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If you had to have a deckmaster...

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If you don't know what a deck master is...

Deckmasters are monsters that you can "equip" to yourself in the beginning of a duel.

You cannot select monsters that can only be Special Summoned, Ritual Summoned, Fusion Summoned.

You can use the effects of the monster anytime, depending on its effect. When you summon your deckmaster the following rules apply:

- If it has 5 or more level stars no tributes are required.

- If the monster is destroyed, the player that used it as a deckmaster loses the duel.

- If you offer it to summon another monster, you will stay in duel, however, if the monster is destroyed that you summoned by offering your deckmaster, you will still lose.


So, back to the main question...


If you had to have a deckmaster, which monster would you choose?

I would choose The Great Shogun

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Depends on his effect it gets a deck master. I think I would choose my Birdian - Bird Knight his effect allowes him to switch a monster to defends mode or destroy a monster in defends mode once per turn. it is a fusion monster but can be special summoned so.

or King of the swamp is you use a fusion deck. You can use him for a fusion summon doesn't matter witch one so you are on step closer to victory if you use a Elemental hero deck

Birdian - Bird Knight


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