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Yay I got all Charmers!

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Eria, Aussa, Hiita, Wynn. I own them all. Hiita has Fire Fox as beast on his side and Wynn has Petit Dragon at her side. I don`t know the two other beasts with Eria and Aussa. Unhappily, I only have 3 of the 4 Trap cards that habitually go with these Charmers.

I`m saying this to prove I`m not lying. I can clearly see if it`s a boy or a girl and their monster, so I didn`t looked at them on a picture.

If someone can tell me what are the two monsters aside Aussa and Eria I`d really appreciate.

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i don't like charmers they are too low on attack


who said you needed attack points to win a duel?


the charmers have excellent effects


You`re right, plus they all have their own Trap Cards, which means they can be helped with great effects.


Thanks for giving the names of the animals beside Aussa and Eria

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