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Powerpuff Girls Reboot

Astro Dude

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Personally I disliked it.

What I saw of it was random everyday events taken to an absurd degree as their formula, and I felt like I was watching an episode of Uncle Grandpa in all honesty.


I'm sure there's an audience for that kind of show, but as a fan of the original PPG, this is not what I expected.


Besides, they made a ton of changes other than the formula and animation.

They got rid of the Mayor's right hand for a pretty dumb reason, they didn't contact the original VAs about it, they replaces many of their villains, and even though the main girls themselves kept their design mostly intact, the citizens feel so out of place for me. It's like they belong to Adventure Time rather than PPG.


Overall I think this is like the Teen Titans Go equivalent for Powerpuff Girls.




On the bright side. The opening animation is downright addicting to watch and the tune is catchy even though I'm not a fan of the lyrics.

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Side Order; Knock It Off



"Shes 10 you sick funk"

Presented by:




-Edgy hipster sheet-


Lets be honest. All of us had our hopes up for this. And it went right out the window. Don't get me wrong, all for another round of PPG. However... The show is traveling down the same road that Titans Go did. By this, I mean the fact they are trying too hard to appeal to a "modern" crowed- TWERKING IS NOT HOW YOU DO IT. But srsly the show has a bunch of this other sheet thrown in. You know, cuz all the kids love meemees, m i rite!? HURRRR

So on one hand we end up with a show that's awkward to watch. And not just because of memes/stupid humor/etc being part of it, but because everything has a sort of hit-or-mess vibe to it.

On the other hand, we can expect episodes where they do weird sheet/play around with the art style/etc, and those episodes(if they exist) will give the show some merit.

Also I'm probably nitpicking, but...



Honestly, the pone being an actual phone works so much better then being an iPhone. Why? Because being a nod to the classic live-action Batman series is really cute in and of itself. Being an iPhone... Not so much.


As for now, the show is just kind of... Whatever. But I'm still keeping my hopes up for weird episodes. Mainly because I fuckin' love those.





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  • 3 weeks later...

I've only seen a couple of episodes.


But I actually really like it. The writing's kinda bland here and there, but overall there's a lot of jokes that make me laugh, the opening is great, and, if you don't consider all the odd decisions, like taking out Ms.Bellum and not contacting the original VAs, it's not that bad. IMO.

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