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Densetsu Kuro no Tsurugi (Legend of the Black Sword) [PG-13][Not started/Accepting]

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Opening Theme - Kimi ga Inai Mirai
Main Plot:
Once, very long ago, in a world that exists only in a fantasy or a dream, there was horrifically devastating war; the kind that only happens in ledgends. The world of Galileia (Gah-Lee-Lay-Uh) was peaceful at first, and the five major nations prospered and were at peace. They shared a peaceful Open Borders agreement with the others that was known as the Star Points Treaty. Each country freely traded with the others, as well as assisted them during depressions, and held many festivals with together, each in celebration of the favored peace. It was as if the gods themselves had run each country, and issued orders with a fair and mighty hand. This peace and the Star Point Treaty held firm for 2,000 years, and many people believed that it would last forever. It was only when the late king of Folkuliere (Foh-Koo-Leer) Ludwig Wilhelm the Storyteller had passed and gave the secret of the magic, known as Esper Weaving to his son Jacob shortly before his death. Many believed that things would not change, as it was customary not only for the knowledge of Esper Weaving to be passed from parent to child as every ruler died, but also because this knowledge had not left the royal families of any of the five nations since the great wizard Agrippa had passed it to them at the start of the nation’s growth; but they were sorely mistaken.
At the time when Esper Weaving were taught to the original rulers, Agrippa gave them one ultimatum. In exchange for teaching the rulers the sacred art of Esper Weaving, Agrippa made them promise that none but the ones who would follow in the lineage of each ruler was to know the power Espers contained. For Agrippa, being wisest of the humans in his time knew even then that if Esper Weaving were to be learned by the public, war would surely follow.
Jacob, having never followed his father Ludwigs ideals and always having been a selfish and greedy youth, instantly saw the potential that Esper Weaving posed. He had often watched his mother use Espers to help flowers grow in her garden, and had seen his father instantly ignite blocks of wood whilst the two were camping. He had also known the energy used for Esper Weaving could be stored in special crystals known as Nether Gems. Plans formed within the boys head. Visions of a greater, more powerful Folkuliere rising far above the other nations haunted him at all times of the day. Finally, after a year of his rule, he taught the secrets of Esper Weaving to his most trusted and intelligent men of court, ignoring the orders of his and his father’s wisest advisors, and ordered them to begin study on it immediately, as well as begin mining Nether Gems. Soon, Esper Weaving was taught to the military, then the castle staff, the the nobles, and finally, the public. It was this act of selfish thought, that sparked the Esperpower Industrial Revolution. It was found that Nether Gems could be used as batteries to power machinery. The visions Jacob had realized were becoming reality. Crop production tripled in a single year due to the machinery used to work the fields, technology advanced at an unbelievable pace, and the strength of Folkuliere’s army became unmatched due to its Thaumaturgy units. Yes, Esper Weaving had been learned by the public, but it was still difficult for many, if not most people, and so the Star Point Treaty held by a thread for another fifteen years, in which the rulers of Allegretto (Al-Leg-Rett-Oh), Arcadia (Arr-Kay-Dee-Uh), Nihonshin (Nee-Hone-Sheen), and Zodiacis (Zoh-Dee-Ahs-Ees) pleaded with Jacob to stop the use of Esper Weaving amongst the public, but their cries fell upon deaf ears, and Jacob would merely become irritated by their constant requests. Finally, he could restrain himself no longer.
In a vicious assault, Jacob marched his armies on the Kingdom of Allegretto, destroying the border city of Crescendo, and blasting down the Jazz Plains. The Star Point Treaty had not been broken, but shattered. Naturally, Allegretto had not been equipped to combat against Folkuliere and there Esper powered technology and soldiers. They were fighting a losing battle. Soon, the other nations were forced to take sides. Zodiacis, fearing the destructive power of Folkuliere, sided against Allegretto, where Nihonshin and Arcadia joined forces with Allegretto and attempted to halt Folkuliere. Still, Folkuliere had the advantage of soldiers and citizens who were learned in Esper Weaving, and by this time were called Esper Kin. It was becoming clearer and clearer that Folkuliere could not be simply overpowered, overwhelmed, or even out strategized. Therefore the rulers of Allegretto, Nihonshin, and Arcadia came together to make their final decisions regarding Folkuliere.
Within two years, the rulers of the three nations opposing Folkuliere had evened the battlefield against Folkuliere by starting their own Esperpower Industrial Revolution, and began producing Esper Kin soldiers and Esper powered weapons themselves. It was thought that this would bring Folkulieres downfall, but the war lasted longer than anyone had foreseen. Even the death of King Jacob, who was now called King Jacob the Mad, did not quell the conflict, and Agrippa’s deal was all but forgotten. His prediction however, had come true, but was far worse than even he said. The war lasted three hundread years, and eventually became known as the 300 Year Esper War. The war devastated all. The advancements made by the use of Nether Gem batteries and Esper Weaving were rendered useless, as near all supplies were being sent to the armies. To make matters worse, a plague had struck out, pehaps as a curse from the gods for fighting so viciously. Men and woman were still signing up for the armies, but simply because dying by the edge of a sword seemed friendlier than in bed from starvation or sickness. It was said that the war would wipe out humans altogether, no matter who won now, simply because of the lack of supplies. Then, as humanity began to lose all hope, he appeared.
Nobody knew who he was, where he came from, or even his name, but it was him who ended the fighting. He was dressed in a black warriors kimono, with the banner of each county at his back. His hair was blue, and his eyes were silver, and his face always wore a determined smile. However, thestrangest and most incredible feature about him was the pitch-black sword he’d held with him, made in the style of the katana’s of Nihonshin, giving the thoughts that he was a warrior from this country. Wherever he went, the fighting would soon be quelled. Eventually, he was simply called “The Warrior”. Finally, during the worst of the battles between the countries, on the border of Allegretto and Folkuliere, he arrived. Nobody ever knew why, but he was immensely gifted as an Esper Kin, but his true might resided in his sword, which carried the ability to pierce and manipulate Mana itself. In one, tremendous display of awesome power, the Warrior swung his sword, and to the sheer shock of the soldiers, and nigh every citizen of Galileia, cleaved the land at the border, creating a great chasm, and separated the warring countries. At the bottom, the Mana used to perform such a great feat had settled, giving the land around it great prosperity and the chasm a beautiful glow. Once the war had ended, everything else seemed to fix. Supplies were once again distributed fairly amongst the people, and a cure for the plague called Purple Virus was discovered. All these things, the Warrior had made possible, and he soon settled down with a wife in Fermata (Fur-Mah-Tah), Allegretto’s capital. However, even one as powerful as he was still a mere mortal.
On his deathbed, the Warrior spoke to the public, telling with the same smile he’d always worn, a simple issue regarding his Last Will.
“All my earthly possessions I leave to my loving family. All but my pitch-black sword. That, I have broken into two pieces, which are yours for the taking, assuming you are able to find them. For I have hidden them across the land of Galileia for any to find. And now, I bid you all a very fond farewell, for I must now depart to afterlife. I wish you all the best of luck.”
Since he spoke those words, 5,000 years ago, people from all over Galileia have begun hunting for the legendary pitch-black sword, for many reasons. Some hunt the blade for honor, while others desire only the power it holds, or the fortune it will bring. Still many believe that there never was a pitch-black sword to begin with, and this was the Warriors way of a final joke. Never the less, the world today is flooded with adventurers known as Black Hunters, who all seek the legendary pitch-black sword, however still no one has found it. Not even the most powerful Esper Kin have been able to locate the weapon. But perhaps, one day soon, a single lucky Black Hunter will find the sword, and whatever riches it may bring…
Sub Plot:
In the Kingdom of Allegretto, a strange occurrence has been happening. Following the death of it’s last king, King Heltzer Falsetto, a small group of rebels calling themselves Beethoven’s Final, has risen. Though nobody is sure why, the current King, Waltz Falsetto, has raised the taxes on all items. All except Nether Gem batteries, which he had recently empowered. Though this makes no business sense at all, due to the great demand for Nether Gem batteries, he even went as far as to lower the price. Though this would normally cause talk and gossip, all the speech has been silenced by the rebellion of Beethoven’s Final, who seek a change in ruler from the Falsetto Family. After all, who would care for a lowered price of an item when there’s a rebellion to speak of…
1. All YCM rules, including the Advanced Clause are in motion. (Honestly, you guys should already know that by now.)
2. My word, or the co-hosts word is final and absolute, but in the case of a disagreement or miscommunication, my word overrides the co-hosts. (I’ll be fair and lenient things though, so don’t worry too much.)
3. Try to be original with your characters. Yes, I know this is kind of unnecessary, but I like to see variety.
4. Read EVERY section before you post your character.
5. In the past, I allowed people to run however many characters they wanted or felt they could handle, but this time around I'm limiting it to two total. No exceptions.
Type “Yellow” to show you read this section.
Espers work in strange ways. For starters, those who use Espers each have a certain affinity, and this affinity determines what Espers hurt them more, and what Espers hurt them less. Each affinity has a different weakness and advantage, depending on its placement on a chart called the Esper Wheel. Each affinity that an Esper Kin can use is one here, and by following it, Esper Kin are more or less powerful in battle. The arrangement is as followed.
The last two affinities, beat all except each other, but are very difficult to learn (Meaning I’m probably only allowing one of each). These are Sun(light) and Moon(darkness). Remember, Esper Kin may have two of any normal affinity, but can only have one if the affinity is Sun or Moon.
Please note that Healing is also an affinity, but is not listed on the Esper Wheel because it has not weakness or advantage.(If you want Espers or an affinity that isn’t listed, that’s fine, just see me about it first. These are just the main ones.)
Type “Red” to show you read this.
[spoiler=The World of Galileia]
As mentioned, Galileia consists of five countries, with Folkuliere and Zodiacis separated from Allegretto, Nihonshin, and Arcadia by the Great Mana Chasm. In order to insure that war does not break out again, the main cross ways between the countries separated by the Chasm are by gondola. Bridges do exist, by they’re so few that gondola make it quicker. Each country has their own heritage (basically a theme), and culture. Although they’re very large, each country has only three major cities.
Allegretto: North of Nihonshin and South of Arcadia. This is perhaps the only country with four major cities. Its Major cities are Fermata, the Capitol, Harmony, which lies far east of Fermata within the Melody desert, and Crescendo, which is now mostly a gondola city. Lastly, there’s Rhapsody, the city of Fallen Heroes. The Warrior, is buried and greatly honored in this great city. Travelers will find that Allegretto is a rather diverse nation with vast deserts and plains, as well high mountains and deep forests. Their main source of income comes from the iron and Nether Gems mined at Black Metal Mountain, so named for the vast amounts of black iron in its mines. Though iron is the main income, alchemists and apothecaries find the copious herbs found in Serenade Forest to be a major enjoyment. To the south-east lies Melody Desert; this is overall avoided by all except Black Hunters and bandits who prey on the small Villages within the desert. To the north-west is Jazz Plains; home to herds of deer and other animals, some very strange indeed. (In case you didn’t catch on, the ‘culture’ for Allegretto is music. Villages, smaller landmarks, people, and other area’s found in Allegretto are to be named accordingly. People I’ll be lenient towards, since naming characters after Music as slightly difficult, but most if not all generic characters ought to have musical/instrumental names)
Nihonshin: South of Allegretto. The major cities are Takamagahara (Tah-Kah-Mah-Gah-Hah-Ruh), the capitol on the Honshao (Hone-Shuh-Oh) Shores where the great Himeji Castle lies, under the rule of Shogunate (Sho-Goo-Nah-Teh) Izanagi (Ee-Zah-Nah-Gee) and his wife Izanami (Ee-Zah-Nah-Mee). Due to the large amount of fish, the city of Taihou (Tie-Hoe) was built by Lake Taihou. Finally, we have Mizuchiha (Mee-Zoo-Chee-Hah), which is in the dead center of the beautiful Sakura Forest. The rest of the country is simply the Taihou and Kanade (Kah-Nah-Deh) rivers, stretching in opposite directions, with the Kanade moving south towards the Sakura Forest, and the Taihou moving North towards the border of Nihonshin and Allegretto. The government is based on an aristocracy of its nine noble clans(Ok, so obviously, the theme here is based on East Asia, but I’m not limiting it to Japanese. Use any name that sounds like it comes from the burning red east for villages and other landmarks. I’m gonna be strict here with character names, since it shouldn’t be hard for most of you to think of an Asian sounding name. I mean come on. Most if not all of us are anime fans ._.)
Arcadia: North of Allegretto. The major cities are stooped in great legends of warriors and powerful Esper Kin. Especially at its capitol, Arcades. Here lies the Hall of Stories, a great library holding tomes and scrolls with the history and tales of everything in Galileia. The Templar’s (Arcadia’s elite military unit. Can be comparedto the Navy Seals or Army Rangers) headquarters Valhalla, as well as the Kings Gilded Castle are also here. Though Arcades (Are-Kay-Dees) is the capitol, it is not the home of its ruler. The Immortal King Arthur makes his home in Camelot, which is the farthest northern city on the east side of the Mana Chasm, and surrounded by the Frostvale Mountains. The final major city lies next to the Mana Chasm, and is called Asgard. Like Crescendo, Asgard is mainly used as a gondola city, but many people also use the Lokir (Low-Keer) Bridge to the far north. Asgard as well as Arcades lies on the Plains of Avalon, which is a very famous battlefield in which what was thought to be a deciding battle during the 300 Year Esper War was fought. The only other landmark here is Sherwood Forest, which is filled with bandits, and even rumored to be haunted. (So I kinda gave Arcadia a varying culture as far as names go. The only thing about Arcadia’s culture that really matters is that it produces a great deal of powerful Esper Kin. Other than that, most people probably recognized the theme of both British legends like King Arthur, the Knights Templar, and of course Robin Hood, as well as a bit of Viking myths. Character Naming will be overall free here, so long as it makes sense (if you’re Arcadian, don’t be named something like Chao Feng, because that just doesn’t fit), but village naming should sound like it belongs with the rest of the place.)
Folkuliere: Located on the west side of the Mana Chasm, north of Zodiacis. The capitol city is called Farway, and is home to many Esper Kin. Since the death of King Jacob the Mad, there has not been a set king or queen. The one that occupies the Wisemans Throne is changes every twelve years on the year of the Rat. Currently, King Jack and Queen Jill occupy the throne. The next city is called Brugrimm (Brew-Grim), and is famous for being the first Esper Industrialized City. Although this sounds good, the city actually has a bad reputation because of this, and is sometimes blamed for being the start of the 300 Year Esper War. Because of this, the city is also stooped in crime, and is also greatly overpopulated. The final city, and city where King Jacob the Mad was shot from his horse, is called Hassekalale (Hah-Seh-Kuh-Laa-Leh) and is famous for selling Esper related products. There aren’t many other landmarks, apart from the Black Woods, and further west the Mushroom Forest, which is perhaps one of Galileia’s greatest oddities. The Mana there mixed with the surrounding heavy moisture, causing the size of the mushrooms to grow to an enormous size. However, the public makes it a point to never venture into the strange wonder, due to reports of monsters being sighted in the forest. On the border of Folkuliere and Zodiacis lies the Glass Desert, which is another oddity, as the sand in the deserts is all made of crushed sapphires. Though sapphires are obviously not rare, many people from all around Galileia travel to Folkuliere to see the beautiful blue sand, and even more stay in the Border city called Agrabah. (This country was tricky. Main problem was names, since I plan on this place being based on fairy tales and bedtime stories (Cinderella, Snow White,  Aladinn, etc). So, naming things here will be pretty much unlimited. I only request that you make it sound like it belongs in a fairy tale.)
Zodiacis: South of Folkuliere. Unlike the rest of the countries, women are frequently the main rulers of Zodiacis, and Queen Artemis has lead the country well during her rule, though she is still rather young for a ruler, as she is only 19.The capital city of Sagittarius is by far one of the largest cities in Galileia, beaten only by Arcades and Fermata, and is also knick-named “The City of Guilds”, due to the amount of guilds started there, but the city is also linking to the gondola systems. Though Zodiacis may not have the largest city, it definitely has the most beautiful city, as anyone would agree upon entering the city of Pisces and gazing upon its many Nether Gem powered light fountains. It is here the new Queen of Zodiacis is always crowned. Finally, at the slopes of Draco Mountain, there is Scorpio, the city of lawlessness; or at least casino’s and gambling halls, the most famous being Virgo’s, due to its waitress’ secret business as well as night time jobs. The only major landmarks are Cancer and Aquarius Lake, Glass desert on the border, and Ursa Forest to the east side of Cancer Lake. (So if you’re still clueless, the theme here is Zodiacs and constellations. Pretty sure the name gave away the Zodiac part, I mean my creativity muscle all but died when I got to this. Anyways, since there aren’t may constellations and only twelve, or I guess thirteen Zodiacs now, you can use Greek or Arabic names for characters here. Villages gotta be named after constellations or Zodiacs.)
I'd like most if not all of the characters to begin in Allegretto, simply to advance the story without needless problems or half of us acting on our own.
Type “Blue” to show you read all of these.
[spoiler=Application Sheet]
"A quote that embodies your characteres personality or philosophies"
Name: (in any format you want. Put the Japanese name and translation if you want, so long as it's legible)
Age: (No younger than 12, unless you can give a good reason.)
Affinity: (Maximum is two unless you want Sun or Moon)
Country of Birth:
City/Village of birth: (Feel free to make up some villages or even a city. I might add them in there.)
Personality: (4 sentences is fine, but just ,make sure it’s enough to give a clear idea of what your character’s like)
Espers: (These are your spells. List the name, and what the effect is. Also, you’re only aloud two, unless you can argue successfully that your character deserves more.)
Voice Actor: (Totally optional. I just like knowing what the characters sound like so I know what voice to give them in my head when I read there dialogue xD)
Appearance: (Either a pic or a minimum of 6 sentences.)
Biography: (6 sentences is fine, but only if it’s enough to tell their current situation, why they became what they did, whether its rebel, soldier, bandit, or Black Hunter, and tells us about their childhood.)
Theme Song: (Optional, but recommended.)
[spoiler=My App]
"Even if I don't find the Sword, it's the journey to look for it that matters, right? Of course I WILL find Kuro no Tsurugi"
Name: Ikito Makoro
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Birthdate: July 29th
Affinity: Metal and Fire
Country of Birth: Allegretto
Village of Birth: Beat Village in Melody Desert
Personality: Ikito is the kind-hearted, if somewhat moronic, boy from the desert. He never misses a chance to make a joke at something funny he saw, though they don’t always make sense to anyone. Though he isn’t very bright, he makes up for that with bravery, though that could just be more stupidity. His greatest dream, since the time that his dad left to become a Black Hunter, has been to be the first person to find the pitch-black sword. Because of his short stature, he is rather sensitive to height issues and short comments, and usually reacts rather angrily when they’re directed at him. He enjoys the company of other people quite a bit, but can be equally entertained if he’s on his own. Ikito is also one of those people that you never really see depressed or upset. It’d literally take the death of five of his friends all at once to upset him. In his village his family is known as the “Crazy Black Hunter”, since every generation of males has gone chasing after the pitch-black sword. It is for this reason that Ikito wishes to find the sword and give honor to the Makoro family name.
Breaker Slash – Charges Metal Mana to his sword, making the blade spark and surge with electricity, then swings the sword, releasing the Mana in a powerful electric energy wave that can immobilize his enemies by damaging their nerves, but only for a short while.
Dragon Tongue – Charges flame Mana to the sword and engulfs the blade in fire, then does a quick 5 hit combo attacking the legs once, head once, and chest thrice. Usually leaves bad burns on the targets chest.
Weapon: Specially made great sword crafted by Ikito’s father for the use of hunting for the pitch-black sword. It consists of a rather 1”6ft long hilt, in which two 5”7ft thick single edged blade are attached facing outwards making the sword double-edged. The blades are bridged by three 4in plates, the first being about 1ft up the blades, the last being 1”8ft away from the first. The plates assist in charging Metal Mana, but do little to help charge Fire Mana. Though it took lots of practice, Ikito is actually able to fight very quickly with the sword.
Voice Actor:
English - Todd Haberkorn
Japanese – Nobuhiko Okumoto
Appearance: Ikito is a fairly short boy when compared to the other males his age in Beat Village, as he stands only 5”7ft. Although he’s short, he’s rather buff, with finely chiseled muscles from using such a large sword as well as traveling the world as a Black Hunter, but he also is lean and carries himself rather well. He’s got spiky red hair that doesn’t add as much height to him as he wanted, and vivid blue eyes. His chest and arms are slightly scarred from his many fights and battles. As far as clothing, he wears a dull, grassy-green vest that easily exposes his abs and chest. Around his neck is adorned a blue scarf with a strange but interesting abstract pattern around it. For his waist down, he has a long flowing sash, and poofy open pants. When traveling, he also wears a sandy brown cloak and of course his sword strapped to his back. His outfit was made intentionally open and poofy due to his being born in a desert village. When in colder climates, he wears a thicker shirt under his vest, but this is usually only seen in snowy mountains or frigid tundra’s. Overall, Ikito’s appearance can be compared to that of a seasoned adventurer.
Biography: Ikito’s history is nothing truly strange or special, but in his small village, it was considered an oddity. His father left when he was eight years of age to chase after the pitch-black sword as a Black Hunter, and two years later, his mother died of illness. At first, it was thought that Ikito’s father would come, but after two years of absence, it was reported by a fellow Black Hunter that his father disappeared mysteriously. And thus, Ikito made inherited his dads sword and made the decision to become a Black Hunter.

