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Post and I might give you an opinion, but...

Ryusei the Morning Star

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I posted in one from a while back. Let's see what I get this time~

You make TCG worth reading. I love you kinda weird ideas for YGO. You're usually fairly creative and intuitive in TCG, but you're also not a condescending and sarcastic jabroni like certain members that frequent that section.


*cough Winter cough*


It's a rare mix to find, someone thoughtful, but not overly full of themselves to the point of having their head up their ass




Never change Angel. 

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I was a really big jerk to you for no real reason about the topic you made in TCG. Really happy that some of you new guys are flocking over there. Ignore the bitter old bastards like me, and keep at it. Someone or the other will recognize you for your talents. Sorry once again, it was really low and uncalled for of me

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Ehh...shoot me.

You've been exceedingly fair and tolerant towards me. You seem like an overall chill dude who gets the job done efficiently. You're a little hard to read since I've never really seen you get angry, except at that one time w/ Hina. 


Dunno, keep doing you. YCM would be a better place if there were 12 Evilfusions lol

r0fl nerd rage

Known you forever nega. Used to like you. Dunno how I feel about you and agu these days with the whole meme thing. I dunno when y'all are serious about me or not. You're ok overall.  I do need someone to mock me from time to time

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Known you forever nega. Used to like you. Dunno how I feel about you and agu these days with the whole meme thing. I dunno when y'all are serious about me or not. You're ok overall.  I do need someone to mock me from time to time

lmao no u dont

its like being in the same grade with some kid for a whole year, then during reunion they go up and say OYA KNOWN U FOR A WHOLE YEAR even tho they never talk to u. I don't remember interacting with you on DNF, maybe on skype but like never with you lmao

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lmao no u dont

its like being in the same grade with some kid for a whole year, then during reunion they go up and say OYA KNOWN U FOR A WHOLE YEAR even tho they never talk to u. I don't remember interacting with you on DNF, maybe on skype but like never with you lmao

jabroni you got me banned


The car porn w/ you and angel-girl gave STD the excuse he needed to ban me. Shane was on his way out at that pt, so I had no allies in the admin team

This should be good..

Sams need a contact fusion that can search gateway and increase the deck's ceiling 

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