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3 Houses of Vanilla


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Main Deck ( 40 ):

Normal Monsters ( 9 ) :
3 Flamvell Guard
3 Thousand Eyes Eyedol
3 Kagemusha of the Blue Flame

Effect Monsters ( 10 ) :
3 Summoner Monk
3 Treasure Panda
2 The Dark - Hex Sealed Fusion
2 World Chalice Guardragon 

Traps ( 3 ) :
3 D.D.D. Different Dimension Dervy

Spells ( 18 ) :
3 Tri-Wight
3 Painful Decision
3 Unexpected Dai
3 Faustian Bargain
3 The Claw of Hermos
3 Dragon Shrine

- - - - -

Extra Deck ( 15 ) :

Links ( 2 ) :
2 Link Spider

Fusions ( 6 ) :
2 Thousand-Eyes Restrict
1 Goddess Bow
1 Rocket Hermos Cannon
1 Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword
1 Time Magic Hammer

Xyzs ( 2 ) :
1 Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
1 Sylvan Princessprite

Synchros ( 5 ) :
1 Formula Synchron
1 Mist Bird Clausolas
1 Armory Arm
1 T.G. Hyper Librarian
1 Ally of Justice Catastor

- - - - -

Soooo this is a random idea I had. The Dragon Shrine + Guardragon duo is yet untested, and even the tested parts are a bit... you know, casual. xD
The Panda is the heart of the strategy as it is not once per turn. The selection of the Normal Monsters in question was because they were the cheapest vanillas that were Hermos-compatible. 
There were also the options of the Guardragon Normal Monster and Ib (Crowned by the World Chalice) which were Level 2 (so less cheap) but were both WATER so I could potentially take advantage of that pool of support... then again, Idol is a Fusion Material so there was also that going for it.

All in all, I'm still looking for ways to improve the deck, but I was thinking to make a custom (self drawn) theme that used this strategy as a skeleton while making things play off each other a bit better..... I'll file that under "if I end up prosuding something decent with that idea you might someday see it to fruition"... xD

Thoughts, comments, suggestions, etc. all welcomed.


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Wow, there really isn't any Level 1 Warrior Normal monster, that's astounding. I'm confused at the win condition here. What exactly the deck does? I can see it wants to spam with Treasure Panda and Tri-Wight but... then? It doesn't Link ladder into a big board, nor there is any big boss Rank1 to take advantage from. I vaguely remember a Lyrilusc that could use multiple mats and got more dangerous with each but I forget how good it is.

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