As a child, Ikito was never really popular, but wasn’t necessarily treated poorly or bullied. He didn’t have much of an education, and was always full of energy and spirit. His father was usually away, and he spent a lot of time with his mother. From her he learned the history of Galileia and what his father did as well as his reason for it. The two were seen together almost all the time, until she became ill with an odd lung disease and died when he was ten. Although he had every reason too, Ikito never cried much about either of his parents deaths, and when questioned about why, he’d always say that his parents would want him to be strong.

He’s been traveling Galileia for five years now as a Black Hunter, and is still just as close to anyone else is to finding the sword. Still, he perseveres, believing that he will one day find the legendary blade, and bring thee honor of finding it to the Makoro family name. Though he’s never told anyone else, he also has another reason for his search. Ikito has never fully believed that his father is dead, and he is searching the world in a secondary attempt to find his lost parent. While on his quest, he’s faced many different dangers, and learned much about Galileia, though this may be the only thing he’s ever been smart with, and has grown very strong because of his journey. For this reason, he’s never felt that his decision to become a Black Hunter was a poorly made one.
Theme Song: - Blade of Tears
[spoiler=Our Cast]
Ikito Makoro
The rest of you bastards:

Oh for the love of-!


*sighs* I'll fix the spoilers when I get back for m work >->

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This post will now contain the accepted apps spoiler.


[Spoiler=Accepted Apps]



[spoiler=Ikito Makoro]

"Even if I don't find the Sword, it's the journey to look for it that matters, right? Of course I WILL find Kuro no Tsurugi"
Name: Ikito Makoro
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Birthdate: July 29th
Affinity: Metal and Fire
Country of Birth: Allegretto
Village of Birth: Beat Village in Melody Desert
Personality: Ikito is the kind-hearted, if somewhat moronic, boy from the desert. He never misses a chance to make a joke at something funny he saw, though they don’t always make sense to anyone. Though he isn’t very bright, he makes up for that with bravery, though that could just be more stupidity. His greatest dream, since the time that his dad left to become a Black Hunter, has been to be the first person to find the pitch-black sword. Because of his short stature, he is rather sensitive to height issues and short comments, and usually reacts rather angrily when they’re directed at him. He enjoys the company of other people quite a bit, but can be equally entertained if he’s on his own. Ikito is also one of those people that you never really see depressed or upset. It’d literally take the death of five of his friends all at once to upset him. In his village his family is known as the “Crazy Black Hunter”, since every generation of males has gone chasing after the pitch-black sword. It is for this reason that Ikito wishes to find the sword and give honor to the Makoro family name.
Breaker Slash – Charges Metal Mana to his sword, making the blade spark and surge with electricity, then swings the sword, releasing the Mana in a powerful electric energy wave that can immobilize his enemies by damaging their nerves, but only for a short while.
Dragon Tongue – Charges flame Mana to the sword and engulfs the blade in fire, then does a quick 5 hit combo attacking the legs once, head once, and chest thrice. Usually leaves bad burns on the targets chest.
Weapon: Specially made great sword crafted by Ikito’s father for the use of hunting for the pitch-black sword. It consists of a rather 1”6ft long hilt, in which two 5”7ft thick single edged blade are attached facing outwards making the sword double-edged. The blades are bridged by three 4in plates, the first being about 1ft up the blades, the last being 1”8ft away from the first. The plates assist in charging Metal Mana, but do little to help charge Fire Mana. Though it took lots of practice, Ikito is actually able to fight very quickly with the sword.
Voice Actor:
English - Todd Haberkorn
Japanese – Nobuhiko Okumoto
Appearance: Ikito is a fairly short boy when compared to the other males his age in Beat Village, as he stands only 5”7ft. Although he’s short, he’s rather buff, with finely chiseled muscles from using such a large sword as well as traveling the world as a Black Hunter, but he also is lean and carries himself rather well. He’s got spiky red hair that doesn’t add as much height to him as he wanted, and vivid blue eyes. His chest and arms are slightly scarred from his many fights and battles. As far as clothing, he wears a dull, grassy-green vest that easily exposes his abs and chest. Around his neck is adorned a blue scarf with a strange but interesting abstract pattern around it. For his waist down, he has a long flowing sash, and poofy open pants. When traveling, he also wears a sandy brown cloak and of course his sword strapped to his back. His outfit was made intentionally open and poofy due to his being born in a desert village. When in colder climates, he wears a thicker shirt under his vest, but this is usually only seen in snowy mountains or frigid tundra’s. Overall, Ikito’s appearance can be compared to that of a seasoned adventurer.
Biography: Ikito’s history is nothing truly strange or special, but in his small village, it was considered an oddity. His father left when he was eight years of age to chase after the pitch-black sword as a Black Hunter, and two years later, his mother died of illness. At first, it was thought that Ikito’s father would come, but after two years of absence, it was reported by a fellow Black Hunter that his father disappeared mysteriously. And thus, Ikito made inherited his dads sword and made the decision to become a Black Hunter.

As a child, Ikito was never really popular, but wasn’t necessarily treated poorly or bullied. He didn’t have much of an education, and was always full of energy and spirit. His father was usually away, and he spent a lot of time with his mother. From her he learned the history of Galileia and what his father did as well as his reason for it. The two were seen together almost all the time, until she became ill with an odd lung disease and died when he was ten. Although he had every reason too, Ikito never cried much about either of his parents deaths, and when questioned about why, he’d always say that his parents would want him to be strong.

He’s been traveling Galileia for five years now as a Black Hunter, and is still just as close to anyone else is to finding the sword. Still, he perseveres, believing that he will one day find the legendary blade, and bring thee honor of finding it to the Makoro family name. Though he’s never told anyone else, he also has another reason for his search. Ikito has never fully believed that his father is dead, and he is searching the world in a secondary attempt to find his lost parent. While on his quest, he’s faced many different dangers, and learned much about Galileia, though this may be the only thing he’s ever been smart with, and has grown very strong because of his journey. For this reason, he’s never felt that his decision to become a Black Hunter was a poorly made one.
Theme Song: - Blade of Tears[/spoiler]



[spoiler= Shi no Hoshi]

