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Did I get ripped off? (OFFICIAL TRADE TOPIC)

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Number 101 ultra

2x Pinpoint Guard secret
D-Prison super (apparently it's 15, don't see how or why when the ultra is 6-8)



Gates of Dark World ultra
Torrential Tribute secret
Carrieroid secret
Terraforming common

Ryko super


His £1.50

My Carrieroid secret


2x Super Lyla
3x Infernity Necromancer
1x Infernity Launcher 1st
3x Infernity Barrier super
2x Infernity Break
1x Darkfire Dragon
1x Dragoness the Wicked Knight

2x Ulti unl Lyla

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Number 101 ultra



2x Pinpoint Guard secret

D-Prison super (apparently it's 15, don't see how or why when the ultra is 6- :cool:






Gates of Dark World ultra

Torrential Tribute secret

Carrieroid secret

Terraforming common



Ryko super




His £1.50


My Carrieroid secret





2x Super Lyla

3x Infernity Necromancer

1x Infernity Launcher 1st

3x Infernity Barrier super

2x Infernity Break

1x Darkfire Dragon

1x Dragoness the Wicked Knight



2x Ulti unl Lyla


I had to check the first one and to my surprise Ultra SHARK has inflated to about £30-35 so apparently you won. Not sure how long it will stay at such a high price though. Glad I got my Ulti for £24.


The rest seem reasonable enough. 


The last one you lost though since Ulti Lylas are £12 and you would struggle to get £15 for what you got. Super Lyla is £3 and the rest of the stuff is worth about £12 at a push. Total loss of about £9 I'm afraid.

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Guy at a con was desperate for gas money and I'm pretty sure he didn't know much about the game. He offered me a full deck for 40, I asked for parts of the core for 20 along with some throw-ins and he accepted.







3x 1st Magileine

3x 1st Hootcake

1x 1st Ulti Puddingcess

2x 1st Ultra Tiaramisu

2x 1st Palooza

1x 1st Nights

1x 1st Grandsoil

1x 1st Mega Granmarg

1x 1st Ulti Northwemko

1x Ultra Night Beam

1x Ultra D. Pris

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Guy at a con was desperate for gas money and I'm pretty sure he didn't know much about the game. He offered me a full deck for 40, I asked for parts of the core for 20 along with some throw-ins and he accepted.








3x 1st Magileine

3x 1st Hootcake

1x 1st Ulti Puddingcess

2x 1st Ultra Tiaramisu

2x 1st Palooza

1x 1st Nights

1x 1st Grandsoil

1x 1st Mega Granmarg

1x 1st Ulti Northwemko

1x Ultra Night Beam

1x Ultra D. Pris


3 Magileine alone is like 60-70.


The whole thing is like well over 100, you did absolutely incredibly. (throw away the Puddingcess and Nights tho)

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3 Magileine alone is like 60-70.


The whole thing is like well over 100, you did absolutely incredibly. (throw away the Puddingcess and Nights tho)

Yeah, turned around and sold a core for about 25ish each Magi, 8 each Hoot, 12 each Tiara and a few bucks for the throw-ins not that long after. Saving two completed Madolche decks for PRIO drop-date, likely keeping one. Puddingcess actually isn't bad at all as a one-of for opening up another pop after a Tiaramisu play off Ticket post-Angelly, and in Madolchifact it makes a quick Zenmaioh/Volca or Freezadon into Zero Lancer.

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OK so I did a pretty massive deal today. I basically traded my deck for Infernities. 


[spoiler What I traded]

3x Harpie Channeler (Ultra)

3x Harpie Dancer

3x Harpie Queen (Rare)

3x Harpie Lady 1 (Common)

1x Harpies' Pet Dragon (LCJW Ultra)

3x Harpie's Hunting Ground (Super)
3x Hysteric Sign

1x Elegant Egotist (Super)

3x Hysteric Party (2x Super, 1x Common)

3x Lightning Chidori (Ultra)

1x Ice Beast Zerofyne

1x Queen Dragun Djinn

1x Number 11: Big Eye (Ultra)

1x Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack




[spoiler What I got]

3x Infernity Archfiend (Super)
3x Infernity Necromancer

1x Armageddon Knight (Super)

1x Dark Grepher (Super)

2x Summoner Monk (Common)

1x Archfiend Heiress

3x Stygian Street Patrol (Super)

1x Infernity Launcher

2x Instant Fusion (Ultra)

1x Archfiend Palabrynth

2x Transmodify

3x Infernity Barrier (Super)

1x Archfiend's Roar (1st Ed DCR)

2x Lavalval Chain

1x Barox

1x Fusionist

1x Darkfire Dragon

1x Master Key Beetle



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er.. I'm not seeing any big ticket items that would cancel out the Dragossack trade. So.. you got screwed. Hard.


EDIT: the 2 lavalval chains woul cancel it. but dancer is 10 bucks each, big eye is 30, channelers are 7 each.  chidoris are like 6 or 7 each


So unless you think the rest is worth 105 dollars or something, you got jipped

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Well since apparently I got ripped off, I'm going to work it out for myself because I'm convinced I didn't...


