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About Crowler in GX...

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Seriously, Chronos was is good name. Also, they make him more selfish if you ask me. For example, when Jaden decided to face Yubel, here's what happens.


Japanese: Chronos tells Judai not to go in concern of his safety.

English: Crowler tells Judai not to go because he'll be demoted to cafeteria duty if Jaden "gets hurt".

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Cartoon? don't make me slap you PD. He didn't say it that often, I mean how could they not capture him starting to really care about his students, especially when he saved Osiris Red from Demoltion (then returned to his ways in 75). In 92 he learnt again they really do care about him and Napoleon. I don't forgive 4Kids to what they did to a funny and cool character.

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