"Maybe I should just become the demon they already think I am..."
Yellow Red Blue
Name: 死の星 (Shi no Hoshi)
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Birth date: December 21
Affinity: Moon
Country of Birth: Nihonshin
City/Village of birth: Kamagakure
Personality: A guarded individual, Shi no Hoshi, or Shi as the few who are familiar with him call him, is not comfortable in large crowds and equally uncomfortable in cities or towns of any sort.  On the rare occasions that he is in close contact with people, he is polite and tries to do his best not to attract much attention to himself.  He frequently refuses to use his Espers, fearing the power that he may unleash and sometimes unleashes unwillingly. Overall he prefers to be left alone, and leaves others alone unless they confront him directly. Concerning combat, he prefers to leave his foes alive but does not always have a choice in the matter. Concerning his hates, he does not tolerate it when the innocent are taken advantage of, but unfortunately he cannot make a living by honest means in most cases and has to steal simply to stay alive. What he likes is a more difficult question. He has had a hard time finding anything to like, aside from the peace he gets when alone.  Though he does not actively seek the Pitch-Black Sword, he does believe that if he were to recover it he might be considered something other than a monster.
Tsukuyomi:  An orb of darkness coalesces into either of Shi's hands, taking a moment to fully form.  Once its formation is complete, at any time thereafter so long as it is maintained he is capable of unleashing it in a spear-like form which bears a point of lethal sharpness and travels at speed comparable to a bullet.  Once the orb has manifested, a shot must be fired before it can be allowed to fade and once it has fired it may be more quickly recharged to fire again.  Additionally, this need not be fired purely in the form of a single spear.  Rather it may be unleashed in a burst of several smaller spears, which could be compared to the blast from a shotgun.
Blade of Shadows:  Shi charges the energies of darkness into either his hand or a weapon he carries, and then brings either the hand or the weapon about in a rapid arc, letting a curved blade of pure shadows fly forth towards his target. The blade travels quickly, at about the speed of a bolt from a crossbow, and its sharpness could be compared to a razor.  Interestingly enough, this blade does not stop when it strikes something it cannot cut.  It either pushes them back to the edge of its range, about twenty meters, or fragments against something capable of breaking it and continues to move.
Lord of Night:  Less an ability he can call upon, and more one which simply comes out, this is a defense mechanism born of his inborn connection to darkness.  In times of great stress, Shi is overcome by the powers within him and transforms into something monstrous.  He becomes Darkness personified.  His body becomes almost ethereal in appearance, as if it were composed of the raw stuff of shadows with no light emerging from him with one exception.  His eyes become as solid, faintly glowing orbs of red.  Though against the backdrop of his shadowy form even the slightest hint of light is comparable to the moon on a starless night.  From his back, a pair of great shadowy wings emerge that beat without sound or wind to carry him aloft.  This form allows Shi to move at speeds describable only as supernatural, and further allows for teleportation through any shadow he can touch to another shadow within fifty meters.  At night, or in dark places such as caves, this form makes him almost impossible to detect.
Shi carries a blade similar to the Katanas common in his homeland, and about one and a half meters, with one exception. The hilt is of a style foreign to Nihonshin. Questions to his father, the original maker of the blade, never revealed the origin of the style.
[spoiler=The Sword]The_Slicer_by_Soulflame81-1.jpg[/spoiler]
About a year ago, Shin came across a trade caravan from Folkuliere. The caravan guards, recognizing him as a wanted murderer, made to attack him. He fought them off, and the caravaners fled before him rather than right. He moved forward to take advantage of this unexpected boon, and in his search for supplies he came across a curious weapon which he has wielded ever since.
[Spoiler=This Strange Weapon]Nelri_Blade_Concept___III_by_Aikurisu.jp[/spoiler]
Each of the blades on this...glaive?...are half the length of the one upon the sword his father gave him.
On either hand, Shi wears a pair of metallic gauntlets. While the gauntlets themselves are not weapons, each one bears a small triangular opening on the back of the hand. These openings are connected to Nether Gem Batteries located in the mechanical workings of the gauntlets themselves and are capable of firing focused bursts of raw mana at a short range, ten meters at the longest.
Voice Actor: Eric Vale
To answer the questions unanswered by this picture, Shin's hair is dark black and shaped into short backward facing spikes on his head. His eyes are a dull grey in color, but always have a faint shine to them. The bladed weapons he carries are held out of scabbards upon his back, held in place by a small nether gem powered device which projects a magnetic field. This sort of device is common enough to be used by anyone who doesn't want to bother with a sheathe.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Biography:]Shi no Hoshi was born twenty two years ago on the winter solstice. The ground in the village of Kamagakure was covered in snow, and the skies were unusually clear as a full moon shone down. His mother was in labor, and his father was putting the finishing touches on the sword he would teach his son to wield, as was the tradition in that village. Moments before Shi was born, a black dot, which twinkled like a star against the light of the moon, appeared and was visible to all for miles around but was seen as directly in the center only in Kamagakure. Just as he was born, Shi's mother died mysteriously. Though it was investigated thoroughly, no one could ever determine the cause. This became the unfortunate origin of Shin's name, as the village sage named him "Shi no Hoshi" ("Death's star" in the common tongue) after the black object which had appeared in the skies that night. For the rest of his life Shi was tormented by the events surrounding his birth as well as his name. His father was the only person he could draw comfort from, and under his stern guide he quickly mastered the way of wielding the rather strange blade his father had made. It was one night, the eve of his twelfth birthday actually, when a group of villagers came into his home while he was sleeping and dragged him out into the darkness. His father tried to intervene and was killed by the very people he thought were his friends. The villagers, thinking that he was a bad omen and having decided he had lived for too long, drug him into the center of town and made to burn him. It was then that he was overcome by the dormant power of the Esper within him and first became the Lord of Night. The entire population of the town lie dead by morning, and a soldier who had been staying the night in the town was roused by the commotion and fled as quickly as he could back to Takamagahara to give news of this to the Shogunate. Within a week of the event Shi was the most wanted criminal in Nihonshin and was pursued by nearly the entire country. He was forced to flee, but was pursued and in his wake he inevitably left a trail of death which has lead to his becoming one of the most wanted criminals in all of Galileia, with a much larger target painted on the back of his head so far as Nihonshin is concerned. During that time, a particular Bounty Hunter who Identified himself only as The Burning Fist challenged Shi and was, against either of their wishes, slain. It was from this man that Shi gained his gauntlets. A year ago, his trail went cold and most pursuers ceased to track him, supposing that he had been killed secretly or caught. The truth is that Shin has made his way into the Melody Desert in Allegretto, hoping to find some place where he could live without being chased.  It was also around that time that he began hearing rumors concerning the Pitch-black Sword, and he has considered going after it for some time now.[/spoiler]
Theme Songs:
Lord of Night: It Lives - Two Steps From Hell[/spoiler]



[spoiler=Aiya]"I've seen him with my own eyes. He said... ??? Why can I not remember?"

Name: Aiya Krystellia
Age: [acronym='Aiya is imagined to be at least 5000 years old, since it had been 5000 years since the 300 Year Esper War had began. She appears as though she's 13, however.']Unknown[/acronym]
Gender: Female
Birth Date: 21 June
Affinity: Ice and Poison
Country of Birth: Arcadia
City of Birth: Asgard
Personality: Just because she's missing a whole quarter of a brain doesn't make Aiya any less intelligent than any other human being. In truth, she's up there amongst the smarter people, with an IQ rating in the high 130's. However, with all the complications in her brain, she sure does second-guess her sanity a lot of time. What's difficult for Aiya to overcome is her amnesia; she sees horrible... very horrible visions of the 300 Year Esper War from time to time, but she can't remember The Warrior and what he did to quell the nations at war, despite swearing she saw him with her own eyes. Fighting and heated arguments tend to set her off in an explosive way as a result, and even if she believes her only choice is to go so far as killing those that started the fighting, then she won't even hesitate to make the attempt. It isn't easy living with a broken mind, but perhaps if she has a chance to see Kuro no Tsurugi for herself, her memories could be restored, and she would be at ease. Unlike most people, Aiya doesn't physically speak; instead, surgical implants in her brain project what she wants to say in an aural manner.
Espers: Glacial Constitution - With this Esper, Aiya can create walls and spears of ice on a whim, and even cast blizzards down from the sky. The Esper itself also renders Aiya invulnerable to other Espers of the Ice Affinity, and immune to cold-related diseases such as hypothermia.
Breath of the Dying - Through heavy breathing, Aiya sucks up oxygen in the air and replaces it with a toxic gas. This Esper is amongst the most difficult to control, as merely enraging Aiya or sending her into a state of panic is enough to trip it off, and there's no way to switch it off. Even worse, the toxic gas she emits with this Esper can, and is known to build up faster than she can dispel it at times, resulting in the occasional coughing fit from Aiya while it's active.


From Youth to Age - Not so much an Esper as it is a metamorphosis, allowing Aiya to change from her Youth Form to her Aged Form. Aiya might look frail in her Aged Form, but she's actually stronger than in her Youth Form, both on a physical standpoint and with her Espers. She's also capable of flight in her Aged Form.
Weapons: Rifle Arm - A Model 1867 Remington Rolling Block that is mounted onto Aiya's right arm, and has been modified... so it doesn't have a trigger or a butt-stock. Instead, it has its own firing control system that Aiya was clever enough to create from scratch. With it, she can see exactly where she's aiming the rifle even when she's not actually looking down the barrel. The receiver module for the system is attached in place of the rifle's butt-stock, and the firing pin is attached to the end of it.
Katana - A simple katana that Aiya wields in her left hand. Nothing more, nothing less.
Voice Actor: (Aged Form) Karen Strassman (En)/Maaya Sakamoto (Jp)

(Youth Form) Christine Marie Cabanos (En)/ Aoi Yuuki (Jp)
Appearance: Aiya takes two different forms. There's her Youth Form, which she adopts most of the time, and seems to prefer. However, whenever she needs to, she can also transform into an Aged Form. In this form, she grows from her usual height of 5' 5", which is impressive for a 13-year-old girl in which she appears as, to an even taller 6' 3". Her wings also grow to a suitable size for flight, and she grows a second pair. But that's where the good qualities of Aiya's Aged Form appearance ends. Her skin shrivels up and becomes vastly paler than in her Youth Form, and wrinkles start to form on it as well. Then there's her single eye, which appears bloodshot, and her hair, which turns teal instead of blue and pink instead of red, and is no longer in a ponytail, although the silver remains. The outline of Aiya's skeleton can be visible on her body too, except for the area around her breasts, which remain unremarkable in size despite their obvious growth.
[spoiler=Pic (of Youth Form)]sample_99caa47d7ddd25b8e799fd2945e99c4ed[/spoiler]
Biography: It isn't easy living through a long war. Unfortunately for Aiya Krystellia, her mother Tsuriche only just got pregnant with her just as the 300 Year Esper War started. Unaware of this at the time, Tsuriche had participated in the war as a sniper, and was off to a good start. But an enemy Esper user had inflicted a curse on her before she managed to kill him, and that curse corrupted the whole pregnancy. Aiya had gotten various mutations to her body while inside Tsuchire's womb, and she grew so quickly that by the time Tsuriche managed to get to Asgard, she appeared as though she was 9 months pregnant, and about to give birth any second. In actuality, Aiya had only been stuck inside Tsuriche's womb for a total of 3 months, screaming to be let out on the last day before she was born. After somehow managing to get Aiya's hips stuck during her attempt to give natural birth, Tsuriche requested her womb to be cut open so the doctors could pull her out. This took strong hands and a helluva lot of perseverance, before Aiya could finally be freed from where she was stuck in Tsuriche's womb and welcomed into her arms.

However, Aiya knew something wasn't right with her body the minute she observed her mother's for comparison. The major differences were that Aiya never grew a right hand or eye, and the eye that she did grow was red. She also had three different hair colours for the fringe (blue), sides (silver) and back (red), and a pair of horns on each side of her head, but she suspected they wouldn't be that problematic. However, as she hit puberty at the age of 7, which normally would be to early for anyone, Aiya shot through the roof in terms of height, already finishing at 5' 5" by the time she was 12. Everything else started to be shaped when she was 7 as well, also having stopped at 12, including her breasts... and a pair of wings, oddly enough. Aiya, not wanting to look like a total freak, rapidly injected a chemical into these wings so that they'd stop growing before they became too large. It wore off after a while, but Aiya inserted a steel plate just in case this would happen, and although her wings any larger, they did​ manage to give her pain and discomfort, until they stopped attempting to grow altogether at the age of 13.


Unfortunately, 13 was also the age that Aiya became permanently ill. Fearful that her life would end sooner than it would truly begin, Aiya immediately began to hit the books, searching desperately for a way to increase her life span, and not coming out of the library until she had answers. That's when she found out more about the Nether Gems, and read that a large enough one could potentially function as a life-support apparatus that could allow one to survive for millennia at a time. Having nothing to lose, Aiya rushed out and tried to find the largest Nether Gem she could find, only to wind up going into the black market and stealing it. Her Breath of the Dying Esper went off when she was being chased, affecting not only the goons that were pursuing her, but innocent people as well. Tsuriche was shocked when she realized what happened Aiya during her attempt at securing a nice, sizeable Nether Gem, and even more so at how exactly she supposed she fit this thing inside her once she managed to get it after a second run. Eventually, but extremely reluctantly, Tsuriche agreed to help Aiya in getting the Nether Gem inside her, but she had to take every single non-vital organ out of her chest, even the womb, and reshape the bones in Aiya's rib cage in order to achieve such a mammoth task. After a while, Aiya's lungs were taken out as well, since they started to fail her, but the heart remained, even though it too gave out. Wires and electronics were then inserted inside Aiya so the life support would kick into gear before the vital organs, before some other handy bits and bobs were installed, including Tsuriche's rifle, which was fastened on the end of Aiya's right arm.

Aiya lived on through the 300 Year Esper War, and continued to live for another 5,000 years thanks entirely to the Nether Gem inside her belly. Unfortunately, after realizing she lived for so long, the ruler of Arcadia officially declared a search and arrest warrant for Aiya, aiming to obtain the Nether Gem so he could mass produce it and make millions of dollars. Becoming fully aware of this, Aiya fled the country, and ended up in a remote area in Allegretto, mostly out of sight. However, she was unaware that the Allegretto and Folkuliere wanted the Nether Gem for the exact same reasons and purposes. Still, even to this day, Aiya remains on the run from said rulers.
Theme Song: All By Myself, by Celine Dion[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Aesir]"I strike from the shadows. Always have. Always will."

Name: [acronym='Surname is unknown']Aesir[/acronym]
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Birth Date: November 6
Affinity: Moon
Country of Birth: Zodiacis
City of Birth: Scorpio
Personality: As an assassin, it's Aesir's duty to kill those that he's assigned to without hesitation or prejudice. However, just because he's an assassin doesn't mean to say that he has no conscience; and that's a point that he's not afraid to make clear. He's also unforgiving overall, and is a firm believer that everyone's guilty of something, but at least he believes in the ideal that everyone deserves a second chance to right any wrongs they've made in their lives; albeit only one. And happening to fail that second chance only makes one a prime target for Aesir to assassinate. Most people can't discern such a personality from Aesir though, as he tends to keep much about him, including his past, under wraps. About the main thing a commoner notes is his vigilance around others; he always looks over his shoulder every so often, and if he's near a wall, he'll almost always have his back to it. He also tends to be silent most of the time, only really speaking to someone if he needs information out of him or her. All in all, he takes his own life very seriously, and anyone that tries to take it will feel the utmost of his wrath.
Espers: Mystic Infusion - Aesir infuses his weapons with his Esper, allowing them to deal more damage, and unlocking abilities with them. These abilities differ depending on the weapon infused, and you can see these abilities in details by viewing the weapons below.
Companion From the Shadows - With this Esper, Aesir can transform his own shadow into a creature that can fend off enemies and protect him. Depending on the creature's form, certain qualities of Aesir also increase; the damage dealt by his weapons, for example, will increase if it takes the form of a lion. If the creature takes the form of a bull, however, weapons and Espers alike will deal less damage to Aesir, and if it takes the form of an eagle, then his speed and reflexes improve significantly. Finally, the creature can take the form of an angel to increase all three of these qualities increase, albeit not as much as the other form increase each quality separately.
Weapons: Crossbow - Aesir's bread and butter weapon, used at medium to long ranges for quick kills. It only fires one bolt at a time and is slow to reload, but this problem is usually overlooked when one takes into account the speed that each bolt travels. When instilled with the Mystic Infusion, the crossbow produces its own bolts out of pure magic, and fires them at a rate comparable with a light machine gun or an assault rifle.
Black Eggs - What look like eggs painted black on the outside, but house ashes, pepper, mud, dirt, flour and minute shards of glass. These black eggs are not uncommon in the hands of samurai, and are used by crushing them in the palm of one's hand and flicked into the eyes of an enemy, blinding them temporarily. Aesir, however, can also use his Mystic Infusion to instil an explosive magic inside the black eggs, allowing them to function as grenades.
Hidden Blades - These blades protrude from the wrist, and are used only in close combat, mostly for parrying blows. That doesn't mean to say that Aesir won't kill with them though, and he's certainly not above striking foes down with these blades while they're the least bit aware. When hit by the blades when they've been instilled with the Mystic Infusion, the unfortunate soul will be "marked" with an aura that draws projectiles towards him or her, even if the weapons or Espers are aimed elsewhere.
Voice Actor: Marc Thompson (En)/Koki Uchiyama (Jp)
Biography: While most people had the fortune of being born with a name, Aesir was brought into the world and then dumped out into the streets to fend for himself. Eventually, he stumbled across a little fort made by a homeless woman, who took him in her arms and raised him for 2 years, until she died unexpectedly. Aesir, however, at least learnt enough while the woman was alive, so that he could survive another 5 without any further aid from anyone. Luck was on his side one day, as while he was shuffling amongst the garbage for food, Aesir came across a discarded crossbow and a total of five bolts in a quiver, and then found the house in which his mother resided within the same search. Aesir's mother was quick to try and shoo him away, but recognizing her as the same person that left him for dead, Aesir shot a bolt into the vile woman's leg. Then the other leg, and then both arms. Finally, after wondering why she hadn't died yet, Aesir fired the last bolt in her mother's head.


