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At World's End Role Play: Victory or Oblivion? |Ended!| |Lock, now!|

Chaotic Angel

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"Omega!!" Alex shouted, then slashed at the Dark Aeons, "Death!!" He finished, and the Dark Aeons were trapped in an orb of darkness, which damaged their HP, several times before it began to wear off.


OoC: Just so you know, Omega-Death is a move that I made up, it's kind of like Demi, but it traps the enemy, then damages them. It's one of Alex's best moves.

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OoC: So is my character's Loneful Tragedy, it halfs the enemy's health and heals every hero participating in this battle.


IC: When Ron slashes Dark Anima, he turned berserk, and yes, he's still in his Bankai and in a split second, the whole place exploded and everyone ends up with 1 HP left. Ron uses the Raining Swords Skill to finish off the enemies and Nick once and for all. The Organization left, same applies for Ron, coming back to his house. 3 plots down, you may be next.. We'll find out who's starts next as the votes open for the third time!


-Plot Ending: Neutral-

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Part 2 appears randomly, like half-way through one's plot. Let's start.


--6th June 2037 - Ron's House, When Ron is 41--


Ron gets inside his house, but suddenly kneels down and feels that he has a virus, his son, Dan however, appeared in front of him and said: "Dad! You can't die now! We need to get you to the hospital!" But Ron said: "Heh, don't worry about me too much.. Son.." and then drives himself to the hospital.

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Dan replies back: "So do I... My dad's fighting spirit.. Is my fighting spirit.." and then waits. Ron was taken away by the doctors to do the surgery. His daughter, Sasha, said: "Dad.. Will he be fine..? Let's hope he could make it.." and also waits.

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