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Enguin Enguin Enguin Enguin

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Enguin Enguin Enguin Enguin last won the day on April 6

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About Enguin Enguin Enguin Enguin

  • Birthday 08/19/2011

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  1. zip a dee doo dah,

    zip a dee day,

    my oh my,

    what a terrible day.


    a sombre sun rising,

    a sole aching crow,

    as the victims of rewas,

    are snatched from below.

  2. who is the worst person? who is the best person? who is your favourite person? are you familiar with os-tans? do you remember the first post you made on this website? please answer these altogether in a single sentence
  3. so glad we are overrun with bots again i love this website and its glorious creator the ycmaker what a fine fellow

  4. huge news everyone, i am now officially a community regular

  5. somebody once told me rewas is very ugly

    he ain't the sharpest tool in the shed

    he be looking very dumb with his finger and his thumb in his mouth, drooling, like a rewas


    rewas starts breathing and he don't stop breathing 

    sad for the world they must deal with this rewas

    didn't make sense not to abort him

    but lithuania made that a crime

    so much to do so much to see and all of it better than rewas

    you'll never know him i sure hope

    rewas is a cretinous dope

    hey now

    you're a rewas

    no i'm sorry 

    you're not 

    hey now

    you're a rewas

    no i'm sorry 

    you're not 

    all but rewas is gold

    only vile rewas deserves no home

  6. To find the best fiction writing agency, explore portfolios and client reviews to gauge expertise. Seek agencies with a proven track record in fiction ghostwriting services. Engage in detailed discussions about your project, ensuring the agency aligns with your creative vision. Consider their ability to capture unique voices and craft compelling narratives. Assess the agency's flexibility, responsiveness, and commitment to deadlines. By prioritizing experience and communication, you can confidently select a fiction writing agency that not only meets but exceeds your expectations in bringing your imaginative stories to life.

    1. Kanashimi


      Enguin, Super Mod

      What kind of alternate universe is this?

      What have you done to Dova and Rewas???

      (Anyhow congrats)

    2. Enguin Enguin Enguin Enguin

      Enguin Enguin Enguin Enguin

      the lunatic has indeed seized the asylum 

      did not think i would ever hear from you again though, rewas persists but so do i and dova i haven't heard much from of late though he still exists somewhat on discord 

      what have you been up to 

    3. Enguin Enguin Enguin Enguin

      Enguin Enguin Enguin Enguin

      i see now this is genuinely the first time you've been on here in like 2 years, i was just wondering the other day what had become of you 

  7. I have been on this website since 2011 and you have been broadly known as the guy who created the cardmaker and is never around for all of that timeframe. Yes it's your website and you can do whatever you want with it, great argument man but I would dare you to perhaps engage with the criticism you receive on a more intellectual level than "This is actually mine I own it and I let you use it and you should be grateful". It is obviously too late for that though as this attitude and its associated approach to leadership has already achieved its logical end of driving the community away, be that to the website which must not be named or just away entirely from the space. It's great that you used to like making cards, I did too, particularly when I first found this website at the age of 14. I remember vividly the first cards that I posted and the mixture of anticipation nerves dread excitement all that shit tied to sharing something I had made that I actually wanted to be good with people I did not know for the first time in my life, checking the family computer every 10, 15 minutes to see if anyone had replied or if anyone had even viewed or was viewing the thread. Those minutes turned to hours and those hours turned to days and the days to weeks to months to years and I'm 26 moderating that same now largely abandoned stage. In that time I don't see 12 years worth of technological advancement or functional improvement in the cardmaker. I see a pet project that is intermittently worked on as a life is led. And that's fine, that's completely fine, but you can't actually just be normal about it and acknowledge it as such, you're never the guy who created the cardmaker and sometimes works on it in his spare time you're always the great and glorious leader returning from who knows where to bless the unruly baying mob with maybe another scrap maybe a verbal dressing down for having the cheek to question our leader's commitment in the midst of his latest year-long hibernation. It is beyond comical for you to sockpuppet another account to make this post to an audience of about 15 actual people on a forum that at a time had hundreds. Like there isn't really anything I can say that is as funny or damning as just the broader context of this post and its own content. You're a twat.
  8. Enguin Enguin Enguin Enguin

    1. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow


      Cow Cow Cow Cow Cow Cow Cow Cow Cow Cow

    2. Enguin Enguin Enguin Enguin

      Enguin Enguin Enguin Enguin

      please do not post spam in status replies

    3. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow


      spam is pig, actually

  9. that's so bad i never even got to really use it because links were a mistake and i quit and i didn't get back in time but this is such a huge downgrade, it's probably still good could even be crazy i don't know and i suppose this is more a reflection of how ridiculous the original summon sorc effect is but i would rather unban normal summon sorc just for a little while as a treat and see what happens before deciding to implement this errata, i imagine it remains too brazy to come off ever and this is necessary but why do we errata to get back bad version and delete brazy version i don't like it just retrain summon sorc like this is a retrain vibe effect it simply doesn't do remotely the same thing as the original outside the broad strokes so why not simply release a card with this effect called summon sorc jr in conclusion, looks fine
  10. townsfolk speak in hushed tones of a crooked wretch of a man known only as "rewas" who dwells in the sewers and emerges by moonlight to pick discarded fruit from grocery bins

    should you be unfortunate enough to encounter him it is said that you must not meet his gaze, lest his foul and cursed eyes make known themselves to your mind and become the fabric of every night's dream you will ever have thereafter

    personally i don't think very highly of him but i invite you to draw your own conclusions

    1. Ryusei the Morning Star

      Ryusei the Morning Star

      there is no cure for lithuanism

  11. rewas in the house! oh no! 

    run away run away run away!

    there once was a rewas named rewas

    whose rewas was rewas indeed

    he rewased his rewas repeatedly

    and rewas did surely then bleed

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. (GigaDrillBreaker)
    3. Enguin Enguin Enguin Enguin

      Enguin Enguin Enguin Enguin

      ycmaker confiscated admincp and vanished i can't do anything fun or useful

    4. (GigaDrillBreaker)


      He's literally the cringiest person to use this site, jesus

  12. i think rewas is a stinky rat personally but come to your own conclusions 

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