This marked Aesir's first triumph, and for the first time, Aesir had acquired a dwelling in which he could properly call home. But it wasn't gonna be the last time he fired his crossbow; in fact, he kept shooting at his mother's corpse as target practice for the next 9 years, until he signed up for his first job as an assassin at 16. Here, Aesir was given a target, as well as a better crossbow, the one he now wields, and a full quiver of bolts to get the job done. After 3 years of killing people and getting away with it, Aesir was starting to wonder if he was doing the right thing, until he managed to dig up dirt on every single person that he had killed; starting with his mother, whose diary he had uncovered whilst accidentally lying on it one night. Reading this diary, Aesir had realized that his mother had been sleeping with dozens of men before her pregnancy, only to successfully frame each and every one of them with rape, and bribed the guards into shipping them off to prison. Her plans ultimately failed once she realized with horror that one of the men managed to impregnate her... with Aesir. Things were only starting to get more vile as Aesir continued to gather info on his victims, until he was sent a letter into his mailbox, which stopped the dirt digging in its tracks. The letter read the following:


'Your next target:

Waltz Falsetto

300,000 gold coins'


Aesir supposed that he should make the trip down to Allegretto, in order to see if the new king was anywhere to be found. But this time he decided to see if he couldn't get some dirt on the king before going in for the kill; after all, it was the more conscience thing to do. Apart from the rebellion against him though, Aesir couldn't get much information from anyone, and the only thing he could discern about its origin was that the king must've done something wrong. But was it a genuine mistake made by King Falsetto, or did he have something to hide; something about him that would make him a prime target for Aesir? 
Theme Song: Points of Authority, by Linkin Park[/spoiler]





[spoiler=Kozah Vulon]

Name: Kozah Vulon
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Birthdate: February 13th
Affinity: Moon
Country of Birth: Arcadia
City/Village of birth: Originally born in the city of Asgard
Personality: Vulon is a character with a large sense of point of views on situations, or in other words, an in depth thinker of scenarios. However, while he has many ideas on something, he does not give all of his ideas, if any in the first place, allowing other conflicts to resolve. However, he has a sense of justice and devotion to the greater good, so if a presence is required, he will step in and take action. In all other regards however, he is a man of musical tastes, often singing tales of past legends, adventures, and such, and shares his tales with fellow warriors like him. He'd love to share a drink with anyone he feels like he'd enjoy a great time with; an all around great fellow for anyone looking for a great time.
- Moonguard - Upon being attacked, he uses his Moon powers to disembody certain parts of the body, depending on the direction of the attack. When the attack resolves, the Moonguard is resolved as well, and the point where the attack would be made, a black line is made. This is not guaranteed to work, however, as it may disembody at first, but may embody once again, trapping the weapon in his body, killing or doing significant damage. There is also the chance that the weapon may pass through one disembodied limb, and successfully land on a normal limb. Even at this age, it's still an unstable power to him.

- Moonlight's Gaze - Under the light of moonlight, Vulon gains extra power depending on the phase of the moon. Where as if it were a Full Moon, his power would double; a New Moon would not change his power. A Lunar Eclipse however would more than significantly double, it would at least give his power a boost of tenfold.

- Moonlit Armor - With Moonlight's Gaze, Vulon gains an armor that's protection is equal to the fullness of the moon: Full moon gives double protection, New moon gives nothing, Lunar Eclipse gives tenfold.

Bloodletter, like Shark, is mounted on the upper left arm prior to usage, and can be equipped by triggering a mechanism.
  • [spoiler=Vulon Family Blade - Red Night]

Voice Actor: N/A



Minus the helmet and sword



Biography: Son of a weapon/blacksmith of sorts, he was naturally drawn to weaponry, both making, and using them, as well as other inventions that he and his father worked on together as father and son. Since his mother passed away from childbirth, he lived and worked with his father since. When he turned 11, he and his father decided it would be great to travel the land, country to country, and experience the world, bring fortune to others and bring tales to friends.
It was years later, at the age of 16, when Kozah first use a weapon as if his very own life depended on it. When he and his father were ambushed by a group of bandits during the night time, of a full moon, they attacked his father; losing his right arm, he recoiled back, and unable to do anything, told his son to grab the Vulon family sword and run. However, his words were too late, and Kozah grabbed the sword and took a stance to fight. "I couldn't just run away with a sword while my father was being attacked. No, I had to do something! So... I stood and fought. Like my father would have." While the bandits all took his chance to fight for laughter, Kozah first discovered his powers by sheer accident, an attack to his face, leaving a black scar over his right eye. When they first learned of his powers, they all grew scared and confused. During their confusion however, Kozah struck down upon their heads, defending his, and his father's, right to live. His father couldn't forge any more weapons for the time being, so he taught Kozah what he knew.
Through his father's suffering, Kozah felt it was only right that he should help his father in some way. So, after several days, weeks, months, of trail and of error, Kozah finally created a temporary prosthetic for his father, so he can once again do what he loved. For several other areas of smithing, he created other prosthetics as well. "I never want to see him suffer the pain of never doing what he loved. Smithing was his second favorite thing to do he said, and I only want to give him a chance to do it again." Though his thanks, Kozah was told of the legend of the Pitch-Black Sword, and it's supposed great power. Kozah had learned of the power the Warrior did with it. A power that awesome, could lead on to fame and fortune, and corruption and power hungry. It was at the age of 18, when he decided it was time to leave and set out for the world, and possibly searching for the Pitch-Black Sword. "A weapon of such awesome and destructive power... Keeping it in the world... Why?"
Crush: N/A

[spoiler=Theme Song:]
  • Nocturne by Insomnium
  • By The Sword In My Hand by Tyr
  • Hold the Heathen Hammer High by Tyr
  • I'm sure there are others I can think of, but I'll leave it for now. It's the general idea what my character relates to, so to speak.

Yellow Red Blue

It's still a work in progress, but this is most of it. More side notes on the character will be made later on, if needed. But this is the majority of the character, so you know what to base your judgement off of.

  • The Vulon Family Sword's origin's and story is currently unknown to Kozah, so there is a possibility that the sword raises his ability to control his Esper, but not solid evidence is given, just a hypothesis.
  • The name is based off of Language of the Dragons from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It's meaning, if I wrote it correctly, is "In-finite Night"; Ko (In) - zah (Finite) Vulon (Night). And his character is also based off of Skyrim as well.


[spoiler= Miekka Tuulta / Whisper Viing]

Name: Miekka Tuulta / Whisper Viing
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Birthdate: December 21
Affinity: Wind and Metal
Country of Birth: Allegretto
City/Village of birth: Settlement at Black Metal Mountain
Personality: A woman with a foul tongue yet a kind heart, Miekka's words to her don't mean much more than words; a woman of action more or less. She may sometimes hurt others with her words, and she's fully aware of it, so she usually keeps her words to herself when she's around them. Despite the foul tongue, she's a favorable person to be around with, especially if you don't take words seriously. However, most don't get on her bad side, and should they, she'll see them as a lower being, and won't hesitate to point a "wing" at them (get it, cause she has bladed wings, and.. yeah I'll shut up). She's not one to appreciate legends much, she's more on the current events, and what's real and such. She knows Espers are real, the sword she does not. So she does not put much care into the sword legend.

  • Tempest - Using the blade wings as a "fan/propeller" of sorts, she generates enough air flow around her, where she can use it to create a "mini-storm"; while this storm is created, she can point her Metal/Lightning Energy to the blades, where they act as a conductor, and generate an electrical current within the tempest.
  • Songs of the Wind - Using her Metal/Lightning power, Miekka can create a sound frequency that can throw off someone's equilibrium, and she uses the wind to "guide" the blades creating the frequencies over to the enemy so they are affected. She can also use the wind to prevent the frequency from reaching her ears.
[spoiler=Weapon(s): A pair of bladed wings]
These bladed wings are under her command, and with her Esper abilities, she is able to manipulate them to surround her entire body as a defense mechanism, to separate them into single blades, or to act as a bunch of side arm blades (i.e. Kozah Vulon's Bloodletter), or both. Although, as originally intended, they are able to be her wings, and allow her to fly. However, if used for other than flying, she can only keep them within a range of six feet.

Voice Actor: N/A


Ignore the sword, quiver, and shield... and the dragon.


Biography: Although born in Allegretto, Miekka was originally conceived in Arcadia, where her parents originate and retain their Norsk-like values. During her mother's pregnancy, they traveled from Arcadia to Allegretto, and settled at Black Metal Mountain, where they began a new life out of enjoyment. When Miekka was born, she only grew up to live the life of working in the mines of the Mountain.
At age 14, she grew sick of it. "I HATE IT HERE. NOTHING BUT ROCK AND DIRT. I DON'T WANT TO SPEND THE REST OF MY LIFE IN THESE GODSFORAKEN MINES." She wanted freedom, air; she wanted to free herself from the shackles of the Mountain, and to live. When she accumulated enough minerals and refine them into metal, she wanted to make a pair of wings, bladed wings to be precise; but she didn't know where to start, all she had was a picture in her head, and she only held the metal pieces in her hand. It was through constant desire that she decided to throw these pieces away into the wind, where they began to fly, then fall. To her astonishment, she grabbed the pieces again, and this time, concentrated on making the pieces fly again. They flew farther. And farther again. This is where she discovered her Esper power of the Wind.
At age 18, when she was old enough to leave Black Metal Mountain, she decided she needed a new name, so instead of Miekka Tuulta, she named herself Whisper Viing, with the knowledge that Allegretto was a musical orientated land. When she renamed herself, she left Black Metal Mountain, and set out to her originating home land, Arcadia. After many months of travelling, she arrived at one of the major cities, Asgard, where she went to the Smithman (Kozah's father). Through her request, of making a pair of bladed wings, he granted her wish, with a favor to part. "He said that if I find his son, Kozah Vulon, I should tell him that his father misses him." Although she didn't agree to it, she was going to do it anyways, taking her finished wings, and left in a hurry.
She learned of the Pitch Black Sword legend when she was a small child, often being told that it was a legend and nothing more, and that people are foolish for even attempting to find it. Although her reasons for travelling throughout the world are not for the Sword, but for the sake of travelling and being free. If she so happens to find the sword, than she only sees it as a fruition of her travels. "I don't care about some stupid sword from a legend. All I want to do is travel this world that I never thought I would see."
Crush: N/A
Theme Song: Pure by Mors Principium Est


  • Miekka Tuulta is Finnish for "Wind Sword"
  • Her first name, being Miekka, is her original name, her second name, Whisper Viing, is her pseudonym to fit in more easily with the people in Allegretto.
  • Probably one of the few, if any, characters that doesn't really care much for the sword, but only cares for travelling.
  • Yeah, as you can see, Kozah's father is a potential NPC in the RP. Will he have much of an effect in the RP itself? Highly doubt it. Highly. But he might be an NPC nonetheless, if allowable.



Neph Seraph Decibel

[spoiler=Sol Invictus]



"Nothing's ever going to change if you don't take action."




[hr]Personal Information[hr]Name: Sol Invictus

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Birthdate: July 10th

Affinity: Sun

Country of Birth: Arcadia

Village of Birth: [acronym="Place where Esper powers seem to flow out naturally out of a spring. Is sort of like a area of castles around the garden and its font itself."]Avalon[/acronym]

Japanese Seiyuus: Kōki Uchiyama/Mamoru Miyano

English Voice Actors: Jesse McCartney/David Gallagher


[spoiler="Appearance"]As one would imagine of royalty, Sol has a very well-built body frame and a squarish jaw. He has short white hair brushed back into spikes of sorts. His skin is fairly light brown, which makes for a contrast against his white hair and eyebrows. Sol's eyes are a grayish-purple and seem to have seen far more than an average person of his age would've. He is 187 cm tall and weighs 78 kg, which is all muscle essentially. He tends to wear casual clothes that any normal person would wear when trying to keep his disguise up, but his true, "royal" clothing consist of more armor-like pieces and some decorative parts. A black armor piece around his torso outlined in silver-grey has a crimson-red vest of sorts tied over it with silver cord. The vest's sleeves lead down to a disc of sorts over the top of the hands, half-outlined in black. His pants are the same color as his armor, with various metal straps and supports leading straight into his boots, which are made of the same material as his pants, reinforced with several metal pieces. He also wears a sort of dress-like red clothing piece around his waist, fastened with a metal strap.[/spoiler]

[spoiler="Personality"]Although a pure royal-blood who got nearly everything he needed or wanted and seemingly "superior" to any plain person, Sol does not have any of the supercilious or narcissistic attitude of a good deal of royalty. Taught by his older brother to be kind, and having traveled the land and met with even the bottom ranks, he didn't mind socializing or helping them out freely. If one didn't recognize his face somehow, then they wouldn't have any idea that he was royalty, because Sol does't like to bring it up. He is one of those people to strike up conversation with any willing fellow, buying them a drink as he listens. Humble, he laughs at his own mistakes when they happen, accepts others help, and gets back up for the better. Disguising his appearance, he travels the land, meeting all sorts of people ranging from peasants to merchants or other royals. He doesn't like it when people immediately start bowing and praying to him if his cover accidentally slips or he trusts them enough to reveal himself, and he hopes he can find someone who could just get over that and be natural. He has yet to find such a person though, and is slightly sad that such feelings of inequality still roam about, that the peasants believe they are worthless, while gluttonous royals gorge themselves on treats, ordering around people. Also, he enjoys competitions such as races and similar activities otherwise, even if he loses, sometimes secretly throwing it so that others can win so they are happier off. He wants to find a super talented person at some particular activity, so he can try in earnest, and enjoy himself to exhaustion. He is able to hold his drink very well, and doesn't let things slip when under the influence, so sometimes even partake in those sorts of competitions when feeling particularly daredevilish. He does not partake in drugs or any illicit substances however. When someone else starts to become woozy, he doesn't hesitate to try to help them so they don't make a wreck of themselves with inadvertent slips of the tongue.


