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1984 vs Brave New World, where are we heading?

Ryusei the Morning Star

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Tom and I were talking yesterday about how we were heading towards a 1984 like world (and as you may guess, we had differing views on if that was a bad or good thing), but I found this online and thought it might be an interesting discussion to have given the fears the people have for the current status quo


Credit: http://imgur.com/gallery/9gmxW


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We live in a world that is more similar to orwell's vision than huxley's (though if i were to pick my poison i'd prefer huxley's society). The fact that people see us we're approaching either is honestly depressing and illustrates how dissilusioned we've become.

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Honestly, I doubt either of these will be the case, and people claiming it is happening is mostly sensationalist. Yes, censorship is an issue, but it doesn't really play out like the soothsayers claim, nor is it like what you would see in dystopian fiction.


You know what would be scary? I, Robot. That would be scary as funk.

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