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[Finished]Creative AMULET MONSTERS {DUE BY: 07/18/2016}


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Go To: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/352876-amulets-redone-the-master-of-amulets-returns-d/


Criteria: Create 1 Written Amulet Monster Card Based On How It Works! Also: Add 2 Custom Made Penudulum Monsters of your own Creation that goes with the Amulet Monster!


Example Card Only:


Attribute: WATER

Level: 8

Amulet Scale: 4/2/1

Amulet Effect: Once per turn: If your opponent Pendulum Summons a Monster: You can discard 1 "Magician" Pendulum Card from your hand; Negate the Summon and destroy the monster.


Flavor Text: The Greatest Magician ever to have lived. His purpose is unclear, but he is known to have drunk the Immortal Dragon's Essence, the only one known human to have done so.


Grading Scale: 1-10/10; Based On The Criteria Above.


Only 1 Card Per Person!


Deadline: 07/18/2016, 12:00 P.M. Sharp

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As requested.


Also, something like "Grading Scale: 1-10/10; Based On The Criteria Above." is a very barebones grading rubric that won't give the participants sufficient feedback on how they've fared. Check out the grading rubrics used by other judges to see the standard.

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