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Mod Application Thread Part 2


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If you're interested in becoming a moderator on this site, this would be the place to apply for such a position. Please keep in mind that being a moderator is not so much a flaunt of ones power but a responsibility to maintain ones respective forum. Certain categories are much more active than others, but there will always be work to do. Please also bear in mind that simply holding the user status of "moderator" will subject you to a certain level of criticism that you would not normally face.

With that said, please post the following:

1. Forums you are most active in (this is very important)

2. Average time spent per day on the forum

3. Why you should become a moderator and what you will do for the forum

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Okay YCMaker thanks for creating this Topic, Here's my Application for you.


1. I mostly Hang around the General and Card Creation Forums, Helping browarod via YIM with Topics to Lock and sort out :)


2. I spend most of each day checking up on various Updates and Topics that catch my Eye, In total around 8 Hours a day.


3. If I was a Moderator I would help to keep the peace here, Things have been going out of hand a bit lately and I think it needs the Friendly touch, Also I feel like this is my second home in a way so I would love to help with the insides of this forum.


Many thanks for reading this YCMaker :)

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1) Your Deck, Yugioh TCG, General

2)Usually 4-5 hours and 4-6 on weekends

3)I think i should become a moderator because i am very active (most decks and tcg posts have a reply from me on them), I have good grammar, I know a good deck and a bad deck, I know a good post and a bad post. Finally I think i can clean up some of the cluter in the decks and tcg section

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1. Realist Card Section and Role playing (EDIT: Oh yeah I also check out Fan Fic and Showcase from time to time but I only look at a few threads), I check all threads in there if I can and somes some in general

2. At least 5 hours a day (somes 6) from 6 AM to 7 AM and from 3 PM to 7/8 PM (this doesn't include supper breake because of the fact that that is every day diffrent) but I do live in GMT+

3. I have been a long member on this site (for almost a year), I have always followed the rules sometimes pointed others to the rules (as far as I could go because Mini-Modding isn't aloud) and I live in a diffrent Time zone than the americans moderators (allmost all are) so I can do things that happen at a time they sleep done with people in almost the same Time Zone. i have been moderator on allot off diffrent forums (those where dutch) most of the time administrator (the creators where people that knew me well) and even created some. Those aren't active any more but when they where I was doing a pretty good job and it where popular forums. All of those forums where mostly RP(G)


Oh and I think you made a little mistake the order of things we should say is 1,3,2

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I wanna become a mod :)


1. Forums you are most active in (this is very important) : Let's see.. Every one.

Most often in Other and Yu-Gi-Oh.

2. Average time spent per day on the forum

Like all my time when i can be at computer. Sometimes all day sometimes when boring 12 Hrs.

3. 1)Why you should become a moderator and 2)what you will do for the forum

1)Well i tried to become 1 last time but then i failed and now i try again soo yeah..

2)If i would be a mod in some forum i would watch that no one spams and breaks the rules and keep important threats important.

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On a regular basis I am in the following sections (listed most visited to least visited)

1) TCG

2) General

3) Written

4) Contests


Average time spent on Yu-Gi-Oh Card Maker forum ranges anywhere from 6 - 12 hours per day.


In a nutshell, I'm tired of seeing the site go down the toilet. I'm not saying its all bad, but there are definitely places that need improvement (serious improvement). Sections need to be cleaned out. Old accounts need to be deleted. There is a lot of housekeeping that needs to be done.


I know Frunk needs assistance in the Rep Complaint thread, as he is swamped with rep copmlaints on a minute by minute basis and cannot possibly get to all of them.


I also know that the TCG section has fallen short of ideal.


I'll come in and clean up the mess. With authorization I will delete posts that have been closed, locked and just utterly pointless. I will delete old accounts that have been inactive for over 3 months. I will go through the members with more than -10 reps and begin the 30 day ban process (a procedure I had set up at previous sites to ensure member adherance to rules and to ensure it doesn't happen again). After the 30 day ban has been lifted, their neg reps will be deleted and they can start anew with whatever +reps they have.


But that's just my two cents.


On a side note. Even though we have not seen eye to eye, I would like JesusOfChaos to at least be seriously considered for Mod-ship. He is a very active member, and while his viewpoints have been arrogant at times, I think he would make a good mod.

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1. Fan-Fiction and Written Cards. My two obsessions in my YCM Life.

