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PokePoll (Ground vs Flying)


Which type is better?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which type is better?

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PokePoll time! So, which do you think is better:


The awesome flying capabilites that are bird type? Pidgey, HootHoot, umm... Starly and those PKMN. Are they better? Do they have more importance?




Do the underground capabilites of Diglet, Groudon and Whiscach beat the Flying birds. Will their EarthQuakes and Digs and other moves destroy birds?


So, which is better. The graceful FLYING type or the sturdy GROUND type?


*Note: You can base this on a battle FLYING vs GROUND Pokemon, but this poll is mainly opinion based.

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Ground works very nicely as an offensive attack type, but Flying is immune to it. As a whole, Flying type Pokemon tend to be better, as they are better choices for switch-ins, typically have high speed, and can be useful on just about any team.


Notably Awesome Flying Types:


















Just to name a few

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Flying but Staraptor vs. Groudon. Ground attacks don't affect flying. Staraptor would win. Except if Groudon knew some fire or something. I can't believe you actually bothered with pidgey vs. groudon.



Why bother with Fire? When all Ground-Types can learn at least learn 1 Rock move, Stone Edge anyone?

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Aside from Aerodactyl and Skarmory, flying has the fatal flaw of Rock type moves.


If anyone can show myself a ground-type that cannot learn Hidden Power Rock nor Rock-Slide, I'll give them all of my points.


(Excluding D.P Poke'z. =).)


Comboing in the more than natural super-effective quality, with Ground type Pokemon's high ATK stats, I'd side with Ground types any day.


Also, anyone who mentions Atricuno being Ice, thus thwarting ground will get a verbal thrashing from myself.



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Correct me if I'm wrong, but flying type pokemon have the advantage over ground-type pokemon anyway? Its like 2x effective against them?

Plus ground type attacks cannot hit flying type pokemon.

This poll isn't really even worth the brainpower to think through it all.

Flying type pokemon (when not normal vs legendary) would win in almost any case (provided the matchups were even).

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Correct me if I'm wrong' date=' but flying type pokemon have the advantage over ground-type pokemon anyway? Its like 2x effective against them?[/b']

Plus ground type attacks cannot hit flying type pokemon.

This poll isn't really even worth the brainpower to think through it all.

Flying type pokemon (when not normal vs legendary) would win in almost any case (provided the matchups were even).






It really depends on the flying Pokemon.


Most Flyibg types would get raped by a Ground type.


Mainly because they have Rck moves :/

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In battle between the two types, yes, Ground typically trumps Flying due to access to Rock-type moves. However, by itself, I still feel Flying is the superior type, seeing as how it is quite useful against a vast majority of other types.


Also, most Flying pokemon won't be switching in onto a Ground pokemon unless the trainer is fairly certain that the Ground-Type is not in fact packing any rock moves.


=/ And for the record, Articuno is still a good Pokemon, even if it is glaringly weak to Rock. Just not a good idea to have it a face Rock-users unless fully prepared to handle it.

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In battle between the two types' date=' yes, Ground typically trumps Flying due to access to Rock-type moves. However, by itself, I still feel Flying is the superior type, seeing as how it is quite useful against a vast majority of other types.


[b']I wouldn't deny the range flying poke'z offer is great, thus being a more usable and abusable type. However, the superiority wasn't between the usefulness of the types, rather, which one would persevere inside of battle. And as I already out-lined, from a theoretical perspective, it's ground. =/.[/b]


Also, most Flying pokemon won't be switching in onto a Ground pokemon unless the trainer is fairly certain that the Ground-Type is not in fact packing any rock moves.


The case at hand was if a flying pokemon encountered a ground-pokemon, and both had the typical move-sets of their type, who would be the victor. In competitive play, though, I've seen quite a few people switch in flying Pokemon for ground immunity only to get K.O'd. It's a simple mistake, really. Same thing goes with those Fighting types (Mainly Machamp..) who sport Rock-type moves, and encounter something like Skarmory. =/.


=/ And for the record, Articuno is still a good Pokemon, even if it is glaringly weak to Rock. Just not a good idea to have it a face Rock-users unless fully prepared to handle it.


Articuno is a good Pokemon, no doubt, but it falls short of being a competitive Pokemon. It's move-pool is unbelievably narrow, as well as it having mediocre defenses at best.


Besides, since usually Noobish folk use Articuno, they'd think:


"OhMyGawd GROUND!! ICE BEAM BIATCH!" Or something similar.


You're a rarity when it comes to thinking things like this through, however, most don't, thus giving Rock it's advantage.







Way to make my post look like a personal attack on your opinion, by the way. =/.


Eh. Responded.

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^_^ Oh, nonono, I wasn't making you out to be attacking my opinion, lol. I was just stating the competitive uses of the two types for a decent comparison. =P Yeah, I know this poll was simply asking who wins between the two in battle, but I still decided to toss in my two cents.


And yeah, Articuno has somewhat mediocre defenses - and yet is still defensively built. The reason being that its best used against pokemon that like to set-up. Using it against a Powerhouse heavy-hitter is a nono, as it means death half the time. But foes that like to built stats, inflict status, blahblah, that's where Articuno comes in. It can roar away those pesky stat-builders (after possibly using Reflect), can heal bell the party, and can possibly put itself into an advantageous position after doing so. Spike Teams and Ice teams can definitely make use of its Support-based movepool. A fast Articuno can even force a switch by using Mind Reader, scaring the opponent into switching to avoid the impending Sheer Cold (though that strategy is seldom used, due to lack of reliability).

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