He is not all perfect though. When temperamental or otherwise upset, he can be very fragile, breaking down or letting his fury quite literally explode out. It takes a good while for him to calm down, and when in this sort of mood, he doesn't seem to want anyone with him, although he wants people he hold close with him truly. He can be hard to reach in this sort  of mood though, because he might either be in the middle of a raging fire where basically none can touch him, or near completely unresponsive when in a breakdown. His rage tends to subside though, but unfortunately, it usually ends up in the breakdown stage. Still rather young and somewhat trustful of people, it can be devastating to him when his defenses are broken down like that. Also, he does not care for people of misdoings, being cold to them, and also, he will not hesitate to punish criminals or the like rather severely. This usually ends up in him having to leave that place for a while and change covers again, which he dislikes.[/spoiler]

[spoiler="Biography"]Sol Invictus was born into a royal family Invictus, but was the second of two sons, therefore, ineligible to take the throne. Unlike some books you may read where this had twisted the second son into a villain, Sol remained the same. His older brother was a kind one, and didn't hesitate to help Sol out when it was needed - especially with their Esper training. From a young age, the Invictus family trained their sons and daughters in powerful Espers as well as fighting otherwise, strengthening and making efficient the Espers as much as possible, and training them with a weapon until it is an extension of their arm. He had been found to have an affinity bound to the Sun, and was trained in that daily, to make the most of a powerful affinity. His older brother was Sun as well, and he helped Sol in parts where he faltered, or was unsure of how to work the Esper powers.


As Sol grew up, he owned a fair bit of wealth, which he used to travel the land in his free time, which was a bit more than his brother's, not required to take all the same lessons as someone who would be a direct descendant. He still had to take some, in case something befalls the descendant, but not as much. Eventually, he had traveled o every habitable place in the world, learning of their societies and mannerisms. Intrigued by the Nihonshin culture, he repeatedly traveled there in his free time, but however, as he grew older, he still became busier with other important work, being so closely connected to the throne, only ordering some dishes from there occasionally. He still practiced his Esper powers and sword fighting skills with the instructors, but Sol lost sight of his brother for a while, who was entangled in all the fancy customs. Sol was fine though, accepting it, but the feelings of loneliness and anger built up in him. On one day, he near incinerated his sword, his anger having given spout to a burst of Esper power. Rigorously trained to manage his feelings and powers afterwards, Sol started to dislike all the boundaries of someone that had royal blood. His brother had heard about the incident soon enough, and left his meeting to talk to and console his younger brother, like the old times. Knowing of his interest in Nihonshin, as well as what kind of weapon would fit or work with him, his older brother had a special blade forged for him by master Nihonshin craftsmen entirely consisting of the finest quality Nether Gems. He gifted the sword to Sol on his birthday, which he greatly loved.


On that day though, Sol had been cured most entirely of his depression, but he still wanted some freedom as to his life. He told his family that he would leave to search for the Pitch-Black Sword, but wanted their blessing before he left, which they gave, although reluctant to let him loose. Taking his brother's gift with him, Sol now travels the land free of burden and in search of the Pitch-Black Sword, although he is not crazy for it like some are. He wants to meet and make some friends who aren't royalty, and not have to worry about those things. His journey starts now![/spoiler][hr]



[hr]Combat Information[hr][hr]Weapons & Equipment[hr]

[spoiler="Weapons"]Sol is usually an unarmed fighter as his Esper power provides more than enough in attack power for him. However, he is also a skilled and quick short sword fighter, and carries one with him in back-up situations or otherwise where his Esper powers would be unwieldy to use.


Short Sword

Created in Nihonshin, this custom-made short sword has traditional traits of blades made from there, including but not limited to the shape of the blade and its handle. This was pretty expensive, due to the fact that Sol's brother had the creator make the entire sword from its blade to its handle be made out of the highest-quality Nether Gems. After receiving it, Sol had injected some of his own energies into it, making the crystal-clear blade take on the golden-silver hue that it appears as now today. This blade entirely resonates with him, having been perfectly balanced to his body as well as his energies. When utilizing his Esper powers, he can just use this as perfectly as he would his own arm, extending and strengthening his reach a good deal and into a lethal edge.[/spoiler]

[spoiler="Espers"]Sol's Esper power is known as Hyperion, named after an ancient deity of light. He has unlocked two parts of the power. Unlike any other general Esper though, this type of power is unique to him, and no other being in the world has ever been known to possess this, even if it may have similar sub-Esper powers to other Espers.


Haiperion no Ikari (ハイペリオン の怒り Lit. Hyperion's Wrath): Utilizing his power over Sun, Sol can concentrate any sort of light into intense flames, from then which he can blast at the enemy. The sun gives the most power, but most any kind of light will do, although the more [acronym="Candle flames would be stronger than an electric lamp of the same brightness"]artificial[/acronym] it is, the weaker it will be. It also takes a while to gather the energies, usually around 30 seconds without any major disturbances to make a perfect sphere 25 inches in diameter if utilizing the energies of the sun when it is fully overhead. If it gets to that size from pure Sun energy, it can vaporize around half of a tavern, give or take a quarter. However, if he is attacked or his focus is otherwise broken during his "charge-up", the energies will start to dissipate and stream back to their original source somewhat quickly. It takes around 10 seconds for a perfect 25-inch diameter sphere to entirely dissipate. Depending on where the energies are drawn from, the colors of the sphere can differ slightly. It takes around 4-6 seconds for it to be concentrated enough for it to be lethal to a healthy adult male. Sol can create small spheres in just a second or less to cause painful burns if it hit, which is more common, as in a usual battle, he has no time to make a full attack or such otherwise. Also, depending on how wide of a target is, Sol can slightly disperse and spread out the energies to hit a wider field slightly weaker, or concentrate it and make it near guaranteed vaporization. In addition, he can split the main orb into several smaller ones which he can manipulate freely, moving in all sorts of directions. If Sol was killed or knocked out in the middle of using this, the energies would instantly rupture and hit everything around its vicinity. He can use this somewhat frequently, maybe around 3 times an hour.


Haiperion no Fushi (ハイペリオン の 不死 Lit. Hyperion's Immortality): It may not be truly immortality, but Sol has yet to find out, as he is only 17, and has not had any situations where he truly would've died yet. This sub-esper power is an absorbing shield of sorts. If he comes into contact with flame or the like, he will absorb it without any harm to himself, and it will strengthen Sol, the amount depending on how strong the attack was. He could do this with his own attack, but this is rather pointless as he will only regain the energy he lost from using the attack. This may not be an invincible shield, and particularly strong attacks might get through, but not having been tested, this is an unknown. It is said by some that his blood is nearly golden and burning hot, but no one has shown credible proof of this.[/spoiler]



[hr]Other Information[hr]• His favorite dish is raw beef with various seasonings and marinades on top that he has imported from Nihonshin.

• He was named after an ancient phrase that had been once said to pray to the sun for victory during a war.

• Theme Song: Sol Invictus

• Battle Song: Now or Never[/spoiler]



[spoiler=Haru Sayomi]

"The waters of the ocean are the same as life, they can favor you or they can put you in alot of hurt."
Name: Haru Sayomi
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Birthdate: June 9th
Affinity: Water
Country of Birth: Nihonshin
City/Village of birth: Mizuchiha
Personality: Haru, is a totally calm person with no interest of partaking in the usual wild activities most of the children his age would enjoy. But eventhough he is this calm individual that enjoys life most when he is on his own, though being a rather mature person he can get carried away by his own fantasies. He is not a person that is hard to get along with but he has a mental wall around him that makes it difficult for him to make friends. The people he befriends however, literally mean the world to him and he will even give up any chance of living to see another day if that is what it takes to rescue one of his few friends. Aside from this he also enjoys reading books, or learning the history of the environment he is in. And it takes little to make him happy. (I really don't know what else to add as this is as detailled as i'm able to get about his personality, so forgive me.)
Gogyou Henjin: Haru whips his rod against the ground, causing all moisture in the ground (or if there is water beneath it) to rise above ground and make two human heighted waves of violent water crash into eachother where his opponent stands. Or he can direct one wave from where he stands and send it towards his opponent.
Aqua Gift: A mostly passive Esper which acts like a reflex and Haru has no control over it, it also activates at random moments and sometimes not at all. It can create a shield that will protect Haru's body from impact, or it can counter and occasionally disarm an opponent. When this happens a whip of water appears out of his body and will predict the move of his opponent in the blink of an eye to counter it.
Weapon(s): He uses a solid wooden dark brown-ish rod/staff with a gold coloured steel layer on each end of it to hit harder. (It's in the fashion of Kilik's staff in Soul Calibur).
Voice Actor: Shigeru Nakahara (Android 17)
Appearance: [spoiler=]Anime-Boy.jpg [/spoiler]
Biography: Haru was born on the 9th of july in the village of Mizuchiha. He was born as the only child of Aoi Mizuhi and Gorou Sayomi. Being the son of a fisherman/hunter his father would take him with him seeing that he was seemingly not able to become friends with the other children in his village, there was nothing that he enjoyed more than this. Seeing his father catch big fish and hunt wild life with ease pretty much molded Haru and his interests. By the age of 14 he already had the requirements to be called a good hunter and fisher. He also had an unusual keen eye for learning martial arts as by this age, he learned himself the arts of bojutsu, an elegant style of fighting that amazed the elders and guards of his small city. One day a hunt went terribly wrong. Haru, and his father Gorou were hunting a rather abnormal creature, it walked on four legs, its skin was completely see through and had the colour of the purest water. It in fact didn't have a skin but appeared to be a creature made of water and there were constantly small waves coursing across it's body and it carried a dark blue solid and glowing stone on its forehead. Being amazed at this both Haru and Gorou cautiously made their way around the creature and took a safe place to have a better view of the creature.
After thinking the whole situation through Gorou decided to shoot an arrow at it, but, as soon as the arrow came close to it a whip made of water blocked the attack and the arrow got absorbed and then fell on the ground. Looking at the creature both enthousiastic but frightened the creature stood motionless and gazed at the two as if it has spotted them through the bushes they were hiding in. Without warning it charged at the two and brought forth a wave of water, Haru and his father tried to get away from it but it caught them both, slamming them into a tree. The creature came closer to the two that were lying on the ground, his father motionless and Haru just able to tilt his head to look at the creature, realizing this might be the end for him when all of a sudden he heard the sound of a calm, but rapidly streaming river in his head, and after a few seconds there was a voice. "You are the one.. You are the one that will make sure the stream reaches its destination" as soon the sound and voice stopped, the stone on its head fell off and the creature was violently reduced to nothing but a puddle of water. Haru being confused slowly stood up and took the stone in his hand and he stared at it, the stone became structureless and watery dissapeared into his hand. 1 year has passed and Haru gained the ability to steer water with moderate skill. He still couldn't make sense of the voice he heard in his head and this constantly distracted him. Noticing this his father and mother advised him to find an answer and that it shouldn't be too hard on his own because of his adept hunting and fishing skills, following the advise he started travelling to wherever the current carried him, being morely obsessed by everything that involves water he travelled most of the countries visiting their biggest ponds and/or rivers.
Theme Song: N/A[/spoiler]




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Well, just gonna go ahead and get this up now while I'm feeling competitive and need the distraction.  Yellow's still a hard color to read by the way.  No idea what's going on with the spoilers.


"Maybe I should just become the demon they already think I am..."
Yellow Red Blue
Name: 死の星 (Shi no Hoshi)
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Birth date: December 21
Affinity: Moon
Country of Birth: Nihonshin
City/Village of birth: Kamagakure
Personality: A guarded individual, Shi no Hoshi, or Shi as the few who are familiar with him call him, is not comfortable in large crowds and equally uncomfortable in cities or towns of any sort.  On the rare occasions that he is in close contact with people, he is polite and tries to do his best not to attract much attention to himself.  He frequently refuses to use his Espers, fearing the power that he may unleash and sometimes unleashes unwillingly. Overall he prefers to be left alone, and leaves others alone unless they confront him directly. Concerning combat, he prefers to leave his foes alive but does not always have a choice in the matter. Concerning his hates, he does not tolerate it when the innocent are taken advantage of, but unfortunately he cannot make a living by honest means in most cases and has to steal simply to stay alive. What he likes is a more difficult question. He has had a hard time finding anything to like, aside from the peace he gets when alone.  Though he does not actively seek the Pitch-Black Sword, he does believe that if he were to recover it he might be considered something other than a monster.
Tsukuyomi:  An orb of darkness coalesces into either of Shi's hands, taking a moment to fully form.  Once its formation is complete, at any time thereafter so long as it is maintained he is capable of unleashing it in a spear-like form which bears a point of lethal sharpness and travels at speed comparable to a bullet.  Once the orb has manifested, a shot must be fired before it can be allowed to fade and once it has fired it may be more quickly recharged to fire again.  Additionally, this need not be fired purely in the form of a single spear.  Rather it may be unleashed in a burst of several smaller spears, which could be compared to the blast from a shotgun.
Blade of Shadows:  Shi charges the energies of darkness into either his hand or a weapon he carries, and then brings either the hand or the weapon about in a rapid arc, letting a curved blade of pure shadows fly forth towards his target. The blade travels quickly, at about the speed of a bolt from a crossbow, and its sharpness could be compared to a razor.  Interestingly enough, this blade does not stop when it strikes something it cannot cut.  It either pushes them back to the edge of its range, about twenty meters, or fragments against something capable of breaking it and continues to move.
Lord of Night:  Less an ability he can call upon, and more one which simply comes out, this is a defense mechanism born of his inborn connection to darkness.  In times of great stress, Shi is overcome by the powers within him and transforms into something monstrous.  He becomes Darkness personified.  His body becomes almost ethereal in appearance, as if it were composed of the raw stuff of shadows with no light emerging from him with one exception.  His eyes become as solid, faintly glowing orbs of red.  Though against the backdrop of his shadowy form even the slightest hint of light is comparable to the moon on a starless night.  From his back, a pair of great shadowy wings emerge that beat without sound or wind to carry him aloft.  This form allows Shi to move at speeds describable only as supernatural, and further allows for teleportation through any shadow he can touch to another shadow within fifty meters.  At night, or in dark places such as caves, this form makes him almost impossible to detect.
Shi carries a blade similar to the Katanas common in his homeland, and about one and a half meters, with one exception. The hilt is of a style foreign to Nihonshin. Questions to his father, the original maker of the blade, never revealed the origin of the style.
[spoiler=The Sword]The_Slicer_by_Soulflame81-1.jpg[/spoiler]
About a year ago, Shin came across a trade caravan from Folkuliere. The caravan guards, recognizing him as a wanted murderer, made to attack him. He fought them off, and the caravaners fled before him rather than right. He moved forward to take advantage of this unexpected boon, and in his search for supplies he came across a curious weapon which he has wielded ever since.
[Spoiler=This Strange Weapon]Nelri_Blade_Concept___III_by_Aikurisu.jp[/spoiler]
Each of the blades on this...glaive?...are half the length of the one upon the sword his father gave him.
On either hand, Shi wears a pair of metallic gauntlets. While the gauntlets themselves are not weapons, each one bears a small triangular opening on the back of the hand. These openings are connected to Nether Gem Batteries located in the mechanical workings of the gauntlets themselves and are capable of firing focused bursts of raw mana at a short range, ten meters at the longest.
Voice Actor: Eric Vale
To answer the questions unanswered by this picture, Shin's hair is dark black and shaped into short backward facing spikes on his head. His eyes are a dull grey in color, but always have a faint shine to them. The bladed weapons he carries are held out of scabbards upon his back, held in place by a small nether gem powered device which projects a magnetic field. This sort of device is common enough to be used by anyone who doesn't want to bother with a sheathe.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Biography:]Shi no Hoshi was born twenty two years ago on the winter solstice. The ground in the village of Kamagakure was covered in snow, and the skies were unusually clear as a full moon shone down. His mother was in labor, and his father was putting the finishing touches on the sword he would teach his son to wield, as was the tradition in that village. Moments before Shi was born, a black dot, which twinkled like a star against the light of the moon, appeared and was visible to all for miles around but was seen as directly in the center only in Kamagakure. Just as he was born, Shi's mother died mysteriously. Though it was investigated thoroughly, no one could ever determine the cause. This became the unfortunate origin of Shin's name, as the village sage named him "Shi no Hoshi" ("Death's star" in the common tongue) after the black object which had appeared in the skies that night. For the rest of his life Shi was tormented by the events surrounding his birth as well as his name. His father was the only person he could draw comfort from, and under his stern guide he quickly mastered the way of wielding the rather strange blade his father had made. It was one night, the eve of his twelfth birthday actually, when a group of villagers came into his home while he was sleeping and dragged him out into the darkness. His father tried to intervene and was killed by the very people he thought were his friends. The villagers, thinking that he was a bad omen and having decided he had lived for too long, drug him into the center of town and made to burn him. It was then that he was overcome by the dormant power of the Esper within him and first became the Lord of Night. The entire population of the town lie dead by morning, and a soldier who had been staying the night in the town was roused by the commotion and fled as quickly as he could back to Takamagahara to give news of this to the Shogunate. Within a week of the event Shi was the most wanted criminal in Nihonshin and was pursued by nearly the entire country. He was forced to flee, but was pursued and in his wake he inevitably left a trail of death which has lead to his becoming one of the most wanted criminals in all of Galileia, with a much larger target painted on the back of his head so far as Nihonshin is concerned. During that time, a particular Bounty Hunter who Identified himself only as The Burning Fist challenged Shi and was, against either of their wishes, slain. It was from this man that Shi gained his gauntlets. A year ago, his trail went cold and most pursuers ceased to track him, supposing that he had been killed secretly or caught. The truth is that Shin has made his way into the Melody Desert in Allegretto, hoping to find some place where he could live without being chased.  It was also around that time that he began hearing rumors concerning the Pitch-black Sword, and he has considered going after it for some time now.[/spoiler]
Theme Songs:
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[spoiler=Aiya]"I've seen him with my own eyes. He said... ??? Why can I not remember?"

