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Sadly' date=' I don't trust Ebay.


I ordered a book, and the seller/merchant sent me an Australian muffin instead.


Grrr. .__.




I woulda lieksed that, me <3 Muffins



Nope' date=' never. People will do anything for money. I remember my friend wanted to get an Xbox from ebay, but got a box with an x written on it instead, lol.



I lol'ed.


I ordered a Big giant expensive thing about £500, got a book, on how to scam people O_O

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Only ever had a few minor problems, never any major because we only buy from sellers with 99% positives. So yes I do trust ebay got alot of my DN stuff from there (Well non-manga all manga came from Amazon), my dad used to buy alot on there.

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