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Who was your Hero in your Childhood?


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We all had one, realistic or fictional people. Mine used to be Batman until I realized that he can't do so much stuff. He doesn't have any superpowers like Superman. Then I moved over to Morticia from the Addams Family and Mystique and Rogue from X-Men.

Yeah, those were the ones in my childhood.

...until I realized that I don't need a hero. I only look up/down to myself.=/



EDIT: People you know in real life count too.;)

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Mine? My Father. Why? He's speical to me. I act like him as much as possible, and that's how I got everything. My hairstyle, my clothes, my Musical Choices, my choice of Videogames, TV Shows, and interests. We're twins, and very close :D


Fictional Hero: All characters from Mario. The Good Guys :D

Hero that isn't a "Thing" - Music.

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my hero........ first was Bakura from yu gi oh, because i liked his accsent (when i first started watching yu gi oh i tryed to copy his deck, than relizing the only similer cards i have to him are sangan and dark necrofear and 1 useless spirit message)


then May from pokemon (i have no idea why, she just looked hot and i enjoy acting like a girl)


then it was some uber pokemone battler called Marriland, who never lost, I lost intrest in him when he did lose.


now at the start of this year it was Yuki Nagato, then for a breif moment Kontai from lucky star then for another brief moment it was Haruhi Suzumiya.


But from the YCM when i first joined J-max was my hero, but i havent chatted much to him though.


Now its proberly Saturn Paladin out of the members of the YCM, so nice and kind, and isn't a jabroni like so many people on the YCM are (not mentioning any names run).

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