Name: Aiya Krystellia
Age: [acronym='Aiya is imagined to be at least 5000 years old, since it had been 5000 years since the 300 Year Esper War had began. She appears as though she's 13, however.']Unknown[/acronym]
Gender: Female
Birth Date: 21 June
Affinity: Ice and Poison
Country of Birth: Arcadia
City of Birth: Asgard
Personality: Just because she's missing a whole quarter of a brain doesn't make Aiya any less intelligent than any other human being. In truth, she's up there amongst the smarter people, with an IQ rating in the high 130's. However, with all the complications in her brain, she sure does second-guess her sanity a lot of time. What's difficult for Aiya to overcome is her amnesia; she sees horrible... very horrible visions of the 300 Year Esper War from time to time, but she can't remember The Warrior and what he did to quell the nations at war, despite swearing she saw him with her own eyes. Fighting and heated arguments tend to set her off in an explosive way as a result, and even if she believes her only choice is to go so far as killing those that started the fighting, then she won't even hesitate to make the attempt. It isn't easy living with a broken mind, but perhaps if she has a chance to see Kuro no Tsurugi for herself, her memories could be restored, and she would be at ease. Unlike most people, Aiya doesn't physically speak; instead, surgical implants in her brain project what she wants to say in an aural manner.
Espers: Glacial Constitution - With this Esper, Aiya can create walls and spears of ice on a whim, and even cast blizzards down from the sky. The Esper itself also renders Aiya invulnerable to other Espers of the Ice Affinity, and immune to cold-related diseases such as hypothermia.
Breath of the Dying - Through heavy breathing, Aiya sucks up oxygen in the air and replaces it with a toxic gas. This Esper is amongst the most difficult to control, as merely enraging Aiya or sending her into a state of panic is enough to trip it off, and there's no way to switch it off. Even worse, the toxic gas she emits with this Esper can, and is known to build up faster than she can dispel it at times, resulting in the occasional coughing fit from Aiya while it's active.


From Youth to Age - Not so much an Esper as it is a metamorphosis, allowing Aiya to change from her Youth Form to her Aged Form. Aiya might look frail in her Aged Form, but she's actually stronger than in her Youth Form, both on a physical standpoint and with her Espers. She's also capable of flight in her Aged Form.
Weapons: Rifle Arm - A Model 1867 Remington Rolling Block that is mounted onto Aiya's right arm, and has been modified... so it doesn't have a trigger or a butt-stock. Instead, it has its own firing control system that Aiya was clever enough to create from scratch. With it, she can see exactly where she's aiming the rifle even when she's not actually looking down the barrel. The receiver module for the system is attached in place of the rifle's butt-stock, and the firing pin is attached to the end of it.
Katana - A simple katana that Aiya wields in her left hand. Nothing more, nothing less.
Voice Actor: (Aged Form) Karen Strassman (En)/Maaya Sakamoto (Jp)

(Youth Form) Christine Marie Cabanos (En)/ Aoi Yuuki (Jp)
Appearance: Aiya takes two different forms. There's her Youth Form, which she adopts most of the time, and seems to prefer. However, whenever she needs to, she can also transform into an Aged Form. In this form, she grows from her usual height of 5' 5", which is impressive for a 13-year-old girl in which she appears as, to an even taller 6' 3". Her wings also grow to a suitable size for flight, and she grows a second pair. But that's where the good qualities of Aiya's Aged Form appearance ends. Her skin shrivels up and becomes vastly paler than in her Youth Form, and wrinkles start to form on it as well. Then there's her single eye, which appears bloodshot, and her hair, which turns teal instead of blue and pink instead of red, and is no longer in a ponytail, although the silver remains. The outline of Aiya's skeleton can be visible on her body too, except for the area around her breasts, which remain unremarkable in size despite their obvious growth.
[spoiler=Pic (of Youth Form)]sample_99caa47d7ddd25b8e799fd2945e99c4ed[/spoiler]
Biography: It isn't easy living through a long war. Unfortunately for Aiya Krystellia, her mother Tsuriche only just got pregnant with her just as the 300 Year Esper War started. Unaware of this at the time, Tsuriche had participated in the war as a sniper, and was off to a good start. But an enemy Esper user had inflicted a curse on her before she managed to kill him, and that curse corrupted the whole pregnancy. Aiya had gotten various mutations to her body while inside Tsuchire's womb, and she grew so quickly that by the time Tsuriche managed to get to Asgard, she appeared as though she was 9 months pregnant, and about to give birth any second. In actuality, Aiya had only been stuck inside Tsuriche's womb for a total of 3 months, screaming to be let out on the last day before she was born. After somehow managing to get Aiya's hips stuck during her attempt to give natural birth, Tsuriche requested her womb to be cut open so the doctors could pull her out. This took strong hands and a helluva lot of perseverance, before Aiya could finally be freed from where she was stuck in Tsuriche's womb and welcomed into her arms.

However, Aiya knew something wasn't right with her body the minute she observed her mother's for comparison. The major differences were that Aiya never grew a right hand or eye, and the eye that she did grow was red. She also had three different hair colours for the fringe (blue), sides (silver) and back (red), and a pair of horns on each side of her head, but she suspected they wouldn't be that problematic. However, as she hit puberty at the age of 7, which normally would be to early for anyone, Aiya shot through the roof in terms of height, already finishing at 5' 5" by the time she was 12. Everything else started to be shaped when she was 7 as well, also having stopped at 12, including her breasts... and a pair of wings, oddly enough. Aiya, not wanting to look like a total freak, rapidly injected a chemical into these wings so that they'd stop growing before they became too large. It wore off after a while, but Aiya inserted a steel plate just in case this would happen, and although her wings any larger, they did​ manage to give her pain and discomfort, until they stopped attempting to grow altogether at the age of 13.


Unfortunately, 13 was also the age that Aiya became permanently ill. Fearful that her life would end sooner than it would truly begin, Aiya immediately began to hit the books, searching desperately for a way to increase her life span, and not coming out of the library until she had answers. That's when she found out more about the Nether Gems, and read that a large enough one could potentially function as a life-support apparatus that could allow one to survive for millennia at a time. Having nothing to lose, Aiya rushed out and tried to find the largest Nether Gem she could find, only to wind up going into the black market and stealing it. Her Breath of the Dying Esper went off when she was being chased, affecting not only the goons that were pursuing her, but innocent people as well. Tsuriche was shocked when she realized what happened Aiya during her attempt at securing a nice, sizeable Nether Gem, and even more so at how exactly she supposed she fit this thing inside her once she managed to get it after a second run. Eventually, but extremely reluctantly, Tsuriche agreed to help Aiya in getting the Nether Gem inside her, but she had to take every single non-vital organ out of her chest, even the womb, and reshape the bones in Aiya's rib cage in order to achieve such a mammoth task. After a while, Aiya's heart was taken out as well, since it started to fail her, but the lungs remained. Wires and electronics were then inserted inside Aiya so the life support would kick into gear before the vital organs could fail, before some other handy bits and bobs were installed, including Tsuriche's rifle, which was fastened on the end of Aiya's right arm.

Aiya lived on through the 300 Year Esper War, and continued to live for another 5,000 years thanks entirely to the Nether Gem inside her belly. Unfortunately, after realizing she lived for so long, the ruler of Arcadia officially declared a search and arrest warrant for Aiya, aiming to obtain the Nether Gem so he could mass produce it and make millions of dollars. Becoming fully aware of this, Aiya fled the country, and ended up in a remote area in Allegretto, mostly out of sight. However, she was unaware that the Allegretto and Folkuliere wanted the Nether Gem for the exact same reasons and purposes. Still, even to this day, Aiya remains on the run from said rulers.
Theme Song: All By Myself, by Celine Dion[/spoiler][spoiler=Aesir]"I strike from the shadows. Always have. Always will."

Name: [acronym='Surname is unknown']Aesir[/acronym]
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Birth Date: November 6
Affinity: Moon
Country of Birth: Zodiacis
City of Birth: Scorpio
Personality: As an assassin, it's Aesir's duty to kill those that he's assigned to without hesitation or prejudice. However, just because he's an assassin doesn't mean to say that he has no conscience; and that's a point that he's not afraid to make clear. He's also unforgiving overall, and is a firm believer that everyone's guilty of something, but at least he believes in the ideal that everyone deserves a second chance to right any wrongs they've made in their lives; albeit only one. And happening to fail that second chance only makes one a prime target for Aesir to assassinate. Most people can't discern such a personality from Aesir though, as he tends to keep much about him, including his past, under wraps. About the main thing a commoner notes is his vigilance around others; he always looks over his shoulder every so often, and if he's near a wall, he'll almost always have his back to it. He also tends to be silent most of the time, only really speaking to someone if he needs information out of him or her. All in all, he takes his own life very seriously, and anyone that tries to take it will feel the utmost of his wrath.
Espers: Mystic Infusion - Aesir infuses his weapons with his Esper, allowing them to deal more damage, and unlocking abilities with them. These abilities differ depending on the weapon infused, and you can see these abilities in details by viewing the weapons below.
Companion From the Shadows - With this Esper, Aesir can transform his own shadow into a creature that can fend off enemies and protect him. Depending on the creature's form, certain qualities of Aesir also increase; the damage dealt by his weapons, for example, will increase if it takes the form of a lion. If the creature takes the form of a bull, however, weapons and Espers alike will deal less damage to Aesir, and if it takes the form of an eagle, then his speed and reflexes improve significantly. Finally, the creature can take the form of an angel to increase all three of these qualities increase, albeit not as much as the other form increase each quality separately.
Weapons: Crossbow - Aesir's bread and butter weapon, used at medium to long ranges for quick kills. It only fires one bolt at a time and is slow to reload, but this problem is usually overlooked when one takes into account the speed that each bolt travels. When instilled with the Mystic Infusion, the crossbow produces its own bolts out of pure magic, and fires them at a rate comparable with a light machine gun or an assault rifle.
Black Eggs - What look like eggs painted black on the outside, but house ashes, pepper, mud, dirt, flour and minute shards of glass. These black eggs are not uncommon in the hands of samurai, and are used by crushing them in the palm of one's hand and flicked into the eyes of an enemy, blinding them temporarily. Aesir, however, can also use his Mystic Infusion to instil an explosive magic inside the black eggs, allowing them to function as grenades.
Hidden Blades - These blades protrude from the wrist, and are used only in close combat, mostly for parrying blows. That doesn't mean to say that Aesir won't kill with them though, and he's certainly not above striking foes down with these blades while they're the least bit aware. When hit by the blades when they've been instilled with the Mystic Infusion, the unfortunate soul will be "marked" with an aura that draws projectiles towards him or her, even if the weapons or Espers are aimed elsewhere.
Voice Actor: Marc Thompson (En)/Koki Uchiyama (Jp)
Biography: While most people had the fortune of being born with a name, Aesir was brought into the world and then dumped out into the streets to fend for himself. Eventually, he stumbled across a little fort made by a homeless woman, who took him in her arms and raised him for 2 years, until she died unexpectedly. Aesir, however, at least learnt enough while the woman was alive, so that he could survive another 5 without any further aid from anyone. Luck was on his side one day, as while he was shuffling amongst the garbage for food, Aesir came across a discarded crossbow and a total of five bolts in a quiver, and then found the house in which his mother resided within the same search. Aesir's mother was quick to try and shoo him away, but recognizing her as the same person that left him for dead, Aesir shot a bolt into the vile woman's leg. Then the other leg, and then both arms. Finally, after wondering why she hadn't died yet, Aesir fired the last bolt in her mother's head.