2. Too much for my own health; around four hours everyday, probably more.

3. I feel that we lack a fan-fic Moderator. Sure, we have darkguy, but I haven't seen any post by him there in a while. Fan-Fics need a more active mod; I consider myself to be a good choice. Also, I try to be as friendly as I can, offering advice to those I consider need.

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I would be happy to apply!


1. General, Realistic Cards, polls, questions comments suggestions.

2. I am online quite a lot! Usually between 6-8 hours.

3. I know I would be a good moderator for the forum because I am very responsible and I know exactly how to enforce rules.k If I were to become a moderator, I would promise to stay 100% active in the section I'm assigned to and keep it neat and tidy by any means possible. (I have good grammar too! :p)


There is my form YCMaker. :D

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1. Lessee, Yugioh TCG, Deck, Fan-Fic, and General.

2. A lot, XD. Usually 2-5 hours on Weekdays, a lot more on Weekends, XD.

3. I'm very friendly, (I only dislike a few members who I will not name.) I'm fair, I know the rules like the back of my hand. I think I could balance out the friendliness of the TCG section (Not saying Crab is a bad mod.) Of course, I know what I'm talking about with the TCG, I admit, I do make n00bish mistakes sometimes, of course, there are much better choices then me, so, yeah. XD.

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1) Mostly General, but also Custom Cards.

2) I spend ALOT of the day (during the week) on YCM. Usually about 8 hrs.

3) I guess that I feel that I have what it takes to assume the role of a mod. I think tht I could really lend a hand towards the forum if I become one. I can try to help and keep a specific section under control and make sure nothing gets out of hand. (as well as try to stop people from constantly bumping old threads.)

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1. Forums you are most active in: I tend to hang around the general and Custom Card sections the most.

2. Average time spent per day on the forum: It depends. On weekdays about 7 hours. On weekends about 10 hours.

3. Why you should become a moderator and what you will do for the forum: I believe I could do a lot for the forums. My grammar is spot on. I'm a very friendly member. Have over 3500 posts and 100 reps. I love to help people out. And I 'never' spam. It would be a great honour to me to be a Moderator, and I would do as much possible for the forums. :D


~ Lucas ;)

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1. Forums you are most active in (this is very important): Mostly Showcase,Realistic Cards,General,Role-Playing

2. Average time spent per day on the forum: 6 Hours - 8 Hours (Im Home Shooled so i get on a lot)

3. Why you should become a moderator and what you will do for the forum : Im Usually Always On The Forums.Im Friendly To New Members.When Somone Post in the Wrong Section I Correct them and rate their card/graphic. Ive Always Liked Mods And Taught How It Would Be To Become One. I Just Got Over 1000 Post.

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I'd like to, but is there a star requirement? If not, I'd be happy to help:


Most active on: Games and General

Time Spent: About 3-4 hours a day, I think. I'll be twice as active in the summer, I promise.

Reason: Honestly, I've seen people flooding my preferred forums with, basically, cr*p. (Yes, I know, I said cr*p, but it's the best way to describe it.) I've seen so many pointless things pop up that, if I had the power to lock/remove, I would. It would make everyone's life a lot more easier if I, or anyone else with my ideals and drive, would help. If you can find someone else for this job who's more fitting, go ahead. I just want you to consider how my ideas would help YCM.


P.S. The reason why my post count is low is because I post the most in Games and General, hence, I feel I should help there.

P.P.S.: Plus, I'm lighthearted. I'm not "uber-serious", but I would know how to get down to business.

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I pretty sure that you'd have to have a lot of posts to become one, but it couldn't hurt to try...


1. Finished Cards/Sets, Role-Play and Graphics Design

2. Well, not a lot at the moment, but I can spend 8-10 hours on it if I want to (Which I would if I were a Mod)

3. I know a lot about Moderating forums due to owning my own. I am normally very nice to new members and offer constructive critism to anyone whos cards/graphics I am not happy with. I would keep the forums running smoothly, would help make the forums a better and happier place.

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1. Forums you are most active in (this is very important)?

Everywhere, well everywhere expect Card Trade and Role Play. Fan Fic, rarely. Rest of forums, very active.


2. Average time spent per day on the forum?

A lot, my Time Zone is +4. Say from Sat to Wen i spend like 5 hours thought i may not always post. Thu and Fri, well about +6 hours.


