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Fate/ Kalleid Liner Dr3i (the 4th season)

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Silver Link probably can't reach that far in the flashback arc. The question is whether they'll reach the end of the current battle or not by the end of this season because if so, I feel they might not have enough material to animate a 3rei Herz(or a similarly titled sequel) next summer.


Shame we won't have a new chapter this month ;_;

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Silver Link probably can't reach that far in the flashback arc. The question is whether they'll reach the end of the current battle or not by the end of this season because if so, I feel they might not have enough material to animate a 3rei Herz(or a similarly titled sequel) next summer.


Shame we won't have a new chapter this month ;_;

no, i'm not expecting them to make it that far this season. but they could easily make it there in the next season. considering how much they dragged out zwei herz with the filler, i should hope they could make it up by not skimming the servant fights in the next season. i think it'll be at least two more years before we get another season though, can't have them catching up that fast. hopefully in the meantime index and railgun 3 will be aired


i assume there's a hiatus because the anime is ending, and he's taking a break while he can to get his ideas organized. can't blame him though, the manga's been consistently topping itself for months now, he probably needs a break after all the simply glorious chapters he's been putting out.

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oh gods. this is what i've been waiing for from the start of the season. silver link's been hitting it out of the park with this adaptation so far, and i have full confidence they won't fall short here.


seriously though, i'm half expecting this entire series to veer into notes territory by the end of thing.

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well, that was.. not completely dissapointing. put simply, i got what i wanted, and they were faithfult to the source... but at the same time, the animation itself was just...


[spoiler=my thoughts]

the animation was ass compared to what they've shown us the three seasons prior, hopefully it's fixed on the BD, as far as adapting goes, 10/10, but as far as animation goes... 6/10 at best, and that's being generous. the kanshou and bakuya, the GOB spam,.. i know they can do better than this. from what i hear, they've been under heavy time constraints, but really, this was just... i don't know how to rate this episode... half of it was out of the park (pretty much everything from GIL!miyu onward) and the other half you could tell was phoned in (the entire fight on ig-alima.)

the adaptations was on point, but the sheer drop in frames makes it feel terrible, compared to the art of the manga, it felt horrible, and compared to the fights from seasons past, it was nowhere near as well animated 


[spoiler=really though, just look at this fight from the FIRST season , and compare it to what we just got]




it's weird. they still adapt everything perfectly, but that budget... where did it go?



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I'm left feeling disappointed.


tfw they cut out onii-chan commenting on his imouto's lewd outfit


I'm not sure what way SL should've taken but I feel maybe they should've tried to be less loyal to the source material. Maybe not in terms of the actual plot but in how it is presentation. Rewrite scenes, have less words, shift around the order of events a bit, and cut out more stuff but not the minor stuff they already did cut out.

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the episode felt half finished. as far as the minor cuts, i can live with them cutting it (the outfit question's the kind of thing they can add in at pretty much any time and it would still be a valid question) but at the same time, it really felt like they tried to do as much as they could with this episode, and fell somewhat short. the episode wasn't bad, but... it just leaves me asking why.


Miyu Shirou > Archer Shirou > HF Shirou > UBW Shirou > Prisma Shirou > s*** > Fate Shirou


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So like


I haven't seen the new episode or anything but the Shirou flashback


is now a movie


f*** I'm so hyped

called it! (elsewhere)


the entire arc is about 10-12 chapters, not a bad length for a decent movie. now if they put in the work for it like they've done for the prior seasons, it'll probably be the best fate material we've ever gotten animated (bar carnival phantasm)

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