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[Leaderboard] Abdelrahman vs Yuuko (Finished)


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It's always been like this; until someone actually votes (either for one of you guys, or neither in C), thing goes on [though obviously, we aren't letting these things go on forever without a vote].


Suppose I'll vote in this thing, so you two can at least say someone actually bothered to look in here and say something. (This is why multiple cards 1v1s are generally discouraged, because they require more effort to grade)


Set A


OK, so Mordred is basically a Kalut for HEROs (lets them run over things that they need help going over); either that, or you can SS whatever HERO you want from the hand. I guess this sets up Shadow Mist plays and a few other things. E/HEROs don't have a lot of great options outside their standard fare (this at least lets you go for the high Levels, but no one uses them nowadays). Destiny HEROs have some, but they aren't great. Evil HEROs only have Malicious Edge and stuff for targets. At least it's a Dark Law target for whatever that's worth if you need to.


Revenger Fusion is basically a HERO Future Fusion if one of your bosses dies; guess you can use it if Core/AbZero for E-HEROs or Dystopia for D-HEROs goes. For what it's worth, you can summon Divine Neos or something with this (see Vision HERO Adoration/Trinity). HEROs don't usually make Fusion Summoned monsters nowadays (least not as much); they go for Mask Change and stuff now.


Hero Academia is basically a HERO clone of Kozmotown (well, bar the searching from Deck); not really impressed by that. Still, I guess it'll help to alleviate getting combo pieces until Stratos is unbanned on TCG-side. Elemental HEROs are fine; Destiny HEROs could use some help right now. Or yes, recycling a bit.


Set B


Shining Ray lets you search out Shadow Mist, itself, Bubbleman and a few other things if you SS it, so that works. In a way, suppose it's kind of like a replacement to Stratos; granted, this cannot grab other members, but HEROs generally run 4s and the higher Level D-HEROs bar Malicious/Plasma are kinda bad (still got Diamond Dude and whatever they leaked lately). Guess this also works to recycle used Masked HEROs so you can re-summon them (or really most HERO Fusions; Dystopiaguy and the Vision HERO stuff are exceptions). Ah right, it's also a Fusion enabler for HEROs assuming Dark Lord exists (guess you don't need Polymerization for Contrast HERO Chaos now). I suppose A Hero Lives is a viable option if you can't get the Scales going to P-Summon.


Dark Lord's search is kinda slow; I guess it's another outlet for Poly/Mask Change searching, but Shadow Mist and Blazeman are more proficient at those jobs separately. Would be nice if it didn't have to send the monster to the Graveyard; reminder that Pendulums exist. Though, it's still a free SS from the hand if you can get HEROs out quickly enough (from experience, I've generally seen them only with 2 out in early plays; most of the time, people either Rank 4 or just Mask Change later + plus off of Mist); don't know if they can keep 3 out early on. Pendulum effect at least blocks the opponent from springing backrow on you, which is nice (right now, I think those are the elemental Mirror Forces).


(In general, both of these cards rely on each other to really do anything Pendulum-wise. Regular HEROs [Elemental/Masked] don't really need the help in summoning [they can use it if they want though], but Destiny kind of does at the moment)


Recovery is pretty much for the above two cards only; yeah, it'll let you recover the Scales so HEROs can Pendulum, but that's pretty much it.



So let's see what your cards amounted to.


A offers a stat booster/revival, BP FuFu for HEROs and a searcher for HEROs a la Kozmotown (recovers Graveyard resources). Out of A: Mordred and Skyscraper 3 are actually playable for HEROs right now.


B gives them the ability to Pendulum, not require Poly to make things, block the opponent from activating things if your ED bosses attack [in-Archetype] and can search cards [albeit slower than the HERO player would like). Out of B: The Pendulums, although Dark Lord's monster effects are slow. (Although those two need to be together, or else nothing happens.)



To be honest, HEROs are doing fine right now as they are; I don't think they need the added support to survive in the meta.


So really, what do I think is best: Giving HEROs a Kalut/SS enabler, battle fusion card and a Kozmotown, or Pendulum capacities, zero Polymerization fusions and letting Fusion bosses attack without worry? It's a toss-up, but I guess B takes it this time. (Out of the bunch, I liked Skyscraper 3 the best and felt that it'll do the most for HEROs as a whole)

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Any objections Yuuko?

Only for the point that Sakura makes on Set 1 card 2 as he says that HEROs don't usually make Fusions nowadays. The whole point of Set A was to make all of the sub-type HEROs more meta, not just including Mask Change that primarily revolves around Shadow Mist and Bubbleman. He never mentions the fact that it's a Quickplay Brilliant Fusion that can fuse from the Deck and hand to get the biggest bosses from HEROs out much easier as opposed to doing it the old fashioned way. Dystopiaguy is nothing compared to End Dragoon, which is nearly impossible to Summon due to the materials. I'm saying this from experience of playing Destiny, Elemental, and Evil Hero in the past, before switching to the Masked Heroes when they were released. 


And the last part of declaring a toss-up to make the decision did not make sense. What was that supposed to mean?

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He means it was hard for him to make a decision as either one could have gotten the vote.

Wtf. That's like saying let's just vote whoever by flipping a coin without giving some type of solid point of why one set is better than the other.


Requoting the last paragraph and underlining the last sentence:


"So really, what do I think is best: Giving HEROs a Kalut/SS enabler, battle fusion card and a Kozmotown, or Pendulum capacities, zero Polymerization fusions and letting Fusion bosses attack without worry? It's a toss-up, but I guess B takes it this time. (Out of the bunch, I liked Skyscraper 3 the best and felt that it'll do the most for HEROs as a whole)"


"One set is better than that other because it's a toss-up".


You know, I can always give votes from now on by flipping a coin too. -_-

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"Either one could have gotten my vote and won, but Set B narrowly gets it."


Is that better?

And why? Because it's a toss-up?


You're just translating what's there. Sakura has to provide some type of reasoning.


I see none throughout the essay. Except that "it's a toss-up".

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It would really help if you guys knew what my timezone offset is, which I've mentioned a few times by now (you expected me to give a reply at 4 am when I was sleeping).


But since Yuuko has an issue with what I said for Revenger Fusion, let's go.


Yeah, it'll let you summon Destiny End Dragoon (which is nice), but factoring in the common cards that HEROs use right now; they don't have a lot of monsters to even trigger off of this (least ones that are worth using). While it does help more obscure HERO decks get stuff out, only good ED monsters are the Omnis (and AbZero is the only one that isn't Archetype-exclusive of what can fuse into it). Though on that note, D-HEROs now have 2 Fusions that they can actually use to trigger this, so suppose that gives them something to do. It's a good card though, but I just don't see how HEROs can really make use of this card at the moment, least with the materials they have now.


As for the toss-up thing, as Striker mentioned, I could've voted either way as both sets were around the same in quality for me and I did like both of them. While I would've liked to declare this a draw with C, I cannot do that in sudden death.


When it came down to it, I preferred the protection from backrow when attacking (as it can work with the common ED HEROs; not just require Fusion Summoned stuff) and the independence from needing Polymerization for Fusion Summons for consistency reasons, despite my general gripes about Dark Lord's searching being a bit slow for my tastes (would've liked it if it just killed the monster + not required the Graveyard, considering that Pendulums exist). Revenger is good in practice, but as I already mentioned, I just don't think it'll work out for HEROs in the long run (D-HEROs now can play Dragoon, but that's really it). 


Again, Skyscraper 3 was the best one in the batch, but as this is a set contest, your card's usefulness will be averaged among the others.



Alright, there's your reasoning.

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