3. Why you should become a moderator and what you will do for the forum?


I have been here since Nov. and i have helped the site a lot. i am known in the Coustom Card Section, TCG Section not to forget the GFX section and the General Section. I have worked hard to help the forums as much as i can. You cant neglect the fact that i am one of the members that have helped the site a lot and am popular and freindly with so many people. i know what are the pro's and con's of the site and i have a lot of ways to increase the pro's and reduce the con's.


First, i am supporting the Multimedia Section. We need one, as a yugioh site we can't say we dont need one. Many members also like to play online games, Console Games and like music and i think members deserve a place where they can do so. I think that it is only fair that we get that section.


Second, we have lots of problems and sometimes mods cant handle because they might not be online. We have lot's of members and about +100 each day and relying on 6 Mods and one Super Mod. is not helpful at all. I am active a lot of time and i am on a Time Zone deferent from many mods which means i may solve the problems while they are not online.


Third, i also support the fact that we need much activities on the forum and i have lot's of idea's like Custom Card Day and GFX Celebration which we could have annually or even monthly if the forums aren't really active.


Fourth, i think if i am a moderater i can do programs which will help new members learn about the forum and also help old member's who have came after a long period of absence. This will help members know what going on the forums.


Fifth, we need members to know that mods will always be their to help them and fix their problems and i am active a lot which will mean i will be available to help them if no other mods are online.


I want you to take me into consideration cause i have helped the site a lot and become a mod will be a great reward and will give me necessary powers to help me accomplish my goal of making YCM a place which you will enjoy staying on and hopefully as cool as some forums i have been on.

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It's about time one these came back up lol ^_^

1. Forums you are most active in (this is very important)

I am most active in, Realistic, General, and Clubs & Organizations.

2. Average time spent per day on the forum

5-6 hours on weekends, 3 -4 hours on week days.

3. Why you should become a moderator and what you will do for the forum

Why I think I should become a moderator is for the following reason:

1) Almost every member here knows me, at least likes me, and knows what im capable of.

2) Apart from the little mishap i had with Dj, I know the rules, how to follow, and how to enforce them. I do not crumble under pressure, i do not react in harsh manners when i am being "yelled" at, or being critizised. I am responsible for what i do, and how i react. I know that in order to gain respect of the members, you have to be a member, you have to be their friends, but at the same time, let them know that breaking the rules, and or be littleing younger members is not the way to act.

3) I have seen many things happen since my 7 months here at YCM, i know what can happen, and what to do so that these actions dont spring up further down the road. I also know that it takes more then, power, and "This is now locked", to be a moderator.

You have to be able to handle certain situations, when need be. Settling disputes apropriately. Hear both sides of the story. Dont overreact, and most of all, give everyone the chance to be heard, not condemned, "innocent until proven quilty".


This is why I think is should become a moderator. It is now no longer in my hands, of what happens from now. I can only say that i thank you for the opportunity to allow me to apply, and best wishes to you, for finding the moderators you need to keep YCM under control. =)

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I have been talking with Mon94key on his website and I have decided I'll try and see


1. Forums you are most active in (this is very important): Realistic Cards, Fan-Fiction, or General

2. Average time spent per day on the forum: 4-7 hours a day on Weekdays. And 6-12 hours a day on Weekends.

3. Why should you become a moderator and what you will do to help the forums:

I think I should become a moc because. I can help new members learn about the forums and where to post everything plus I can help the other moderators of the forum. I could also help the forums by bringing down the spammers and flamers (or whatever you call them). I can help the forum by removing the pointless and flaming posts. And I'm friendly to new members (and non-new members) and I have been mods on other forums and I helped it alot. But most importantly I would keep this forum a happy and peaceful place.


I follow all the rules and never really "SPAMED" from what I know but I can help new members to follow the rules and not "SPAM" and flaming.


I would also help the forums by telling new members that don't be afraid to ask questions to any mod. And I will help the rules as much as I can.


I would also help with the pointless threads and multiple threads as they are not good for the forum. I would also like to become a Moderator because I could help the Realistic Cards Section with the rules and everything else :D


I hope you take this into consideration

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1. Forums you are most active in (this is very important)

Graphics Design and General



2. Average time spent per day on the forum


2pm-9pm weekdays

Sometimes may very with school, friends and family.


