant to feel satisfying. It failing to do that isn't shocking. 


Amusingly all of the same issues will probably be there in Justice League as well, because there won't be solo movies for half of the League members till after it releases. 


OT; Good lord this looks fabulous. About as good as the casting list - Seriously just look how many amazing actors this has. It's got serious potential to be the best of the MCU thus far. And it means we can get a tonne of star power for future films (Admittedly we have a lot of it already, but this cements it) 

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There's only two films in the DCEU thus far. Every previously made adaptation of a DC hero has been standalone. Cinematic Universe's on the scale of Marvels didn't exist before they did it. So saying 'DC only makes stand-alone things that haven't built a universe' isn't technically valid because they were never intended to make one. 


The issue DC had is that they forgot to take the time to make Man of Steel and BvS good films. That's part of why the Marvel universe worked, because even the worst films in it are just dull or forgettable, not legitimately bad. Because Marvel have mostly focused on fufilling the needs of the film before the needs of the universe; Most of the fore-shadowing is in post credit scenes, or barely touched up. The film that took the most time to set-up future events, Age of Ultron, was criticized for having a weaker plot as a result of that. And BvS tried to set-up what a half dozen major characters relevant in that film, multiple to be relevant in future films, set-up a theological debate, heavy handed foreshadowing, and then resolve it all in a way that was meant to feel satisfying. It failing to do that isn't shocking. 


Amusingly all of the same issues will probably be there in Justice League as well, because there won't be solo movies for half of the League members till after it releases. 


OT; Good lord this looks fabulous. About as good as the casting list - Seriously just look how many amazing actors this has. It's got serious potential to be the best of the MCU thus far. And it means we can get a tonne of star power for future films (Admittedly we have a lot of it already, but this cements it) 

They had the nolanverse that they decided not to use

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They had the nolanverse that they decided not to use


And you couldn't make an extended version of that without shitting on a ton of other characters. Especially since it was never intended to be extended. 


Like how do you keep the same very grounded realistic tonne of the Nolan universe with people like Aqua-man or Wonder Woman or Superman? Nolan's films were essentially creating a version of batman in a modern world, free of the magic aliens and mysticism. And it worked because of that, it was something that is believable to our world. Especially since that trilogy had an ending already. 


So I don't think the Nolan universe was ever an option for them. Nor should it have been one. 

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And you couldn't make an extended version of that without shitting on a ton of other characters. Especially since it was never intended to be extended. 


Like how do you keep the same very grounded realistic tonne of the Nolan universe with people like Aqua-man or Wonder Woman or Superman? Nolan's films were essentially creating a version of batman in a modern world, free of the magic aliens and mysticism. And it worked because of that, it was something that is believable to our world. Especially since that trilogy had an ending already. 


So I don't think the Nolan universe was ever an option for them. Nor should it have been one. 

I mean looking simply at Dawn and Man of Steel, neither of those two really showed "magic"


We've already seen Scarecrow and Ra's if you want to get close to "magic"


The point being, Batman never ventured out of Gotham for the most part with regards to the Nolanverse, and the Villains showcased in the three movies were all ones who got to their place through science rather than magic (exception being the Joker)


You get the same grounded tone by having Batman venture outside of Gotham obv. Steel and Dawn weren't that unrealistic, at least no more so than Avengers was to Iron Man.


The opportunity lost was Batman having to struggle to break his one rule with regards to Superman after seeing what happened at the end of MoS. That emotional struggle is lost thanks to Affleck's take on batman. As for the ending of Nolan, Rise's ending wasn't a be all end all permanent, the robin costume alone shows that much. 

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You missed the point; 


In the Nolan universe it is all plausible as a real life scenario. Nothing that happens is really far out there; Scarecrow makes weaponry hallucinogen's, Ra's and the League are essentially a terrorist sect using modern tools, Joker is just a madman with some gasoline and a plan, Two-Face (Other than the visual disfigurement) is an example of a very bad day, and Bane is a continuation of Ra's (Even his breathing/painkiller apparatus isn't that absurd). 


All of those things are plausible to our world; You could believe a terrorist could hold a city to ransom with Nuclear arms in our world. You could believe a good man could snap after a very bad day. You can believe anarchists would incite panic like the joker just to prove a point. It's all realistic. The mystical or quasi science elements of the lore were cut down, such as the Lazarus Pit. This essentially means the fundamental rules in Nolan's universe are the same as ours. 


How do you add Superman into that without violating those rules? Or Aquaman? Or Wonder Woman? Or The Flash? How do you have villains like Poison Ivy? Or Darkseid? 


Whereas the Avenger's say had no issue with this; It never excluded the possibility within the first film of these fantastical elements. It showed highly advanced science elements in Iron Man and Hulk. You had Thor to introduce the magical/advanced science and the ideas of other worlds to the series. You had CA to reinforce the ideas of super-human level enhancements and the sci-fi weaponry. This all combines in Avenger's Assemble to give a believable in universe alien invasion without it being jarring compared to the previous instalments. Because none of the films excluded that principle and actively work towards it. 


The Nolan films don't, they don't even hint at it. Trying to make that into the DCEU would have been just as bad. For different reasons, but still bad. 

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