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Hidden Arsenal card list

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Holy Knight + Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror


More broken level 5 synchros.




WTF? Sure' date=' the idea of Synchros brought no good to the game, but now that they're here to stay, how are these "broken" exactly?


We didn't even get Natural Beast. T_T



Naturias come out in a later Duel Terminal, these Hidden Arsenal Packs probably follow DTs, so this is all 30 new cards in the first one, then a "Hidden Arsenal 2" will have 2 etc. etc.


We'll get Naturia Beast eventually ;D

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Which Synchros are listed?


I'm too lazy to google.


-_-... Just wikia it. I don't have the time to post all the synchros. But the main ones you should look out for are Brionac, Catastor, and Mist Wurm. There's also a buncha synchro cards from Ice Barrier, Mist Valley, Worm, Ally of Justice, Flamvell, and X-saber archetypes.

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