This marked Aesir's first triumph, and for the first time, Aesir had acquired a dwelling in which he could properly call home. But it wasn't gonna be the last time he fired his crossbow; in fact, he kept shooting at his mother's corpse as target practice for the next 9 years, until he signed up for his first job as an assassin at 16. Here, Aesir was given a target, as well as a better crossbow, the one he now wields, and a full quiver of bolts to get the job done. After 3 years of killing people and getting away with it, Aesir was starting to wonder if he was doing the right thing, until he managed to dig up dirt on every single person that he had killed; starting with his mother, whose diary he had uncovered whilst accidentally lying on it one night. Reading this diary, Aesir had realized that his mother had been sleeping with dozens of men before her pregnancy, only to successfully frame each and every one of them with rape, and bribed the guards into shipping them off to prison. Her plans ultimately failed once she realized with horror that one of the men managed to impregnate her... with Aesir. Things were only starting to get more vile as Aesir continued to gather info on his victims, until he was sent a letter into his mailbox, which stopped the dirt digging in its tracks. The letter read the following:


'Your next target:

Waltz Falsetto

300,000 gold coins'


Aesir supposed that he should make the trip down to Allegretto, in order to see if the new king was anywhere to be found. But this time he decided to see if he couldn't get some dirt on the king before going in for the kill; after all, it was the more conscience thing to do. Apart from the rebellion against him though, Aesir couldn't get much information from anyone, and the only thing he could discern about its origin was that the king must've done something wrong. But was it a genuine mistake made by King Falsetto, or did he have something to hide; something about him that would make him a prime target for Aesir? 
Theme Song: Points of Authority, by Linkin Park[/spoiler]

Oh, and before I forget; Red Yellow and Blue. Yellow is actually gold so it's much easier to see.


Both of these are WIP's, but I'll work on Aiya first. I know she looks younger here than in the old one, but I may be able to explain


What I can't explain is why these bastard spoilers are so temperamental. They didn't work last time, but now they do -_-

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 What I can't explain is why these bastard spoilers are so temperamental. They didn't work last time, but now they do -_-


I don't know what the deal is with them either, but I couldn't get the damn main page fixed. So for now, it's that.


Also, I'm going to be gone until this Saturday, so, Keto could you handle any new applicants. I think you more or less know what's unacceptable and what's fine.

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Also, I'm going to be gone until this Saturday, so, Keto could you handle any new applicants. I think you more or less know what's unacceptable and what's fine.


I'm not the best choice right now, as I'm going to be doing a lot of spending time with family over the weekend while we go and celebrate my Brother's graduation from RASP.

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RED YELLOW BLUE - Sounds almost like a cheap RWBY parody. 
"Hee-hee-hee~♪ Hey, hey, why don't you laugh with me too?"
[spoiler=Name, Age, etc]
Name: Taiko Himeruya 
Age: 15
Gender: F
Birthdate: 10 April
Affinity: Wind
Country of Birth: Allegretto 
City/Village of birth: Rhapsody 
Personality: Taiko's personality... Is a bit weird. For starters, she's very prone to mood swings, often changing from a happy go lucky girl to spiteful bad-mouthed on the drop of a hat. Usually, Taiko behaves like your usual 15 year old girl. She's very talkative, enjoys attention and likes to chat with other people. When not experiencing her mood swings, she has a very jokester-like personality, always making jokes no matter what situation and can possibly even kill with a smile, which, combined with her eerie laughter is enough to make people think she's a psychopath. 
A rebel by nature, Taiko doesn't like to be bogged down with rules and has little to no regard for them, which has repeatedly gotten her into trouble with the authorities. She acts though but is actually rather cowardly and is prone to crying under heavy stress. Also, she has great faith on her abilities and easily gets frustrated when she can't beat someone. 
[spoiler=Esper. Yes, she only has one]
Deadly Melody
Taiku's defining Esper and one that has been passed on from generation to generation in the Himeruya family. The esper allows it's user to fire energy spheres by playing a musical instrument. The more tuneful the music, the stronger and faster the spheres fired. It's previous user, Taiko's dad, used it in conjunction with a violin, which allowed to him play an eerie melody as his enemy is showered by torrents of Lightning energy. 
Instead of the usual string instruments the rest of her family uses, Taiko followed her grandpa's path and used a drum instead. Using her Philosopher's Stone as some kind of drum kit, she plays a far faster and more deadly melody than her father, although her age meant that she was prone to screwing up the tune and is almost incapable of using this Esper to it's full potential. 
Techincal Stuff: 
This esper does not necessarily draw on the user's affinity. For example, Taiko's dad's violin was charged with Lightning mana even though his affinity was Fire and Water. With Philosopher's stone, her energy spheres are charged with all 5 main affinities, although Wind spheres are more powerful than any other.
The sphere is produced when a stone is struck, so she usually plays fast-paced songs to maximize it's potential. 
Sphere; Stone it is Generated From; Affinity: Effect
Red Sphere; Red Stone; Fire Affinity: Inflicts minor burn damage to a victim.
Blue Sphere; Blue Stone; Ice Affinity: Causes a minor frostbite. 
Green Sphere; Green Stone; Wind Affinity: Passes through a target's limb, creating multiple skin wounds. 
Yellow Sphere; Yellow Stone; Lightning Affinity: Causes an electric shock to a target.
Purple Sphere;  Purple Stone; Water Affinity: The sphere explodes upon contact, splattering it's target with poison which can cause numbness, among other effects. 
Taiko can only play a full 7 minute performance with Deadly Melody about twice a day. If she tries to do more, she can risk breaking not only the stones, but also her body. 
Weapon: Taiko's signature weapon are a set of 5 magical stones referred to as the Philosopher's Stones, although she does not it's true name and refers to it simply as Rainbow Rocks. The 5 stones are about 50cm wide, looks like a hexagonal plate and has an Esper spell placed on it by her grandfather that prevents anyone else but Taiko to wield it. To compensate, the stones can levitate themselves on a position around Taiko, and can be a bit of a hassle when walking around huge crowds.
As the name implies, the 5 stones are of different colours, namely: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow and Purple. These colours signify the elemental charge it carries, Red carries Fire mana, Blue contains Ice mana, Green is Wind, Yellow is Lightning and Blue is Ice. However, these charges are completely dormant and cannot be harnessed at all except through Taiko's unique esper. 
Other than the 5 rocks, Taiko carries a pair of elongated drum sticks made out of a mysterious black metal. The drum sticks are about  60Cm long and can be used to inflict a little pain in melee combat, though it's mostly useless aside from being used in conjunction with the Philosopher's Stones for Deadly Melody. 
Voice Actor: I'm not good at voice actors, but just imagine her with a rather high-pitched voice... 
Taiko is a rather short girl, standing only at 148cm and weighs less than you would expect. Underneath the cape, she wears a sleeveless striped shirt. The Philosopher's Stones usually hover quite close to her upper body, but she has no control over them. She often takes off the cape to tease men when she has nothing else to do. 
Biography: Taiko was born to a family of Musical Assassins (the trope, as they're not actually assassins.) , the Himeruya family. The family is a rather well-known one in Rhapsody and usually hosts massive concerts every month, as well as having produced many heroes in the past. Taiko is currently the latest generation of the family as well as next in line to become the head. However, her rebellious nature meant that the current head and his advisers are not exactly happy with her. 
When she was young, Taiko held an adoration for her grandpa and his performances, claiming that she would inherit her grandpa's drum set and eventually become the best music performer in all of Rhapsody. Likewise, her grandpa is the only one who supports her decision to be able to use Deadly Melody, as it used to only be passed on to the male members of the family. One night, her grandfather told her the story of the great war and The Warrior, as well as his fabled black sword. The story inspired little Taiko so much she placed "Finding the Black Sword" at the very top of life goals, and she has since ran away from home repeatedly in search of it. Her behavior was breaking the Himeruya family's code of conduct, which dictates that women should stay at home, practicing their instrument or doing housework, which caused her father to almost kick her out of the house.
When she turned fifteen, her father arranged a marriage for her, just like what the previous generation did with her mother. This little incident caused Taiko to storm off from home for good, taking her Philosopher's Stones alongside several other necessities. Currently she's living undercover, jumping from motel to motel while occasionally playing street performances to keep her alive as she tries to locate the black sword. 
If you're wondering how the stones are arranged during Deadly Melody, the picture should give you an idea. 
When she uses Deadly Melody, I'll link the song she's playing so there~



Oh... shit. Goddamn spoilers. Hopefully this is acceptable... O3O

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..... By the gods...




Do excuse the caps and such. I was really happy for this RP, which unfortunately never took off. I'm reclaiming my old characters for this RP. Count on it.


On an off-topic note, I see you like Eureka Seven. You deserve a like from me.


EDIT: Apps below:


[spoiler=Kozah Vulon app]

Name: Kozah Vulon
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Birthdate: February 13th
Affinity: Moon
Country of Birth: Arcadia
City/Village of birth: Originally born in the city of Asgard
Personality: Vulon is a character with a large sense of point of views on situations, or in other words, an in depth thinker of scenarios. However, while he has many ideas on something, he does not give all of his ideas, if any in the first place, allowing other conflicts to resolve. However, he has a sense of justice and devotion to the greater good, so if a presence is required, he will step in and take action. In all other regards however, he is a man of musical tastes, often singing tales of past legends, adventures, and such, and shares his tales with fellow warriors like him. He'd love to share a drink with anyone he feels like he'd enjoy a great time with; an all around great fellow for anyone looking for a great time.
- Moonguard - Upon being attacked, he uses his Moon powers to disembody certain parts of the body, depending on the direction of the attack. When the attack resolves, the Moonguard is resolved as well, and the point where the attack would be made, a black line is made. This is not guaranteed to work, however, as it may disembody at first, but may embody once again, trapping the weapon in his body, killing or doing significant damage. There is also the chance that the weapon may pass through one disembodied limb, and successfully land on a normal limb. Even at this age, it's still an unstable power to him.

- Moonlight's Gaze - Under the light of moonlight, Vulon gains extra power depending on the phase of the moon. Where as if it were a Full Moon, his power would double; a New Moon would not change his power. A Lunar Eclipse however would more than significantly double, it would at least give his power a boost of tenfold.

- Moonlit Armor - With Moonlight's Gaze, Vulon gains an armor that's protection is equal to the fullness of the moon: Full moon gives double protection, New moon gives nothing, Lunar Eclipse gives tenfold.

Bloodletter, like Shark, is mounted on the upper left arm prior to usage, and can be equipped by triggering a mechanism.
  • [spoiler=Vulon Family Blade - Red Night]

Voice Actor: N/A



Minus the helmet and sword



Biography: Son of a weapon/blacksmith of sorts, he was naturally drawn to weaponry, both making, and using them, as well as other inventions that he and his father worked on together as father and son. Since his mother passed away from childbirth, he lived and worked with his father since. When he turned 11, he and his father decided it would be great to travel the land, country to country, and experience the world, bring fortune to others and bring tales to friends.
It was years later, at the age of 16, when Kozah first use a weapon as if his very own life depended on it. When he and his father were ambushed by a group of bandits during the night time, of a full moon, they attacked his father; losing his right arm, he recoiled back, and unable to do anything, told his son to grab the Vulon family sword and run. However, his words were too late, and Kozah grabbed the sword and took a stance to fight. "I couldn't just run away with a sword while my father was being attacked. No, I had to do something! So... I stood and fought. Like my father would have." While the bandits all took his chance to fight for laughter, Kozah first discovered his powers by sheer accident, an attack to his face, leaving a black scar over his right eye. When they first learned of his powers, they all grew scared and confused. During their confusion however, Kozah struck down upon their heads, defending his, and his father's, right to live. His father couldn't forge any more weapons for the time being, so he taught Kozah what he knew.
Through his father's suffering, Kozah felt it was only right that he should help his father in some way. So, after several days, weeks, months, of trail and of error, Kozah finally created a temporary prosthetic for his father, so he can once again do what he loved. For several other areas of smithing, he created other prosthetics as well. "I never want to see him suffer the pain of never doing what he loved. Smithing was his second favorite thing to do he said, and I only want to give him a chance to do it again." Though his thanks, Kozah was told of the legend of the Pitch-Black Sword, and it's supposed great power. Kozah had learned of the power the Warrior did with it. A power that awesome, could lead on to fame and fortune, and corruption and power hungry. It was at the age of 18, when he decided it was time to leave and set out for the world, and possibly searching for the Pitch-Black Sword. "A weapon of such awesome and destructive power... Keeping it in the world... Why?"
Crush: N/A

[spoiler=Theme Song:]
  • Nocturne by Insomnium
  • By The Sword In My Hand by Tyr
  • Hold the Heathen Hammer High by Tyr
  • I'm sure there are others I can think of, but I'll leave it for now. It's the general idea what my character relates to, so to speak.

Yellow Red Blue

It's still a work in progress, but this is most of it. More side notes on the character will be made later on, if needed. But this is the majority of the character, so you know what to base your judgement off of.

  • The Vulon Family Sword's origin's and story is currently unknown to Kozah, so there is a possibility that the sword raises his ability to control his Esper, but not solid evidence is given, just a hypothesis.
  • The name is based off of Language of the Dragons from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It's meaning, if I wrote it correctly, is "In-finite Night"; Ko (In) - zah (Finite) Vulon (Night). And his character is also based off of Skyrim as well.



[spoiler= Miekka Tuulta / Whisper Viing]

Name: Miekka Tuulta / Whisper Viing
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Birthdate: December 21
Affinity: Wind and Metal
Country of Birth: Allegretto
City/Village of birth: Settlement at Black Metal Mountain
Personality: A woman with a foul tongue yet a kind heart, Miekka's words to her don't mean much more than words; a woman of action more or less. She may sometimes hurt others with her words, and she's fully aware of it, so she usually keeps her words to herself when she's around them. Despite the foul tongue, she's a favorable person to be around with, especially if you don't take words seriously. However, most don't get on her bad side, and should they, she'll see them as a lower being, and won't hesitate to point a "wing" at them (get it, cause she has bladed wings, and.. yeah I'll shut up). She's not one to appreciate legends much, she's more on the current events, and what's real and such. She knows Espers are real, the sword she does not. So she does not put much care into the sword legend.

  • Tempest - Using the blade wings as a "fan/propeller" of sorts, she generates enough air flow around her, where she can use it to create a "mini-storm"; while this storm is created, she can point her Metal/Lightning Energy to the blades, where they act as a conductor, and generate an electrical current within the tempest.
  • Songs of the Wind - Using her Metal/Lightning power, Miekka can create a sound frequency that can throw off someone's equilibrium, and she uses the wind to "guide" the blades creating the frequencies over to the enemy so they are affected. She can also use the wind to prevent the frequency from reaching her ears.
[spoiler=Weapon(s): A pair of bladed wings]
These bladed wings are under her command, and with her Esper abilities, she is able to manipulate them to surround her entire body as a defense mechanism, to separate them into single blades, or to act as a bunch of side arm blades (i.e. Kozah Vulon's Bloodletter), or both. Although, as originally intended, they are able to be her wings, and allow her to fly. However, if used for other than flying, she can only keep them within a range of six feet.