11am-3pm then 8pm-1am / 1pm-2am weekends

If im at my dads i cant do anything untill this summer when he "re-gets" internet. If i have rpg i go by the 11am-3pm then 8pm-1am . If i dont have rpg then 1pm-2am


-Eastern time zone



3. Why you should become a moderator and what you will do for the forum


Reasons I should be Graphics Mod

1. I help ppl with there graphic art. Example: I'm helping Lord Tobi right at the moment with effect and brush work throw pms.


2. Im kind to other graphic art. Example: Giving far ratings and telling ppl how they can improve there work of art to become better. I don't assault ppls art what so ever.


3. I provide a service. Example: I have a custom archive that allows all members to use my images with out cost.


4. I search the graphic design section for any suspicions. Examples: Like ppl asking reps in there shops.



How I'll help the forums.

I'll continue to help protect this forum.


1. I'm pro: Anti-Sticky meaning no stickies other than rules etc.


2. No more of this slander in the graphics section and in any section. When i go to showcase i see ppl posting work i look at it and more the time i give good and a positive out look on ppls work. Most ppl only post "bad banners are bad", "These Fails", or "Read More Tuts". Personally i fined this type of slander not good for anyone who wants to excel. Instead of helping ppl, they drive them away or make ppl upset. We should help ppl, but this doesn't mean baby them ether constructive criticism should be give but not in a harsh way.


3. Request will stay in the current format that helps everyone under stand what the person is requesting.


4. I will lock any spam right away with out questioning. anyone who doesn't fallow the graphics rules will have there thread locked and apon request with my super vision will be unlocked if changed if not it will be locked yet again and will remain unlocked.


5. No more posting work this is not your own in showcase (there may be some special cases. Example:Friends/ Family work). This will be treated as spam and locked.




I uphold the rules. This site is my home. I want to help it grow and stay fun for all members. I'm kind and a liked member by new comers, old members, and most current mods. I have been here longer than most members here sure my post count don't represent it but I'm always on reading ppls post.

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Well, here I go again, I really hope I get it this time.


1. Forums you are most active in

This time, I am actually on everything Custom Cards. Also, I am active on most places in General. Typicly, I am on games and polls, and normal general. I am pretty much everywhere now. I know, not a great explination. But, if I had to say my most active, it would be tough, BUT, would probably say Realistic Cards, Pop Culture Cards, and Card Contests.


2. Average time spent per day on the forum

Down from my last application, but still here quite often. If I had to guess, it would have to be about 8-9 hours a day. But, again, on weekends, i'm on longer, mostly like 11-12 hours XD

I am on Western Time, so, i'm usually on from 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM, then back at like 6:00 pm and stay untill 9:30 pm. And thats just weekdays! lol


3. Why you should become a moderator and what you will do for the forum?


Well, AGAIN, I may not have exllent reasons like I helped make somthing, but I do have some. I am an extreamly nice member. I help everybody that wants it. So, people asking for help and all would be nothing to me. I am already being asked for help, so, no difference there. I actually enjoy helping people very much. Just ask a few members. I have helped some new members out as much as I could (Icyblue, Gphaku, Dongaboy...), and they have gotten kind of popular, though, I guess I can't put all of that on me, just saying I like to help, lol

I do not get annoyed with the new members asking how to post cards. I think it's just somthing thats gonna happen, and that I should them so that they can stop asking, and, heck, maybe even post some good cards ^_^

Though, when somthing needs to be done or said, I have said it.


I am also a popular member. Everybody seems to know me. And apparently, when I post, alot of people look, always a cool thing to have. It also helps with some respect stuff to. I have gotten alot of respect from people from how I handle myself on the site, and my abilities on here as well. But I also treat everybody else here with respect.


Also, I know what it takes to be a mod. I have alot of friends who are mods, such as Tkill, Remix, Kaze, Frunk, TSL...

I listen to them and see what they have to do. Plus, it helps that I'm a mod on other sites i'm a part of XD


I really do love this site. I mean, I have also devoted alot of time to it. 5000 + posts, and had to spend alot of time on the card maker to gain respect that way and all. I would love to help it out in any way I can.


Thank you very much for the opportunity YCMaker. I hope you pick good members to be mods, even if it's not me, but it would be very nice if I was chosen XD



Yankeefan ^_^

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Ah, but thats the thing. You do not have to be 4 or 5 star to be a mod. It just depends on just how active you are, and how good of a member you are. The worst that can happen to you from posting an application is that you don't become a mod. So, give it a try ^_^

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