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who does NOT like GX?

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personally, i hate Yu-Gi-Oh GX. why is it even called "Yugioh" GX. Yugi is only in one episode.


all the characters decks are themed explicitly around one card.


all the characters look weird and much different from the original characters.


i mean, what is up with this Dr. Crowler guy? he looks like a cross dresser.


as you can tell, i really dislike GX. i think if they kept the original series going, they would be doing better.

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personally' date=' i hate Yu-Gi-Oh GX. why is it even called "Yugioh" GX. Yugi is only in one episode.


all the characters decks are themed explicitly around one card.


all the characters look weird and much different from the original characters.


i mean, what is up with this Dr. Crowler guy? he looks like a cross dresser.


as you can tell, i really dislike GX. i think if they kept the original series going, they would be doing better.



1. If they named it anything else, it wouldn't officialy be apart of the yugioh franchise.

2. Most of the characters do look a little weird, but so did some characters from the original yugioh

3. For quite a while, i thought Dr. Crowler was a woman.


but on topic, yes Yu-Gi-Oh! GX isn't good, but isn't bad either

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What Yugioh series you would prefer depends on your taste. If you want a series with an actual stroy line and character developement, watch the original series. If you want fun duels with greatly unique cards, watch GX. To see what I mean, look at the first few episodes. In the original series, you learn about Yugi, his discovery of the Millenium Puzzle, and you learn about Joey's caring attitude towards his sister. GX on the other hand had 3 duels in 3 episodes all of which had nothing to do with the stroy. Like I said, it all depends on your taste.

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Yeah, he lost to Kaiser (Zane) but dueled him again and drew, then he lost to Edo (Aster) but came back and beat him...He also lost to Kiabaman, meaning Kiaba is waay superior meaning Yugi and co would kick his sorry ass right back to dueling nursery.....


Also I always kick his butt on tag force, he is a terrible duelist!

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Pretty much all they do is duel in Yu-Gi-Oh GX... There is barely a plot at all. We pretty much see the same cards played over and over again anyway, so it does get a little boring. I wish they would make uncut versions of every single Yu-Gi-Oh ever made.

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Season three gets better, they travel first to the spirit world, then to Dark World....The trouble is they've left themselves wide open to be torn apart by 4kids, most of the characters die (properly) but it looked more like what happens in Digimon where they split into data.


4KIDS is part of the bad canon.



(Yuki Judai = worst duelist ever! No really, even Sho's better than him)

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I have just seen something really awful, (spoilers follow, don't read if you do not wish enlightenment)






























In Dark World, Chaos Sorcerer, Skilled White Magician and Skilled Dark Magician turn up, Chaos Sorcerer duels with Hell Kaiser and the two magicians duel Edo. No the stupid part, Chaos Sorcerer has an insect deck, WTF! HE SHOULD HAVE A CHAOS DECK FCOL!!! And the two magicians have a King of demise deck, I mean King of demise is a great card, but shouldn't they have a Buster Blader deck and a Dark Magician deck? I mean come on, I don't think they even bothered!







































Spoilers over....

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