Voice Actor: N/A


Ignore the sword, quiver, and shield... and the dragon.


Biography: Although born in Allegretto, Miekka was originally conceived in Arcadia, where her parents originate and retain their Norsk-like values. During her mother's pregnancy, they traveled from Arcadia to Allegretto, and settled at Black Metal Mountain, where they began a new life out of enjoyment. When Miekka was born, she only grew up to live the life of working in the mines of the Mountain.
At age 14, she grew sick of it. "I HATE IT HERE. NOTHING BUT ROCK AND DIRT. I DON'T WANT TO SPEND THE REST OF MY LIFE IN THESE GODSFORAKEN MINES." She wanted freedom, air; she wanted to free herself from the shackles of the Mountain, and to live. When she accumulated enough minerals and refine them into metal, she wanted to make a pair of wings, bladed wings to be precise; but she didn't know where to start, all she had was a picture in her head, and she only held the metal pieces in her hand. It was through constant desire that she decided to throw these pieces away into the wind, where they began to fly, then fall. To her astonishment, she grabbed the pieces again, and this time, concentrated on making the pieces fly again. They flew farther. And farther again. This is where she discovered her Esper power of the Wind.
At age 18, when she was old enough to leave Black Metal Mountain, she decided she needed a new name, so instead of Miekka Tuulta, she named herself Whisper Viing, with the knowledge that Allegretto was a musical orientated land. When she renamed herself, she left Black Metal Mountain, and set out to her originating home land, Arcadia. After many months of travelling, she arrived at one of the major cities, Asgard, where she went to the Smithman (Kozah's father). Through her request, of making a pair of bladed wings, he granted her wish, with a favor to part. "He said that if I find his son, Kozah Vulon, I should tell him that his father misses him." Although she didn't agree to it, she was going to do it anyways, taking her finished wings, and left in a hurry.
She learned of the Pitch Black Sword legend when she was a small child, often being told that it was a legend and nothing more, and that people are foolish for even attempting to find it. Although her reasons for travelling throughout the world are not for the Sword, but for the sake of travelling and being free. If she so happens to find the sword, than she only sees it as a fruition of her travels. "I don't care about some stupid sword from a legend. All I want to do is travel this world that I never thought I would see."
Crush: N/A
Theme Song: Pure by Mors Principium Est


  • Miekka Tuulta is Finnish for "Wind Sword"
  • Her first name, being Miekka, is her original name, her second name, Whisper Viing, is her pseudonym to fit in more easily with the people in Allegretto.
  • Probably one of the few, if any, characters that doesn't really care much for the sword, but only cares for travelling.
  • Yeah, as you can see, Kozah's father is a potential NPC in the RP. Will he have much of an effect in the RP itself? Highly doubt it. Highly. But he might be an NPC nonetheless, if allowable.


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Okay, so I will actually be able to look over apps like Yosuke asked me to.  Note that I cannot modify the accepted apps spoiler in the main post and any verdict I reach can be overturned by our host.  That said, give me some time and I can look the apps over.


Going to use my temporary authority to accept your reservation for Sun, Hass.


Toyo, your app is missing some important things.  The image for your appearance doesn't work, and you didn't include a Birth Date so you'll need to add both.  Additionally, I don't think her name is particularly fitting for an Allegretian.  Esper is definitely creative, and one of the more unique I've seen, but it seems a tad powerful.  Personally I'd wait for Yosuke's opinion on the matter before changing it but do prepare an alternative function for it.  For example, sound waves can be remarkably powerful things.  Limitations on it are fine for me and I'd call it acceptable but I'm not sure if it'll fit with the vision Yosuke has for the Esper Wheel.  I really, and I mean REALLY, like the bio you've got for her.  Theme song is fitting, so just get the pic to work (Or just put a link to it in) and add a Birth Date and I can give it my stamp of approval.


Enrise, my notes on your characters are as follows: Kozah's gonna have to change because we've already got a Moon affine, Stalfos' reservation was accepted.  I like how Miekka and Shi have the exact same date of birth.  Her espers are alright, not so much damaging as debilitating which I like.  Link doesn't work for the pic either, try uploading it to Photobucket.com and posting the IMG code for it.  Alternatively, tinypic works just as well and you don't need to set up an account.  Appearance is nice, but do you want us to also ignore the nigh useless quiver full of arrows on her back?  Her bio is nice, but I'm personally not a fan of a person directly linking two characters they're going to control in such a way.  Either way, I find Miekka acceptable.  Alter Kozah's affinity and I can give him another look.


Oh, one final note to you Enrise.  Think you're going to be able to handle being in this RP AND Blu's at the same time?

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Enrise, my notes on your characters are as follows: Kozah's gonna have to change because we've already got a Moon affine, Stalfos' reservation was accepted.  I like how Miekka and Shi have the exact same date of birth.  Her espers are alright, not so much damaging as debilitating which I like.  Link doesn't work for the pic either, try uploading it to Photobucket.com and posting the IMG code for it.  Alternatively, tinypic works just as well and you don't need to set up an account.  Appearance is nice, but do you want us to also ignore the nigh useless quiver full of arrows on her back?  Her bio is nice, but I'm personally not a fan of a person directly linking two characters they're going to control in such a way.  Either way, I find Miekka acceptable.  Alter Kozah's affinity and I can give him another look.


Oh, one final note to you Enrise.  Think you're going to be able to handle being in this RP AND Blu's at the same time?


It's funny because these two were in same RP from June 2012. The only thing that changed was Kozah's weapons and Esper abilities. Nothing else outside of that.

Besides, it's not really proper RP etiquette to accept an app before it's even finished.


Telling me about Photobucket and tinypic is useless information I already know, and still don't need to apply.


Kozah's father was never intended to be a NPC in the original RP because I never thought he would ever come up. But if he ever did come up, Yosuke would have been granted power over him. Not me.

I don't think I can immediately change Kozah, since they were exported from the original with minor changes. But, I'll see what I can do.


Oh, one final note to you Keto. Count on me being in three RPs: Blu's, Yosuke's, and Aix's.

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So signing up for this, R E D Y E L L O W B L U E 
"The waters of the ocean are the same as life, they can favor you or they can put you in alot of hurt."
Name: Haru Sayomi
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Birthdate: June 9th
Affinity: Water
Country of Birth: Nihonshin
City/Village of birth: Mizuchiha
Personality: Haru, is a totally calm person with no interest of partaking in the usual wild activities most of the children his age would enjoy. But eventhough he is this calm individual that enjoys life most when he is on his own, though being a rather mature person he can get carried away by his own fantasies. He is not a person that is hard to get along with but he has a mental wall around him that makes it difficult for him to make friends. The people he befriends however, literally mean the world to him and he will even give up any chance of living to see another day if that is what it takes to rescue one of his few friends. Aside from this he also enjoys reading books, or learning the history of the environment he is in. And it takes little to make him happy. (I really don't know what else to add as this is as detailled as i'm able to get about his personality, so forgive me.)
Gogyou Henjin: Haru whips his rod against the ground, causing all moisture in the ground (or if there is water beneath it) to rise above ground and make two human heighted waves of violent water crash into eachother where his opponent stands. Or he can direct one wave from where he stands and send it towards his opponent.
Aqua Gift: A mostly passive Esper which acts like a reflex and Haru has no control over it, it also activates at random moments and sometimes not at all. It can create a shield that will protect Haru's body from impact, or it can counter and occasionally disarm an opponent. When this happens a whip of water appears out of his body and will predict the move of his opponent in the blink of an eye to counter it.
Weapon(s): He uses a solid wooden dark brown-ish rod/staff with a gold coloured steel layer on each end of it to hit harder. (It's in the fashion of Kilik's staff in Soul Calibur).
Voice Actor: Shigeru Nakahara (Android 17)
Appearance: [spoiler=]Anime-Boy.jpg [/spoiler]
Biography: Haru was born on the 9th of july in the village of Mizuchiha. He was born as the only child of Aoi Mizuhi and Gorou Sayomi. Being the son of a fisherman/hunter his father would take him with him seeing that he was seemingly not able to become friends with the other children in his village, there was nothing that he enjoyed more than this. Seeing his father catch big fish and hunt wild life with ease pretty much molded Haru and his interests. By the age of 14 he already had the requirements to be called a good hunter and fisher. He also had an unusual keen eye for learning martial arts as by this age, he learned himself the arts of bojutsu, an elegant style of fighting that amazed the elders and guards of his small city. One day a hunt went terribly wrong. Haru, and his father Gorou were hunting a rather abnormal creature, it walked on four legs, its skin was completely see through and had the colour of the purest water. It in fact didn't have a skin but appeared to be a creature made of water and there were constantly small waves coursing across it's body and it carried a dark blue solid and glowing stone on its forehead. Being amazed at this both Haru and Gorou cautiously made their way around the creature and took a safe place to have a better view of the creature.
After thinking the whole situation through Gorou decided to shoot an arrow at it, but, as soon as the arrow came close to it a whip made of water blocked the attack and the arrow got absorbed and then fell on the ground. Looking at the creature both enthousiastic but frightened the creature stood motionless and gazed at the two as if it has spotted them through the bushes they were hiding in. Without warning it charged at the two and brought forth a wave of water, Haru and his father tried to get away from it but it caught them both, slamming them into a tree. The creature came closer to the two that were lying on the ground, his father motionless and Haru just able to tilt his head to look at the creature, realizing this might be the end for him when all of a sudden he heard the sound of a calm, but rapidly streaming river in his head, and after a few seconds there was a voice. "You are the one.. You are the one that will make sure the stream reaches its destination" as soon the sound and voice stopped, the stone on its head fell off and the creature was violently reduced to nothing but a puddle of water. Haru being confused slowly stood up and took the stone in his hand and he stared at it, the stone became structureless and watery dissapeared into his hand. 1 year has passed and Haru gained the ability to steer water with moderate skill. He still couldn't make sense of the voice he heard in his head and this constantly distracted him. Noticing this his father and mother advised him to find an answer and that it shouldn't be too hard on his own because of his adept hunting and fishing skills, following the advise he started travelling to wherever the current carried him, being morely obsessed by everything that involves water he travelled most of the countries visiting their biggest ponds and/or rivers.
Theme Song: N/A
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Ruby .:Blu: Yang
[spoiler=Staccato]"The strong devour the weak and become even stronger, that's how it all works."
[hr]Personal Info
[hr]Name: Staccato
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Birthdate: December 21
Place of Birth: Outside Harmony, in the Melody Desert, Allegretto
Seiyū: Kaori Ishihara (Aladdin from Magi)
[spoiler=Personality]Staccato is outwardly very bright and cheerful, completely unreserved and eager to see more of the world. He seems to simply want to have fun travelling to different places and trying new things. Staccato can be very charming and cute and knows how to say all the right things in the flow which allows him to easily get close to people. It throws people way off and gets them to want to do things for him. This is actually not an act, it is a real side to him, however, there is another side that is equally real.
Staccato is bipolar, the other side of him somewhat twisted as he is unable to truly trust people, believing they seek to take advantage of him and the best way to respond is to do the same. He makes use of his assets and the ease which he gets along with others. While this side of him yearns for companionship and love, but fears it at the same time, fearing it will dull his blade and weaken him. He lives by the creed that only the strongest survive in this dog-eat-dog world and trains every day in order to become stronger.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Appearance]Staccato is a cute, but diminutive young child standing at a mere 4'4" (132 cm), looking younger than he already is, it's obvious that he hasn't even touched puberty yet. He is quite thin, but rather lean and muscular and deceptively strong despite his youth. Staccato has very long, lustrous silver hair that flow freely as a mass down his back to his ankles, with the exception of one large strand of hair going down the center of his back, which carry and hold back his bangs, tied together by one small cord at the tip. His large eyes are very luminous and bright, but they can look quite sad and desolate, the right is a vibrant aquamarine in color while the left is an electric yellow. He has otherwise very small and delicate features. On his left ear is hangs a silver earring in the shape of a crescent moon.

Staccato, when outside the desert, wears a very thin, long, pure black cloak that hides everything on his body and reaches just a centimeter off the ground, underneath though, is a black shirt and very baggy black pants stuffed inside his black leather boots. A black leather belt carries three sheaths on the left (his left) and two on the right. All his clothing are of the very highest quality silk. When traversing the desert, he dons a ragged sand-colored cloth cloak that catches the wind easily instead of his usual black one in order to camouflage as well as ward off the heat.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Biography]Staccato was born to a gypsy band that travelled the desert and doubled as a merchant caravan. He was born in the desert itself at the stroke of midnight when the caravan settled down. The desert was a harsh, dry environment for a child to grow up, but there he lead a happy life amongst friends and family. His grandfather was an adept at the esper weaving of water and Staccato learned from him aiming to take his place as the one who would provide water for the group, an essential ability for those who lived in the desert. At the age of eight, however, Staccato was placed in the care of a "family friend", a loan shark, as the band fell into poverty. His family was unable to repay the debt and Staccato was then given to bandits, the loan shark's lackeys. Staccato felt utterly betrayed.

He was trained in the rudimentary art of killing and was then put to use in luring and deceiving merchants by pretending he was lost in the desert. Then, he would assassinate the guards when their guard was down and/or poisoning the group's food. Staccato lived during this time in constant fear as the leader of bandits would often abuse him in his drunken rage.
When Staccato was ten, a renowned assassin was hired by a very wealthy merchant to eliminate the bandit group, but he was surprised to find them already dead, poisoned by Staccato at the first opportunity when he could take it no more. Amused, the assassin then took Staccato in as an apprentice seeing as there was no need to kill him. Staccato trained under his new master for a year, but he never trusted the man. His suspicions were proven correct when the man framed him for a crime and tried to flee when the police came in, however, instead Staccato caught up with him, familiar with his escape routes and habits, surprised the assassin and killed him. Taking his wealth and weapons before the police came.

Now Staccato simply travels the world, every now and then stealing something to get by.[/spoiler]
[spoiler="Combat Info"]Affinity: Water and Metal
[hr]Equipment: The Five Blades, five identical steel daggers and Esper-made artifacts, each is embedded with a Nether Gem at the guard. 
[hr]Water Esper - Five Flow Daggers: The five daggers are connected and suspended in the air by a stream of water drawn from Staccato's water flask. Like this, all five daggers are usable in combat at once. Unlike what one may assume, he is not able to free control them, rather, the daggers he are not holding must mimic or follow the movements of any that he is holding. If a dagger is stretched more than a meter away from the closest dagger, it is disconnected and drops.
[hr]Metal Esper - Five Chain Daggers: The five daggers surge with powerful, but short-ranged electrical energy and are connected by a powerful electrical current. Getting caught in this current is... dangerous to say the least.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Other]Theme Song: (Optional, but recommended.)[/spoiler]
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