Dracossack is about £35, Big Eye is about £15. Dancers are £8 each right now but will go down (as will the rest of the stuff) and Channelers are £5-6 each. Chidori is about £15 for the set and the rest is probably worth about £20. That is £115 in total (I valued it at £140 in this trade). 

Archfiends are £5 each. Instant Fusions about £3-4 each. Key Beetle is about £5. ArmaKnight is like £6, Grepher is about the same (I got them valued at £5 for both). Transmodifies are £25 for the two. Chains are £25 each. Barox is £5 (that was a throw-in). The rest is about £15-20. That totals to about £130 maybe?


Pretty even in terms of cash, if a slight win for me. The best thing about it though is that I traded a deck that is going to be awful after the next set comes out for a deck that will never be awful and will always be tradeable. 

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My: Cardcar D Common, Vanity's Emptiness Common


His: 2 Number C101: DARK Ultimates + 3AUD




My: Dimensional Prison RYMP Ultra, Evilswarm Kerykeion Super, Evilswarm Ophion Secret


His: Number 30: Acid Golem Super + 20AUD.




My: Maestroke Super + 5AUD


His: Ghostrick Alucard Ultra




My: 2 D.D. Crow Common + Maxx "C" Tin Super


His: Obedience Schooled Super + Bottomless Trap Hole Ultra




My: Gamma the Magnet Warrior Secret


His: Last Warrior from Another Planet Ultra

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My: Cardcar D Common, Vanity's Emptiness Common


His: 2 Number C101: DARK Ultimates + 3AUD



My: Dimensional Prison RYMP Ultra, Evilswarm Kerykeion Super, Evilswarm Ophion Secret


His: Number 30: Acid Golem Super + 20AUD.




My: Maestroke Super + 5AUD


His: Ghostrick Alucard Ultra




My: 2 D.D. Crow Common + Maxx "C" Tin Super


His: Obedience Schooled Super + Bottomless Trap Hole Ultra




My: Gamma the Magnet Warrior Secret


His: Last Warrior from Another Planet Ultra


1st one is p. bad, Cardcar and Vanity's are both worth quite a bit and DARK is basically worthless


2nd one is p. good considering you got money.


3rd one is probably about right, Maxx C is about £10 and Obedience Schooled and Bottomless are both about £5 each (Crows aren't much)


4th one is excellent.

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Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos (secret) 
Thunder King Rai-Oh (common)
Burden of the Mighty (super)


2x Tour Guide from the Underworld (super)



2x Sylvan Peaskeeper (ultra)
Sylvan Cherubsprout (super)


2x Karakuri Steel Shogun mdl 00X "Bureido" (gold)



A Hero Lives (ultra)

Elemental Hero Voltic (secret)


Red Dragon Archfiend (secret)
Maestroke the Symphony Djinn (super)
Steelswarm Roach (super)



My: Ghostrick Mary (super 1st)


His: Pinpoint Guard (secret unl)


Forbidden Lance (common)


The Gates of Dark World (ultra)
Skill Drain (rare)
Mystical Space Typhoon (super)


Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon (ultra)
Blaster, Tidal, Tempest, Redox, (all rare)
Walkers Prawn Cocktail flavour crisps


Tour Guide from the Underworld (super)

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My: $36




Relinquished (ultra)

Black Luster Soldier (ultra)

2 Rainbow Dark Dragon (ultra)

YZ-Tank Dragon (super)

Exodius (super)

VWXYZ Dragon Catapult Cannon (super)

Shien's Advisor (super)

Multiple Piece Golem (ultra)

Totem Dragon (super)

2 The Fabled Unicore (secret)

2 Nitro Warrior (ultimate)

Fabled Leviathan (secret)

Zeman the Ape King (secret)

2 Jurrac Giganoto (secret)

Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon (super)

Chronomaly Crystal Chrononaut (super)

Miracle Contact (secret)

Temperance of Prophecy (super)

2 Snoww (super)

2 Ceruli (super)

Genex Neutron (super)

Hunter Owl (super)

3 Wind-Up Juggler (super)

Wind-Up Factory (super)

Force Focus (ultra)

X-Saber Urbellum (super)

Ancient Flamvell Deity (secret)

Majestic Red Dragon (secret)

Shield Wing (secret)

Genex Solar (secret)

2 Malefic Red-Eyes (secret)

Pachycephalo (super)

2 Level Warrior (super)

Proto-Cyber Dragon (ultra)

2 Gallis the Star Beast (secret)

Symphonic Warrior Drumss (super)

Machina Peacekeeper (super)

Lifeforce Harmonizer (ultra)

2 Mara of the Nordic Alfar (ultimate)

D.D. Warrior Lady (super)

Rapid Warrior (super)

Jurrac Stauriko (super)

2 Agent of Miracles - Jupiter (super)

Torrential Tribute (common)

Bottomless (common)

Machina Gearframe (super)

2 Master Hyperion (ultra)

2 Agent of Mystery - Earth (super)

Saber Hole (super)

