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[MtG] From the Vault: Lore


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At the very least it's better than From the Vault: Alara and From the Vault: Bad Sweepers. Also Marit Lage is a female? After Emrakul this year has been GirlPower.jpeg. Very happy about that. Overall review of everything:


Beseech the Queen Disappointing. Not the card I would have used to represent Lorwyn. Personally I'd have picked Oona herself or Rhys.

Cabal Ritual One of the more powerful cards in the set for sure. The new art falters in comparison to the classic but the new flavour text makes up for it.

Conflux I have a soft spot for Dream Halls in general, but this printing is strictly inferior due to the worse flavour text. While we get a quip from Bolas himself here, the Vorthos in me loves the old flavour text: "After years of world-bending machinations, Bolas's triumph is at hand." There's something so powerful about the phrase world-bending machinations that makes the card just that much more flavourful.

Dark Depths A nice reprint. I was hoping for a newer art though. Or at least, some flavour text.

Glissa, the Traitor Personally I like this. Glissa was the protagonist of the original Mirrodin block and having her fall from grace here, complete with new flavour text is excellent.

Helvault I want to like this pick because of how important the object in question is to Innistrad's original lore, but I can't help but feel another card would have fit here. Maybe the original Thalia, Griselbrand or similar. Innistrad originally was more about depicting the human's determination to survive, not just about Avacyn and Griselbrand locked in the Helvault.

Memnarch Mirrodin was already represented by Glissa. I honestly dislike this pick. Weakest pick of the set. I would have prefered a representative from Theros, rather than a second from Mirrodin. One could make the argument that Glissa is from New Phyrexia, but that's so nitpicky I'd rather not bother.

Mind's Desire Why the hell is this here? Granted I'm not overly savvy on old Magic lore in particular, but Mind's Desire doesn't appear to represent any significant event within the Magic continuity. I would have much rather had Terminate or Pernicious Deed, Phyrexian Arena with original art, or similar.

Momir Vig, Simic Visionary Definitely not the guild leader of Ravnica I'd have chose. For me it'd be Niv-Mizzet, Rakdos or Aurelia. It's frustrating because you can't even play Momir Basic, a format based around this card, outside of online due to the randomness of his Vanguard iteration. Yeah get this out of here.

Near-Death Experience I feel this was a very missed oppertunity to give this card new art depicting either Arcbound Ravager, Stoneforge and Jace, and/or Necropotence/Tolarian Academy. While it would remove the Zendikar flavour, it'd show that Wizards knew about the times when the game was very literally in a Near-Death Experience, and little in-jokes are always welcome.

Obliterate Pretty relevant event, not really much to say. Nice Commander piece.

Phyrexian Processor I personally like this pick, showing some love to the old old old Phyrexia and Urza lore.

Tolaria West Would have been Tolarian Academy if Academy wasn't on the reserve list, but hey, this card is cool and it represents the Time Spiral, the Mending and the shift in Magic lore, whether you liked it or not. Controversial pick, but a necessary one none the less.


Unmask I'm not sure of the lore behind this card, but I feel it's a good pick.


I would have liked to have seen Phage, or Karn. Or the Weatherlight, Legacy Weapon or something. Overall I like most of the picks. Mostly Jitte, but I'll probably buy one for that alone.

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The article for this on the mother ship covered a little of the lore behind the cards



Since the article doesn't cover it, Momir Vig (to my understanding) played a pretty major role in the Ravnica story. That is likely why he was chosen over some of the other guild leaders. Might also be for color balance reasons.

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Notably, each card from this FTV covers a different block. I've included the events below.

  1. Phyrexian Processor = Urza's (precluding the Phyrexian invasion)
  2. Unmask = Masques (Takara being unmasked as Volrath)
  3. Obliterate = Invasion (Barrin's spell to destroy Tolaria after his family is killed)
  4. Cabal Ritual = Odyssey (the Cabal was the major enemy faction)
  5. Mind's Desire = Onslaught (the Mirari granting wishes)
  6. Memnarch = Mirrodin (the primary villain)
  7. Umezawa's Jitte = Kamigawa (Toshiro Umezawa was the main protagonist)
  8. Momir Vig = Ravnica (ultimate villain of the block)
  9. Dark Depths = Coldsnap (eldritch horror)
  10. Tolaria West = Time Spiral (remnants of Tolaria after Obliterate)
  11. Beseech the Queen = Lorwyn/Shadowmoor (Oona was the primary villain)
  12. Conflux = Alara (Nicol Bolas' manipulation of the titular event)
  13. Near-Death Experience = Zendikar (victory over the Eldrazi)
  14. Glissa the Traitor = Scars (hero-turned-villain)
  15. Helvault = Innistrad (Avacyn and Griselbrand were sealed within)
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Mind's Desire Why the hell is this here? Granted I'm not overly savvy on old Magic lore in particular, but Mind's Desire doesn't appear to represent any significant event within the Magic continuity. I would have much rather had Terminate or Pernicious Deed, Phyrexian Arena with original art, or similar.


It's been mentioned before, but you can see the Mirari doing its thing in the art; personally, I'd have preferred the Mirari itself or In Mirari's Wake, but this is OK, I guess.

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Momir Vig, Simic Visionary Definitely not the guild leader of Ravnica I'd have chose. For me it'd be Niv-Mizzet, Rakdos or Aurelia. It's frustrating because you can't even play Momir Basic, a format based around this card, outside of online due to the randomness of his Vanguard iteration. Yeah get this out of here.



Momir basic is based off of the vanguard Momir Vig, not the Ravnica card. Momir was kind of the villain in the original RAV block so it does make sense for him to be here. Plus a reprint is nice. It's a popular EDH card and somewhat hard to find.

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