Koa'ki Meiru War Arms (super)

2 Malefic Claw Stream (secret)

Court of Justice (ultra)

2 Cyber Larva (ultra)

Tuner's Scheme (super)

D2 Shield (super)

Core Compression (super)

D-Prison (common)

Fabled Grimro (secret)

Six Samurai Enishi (ultra)

Scrap Twin Dragon (ultimate)

Grapha (ultra)

My Body as a Shield (gold)

GB Secutor (secret)

GB Retiari (secret)

Meklord Emperor Skiel (secret)

Laggia (super)

Scrap Mind Reader (secret)

Scrap Orthros (secret)

Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon (secret)

GB Equeste (secret)

Test Tiger (secret)

Angel 07 (ultra)

2 D-Hero - Disc Commander (secret)

Surface (super)

Alexandrite Dragon (super)

Quill Pen of Gulldos (super)

Infected Mail (super)

Saber Vault (secret)

Extra Gate (super)

Mage Power (ultra)

Malefic World (secret)

Rare Value (super)

Serial Spell (ultimate)

Koa'ki Meiru Maximus (ultra)

Gleipnir (ultra)

Karamuri Cash Shed (super)

Turbo Cannon (super)

Jurrac Velphito (secret)

Vortex the Whirlwind (ultra)

Drill Warrior (super)

Malefic Paradox Dragon (secret)

Cyber Dinosaur (super)

Jurrac Tyrannus (secret)

GB Essedarii (ultra)

Xyz Veil (super)

2 GB Heraklinos (super)

Fenghuang (super)

Dragunity Primus Pilus (secret)

2 Scrap Chimera (super)

Blizzard Princess (super)

Dragunity Darkspear (super)

Scrapyard (super)

Dragunity Javelin (super)

Darkness Neosphere (ultra)

Darklord Superbia (ultra)

Dark Simorgh (super)

Levia-Dragon Daedalus (ultra)

Darkness Destroyer (secret)

Malefic Blue-Eyes (secret)

Dark Eradicator Warlock (ultra)

Great Shogun Shien (super)

Exxod (ultra)

Horus LV8 (ultimate)

Exploder Dragon (gold)

2 Svartalf (super)

Dragunity Arma Mystletainn (super)

2 Darklord Edeh Arae (ultra)

Vampire Dragon (secret)

CB Sapphire Pegasus (super)

Cyber Phoenix (ultra)

Kaiser Sea Horse (ultra)

Beast Striker (super)

Clear Vice Dragon (super)

3 unplayable god cards

Dreadscythe Harvester (super)

Space-Time Police (ultra)

Guardian Eatos (super)

Van'Dalgyon (super)

White Night Dragon (ultra)

Worm Queen (secret)

2 Neo-Daedalus (ultra)

Orichalcos Shunoros (ultra)

Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon (super)

Grenosaurus (super)

Super Crashbug (super)

2 Leviathan Dragon (secret/ultra)

3 Gachi Gachi Gantetsu (super)

Obelisk the Tormentor (gold)

Overmind Archfiend (ultimate)

Koa'ki Meiru Bergzak (secret)

Dolkka (tin secret)

Emergency Teleport (ultra)

Hierophant of Prophecy (ultra)

Card Guard (secret)

Strong Wind Dragon (ultimate)

Jinzo (gold)

Light End Dragon (secret)

Mezuki (gold)

Crimson Shadow Armor Ninja (ultra)

Future Fusion (ultra)

Caius (ultra)

Machine Fortress (ultra)

Red Nova Dragon (secret)

Summoner Monk (gold)

Cyber Eltanin (ultra)

Sphinx Teleia (ultra)

Wind-Up Zenmaister (secret)

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My: $36





2 Snoww (super)

Wind-Up Factory (super)

Pachycephalo (super)

2 Gallis the Star Beast (secret)

D.D. Warrior Lady (super)

Torrential Tribute (common)

Bottomless (common)

Machina Gearframe (super)

2 Master Hyperion (ultra)

2 Agent of Mystery - Earth (super)

D-Prison (common)

Scrap Twin Dragon (ultimate)

Grapha (ultra)

My Body as a Shield (gold)

GB Retiari (secret)

Laggia (super)

Scrap Mind Reader (secret)

Scrap Orthros (secret)

GB Equeste (secret)

Test Tiger (secret)

2 D-Hero - Disc Commander (secret)

Surface (super)

Mage Power (ultra)

GB Essedarii (ultra)

2 Scrap Chimera (super)

Scrapyard (super)

Vampire Dragon (secret)

2 Leviathan Dragon (secret/ultra)

3 Gachi Gachi Gantetsu (super)

Obelisk the Tormentor (gold)

Dolkka (tin secret)

Emergency Teleport (ultra)

Jinzo (gold)

Mezuki (gold)

Future Fusion (ultra)

Caius (ultra)

Machine Fortress (ultra)

Red Nova Dragon (secret)

Summoner Monk (gold)


Filter out all the crap and this is what you got for $36. Still a really good deal and the bold are especially good.

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